The Gamer's System

Chapter 176

Chapter 176: Against the Chaos Poison

"Welcome. I didn't think that anyone would actually be able to reach this place but here you are." A man wearing a violet yukata was in front of the group. 

He had horns sticking out of his forehead with a shade of black. His hair is violet in color, dark enough to be the same as the [Chaos Poison]. This color matches his eyes that seemed snake like while his yukata also shared the same color. His skin had scales which weren't very noticeable and, on his shoulder is a small serpent.

Aside from the man, the group looked at their surroundings. It was a small piece of land on top of a sea of [Poison cloud] below them. Large rock formations were everywhere but aside from this; no form of life thrived on the soil.

"Who are you and where are we?" Quinn asked, prepared to attack anytime. Holding on to the staff of the [Necromancer] as his temporary weapon.

"Oh my. You don't have a mask on like your friends there." The man said, looking intently at Quinn; with a smile forming on the strange man's face.

"You better answer before things get ugly." Jake said as everyone else took up their guard. They knew that nothing good could come from the rift after all. And that includes a man who lived on top of a small area that had a thick sea of poison beneath it.

"Ahh kids these days are so rude." The man simply said; walking toward them.

"Guys this bad." Amare said in reply.

"It's the [Mythical Creature]. The one that created all the [Chaos Poison]." She continued; with their enemy standing perfectly still. There was still a wide distance between them, just enough for Gawain to snipe the enemy.

"That's it. Thank you for saving me the trouble little missy. That is indeed me. Slytherin, the creature who spread the poison over wherever my corpse might be. Although I'm not a big fan of death so here I am." He said, taking the serpent on his shoulders which turned to a double katar – a weapon gripped by the hand with a singular long blade just in front of the fist.

Quinn gave a quick order, with the defenders placing a barrier around them. Merlin and Zane started chanting while Horus already summoned a pack of [Shadow Wolves].

"Wanna know how to get out of here? It's simple actually." Slytherin said, making a single step and vanishing from their field of vision. 

There wasn't even any time for the elites to react. Their opponent repapered in front of them, merely touching the barrier with one of his katara and shattering it completely. The smile was still on their enemy's face as he said:

"You need to defeat me."

The elites moved immediately. Horus' [Shadow Wolves] pounced at the target who merely stepped back as he killed the [Wolves] one by one. While this happened, Gawain fired arrow after arrow, only for the opponent to dodge each one. It wasn't even an effortful dodge. He was lazily moving his body as if the attack was not even enough of a threat to take seriously.

"Asshole." Gawain commented as other projectiles began barraging the opponent.

Fireballs. Ice Needles. Shadow Spheres. Arrows. Explosives. All of this came for the opponent yet none of it ever hit him. Slytherin seemed like he was dancing through the attacks. As fluid as the movements of a snake before attacking its prey and he did. Making another explosive increase in speed as he stabbed one of the defenders – Gerrard.

"Get away from him!" Jake shouted. Attacking the opponents who was only able to evade at a hair's breadth.

"That's one down." Slytherin commented, willingly accepting the fight against Jake who was accompanied by Mirio and Mordred.

"Red, Julia. Heal him immediately." Quinn commanded as he pointed at Gerard.

"You don't need to tell us." Red said in reply, as the healing spell began working its way. Unfortunately there was [Chaos Poison] mixed in so it wasn't easy to accomplish.josei

This didn't make the group lose their cool. Nor did it make them panic. The elites stayed composed as they continued trying to pin down their enemy.

"Valley of Spears!" Jake said, creating thousands of javelins which rained down on their opponents. As if it wasn't enough, he also raised javelin sized spikes from the ground. Effectively trapping the enemy in between. Merlin followed this up by raising walls of earth while Zane continued heating up the air within the makeshift cage.

"Kaguya get ready." Quinn said. Knowing that the attack won't be enough.

"On it." She responded, preparing her strongest attack which has never failed the group before.

Quinn continued commanding his teammates. They worked in perfect harmony as the group knew to trust their leader's orders. Traps and summons were also set up while and extra layer of a barrier was prepared by the defenders. Just in case their enemy appears out of nowhere again.

Every member of the elite felt it. Their bodies told them that the enemy was stronger than they. So much so that it was even more tiring for them to move as, Slytherin gave of an immense amount of pressure on them.

Slytherin was stronger than anyone they ever faced. In fact he might even be stronger than Sylph herself. Just the thought of this made Quinn want to consume the enemy. It was the power that he wanted. One which would immediately strengthen him.

"It's about to end guys!" Jake reminded through the [Voice Chat]. Transmitting the message through his thoughts which everyone also did. This made their plans clear to each one while leaving the enemy in the dark.

With the combination attack ending, Kaguya immediately released [Oblivion]. Preventing the enemy from moving as he laughed in amusement once again. It was a skill which Kaguya casted [Multiplier] on while Lizzie enhanced it even further.

"Oh I know where this came from! You must be loved by that goddess HAHAHA." He said feeling the skill slowly suck him in.

"Now!" Quinn ordered. With everyone firing their long-range attacks at the enemy again.

Slytherin was trapped. If he tried moving then the skill will be able to grab hold of him quicker. But if he stayed in place then he would receive the full force of all the skills which were being fired at him. Either way it was already a victory for the elites.

Slytherin did neither of the two however. The monster jumped up, allowing [Oblivion] to take him in faster. And with this, Kaguya began closing the dimensional hole she created.

"We won already right?" Zane asked as he breathed heavily.

There was an obvious answer to this. Once something enters [Oblivion] it cannot get out anymore. So the team already won. Yet, Quinn couldn't' shake the feeling that things haven't ended yet. He watched the hole shrink little by little until. The skill completely closed.



It was victory. The fight was already won and the elites were just about to celebrate. But they felt their bodies shudder in fear as a crack began opening in the sky. They braced themselves for what was to come as a hole appeared. And it wasn't just any hole on the sky. It was [Oblivion].

The skill was being forced open. Kaguya's body also began getting torn. Specifically, her arm was being ripped off; with blood gushing out.

"Kaguya!" Lizzie shouted; coming near her as the two healers began preventing her arm from being torn off.

Everyone was in high alert as a dragon like arm came out of the dimensional crack. It had violet scales covering it and, they saw the tongue of a snake hissing out.

"Let me tell you a little something about that skill." He began, tearing the skill open with both arms.

"While it is strong, the skill is also bound to your body. So any opponent who can do damage to it causes an equivalent amount to be brought back to you." He furthered, ripping it open entirely. With Kaguya screaming even louder.

Then, Slytherin finally came out. Practically unscathed from the attack. With [Oblivion] closing behind him.

There were already two casualties on the side of the elites. Kaguya who just fainted from the immense amount of pain. And Gerrard who momentarily became paralyzed because of the poison. Meanwhile, Slytherin only had the sleeves of his yukata torn off.

Quinn guessed that this was because of the transformation which may be correct because, Slytherin's arms were full of violet scales.

"In case you haven't internalized it yet. This is my realm. Skills that take me out of it are useless because I am the same entity sustaining this place." He said, releasing more [Chaos Poison] within the area.

"Let's make a deal here before things get messy." He furthered, revealing a gigantic summoning circle that stretched throughout the whole land surface.

"You see, the reason I made those gems was because I needed some sacrifices in order to revive." He said, pointing at the elites who were able to read what it implied.

"Here's the catch though. Someone among you is enough as a sole sacrifice. Meaning, if you willingly give him up now, I'll spare the rest from the same fate." He furthered, moving his finger to pointing Quinn.

"Like hell we'll give him to you!" Jake exclaimed, willing to fight to the death. Everyone else gave a resounding disapproval of the agreement. That is, everyone except for Quinn.

Quinn knew it. He knew that their enemy wasn't even taking them seriously yet. He knew that the full power of Slytherin would be too much for any of the strategy to work. He thought of it all. The possible moves they could make. But each and every time, he arrives at a dead end. That is, except for one plan.

"I agree." These two words silenced the elites. They all had nothing but shock on their faces as they heard their leader discard his own life.

"Hey what the hell are you saying!" Jake said, punching Quinn who fell to the ground. Meanwhile Slytherin only laughed in amusement from the sight.

But there was no stopping Quinn. In fact, he gripped on Jake's wrist as he stared intently on the javelin user's eyes.

"Trust me." Quinn said. With jake finally letting go.

"A wise choice." Was all that Slytherin commented as the leader of the elites walked towards his death.

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