The Gamer's System

Chapter 177

Chapter 177: Avarice and Chaos

It was a risky move, one which Quinn had doubts on. But he nevertheless pursued it because he knew that it was the only choice. Hence, he walked nearer and nearer the enemy and, as soon as Slytherin was right in front of him. Quinn activated [Overdrive].

With the sudden change in speed, Slytherin wasn't able to catch on to what happened. Quinn swapped places with the staff he brought using [Weapon Blink]. And on it was a detonate of explosives that set off as soon as it hit.

"So you have chosen death." Slytherin said, getting a javelin appearing from the cloud of smoke that covered his vision. This hit the side of his face, wounding it in the process. The attack was actually infused with [Pierce] enabling it to deal damage.

What actually happened was this. After Quinn declared that he would be the sacrifice, he activated the [Voice Chat], a feature which wasn't visible to their enemy. And through it, he gave the instructions. One which required everyone to be in synch and fight perfectly. A formation which was developed after everyone got their secondary job classes; utilizing every ultimate move of each member of the elites.

This was the command Quinn gave. With Jake acting along as much as also responding truthfully based on the details Quinn gave. And, it was this same plan which was already beings set in motion.

"I gave you a choice and this is how you repay me?" Slytherin said in disappointment and while he did, Mirio and Quinn have already closed in. With Mirio finally activating:


As mentioned, this skill prevents any challenger within it to leave before the fight finishes. Adding to this is the fact that the attributes of all inside are boosted for the allies of the skill user. Quinn repeated the same skill, enclosing them in two layers of the same [Ring].

"Pesky kids." Slytherin simply said. Showing a bit of seriousness while he dodged the attacks.

However, since he wasn't given any time to adapt to the sudden fight, his rhythm was a bit off. And with this, the combination of the three close range fighters was explosively dealing their numbers on the monster which was forced back.

"Know your place!" The monster finally said. Emitting even more [Chaos Poison] which made the limit for the equipment of the elites almost run out.

The monster then disappeared into the thick mist of [Chaos Poison]. However, knowing that he couldn't leave the area, the three knew just where to find him. That is, within the area of the skill.

Slytherin began by attacking Mirio. Yet this was parried by Quin who got his back covered. After this, Jake came from above Throwing down a javelin which hit the back of the creature. This didn't pierce through however, sending Jake's weapon back to him.

Slytherin then followed his attack by transforming his weapon into two whips. This hit Mirio first and then Jake. The two were sent flying, with the damage accumulating on them as they coughed up blood yet they held on to the whips. Allowing Quinn to close in and attack Slytherin.

"Burst," Quinn said, sending a wave of mana that blew up on the back of the creature.

The exchange continued with Slytherin slowly increasing his power output. Yet, it still wasn't enough. No matter how much he strengthened himself, it seemed like the three enemies he had were a lot stronger. And this much is understandable.

With the double activation of [Ring] in effect, the attributes of the three were multiplied [6x]. They were also natural fighters, making them adapt to the slowly increasing power level of their enemy.

"You better get serious before we kill you." Jake said.

"That must be the most sorry ass taunt I've heard in my life." Quinn said in reply.

Yet the taunting did work. With Slytherin screaming as it changed to its real form.

Saying that it was a big monster would be an understatement. The body of Slytherin itself was enough to cover half of the land mass where they were in. As wide as an Olympic track field at that. It towered at an amazing 20 feet in height and its tail coiled itself on the structure. The monster breathed out steams of poison on its mouth and, the whole rea was covered with the maximum amount of [Chaos Poison].

"You dare mock me in my own realm? Me a best which has lived for more than a thousand years?" It said in a deep and frightening tone. Yet its speech was cut short as an arrow found its way to the dragon's chest. Pushing it back by a bit as blood dripped out.

This was exactly what Quinn was waiting for. With the sudden change in the size of their enemy, there were more areas to hit. And with the height of the monster, it was easier for Amare to find the weak points which she immediately told to Gawain. Causing the attack which came seconds ago.

This was followed by a meteorite being dropped by Zane the elementalist. Bringing down the beast as Merlin activated his illusion magic for it to be disoriented.

Things didn't end here however. Jake continued with his impaling attacks both from the sky and from the ground. With the size of the enemy, it wasn't able to dodge anymore and it simply breathed out purple flames. The elites dodged this through the barriers of the defenders. While some moved out of the range of the attack.

Of course they couldn't perfectly penetrate the beast. But this didn't matter. With its size, all their attacks were finally connecting. And little by little, Slytherin was accumulating damage.

As for the other elites, Horus attacked using [Ice Beetles]; freezing parts of the monster while Zilg followed this up using explosives. Because the scales were frozen, they were easier to shatter. Proving the combination of the two to be effective. Meanwhile, Eerie threw most of the cores of her guns; with the bullets dispersing out of it nonstop. Adding to these, Mirio and Mordred punched their way through the monster's body.

Of course Slytherin fought back. It used its wings to try and blow them away. It used its claws to try and strike the elites. It breathed out fire. Emitted [Chaos Poison]. Yet none of these worked. The elites continued attacking; moving forward despite the accumulating damage on them.

Then, it was at this point that Slytherin finally decided to make himself smaller again. This came suddenly; with the cloud of [Poison] being larger than before. Due to this momentary delay, Slytherin was able to strike the elites one by one. Taking them down with the [Poison] working its way to kill them.josei

"I gave you a choice. I allowed you to come out of here peacefully and this is how you repay me?" He said, trying to find the last member which he couldn't detect.

"Ungrateful filths!" Slytherin continued, with Quinn finally showing up as he activated his skill:


It was the skill banned by Zeke. A skill which enveloped Quinn in a kind of miasma that could turn a person evil as much as it could corrupt. Yet Quinn also knew that it was the best card they had in the fight.

A single slash which could wipe out 3,000 men effortlessly. An attack which momentarily deprives the whole area with both color and sound. Returning only after the damage has been done.

Indeed, it did a lot of damage to Slytherin. With his whole body gushing out blood. Yet this didn't stop his hand from finding its way through Quinn's chest. Grabbing on to the human's heart with its beats getting weaker by the second.

"You cannot kill me with those puny attacks."

"We weren't planning on killing you." Quinn said, smiling as he placed the last ounce of his strength on gripping the enemy's arm.

"We were planning to tire you out and damage you." Quin continued as he said:


It was the imperfect version of his skill. One which implied a lot of risk to be taken. This was because, [Consume] only works perfectly when the enemy is either dead or defeated. Because Slytherin was neither of the two, there as a chance for Quinn to be the one [Consumed] instead of the enemy.

The skill seemed to have a mind of its own. Tugging between Slytherin and Quinn. Both of which trying to get the upper hand. The force was so strong that the [Chaos Poison] surrounding the area began getting consumed by them. Cleaning the whole place free of the substance while the battle of wills continued.

"It's no use child! There is no creature which could take me down!" The monster said, with Quinn feeling life leaving his body.

"That's right fall! Fall and be the sacrifice to the great Slytherin's resurrection!" The monster continued.

Quinn was just about to black out. In fact, there were only seconds left before this happens. But before it did, Quinn heard a voice. One which told him of the power he'd get from this. One which told him that defeat is never an option. One which told him to consume all the power that the universe could offer.

"I will not be defeated by a mere corpse!" Quinn screamed, with life coming back to him. His wounds healed rapidly while Slytherin began getting absorbed.

"No! This cannot be!" The monster screamed. Yet it couldn't do anything.

Its will was not strong enough. It didn't have the same drive which Quinn had. One which was perpetually present on the human who aimed for nothing but the top and only the top.

Thus the screams of Slytherin continued resounding and, through Kaguya's blurred eyes she saw a monster. She saw the silhouette of a dragon getting eaten through the [Chaos Poison]. A demon held it, breaking its body bit by bit in the most twisted and grotesque way. This was the last thing she remembered as she lost consciousness once again.

With the [Chaos Poison] dispersing, there was only one person who remained standing. It was Quinn and his [Avarice] which consumed a [Mythical Beast]. And with this, they were automatically transported out of the realm, and back to the top of the rift. Yet something strange happened.

Quinn didn't wake up.

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