The Gamer's System

Chapter 178

Chapter 178: The Monarch of Chaos

"…and a soul comes into contact with me at last." Quinn hears a voice. One which was deep yet regal. Like it was the voice of an almighty authority which cannot be defied.

Th human slowly adjusted his eyes to the scenery. But there was not much he could make out. Only the feet which were closing in on him little by little until it was standing just in front of him. He then looked at the face of this person who just spoke and asked:

"What…who are you?"

The man had black hair with a fair white complexion. So much so that it seemed like all blood was sucked in by his dark red eyes. He also had a plain black shirt which was hidden underneath his long coat that extended until his legs. He also had black trousers and combat boots. Implying that he didn't come from Mythos; seeing how different his clothing was. On his waist, two swords were strapped but Quinn didn't feel any bloodlust from this person. Entailing that he isn't an enemy; for the moment at least.

"Mortals and your questions. It really needs to start with something dull like that huh?" The man said, sitting down and resting one of his cheeks on a hand.

"Take a look around you." He suggested, which Quinn did after getting up.

It was a horrible place. One where a person cannot thrive. Everywhere he looked there was only destruction. Debris scattered everywhere. Plants were dry. And decaying corpses were everywhere, releasing a pungent smell.

Up above, a chilling storm was brewing. It held so much force that one would mistake it for a world ending calamity. Then on the cracks of the ground, Quinn could see hands trying to get out. Like they were trapped there. It was only at this point that Quinn realized that, the person was bad news. This realization came too late as the man spoke:

"Don't even think about it." He implied; suddenly appearing right beside Quinn and putting his arm around the human's shoulder.

"I suggest that you do as I say if you want to ever get out of here." He continued, pushing Quinn down who found himself paralyzed and unable to speak. He thought that the man also did this to him. 

Quinn felt fear. Genuine one that he couldn't shake off. Like he was in front of the devil himself. It wasn't anything he ever felt in the battlefield nor from any foe he faced. Yet this person who didn't even release any killing intent was making his body cower in fear.

"Right let's move on shall we? You had a strange question earlier what was it again?" The man said casually. As if Quinn's current state were both irrelevant and common.

"Ah yes. Who am I!" He continued, finally remembering the question.

"Well, you see. That cannot simply be answered by a yes or no so why don't I take you to a trip?" The man said; snapping his fingers.

Soon enough the whole area began crumbling down. The storm got even stronger than it already was. With the wind seemingly screaming as its intensity grew even more. Slowly, this descended upon them. With the crackling of thunder resounding everywhere while Quinn's eyes feasted on the streaks of lighting that raged within the darkness. 

Unable to move, the elite decided to simply close his eyes. Preparing himself for whatever horror was to come. Yet, there was a sudden silence and he felt the world brighten and warm up.

"Hey. That's not good. You need to be wide awake." The man said, with Quinn opening his eyes to a serene environment.

Everything wasn't as it was a few seconds ago. He was floating on the sky and watching something unfold on what seemed or be a bountiful and pleasant world. Calling it paradise would be an understatement because it seemed to be even more than that.

"I came from a place that existed even before those beings that call themselves as gods did." He began and, this in itself was already a huge shock for Quinn.

"This is Gaia." The man continued – pointing to the world below them.

Quinn noticed how the basic structure was so much like earth. Yet they had three suns. Yellow. Red. Orange. These three floated up the sky, generously providing warmth yet not in excess.

As for the trees, they had different colored leaves and branches which fitted well with the lands where they were. Various plants sprouted from the soil, all bearing multiple colors. Beautiful enough to be calle a landscape from a painted masterpiece. 

Around Gaia, creatures of different kinds thrived. Fishes with beaks. Lions with horns. Cats with three tails. Foxes walking on two legs. As much as these were fascinating, Quinn saw how these same creatures could also use skills and spells. 

Then. The last thing which Quinn recognized were the beings that came in suddenly. Hunting as a group and taking down one of the horned lions. A group which resembled humans.

"Those are called. Kalypsos mind you. They have the same look as humans but much stronger." The man looked at Quinn as if he was expecting something.

"Oh silly me. I paralyzed you didn't I? Sorry, force of habit." He said. Snapping his fingers and enabling Quinn to move again. 

"I'll answer your questions later but for now. You need to listen and comment on what I say. It's not everyday that I get a visitor after all." Quinn simply nodded with the instruction, as if it was absolute.

"Well?" The man continued, with Quinn quickly making a comment out of what he saw.

"This place looks a lot like earth but, the one from the garden of Eden." Quin said.

"Oh yeah I know that story! It came from a book right? Such a silly representation." The man began, as if familiar with the whole thing.

"You see occurrences like this happen from time to time. You know, an individual getting entertained by one of my kind." He boasted.

"Anyway. One time there was this human who was so engrossed with our world that he created a story about it. I believe it's in the beginning of Genesis?" He continued, waiting for Quinn to answer.

"Yes sir." Was Quinn's short response.

"Ohhh using honorifics now aren't you? Terrific! You should refer to me as 'My Lord' then." This got Quinn's eyes squinting but he nevertheless mustered the strength to do as commanded.

"Yes…my lord."


"Now where was I? Ahh yes this world."

"You see those guys, the Kalypsos, are stronger than even you."


"Oh don't be shocked now. I told you that we existed even before the gods right? But even these Kalypsos aren't the strongest. We are." The man said, snapping his fingers once again as he said:

"The Monarchs."

The scene then changed to a castle. One which was owned by the man who stood beside Quinn. It was as dark as the man's clothing but the golden linings on the columns and banners made it look more regal. On a throne room, the man sat, with his two swords adorning the throne as seeming ornaments.

"My name is Vask Durandal, one of the twelve [Monarchs of Chaos]. We are the ones that control death and decay, extinguishing life wherever it is needed and putting destruction where we are called." He then looked at Quinn as if expecting a reaction.


"Oh uhm… my lord I don't think anything is wrong with that. Destruction is also part of nature's way of balancing itself you see. In earth we have volcanic eruptions and these are truly terrifying with all the magma, the earthquakes, and the ashfall which kills human lives. But at the same time, it is one of my world's way of cooling itself down. So there is also order in chaos."

"BRAVO!" Vask said.

"Man you're really interesting aren't you? You must really be chosen by fate to reach my place." He said, putting his arm around Quinn's shoulder again.

"Okay let's continue with the explanations, shall we?"

"Our counterpart are those beings which ae called the [Monarchs of Order]. While we are the ones who control death, decay and destruction, they are the ones in charge of creation, life, and tranquility." Vask changed the scenery again, putting a woman in display. 

Here, Quinn saw something interesting. There was a child with this person whom he guessed to be a [Monarch of Order]. The child looked awfully familiar to him and, before he could even arrive at the conclusion, Vask already told him the truth.josei

"That is Sinclair by the way." 


"Yup. Both Nisha and Sinclair were children of the Monarchs. That's one thing they didn't tell you. Something they erased from history."

"Wait. So, what happened exactly?"

"You're one curious kid aren't you? But sadly, your time here is limited. Any more than what I've revealed and you'd probably die." The man said, pointing to Quinn's forehead.

"All that you need to know is that after you wake up, you will be blessed by [Chaos]. You will be my vessel and will be moving according to my will."

Time seemed to stand still at this point. Quinn felt Vask getting serious and, he also felt the atmosphere getting dense. He then mustered just enough strength to ask:

"And what if I refuse." 

"Ahh it seems that I've been too kind to you." 

The scenery then changed once more. Quinn found himself crucified. Boiled to death. Run out of air as he was plunged under water. Rodents entered his body. Worms infested his wounds. Needles entered his eyes one by one. Horses pulled him four sides, ripping his body into the same amount. There were countless tortures all of which felt excruciatingly and unbelievably painful. All were realistic, enough for Quinn to wish them all to stop. And they did. With Vask finally coming to speak with him again.

"One year. That is the amount of time which has passed on that head of yours. Yet not even a second has really gone in the real world. Do you see where this is going now?" He began, with Quinn forcing his breathing to be stable.

"You are to be my vessel. You will contain me and make no mistake; I will not tolerate any disobedience from you." Vask continued, stepping on Quinn's throat and touching Quinn's forehead with one of his swords.

"Don't worry you'd also benefit from this. I know what you seek after all. You seek power. And it is power you will get." He began, with Quinn looking like he aged a hundred years from the torture he went through.

"As soon as you wake up, you need to search for a god who descended on earth. He goes by the name of Pier and although part of his presence stays on the heavens, he was foolish enough to try and gain all [Chaos] on Mythos. He'll be coming to the Demon Continent soon. Before that I want you to find him and kill him. He goes by a silhouetted figure now so he's easily recognizable." Vask began, pressing the sword down.


"Y-yeses. My Lord." Quinn said in reply.

"Good. Off you go now." Vask continued, placing an immense amount of [Chaos] unto his sword which was slowly getting absorbed by Quinn. The elite screamed as he heard the last words of Vask to be:


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