The Gamer's System

Chapter 184

Chapter 184: Against Sylvia Windsprite

What the real Allesiah did was simple. She made a spell that had multiple locks on it. This was located within her own mind, coating the mana of her regular memories with these. It was painstakingly done while she was stuck on the Labyrinth knowing that making the slightest bit of miscalculation could lead to her memories shattering altogether. This is how complex the spell that locked her memories was.

Since there was a lock, only a certain key would be able to return her back to normal. Destroying the coating she made which would, in turn, return Allesiah back to normal. This came in the form of Zeke's lips. It was not some random decision made by the elf of course.

The years on the Labyrinth was unbearable. So much so that, if she wanted to get save from the hell she was in, she wanted it to come from nobody else but Zeke. Kissing was the most decent form of intimacy she could think of because, she didn't want to wake up all naked as they made love. 

To make sure that she'd get the most out of this condition, she even placed multiple locks on her mind. Ensuring that the kiss would run as long as it could. It might be against Zeke's will but Allesiah was sure that, he wouldn't abandon her and that, he'd do what was needed to get the job done.

"I'm going to make you pay me back for not rescuing me sooner master Zeke." She told herself with a foxlike slyness in her smile.

Thus, Zeke was made to endure ten whole seconds of it. Actively making contact while the locks got shattered one by one. He even counted in order to make sure that he won't go past the time limit and, as soon as it was reached, he removed the binding on Allesiah.

"I really need to give you a good scolding you idiot." Zeke said soon enough.

The female elf dropped to the ground without any signs of being conscious. A bright red color covered Allesiah's face and, a happy expression was painted on it. One which also got Zeke smiling as he looked at the [Minimap].

"I guess your sister is almost here. I better go now."

Zeke knew that the situation with Sylvia would be a bit different. Because he had the body of Keith, the gamer bore some striking resemblance to both the eldest of the Windsprites and Hark. This in itself was enough for Zeke to guess that, fighting may just be avoided altogether. After all, the will of these siblings was strong

He waited patiently for her. All while hiding Allesiah within a [Cloud of Dreams]. A barrier was set up over her to ensure that no form of attack would reach the unconscious elf.

It didn't take long for the eldest of the Windsprites to come. She was wearing a black robe and sat on a long staff. One which Zeke figured to be her main weapon as her job class would not have changed just like the other Windsprites.

"Who are you and where is my precious sister?" She demanded, looking at Zeke which the human found to be strange. There was no reaction at all. She was dull and uncaring and, aside from this, he felt something different. The same feeling he got when he squared off against the fake Zeke.

He had a gut feeling. One which had a high probability of being true. If it was then, things have actually turned out for the worse.

"Who are you?" He demanded, unmoving from his location.

"What on earth are you talking about? I am Sylvia. Head of the Windsprite household and the greatest mage that ever live." The elf boasted.

Zeke's memories cannot be flawed. He knew that his face had a striking resemblance to the parents of Keith. No matter how long the time has passed, the elf would not surely have forgotten it because, she was the one who spent the most time with both Hark and Keith. He then clenched his fist, prepared for an interrogation. 

"You better bring Allesiah out before I take all life out of that body of yours." She continued, increasing the amount of gravity between them.

"That's definitely her skills which you are using. Yet that was the same thing my clone could do you know." Zeke commented; with the [System Notification] popping up.

[Information: You have squared off against someone precious to you. Killing her real body will meet the requirements. Enabling the gamer to reach level 100.]

Zeke understood what the requirement finally meant. At first, he thought that it was someone precious to him that needed to be killed. Yet, as it showed, even those precious to the original wielder of the body, Keith Windsprite, counted for this requirement. This also confirmed something. That, even though it was not the real Sylvia, it was at least a clone.

"You speak nothing but nonsense child. You only have two options." The fake Sylvia continued; increasing the amount of gravity pushing Zeke down.

"Either you give up or you fight me with whatever strength you have left." 

"Oh don't mind if I do." Zeke said moving even with the gravitational push trying to stop his body. This surprised Sylvia but was unbothered as she simply increased the amount of push on the gravity.

"Did you honestly think that I was limited to that amount of force? Don't be silly child. I can squash you flat right here and now." She cockily stated, giving Zeke even more motivation to crush her.

"I wonder. You're pushing me down but everything else is fine. Does that mean your spell is limited to me?"

"Yes that is correct. Only you are affected by my powers! That is how fearsome I am." She furthered. These were words that Sylvia herself will not say. She was also proud and mighty of course but, never one who'd be so cocky that she'd be spewing every bit of detail as this clone was.

"Okay." Zeke simply said.

"Why are you smiling?"

"You'd know soon enough." Zeke continued, noticing the small shadow the elf left on the staff she was riding on as he casted:

"Shadow Dive." It was sudden. He grabbed on to the clone while also riding her staff. With the force of gravity being added, both of them got pushed down at a frightening speed. Crashing down the ground and creating a crater as big as a dragon. Zeke planted his enemy's face on the ground, looking the least bit entertained with his opponent.

"You've got no right to use that face." He said, genuinely angry that Glade had the audacity to perform the same stupid move on the Windsprites.

"Let go of me you commoner! I do not deserve this!" She demanded.

"Oh gladly." Zeke said; moving out of the way for Sylvia to fly once more. 

Then, he performed the same stunt activating [Shadow Dive]. The elf came hurling down the ground once again and, it wasn't any less painful than the first time it occurred. 

"So how strong can you make this spell go again?" Zeke asked, with his enemy shouting in anger as her transformation began.josei

Zeke stepped back with a dull expression on his face. He didn't like her getting all cocky but he also knew that, this was the only way for things to go. To beat her even with her most trusted skills. This was the punishment she deserved for taking on a personality which wasn't even hers.

Her whole body got enveloped by black armor. Similar to that of Sylphs but with some distinct features added. One of which were the funnel like things on her back which seemed to be connected to her staff.

"You will regret letting me transform! Nobody who has seen my transformation has ever lived to tell its tale."

"I'm luck then. I'll be the first." Zeke simply said as he casted:

"Conjure." Kayle came out wielding a new weapon; a dual longsword.

"What on earth are you trying to pull? You will not fight me yourself but let a mere summon do it? You dare underestimate me!"

"Oh don't worry. I'm not underestimating you. I'm just giving you an opponent which is worth all that power of yours." Zeke said with his expression still static. This angered Sylvia even more as she finally casted a meteorite that blocked the whole sky.

"Not even your bones will remain once I'm through with you!"

"Oh I'm sure." Zeke said in reply; mobilizing Kayle who made its swords blaze with the same color of the [Chaos Flames]. The knight then jumped up, throwing its weapon toward the meteorite.

"Hahaha you didn't even dent it!" Sylvia said.

"Really? Take a good look." Zeke said in reply and, as she did, she saw the meteor get covered in [Chaos Flames]. Burning down the meteor and shattering it whole.

"How can this be?" She said, witnessing nothing but ashfall from the same gigantic meteorite she just casted.

"Must be nice being as stupid as you." Zeke furthered. With Kayle taking back its sword by simply calling on them.

"Do not mock me you imbecile!" 

The fight truly began with this. Kayle didn't stand any chance against her of course but, this was only at the beginning of the fight. He sustained damage after damage yet, because he had the same armor which made use of the scales of the [Chaos Dragon], it was difficult to take him down. Adding to this was the fact that the [Conjure] never felt any pain. Making it even more fearsome.

The bout continued with Sylvia making use of all the original's skills. Covering her opponent in ice. Burning Kayle down. Piercing with a thousand air needles. Making use of a skill similar to [Oblivion] which sucked away the summon. Yet, all of these proved to be futile and the sorceress simply exhausted her pool of mana as, Kayle refused to go down.

In fact, something worse even happened While these attacks went on, the [Conjure] finally entered the two states which were connected to the one health point condition. [Undying Fury] and [Undying Loyalty]. These boosted the conjures status points twofold, making things more dire for the elf.

"No! Don't' come near me!" She said, firing another round of skills. Yet Kayle simply walked towards her. With his parts getting restored as soon as they get destroyed. With the eyes of a predator about to gobble down its prey.

"Stay away!" Sylvia said in one last struggle.

Kayle flashed out of sight. Only to reappear with both its swords piercing through Sylvia's body. This bursted into flames, burning down the enemy that continued screaming.

"I figured something out even before we started this fight. Aside from the fact that you are a clone. You are too weak to be the real duplicate." Zeke said, watching his enemy shatter and leave a crystal on the ground.

"With all these years adding up. I don't think Glade would put you in that spot if he hasn't also modified you." He furthered moving close to the crystal as he knew the fake would be looking at it.

"You better hide as good as you can because I'm coming for you next."

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