The Gamer's System

Chapter 185

Chapter 185: Nostalgic Memories and Training

Everything was still dark when Allesiah woke up. In fact, there was only a gentle warm light that illumined her surroundings which were still blurry. Aside from this, she heard the crackling that comes from wood placed under fire entailing that, the light came from flames. This perfectly explained why she felt warm. Adding to this same sensation on her body is the cloth which was placed over her body.

"Hey are you up now?" Zeke asked, sitting right beside Allesiah whom he heard making noises. Of course he didn't look at her anymore. He simply continued sorting various things over his [System].

Allesiah was still half awake when all these happened. Her memories were all restored back to normal which gave her a splitting headache. She then looked at the person who just spoked to her. Understanding what it is that happened.

"Oh my face might be a bit different and so is my voice but – "

Even before Zeke could finish what he was saying, Allesiah hugged him. Tightly enough for Zeke to understand how much the elf longed for that moment to come. And how much she needed to endure just for the sake of being reunited with him.

She knew that it was Zeke. Her memories would not be regained otherwise because of the conditions she made. And upon remembering this, her face went red from the embarrassment she felt. Thus, with her face still buried on his face she began asking.

"Uhmm master Zeke."

"Take off the master part already. Our contract expired already." Zeke said, patting her head gently. 

"Okay then…Zeke…"josei

Upon mentioning his name without the honorifics, Allesiah's face blushed even more. She wasn't used to this. Plus, Zeke actually caring for her like a lady was also something foreign. Making her return even more dreamlike than she imagined it to be.

On her head, she figured that Zeke would put her to training right away. Scold her for getting caught and being so weak. Then put her through the same opponent over and over again until she won. That is the kind of welcome she was expecting. That's why she made the most out of the lock on her mind. Ensuring that she at least gets something she wants before this begins.

Instead Zeke was there. Looking elf like with a charming smile on his face. They were under the open night sky with a fireplace near them. And her body was intimately holding on to his.

"You came for me." Allesiah began; mustering the words out of her mouth as she embraced Zeke even tighter.

"Of course I did. You're the closest thing I've got to family in this world after all." Zeke replied disregarding his initial plan of waking her up while she was falling from [Horizon].

At that moment, there was no threat of enemies coming for them anymore. Zeke's [Conjures] were doing a fine job of securing the whole continent for him. Allowing the gamer to have some time with Allesiah. This was all for logical reasons of course. He wanted to make sure that it was her that returned and that, she would not be in some sort of crazed state.

Aside from these, he wanted to make sure that she'd get a good experience when the real her gets back. This was not part of the logical reasons but something he felt indebted to do. After all that they've been through, the least he could do was be kind to her.

Thus, the two chatted all night. Zeke prepared some food in advance, feeding Allesiah with some proper and decent elven meal. He then continued to informing Allesiah about the state of Sylph whom he got before her.

"That's not fair. I should've been the first one on your list right? I've been with you the longest yet you came saving my sister first."

"Okay first of all I didn't even know that you guys were the counts of the continents. All I knew was that there were some powerful beings leading the march."

"Okay I accept your explanation." Allesiah said, as if she had the higher ground on the conversation.

Zeke didn't mind at all. He just wanted to enjoy the moment as much as her. The last time they had such a conversation was back on Yaeger's realm. Right after Zeke defeated the [Carnivorous Turtle].

"So what happened to your original body exactly? It still feels weird you know. Especially after you told me that it's Keith's body."

"Well…basically I was already dead. Had it not been for the mysterious skill that I got on one of the quests, I'd really be gone and nobody would've saved you." Zeke said.

"So you failed huh."

"More or less. That counts as the first time Zeke Elwood ever lost. It wasn't part of my plan. That was literally a game over and yet, I was lucky enough to get a reset."

"That just means you're as mortal as any one of us. Isn't that a relief at least? To know that there are still things which you can improve?"

"Exactly as I was thinking." Zeke said in reply.

Allesiah looked at him intently. There was something different about Zeke. Apart from the appearance and the voice, his aura itself was different.

Allesiah knew that he matured and grew into someone that made his former self only a shadow. It was a Zeke who had a lot of secrets hidden and, one who saw the world even more vastly than before. Yet she didn't bother asking about things like this. If Zeke really needed to, he'd tell her. Allesiah knew this and so, all she could do was to get strong enough for her to be trusted with such information.

"Anyway do you remember anything about the transport that happened twelve years ago?" Zeke was moving to some information that he needed. Allesiah welcomed this gladly because, she knew that it wasn't in Zeke's nature to simply speak about things under the sun.

"Actually about that… I did sense it. There was a form of mana that didn't belong to Yaeger."

"So what that old man told me was right." Zeke said, with Allesiah wondering who this old man is.

"Can you still recall it?"

"Of course I can. In fact, I even saw hints of this being present on both Glade and the fake version of you. But that's as far as I can remember. My erred memories have been erased after all."

"No. That in itself is fine. We'll at least be able to get leads after this. With your skills in [Mana Sight] I'm sure that the pieces of the puzzle will naturally fall into place." Zeke said and then looked at Allesiah.

"That is, if you still want to join me on my journey."

"My. Since when were you mindful of what I wanted?" Allesiah replied, giggling as she replied.

"I'll go wherever you will. The contract might have disappeared but I know where my heart's loyalty lies." As soon as she uttered the words, Allesiah's face flushed red. She immediately understood what her words could imply and Zeke even made this obvious.

"That sounds more of a proposal."

"AHHHH STOP IT!" Zeke laughed at her, a genuine one which Allesiah felt happy to hear. Indeed, all her years of torture in the labyrinth seem like nothing but a bad dream now.

"So what do we do now exactly?" She asked, finally regaining her composure.

"Well…you just woke up right? Do you want a little bit of stretching out?" Zeke said with a smile on his face.

One which Allesiah knew quite well. Even with all the changes that happened to him, it was still the same Zeke after all. A crazy idiot who always had the craziest plans in mind. And that smile was there to prove her right.

"What do you have in mind exactly?" Allesiah asked nervously. Regretting that she even gave the opening for Zeke to take opportunity of.

"First of all, I need to be repaid. That's my first kiss after all and you stole it."

"Your what?!" Allesiah said in shock although it was also her first. She just couldn't believe that even after all those years, Zeke was still the same uncaring individual who didn't involve himself in any form of romance.

"Oh don't be so shocked. Anyway, the crystal left by the fake Sylvia had mana traces left on it. I'm guessing you can make a proper connection back to its source right?"

"Of course I can. But what are you planning exactly?" Allesiah asked. Getting the crystal from Zeke's hand and immediately seeing the thread of mana which stretches farther than what her eyes could reach.

While she did this, Zeke formed a party with her. One which was kept in private so that Sylph won't cause an uproar at the moment. Through this, Allesiah could make use of some features of the [Gamer's System].

"I'm done. The location is somewhere within the Dwarven Continent of Mithril. The location of the source should be pinpointed on the [Minimap]."

"It's good to see that you still remember the functions of my system."

"Of course I do. Anyway, what's the plan exactly.

"That should be obvious. You've rested enough after all and I need to measure just how strong you are even without your recent memories."

"You're going to make me go through hell again aren't you?"

"Nahh don't be silly. It's not as crazy as you think.

"Okay. Then tell me what this plan is." Allesiah asked, with an excited smile forming on Zeke's face as the gamer uttered:

"We're going to teleport right in front of Sylvia's castle."

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