The Gamer's System

Chapter 186

Chapter 186: The Calamity

"The continent of my dear sister is probably long gone by now."

The woman who claimed to be Sylvia Windsprite stood at the balcony of her castle. It was a mighty fortress unlike all other. In fact, the castle of the other counts pale in comparison to hers. This is because the Dwarven Continent is unlike any other, with its richness on both technology and supply of advanced materials.

This is the reason why, even in the defeat of her clone, there was nothing but calmness on her face. She knew that even if the perpetrator comes, he would stand no chance against her army. Even if some kind of miracle allows him to win against her underlings, Sylvia knew that, the enemy would be too tired to fight her at that point.

With the ruling of Glade, they were able to create advanced machinery and mechanism. Sylvia didn't settle for the simple things that the other continents owned. She upgraded all the [Chaos Dragons]. Putting metallic parts over their scales. Even the regular generals and the fortresses were upgraded. Giving them ballistics that were as fast as bullets. With an interval of firing that amounted to only two seconds. This are only some of the many reasons why, even after her duplicate was so easily taken down, she was still at ease.

"My continent is not as easy as the others." She declared proudly. Amazed at herself and all which she has accomplished.

"I dare him to come here." She furthered. Thinking of the impossibility of her enemy even setting foot on her continent. That is probably the reason why, there was nothing but a terrifying amount of surprise on her face when she saw not only Zeke but also Allesiah standing right in front of her castle.

"Zeke are you sure that you don't need to summon your [Conjures]?" Allesiah began, drinking one large Mana and Stamina potion in order to fully restore herself.

"Nah…we'll be fine by ourselves." Zeke simply said, blocking a set of shots through the barrier he set up on himself.

"Look they're even welcoming us already." He continued, firing at the ballistics using [Death's Void] and destroying them immediately.

"You're as reckless as ever." Allesiah replied, summoning the same 100 [Darkness Spheres] that went and destroyed the remaining ballistics.

"Anyway you wanna fight your fake sister? It has always been your wish to surpass her right?" Zeke offered. Placing a large wall of ice in front of them that served as their protection.

"Can I really?" 

"Yeah but don't go overboard okay? I need her alive for the final blow." Zeke said, remembering the conditions for him leveling up.

"Oh, speaking of, do you have resistance to [Chaos Poison]?"

"I don't but if I see its mana structure, I can develop a spell that'll protect me from it."

"Okay, I'll leave things to you then. I'm just going to explore this continent." Zeke furthered, releasing the [Chao Poison] which Allesiah analyzed immediately. Zeke then summoned [Horizon] and went his way.

"Take care of yourself." He reminded.

"I will."

Allesiah had a lot of anger to let out. No matter how calm her demeanor was, the natural response of her body to all the pain and suffering she went through was to at least repay her enemies with pain. No matter how swift it may come. 

Explosions came shattering the wall of ice defending her and so, Allesiah began walking towards the castle. But then, she felt mana being condensed on two areas. One on the leftmost wall and another on the rightmost wall.

"Dear me. It seems that my sister doesn't understand what I can do." She said to herself, seeing that the attack had a spell formula on it meaning, it was something she could disrupt and shatter. 

This came swiftly. Her analysis didn't even take her one whole second to complete. With all the years of training she had within the labyrinth, this was a no brainer for her. 

No matter how large a spell was; the fundamentals for each element was the same and, that particular spell was charged with lightning. So as soon as Allesiah snapped her fingers, the spells bursted out. Creating chains of lightning that spread within the castle. With the screams of dying soldiers resounding around.

"Everything that contains mana on this place. Destroy them." She ordered he [Darkness Spheres] moving around according to her will as she continued walking without any worries.

Every time she recognized mana use and spell creation, she would simply snap her fingers. Breaking them and making the element explode right in front of the enemy. This was a higher level of the skill her brainwashed form used who was only able to shatter the spells.




The soldiers heard this one by one and got terrified immediately. This wasn't normal anymore because what came after every one of these snaps was an explosion. Scaring the soldiers who nevertheless still fought towards their imminent deaths. 

If they tried melee attacks, they'd get destroyed by the [Darkness Spheres]. If they tried physical long ranged attacks, barriers would stop their projectiles. Preventing any damage from actually getting done. Yet if they tried using anything with a spell in order to make their attacks stronger, Allesiah would simply shatter their spells and make these explode.

"What's with her? None of our attacks are working at all!" A soldier commented, with Sylvia finally giving a command.

"Of course you won't be able to damage her. You lack power you imbeciles! Try using the drug we've mass produced." Sylvia said, getting a nervous reaction from all the soldiers who were kept alive.

"But…my lord."

"Did you not hear me the first time around soldier? I said use the new drug!" Sylvia said in fury, with the soldiers all looking terrified.

"Yes. Understood." They simply responded.

Every soldier on her castle had one of it. A capsule that was placed on their teeth which, after biting on to, would secrete a liquid. When taken, this gives a similar effect to the transformation of the generals into their [Primal State]. A weaker and inferior one of course, with the soldiers not being able to distinguish between allies and foes but nevertheless still useful in war. 

As much as possible, Sylvia didn't want to make use of these because the formula was difficult to mass produce. In fact, the resources were limited because it was only something which Glade gave them; not something which they could naturally harvest from their surroundings. [Chaos Shards] are what these things are called.

"Oh my." Allesiah commented, seeing the soldiers change drastically.

Shards grew on their bodies while their muscles expanded. Making them taller than they actually were. They also oozed in the same black mana emited by the generals yet, unlike these refined warriors, the mutated soldiers were not entirely covered by it.

On their hands, their weapons naturally formed as black crystals. Dual blades at that. And there was also a thick layer of the same material covering all their vital spots. This prevented any attack from actually coming through. Making them impenetrable as much as they were also terrifying freaks of nature.

The monsters made terrifying and deafening screams; attacking all at once even before their transformation could truly finish. At this point the castle was almost destroyed which annoyed Sylvia. Yet she couldn't care less if this would mean the defeat of her enemy.

Sylvia just wanted to eliminate the threat that was slowly and steadily making progress. If this could not be done, she wanted to at least have Allesiah in a state where she was already exhausted.

These were the conditions that she wanted to be met before squaring off against the elf because, Allesiah's job class served greatly to her disadvantage. The youngest of the Windsprites could simply destroy any spell she tried creating. Indeed this was the strong point of Allesiah.

However, the enhanced soldiers did not make use of any spells nor mana. It was all brute physical strength and because of this, Allesiah actually had her first real problem. The Windsprite dodged over and over as she tried to find an opening. A way for her to defeat the creatures of abomination in front of her.

"Let's see. They definitely don't feel pain anymore." Allesiah began, hitting them with wind needles which the monsters simply brushed of. There were 50 of them in total and all the regular soldiers who failed to mutate simply turned to mushes of flesh on the debris.

"How about flames?" She created ten modified fireballs, hitting their flesh which burned. Yet, the damage was only on the surface and not at a noticeable amount. Another problem was how these same burns healed so quickly.

"AHHHH this is getting more and more problematic." She told herself. Thickening her barrier as two of the soldiers came abruptly fast. Hitting her with their blades which, not only shattered her barriers, but also sent her flying. She cushioned her fall however with an air spell she placed on her back.

The abominations didn't stop however. They continued their barrage of physical attacks. Not even giving Allesiah any time to think things through. 

"That's it. Don't stop!" Sylvia commanded, watching carefully from within her room.

Mages finally came to the scene; successfully hitting Allesiah this time around. With the physical attacks directed at her, she couldn't focus her eyes on the spells created all around her anymore. Preventing her from cancelling them out one by one.

"You're really testing my patience here." She said, finally getting wounds all over her body which she healed using water mana. 

"Okay. I'll allow you guys have your way for now." Allesiah continued. Focusing only on defense as she gathered the mana around her. Formulating a spell large enough to use on the whole area.

Sylvia didn't know this of course That's why she only made gleeful cheers. She continued laughing because her dear sister was slowly getting defeated. 

"That's its! Kill her! I knew she was weak!" Sylvia said through the communication bracelets and, it was at this time that Allesiah's eyes changed colors. With both oozing in a bright blue color as she casted:

"Flash Freeze."

"What's that? Are you supposed to finish everything with that?" Even before Sylvia could finish mocking her sister another spell was casted.

"Flash Freeze

"What…twice in a second's interval? How can you…"

"Flash Freeze"

"No! Stop!"

"Flash Freeze"

"Flash Freeze."

The onslaught of freezing spells generated a large enough drop in temperature to go even lower than Zeke's [Sub Zero]. Allesiah protected herself from the cold by letting fire mana flow in her veins. Keeping her as warm as a dragon's flames while everything around her got enclosed in ice.

"Event Horizon!" With this, all the [Darkness Spheres] whirled around. Shattering the ice enclosed creatures even before they could break out.

"I think it's time of you to come out now Sylvia." Allesiah demanded. 

There was nothing left of the castle anymore. The guards. The ashier. The stronghold. All were destroyed by a single elf who didn't even need ty make use of the form cursed upon them by Glade.josei

Allesiah Windsprite stood there like a walking calamity. 

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