The Gamer's System

Chapter 187

Chapter 187: Seeing Chaos

"Look at my dear sister all grown up." Sylvia began, finally appearing as she floated on the sky.

"Yeah that goes for one of us at least." Allesiah said in reply, putting into mind the words left by Zeke.

During her time in the Labyrinth, this Sylvia appeared on her last moments of imprisonment. She was the one who "liberated" both her and Sylph. So she does not recall any of it anymore because, as mentioned, the fake memories were all shattered together with the mana locks on her mind.

"You sound suspicious of my identity. Did that man do this to you?" Sylvia continued, trying to buy herself some time while also attempting to bring Allesiah back to her side.

"Oh believe me. I've never had my head this clear."

"Allesiah my dear, why don't we stop with this madness already? You've done a lot of things that have breached the peace treaty between our continent but I can arrange it all for you to be reinstated again as Countess."

"I have no intention of playing as your pawn anymore than I already have. Twelve years is enough of this stupid charade." Allesiah responded, emitting mana to show her intent to fight.

"Why must we fight? You know that you can't beat me."

"Is that so? Then why don't you come down there and let's try it out because whoever you are, I'm sure that you aren't my big sister." 

"What on earth are you saying? You can feel it right? We have the same mana and the same looks. Heck I even have the evolved job class that nobody else does. How can you possibly claim such a blatant lie as that?" Sylvia continued, still floating in mid air.

"You say that you're the same. Yet my eyes do not lie. You do have a thick amount of my sister's mana flowing on you but, at the very core, there is something different. It's not my sister's mana that runs through your veins. It is somebody else's. I don't know what kind of brainwashing or lying you've put up with yourself all these years but it ends today."

Sylvia finally took down the smile she wore on her face. There was visible disgust now painted on it. Then, she began speaking again. This time in a cold and distant voice.

"That's so bold of you. To claim such a thing in front of me. Do you actually believe that you can defeat me?"

"Believing is such an understatement." Allesiah began, with the [Darkness Spheres] getting enveloped by different elements. Then, the elf claimed:

"I know that I can defeat you."

"You impudent brat!" Sylvia began by releasing three meteorites on top of each other. This was the spell she prepared while she talked with Allesiah. She knew that there was still a limit to the elf's skill. That is, if her eyes aren't looking on it, she couldn't see the spell formulas being constructed.

She didn't even need to cast gravitational magic anymore. The sheer force of the dropping meteorites was enough to push Allesiah down. 

"In your next life I suggest that you reduce that cockiness of yours. And remember my name while you're at it! Sylvia Windsprite the strongest of all mages!"

However, there was nothing but a dull expression on Allesiah's face. The force was there of course. In fact it was enough to begin squashing her body. Yet she was not any bit fazed. Instead, she raised her hand on the sky and made a snap. Immediately, the spell got changed into blocks of ice. She then sent down lightning, shattering both and creating a rain of ice instead.

"How did you…" Sylvia began in disbelief.

"You think that I can only cancel spells before they are made? I've seen that skill already and it's formula is registered in my head. As long as I have the formula, I can alter it to an extent."

"You arrogant little bitch!"

With her temper's fuse going out, Sylvia began an onslaught of attacks. Firing spell after spell only for Allesiah to cancel them all out as she snapped her fingers each and every time. This made all of Sylvia's attack explode without any being casted. 

Sylvia was so sure that her enemy was already weakened and yet, she was mistaken. There was no weakening that happened in fact, Allesiah was perfectly fine.

"If you are really her, you'd know that I never run out of mana." Allesiah furthered, mentioning the distinction between her real sister and the fake.

"All the mana in Mythos is mine to command." Allesiah said, still wearing an unimpressed expression on her face.

"No! I cannot be defeated this way!" Sylvia continued, still trying to muster up spells to use. Yet, with a another snap of Allesiah's' fingers, the spell shattered and exploded once again.

"You are doing nothing but dishonoring the memories of my sister. You weak and pathetic clone." She continued. Looking at her enemy with a pitying gaze.

Sylvia just couldn't stand it. She couldn't stand the state that she was in. She couldn't stand getting belittled by the same person who was supposed to be beneath her. 

"NO!" The Countess screamed. With Allesiah feeling her enemy's transformation finally commence

Allesiah tried cancelling it out but, there were no spell formulas present. Entailing that it was something which did not use mana. Something which she found weird. Other than this, she tried attacking. Yet all attempts proved to be futile as Sylvia seemed to be in an invulnerable state while transforming.

"This feels strangely familiar." Allesiah said to herself, seeing the substance enveloping Sylvia to be similar to something – the interference on their transport twelve years ago. Thus, she immediately contacted Zeke. Thinking that time is just wasted if she didn't do anything while Sylvia transformed.

"Zeke, I think I got something for you." 

"Really? Oh wait are you done?"

"Almost. Anyway, I think that Glade is somehow connected to the person who messed with our transport. I see some similar substance on my enemy right now."

"Ohh that is interesting. Okay I'll – " Even before Zeke could finish what he was saying, Sylvia suddenly attacked. Causing Allesiah to turn off the [Voice Chat] as she needed to concentrate.

"You are doomed now." Sylvia said, emerging out of the transformation. It was a figure which Allesiah recognized right away as some sort of demon. She had the wings and tail to prove this and, even grew horns to complete the set.

"Oh I'm sure I am. I'm plenty doomed." She Allesiah simply said; using gravitational magic on her enemy which got pinned on the ground. Yet, this didn't last for long as Sylvia was actually able to move. In fact, she began casting spells. Those of which Allesiah couldn't cancel out. 

"Now this is finally beginning to look like a proper fight." She said, creating barriers which only got shattered by the orbs created by her opponent.

"You should've finished me when you had the chance. Now I am too powerful for you to handle!" Sylvia broke out of the gravitational spell by force. There was no cancelling out that occurred, Sylvia's raw power was just too much for the spell to bind her down.

"Well I do need to get more information out of you so that'll come later." Allesiah continued, hitting the orbs made by Sylvia with her own [Spheres]. Yet these proved to be inferior as it took her three [Darkness Spheres] just to destroy one.

"Can't you see how futile all your efforts are?" Sylvia doubled the number of orbs. Casting a total of 50 which were ready to be deployed anytime.

"All I can see is how much you can run that mouth of yours."

The two continued exchanging attacks. With Allesiah firing large columns of flames which immediately got cancelled out by Sylvia simply by swinging her arm in the air. While this occurred, the orbs have begun closing in; forcing Allesiah to be on the defensive once again as she concentrated on hitting them down.

For a split second, she took her eyes off Sylvia. And this was all it took for her enemy to close in on her. Punching Allesiah down and creating a huge crater along the way. Sylvia didn't stop with this and made all of her orbs attack at once. 

Allesiah created barrier after barrier. Preventing too much damage to be accumulated on her body. Yet this proved to be inferior to the orbs of Sylvia which easily broke through her defenses. The dust accumulated on the area, rising into a thick cloud which hindered Sylvia's sight. 

"It's a shame. If you also transformed you would've gotten a tiny chance to win. Yet your pride didn't allow you to do so." She said, finally landing on the ground and, seeing her sister appear all beaten down but nevertheless alive.


"I know right?" Allesiah said in reply, forcing a smile on her face despite the immense amount of pain she was experiencing. 

She covered herself in a condensed mana armor. This was the only option left as her barriers seemed nothing more than sheets of paper against Sylvia's orbs. Hence, she tried evading while also casting barriers and placing the mana armor on herself. It didn't protect her entirely but, nevertheless, this allowed her to survive.

"Yet your resistance is meaningless. You know that you cannot win in this state."

"Well…I can at least try." Allesiah said, with both ere eyes turning red from the strain. 

She wasn't simply getting beaten down. She was forcing an analysis on the orbs just like how she tried to do so with mana before and, finally, she was beginning to see it. The formulas behind the orbs. Although this came at a great price. With her eyes beginning to bleed.

"I will give you a swift end." Sylvia fired all her orbs again. Allesiah on the other hand, had nothing to bet on anymore. She removed all uses of mana for a while and, focused simply on the objects used by her enemy. And, only a few seconds before impact, she finally completed it.

"You're done now." Allesiah began snapping her fingers again. Each time she did, one of the orbs shattered. This continued on for a few more minutes until Sylvia finally realized the horror of it all.

"No…NO!" Sylvia summoned the orbs once again yet, each time she did, Allesiah easily took them down. Then, in a swift motion, Allesiah continuously casted thunderbolts. Raining down on her enemy. This went on for thirty minutes, with the whole continent thinking that there was a raging storm. 

On the scene of this event, Sylvia was already lying on the ground. Pinned down by ice crystals that grew from her veins and, pressed even further by gravitational magic. There was no will to fight anymore because, even her spells that didn't make use of mana was countered by Allesiah.

"This'll take some time to get used to." Allesiah breathed heavily, with her sight being all blurry from the amount of strain she put them in. Yet she was successful. 

Allesiah became first ever inhabitant of Mythos to develop [Chaos Sight].josei

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