The Gamer's System

Chapter 220

Chapter 220: The Black Areas

"I finally finished it. And just in time too." Zeke said as he held the new item in his hand." It also had a mana crystal as one of its main components and, Zeke made sure that it wasn't bulky nor a hassle to bring. The item was basically a silver ring with a black gemstone in the middle.

[Item Name: Conjure Ring]

[Grade: A+]

[Information: The item is exclusively used in order to store any of the [Conjured] creatures made by the gamer. The mana formula of the said skill is thus registered and as such, could contain a creatin number of the creatures.]

[Information: The process for storing the 'Conjures' require that, the creatures must be summoned first. The gamer would then 'contain' a specific summon within the ring.]

[Information: Once stored within the items, the gamer cannot make use of these unless he claims them back. Doing so requires that he performs the same routine in order to store them back to the rings.]

[Information: The mana of the gamer would also be stored within the ring. Allowing the [Conjures] to make use of all their abilities to a certain extent until the mana within the rings have been completely depleted.]

It was the item which Zeke referred to when he said that he would be able to provide [Conjures] for the elites. Zeke worked on it immediately knowing that he couldn't deploy the elites otherwise.

"I should work on that too." Zeke said as he began placing his mana on the items. It had an indicator which he could see, telling him the amount that was already stored and how much more was needed in order to fill it up.

Unlike what he thought, it wasn't such a taxing thing to do. In fact, he was able to complete everything in a matter of minutes. Stretching his body right after and patting himself on the back for a job well done.

"Well I guess that takes care of things for now." He furthered, finally getting some decent sleep without worrying about anything. A first for the gamer after so many nights of tireless work in order to prepare for the missions up ahead.

The next day came in a flash. Everyone was in their normal lively mood, without any sign of nervousness for the mission up ahead. This was, of course, mainly due to the gamer and how he masterfully crafted the plans in order to ensure the safety of every member of the group.

Hence the elites went to their designated areas. Wearing the [Conjure Rings] which still amazed them just as much as their necklaces did. It was such a small item yet it stored so much power. In fact, the elites could even see the amount of [Mana] stored within it through the features added in their [Party Function].

The elites thus parted ways. Deployed to every area that had a red marking on it and, immediately proceeding to the task at hand. It didn't take long for Jake to issue another challenge to group, saying that he wanted to race on who can finish fastest. 

Some members like Kaguya and Amare, brushed away the challenge altogether. Yet there were those like Mordred who willingly took this up. Hyped as she always was together with the [Knight] assisting her in the fight.

Just like them, Zeke's stronger allies were already making their way to the black areas. Allesiah in particular was excited for this as, she wanted to test out the limits of her abilities. After all, there was no way to test them out while they were still within the cave and, all she has ever done as of late was to get some clues together with Zeke.

"Okay let's see what we've got here." Allesiah told herself, not activating [Chaos Sight] yet as there was no need to. She still had a very limited access to the skill and she didn't want to reach the state where Zeke needed to heal her once again because, Zeke was also busy doing another task.

"I won't be a burden this time around." Allesiah declared to herself as she began with one spell, making use of [Mana Sight] and [Mana Manipulation] to control all the mana in the area and bend it to her will. 

The monsters could feel the temperature rapidly dropping. But it was all too late for them to realize what was happening as, Allesiah activated:

"Sub Zero."

It was an upgraded version of Zeke's own skill. Allesiah not only froze every monster within range but also, did so from the indie out. Freezing all the blood vessels, nerves, and muscles of the creatures as shards of ice came out of their bodies.

Of course the skill wasn't enough to cover the whole area. Just a smaller part of it which finally raised the alarm of the remaining monsters.

"And that's how we will begin." Allesiah told herself; seeing the number of the monsters multiplying in her [Minimap].

"Okay, let's have a bit of a test run first." Allesiah made deep breaths as she closed her eyes for a second. 

She tried feeling everything around her. Every sound. Every touch of the wind on her skin. Every movement on the ground. 

This was how Allesiah raised the level of her mana concentration, manipulation and sight and, it was the same method she was employing as she began trying to take control of [Chaos Energy].

"Let's begin." 

Allesiah opened her eyes which oozed with the color of darkness; signifying the use of [Chaos Sight]. Through the contact lenses provided by Zeke, she could see [Chaos Energy] clearly while also reducing the strain.

Kaguya began by greeting the single horned monsters which tried casting skills. She snapped her fingers and the spells of the monsters shattered right in front of them Shocking the creatures as Allesiah continued by switching back to [Mana Sight] and casting [Sub Zero] once again. Effectively destroying the first wave that came at her which only consisted of single horned creatures.

As she expected, their [Mana formulas] weren't that complicated. Since they were the weakest of the bunch, they were also the best guinea pigs for Allesiah to begin testing the waters on. However they weren't entirely useless as their lack in strength was provided for by the sheer number of the single horns available.

More single horned monsters came in to attack and this time round, they were being assisted by the three horns which fired longer ranged attacks. Allesiah reactivated [Chaos Sight] which didn't help much with the three horns as, they were too far for her to read their spell formulas.

"So I need to get in range this time." She thought to herself, releasing a gust of wind that flung her body to the sky and towards the three horns.

Although this closed the gap, she was too late for their first set of attacks which were already deployed. She thus altered the constitution of the spells. Shattering them even as they were released. This caught the monsters off guard, giving Allesiah a chance for another attack yet, more creatures came and this time, they had four and five horns.

"Okay now that is definitely something, I should watch out for." Allesiah told herself as she created some distance while the lesser monsters swarmed in again.

"Honestly, you should've learned your lesson by now." She told the monsters as she casted [Sub Zero] again yet, to her surprise, spikes came up from where the monsters were. 

The spikes also shot up from where she floated. The elf was unable to fully evade this as the spikes grazed her skin, rotting it immediately which suggested that, there was also lethal poison coating the said spikes.

"Shit that stings." Allesiah mouthed as she burned the area she was hit right away. Making sure that the bacteria was destroyed before she began healing it.

This forced Allesiah to switch to mana usage as she couldn't use both [Chaos] and [Mana] at the same time. Although not knowing this, the four and five horned beasts already made their attack. With orbs flying toward Allesiah at a blinding speed, forcing the elf to raise up a mana barrier in order to defend herself.

However, the orbs also had a second purpose. These exploded as soon as they made contact with the barrier, shattering it immediately which allowed the next orbs to pass through. Allesiah was barely able to dodge that time around as the explosions continued rippling through the area where she was.

While this occurred, the one horned up to the three horned monsters have already encircled the area. Surrounding Allesiah completely who, the monitors guessed was already beaten half to death. An assumption which wasn't wrong.

Allesiah came out from the cloud of smoke basically beaten half to death. The creatures didn't waste this opportunity and began moving in for the kill; attacking all at once as the elf simply stood there. Without her opponents knowing that all of it was a trap.

"Fools." The Allesiah which all of the monsters saw suddenly exploded. There was no monster saved from this destruction as the radius widened until it reached the ones which were retreating. With all of them effectively getting destroyed by Allesiah.

"To think that you'd make me release one of my ace moves." The elf said as the four horned and five horned monsters looked up. 

Allesiah actually activated what she refers to as [Mana Shedding] which used the same principle of a snake shedding its skin. The elf left traces of her mana on the ground, shedding away from it as she momentarily turned to pure mana. This was a dangerous move as Allesiah needed to concentrate on forming herself once again yet, with her level of [Mana Manipulation], she had little trouble casting it.

"I guess that take scare of all the small fries." Allesiah said as she looked at the [Minimap].

Indeed, there were not much left. This roused the anger of the remaining monsters that relentlessly attacked her and Allesiah answered in kind.

"Let's end this quickly." She declared, switching back to Chaos Sight.josei

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