The Gamer's System

Chapter 221

Chapter 221: Chaos Sight and Mana Sight

"Well come on I don't have all day to waste on the likes of you." Allesiah taunted to the monsters which, to her surprise, were also capable of speech.

"You have no chance of winning against us. We are eternal creatures." This was uttered by one of the five horned monsters. The same beast proceeded to casting what seemed to be an ultimate level skill which Allesiah was able to easily cancel out.

"If spells do not work, then my innate physical strength might do the trick!" Another five horned said as it leapt up from the ground. The creature immediately reached Allesiah but the elf simply dodged this by activating a gravitational spell. Pulling her down quicker than the monster came.

Apparently, all of the five horned monsters were capable of speech. This was an assumption which Allesiah was able to make as the said types of monsters were also the only ones communicating with her.

Allesiah would've used spells multiple times but she encountered a predicament. One of the five horned creatures was also capable of cancelling out her [Chaos Skills]. Hence, she was unable to make use of any [Chaos] related skill which was quite problematic.

After all, she couldn't use any mana related skill while also using up [Chaos Sight]. But if she switches back to [Mana Sight] then there would be no stopping all the attacks of the from being casted; inevitably causing the elf to put her life in even more danger. Hence, aside form the quick switching form [Chaos] to [Mana] just to activate dodging spells, Allesiah couldn't muster enough time to activate stronger spells for a successful counter attack.

Allesiah's life was in grave danger at that point. One which forced her to gamble between two sides of a double-edged sword.

"What would Zeke do at this moment?" The elf thought to herself as she imagined Zeke being trapped on that situation. Only that, she knew that this wouldn't be possible and that, Zeke would be able to formulate a countermeasure as soon as a problem arises.

"Who am I kidding, that level is too far for me." Allesiah continued snapping her fingers over and over again.

This destroyed every attempt for spell casting from both the four horned monsters and the five horned ones. Yet she herself was not doing any damage and, her eyes were also beginning to accumulate damage.

It was far form reaching the stage where her eyes would turn red. But Allesiah didn't plan to put her eyesight at such a great risk.

"Guess this is it then." She furthered, finally giving up on all the thinking and deciding to just face things head on.

She deactivated [Chaos Sight], surprising the monsters which were finally able to cast their skills. To their joy, they casted multiple spells at a time. Shouting things like: "I knew she'd reach her limit soon" to the elf who had her eyes closed.

"If switching is not possible, then I'll just use them simultaneously." Allesiah began by reactivating [Chaos Sight], snapping her fingers as she destroyed the spells being caste and the ones which were already coming for her.

She then switched back to [Mana Sight], creating some distance as she created quick fire spells. Mana bullets to be exact which all targeted the monsters.

Although she made the bold statement of using both, she actually couldn't do so. She tried on multiple occasions within the cave, wanting to impress Zeke with this power if it was ever developed yet, she couldn't muster the strength to do so.

It was a concept which Allesiah already gave up on. One which seemed to be too impossible of a task to achieve. That is, until that moment came.

Such a dual wielded skill was needed in that fight. She needed this much in order to defeat the remaining four horned monsters and five horned monsters.

Knowing that there was no other choice, it was like Allesiah was pushed to the edge of a cliff. One which she jumped off on her own free will as a gamble. Yet this was not entirely suicide.

Using the method of quickly swapping between [Chaos Sight] and [Mana Sight], she was able to reduce the damage being done to her eyes. She was also able to cancel out some of the skills targeting her and also, fire some skills herself. This was a bit more irritating for both Allesiah and the monsters alike.

"Shit why is this so hard to do?" Allesiah told herself as the task required her total concentration in order to minimize damage. All while dodging the skills which she was not able to cancel out and fire some of her own at a passable level of accuracy.

"You are weak mortal! You are nothing to the likes of us chosen monsters!" One of the five horned monsters bragged. A provocation which Allesiah couldn't care less about.

She was already busy with all the functions that, she didn't have time to trash talk to the monsters anymore. Something which the five horns believed to be a sign that they were wining as, their opponent was both silent and couldn't cancel all their skills anymore.

"This effort you exert is just uncalled for. You can die a swifter death if you just collide with our skills." One of them stated, firing twenty meteor like projectiles, with some of these grazing Allesiah.

Little by little the ratios of their attacks that were not being cancelled increased. This meant that Allesiah was nearing her limit and so, requires that she evolve as soon as possible. There was just no other way out of it and thus, thirty more minutes of this passed by.

Within this time period, the monsters have successfully placed Allesiah on a battered state. With burns and wounds all over her body. She couldn't use the same skill she used earlier in order to perform a full recovery because, the skill was limited to only one usage per day.

Hence she needed to make do with her current state and to fight until the bitter end. Because there was no other choice for the elf than to do so.

At this point, Allesiah completely shut out both types of eye skills. Closing her eyes as she felt every movement made by her enemies, dodging to the best that her senses could allow.

The monsters thought that this was a sign of victory already. They thought that their enemy had already run out of energy and so they began bragging even more. Making sure to savor the moment before their enemy was ripped to shreds.

"You are weak!" One of them began, making a combo with the ground spikes of the four horns by casting spikes that fell from the sky at bullet speed.

Allesiah continued running form left to right, perfectly feeling the ground and where the spikes would come out. Sensing the air and dodging most of the spikes that shot from the sky.josei

"This battle is over!" Another monster said as it generated the same slash attack as the four horned monsters. Sending a wave that Allesiah evaded by ducking down. However this placed her at the mercy of the ground spike which didn't stop springing up from the ground.

"There is nothing you can do now!" The physical attacker among the five horned monsters said. Bolting out of sight and immediately reappearing right in front of the elf. There was not even any time for Allesiah to raise her guard as the monster punched her. Destroying the mana armor which Allesiah coated on herself as soon as she began the task of trying out double casting.

Allesiah came crashing to a nearby wall and destroyed it entirely as she was cornered by all the attacks of the monsters which, in unison shouted: BOW DOWN BWFOE CHAOS!

Spikes. Chaos slashes. Projectiles. These all came at the elf like a raging storm. One could even feel the ground rumble from the intensity of the attack. One which didn't seem to have any end to it as, for a whole minute, these spells went on.

Clouds of dust soon rose. Covering the battlefield and, more so, the area where Allesiah was. The chaos monsters weren't ones to shy away and continued attacking even more, making sure that their prey would be destroyed completely.

Then, with their mana reaching a point where they could only cast a couple more. They stopped. Wanting to see the state of the bold elf that dared enter their territory. Yet, this would be their biggest mistake as [Ice Lances] came shooting out.

The five horns were able to block it. But the lower-class monsters were caught by the attack which made ice shards spread all over their body. The five horns then tried activating skills once again, only for all of these to be cancelled out.

"She can't focus on both cancelling and casting! Kill her!" One of the five horns said. Relying on the data of the first few minutes of their fight.

However this was already obsolete. Not only were all their skills being casted out but, Allesiah was also continually firing spells. Causing a great deal of both panic and confusion on the monsters as, Allesiah finally stepped out of the cloud of dust. With her left eye oozing in blue while the other had the black color of chaos.

"I am weak? And who decided that?" Pillars of flame cornered the five horns while magma flowed on the ground. There was no escape for them anymore.

"This battle is over? And who decided that?" The five horns tried casting skills but all of them only shattered. Soon enough lighting came crashing down on them, hitting them over and over again.

"There is nothing that I can do? And who decided that?" The sky darkened even more than it already had. Both [Chaos Energy] and [Mana] became denser as Allesiah controlled both.

A giant meteor began looming out of the clouds. One which could not be avoided by the trapped five horns. Even the physical strength user could do nothing as Allesiah froze this creature's legs. Death was inevitable and, as the meteor came crashing down, the elf proclaimed:

"The only one who can decide such thingsā€¦is me."

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