The Gamer's System

Chapter 222

Chapter 222: Meeting The Six Horns

Just like Allesiah, every other member of Zeke's team was busy destroying both the red and the black areas. This was not an easy task of course and the elites found a relative amount of difficulty in finishing it just like Allesiah. Yet, they weren't that weak to be beaten by such opponents.

Like them, Zeke was also performing his own task. Namely, that of finding both Quinn and Pier.

"It's be good if I find them at the same time; that'll save me a lot of hassle." The gamer said as he activated [Conjure], summoning his creatures all over the Dwarven Continent of Mithril.

Unfortunately for him, the new heroes were meddling with his mission. They were attacking and destroying his [Conjures] as soon as they felt the presence of these summons. Yet this didn't matter much to Zeke who showed no hostility towards the heroes. Simply making his [Conjures] do their task of looking for the targets.

This was, of course, a strange phenomenon to the new heroes. Never have they encountered such creatures that would let themselves get beaten up.

"Maybe they are simply apparitions or ghosts?" One hero thought to herself as the [Conjures] didn't bother dealing with them. Zeke only had his goal in mind and, other than this, everything else was irrelevant for the gamer.

"If I was a cowardly god who hid until I could win, where would I go?" Zeke used [Gamer's Mind] in order to shorten the time of searching. Only looking at all the possible areas and leaving out the rest. However even this data could be flawed as, he was faced with the god of Mischief and Deceit.

"Well he can't possibly alter the senses of the [Conjures] because they're already dead. And I myself cannot be affected by the same tricks." Zeke proclaimed as he continued searching through the areas of the Dwarven Continent. He clicked on the [Search Progress Bar] situated at the top of the system functions. Immediately expanding to reveal all the data which he had thus far regarding his task.

[20% of Mithril have been searched]

[No data on the god of mischief and deceit has been collected.]

[No data on the former leader of the elites has been collected.]

Searching was a task which required even more time. Although Zeke could summon his [Conjures] all over the continent, he needed to be meticulous and ensure that no detail gets overlooked. This is why he was taking a much longer amount of time compared to when he simply raided the continent. After all, the latter requires nothing but destruction while the former had a process to stick to. Without any shortcuts being available.

However, Zeke also knew that he shouldn't just idly stay there. In fact, he planned to go to one of the darkest areas on the land with two goals. Aside from wanting t rid of the monsters there and collecting their chaos energy, Zeke also thought that information was also likely to be obtained on such an area.

"Okay I guess I'll let the search go on auto pilot for now." Zeke said, activating another function that allowed the [Gamer's System] to take control of the task.

"I should also pay my regards to these new monsters. Plus, the loot there would probably be useful for future forging and upgrades." Zeke thought as he began stretching his body.josei

The gamer opened his [Minimap] looking at the said areas which weren't that many. In fact, there were only three present all over the continent and, before that day ends, Zeke was planning to clear them all out.

"Let's see here. Crystals should be sufficient for this mission." Zeke took out some of the [Empty Chaos Crystals] from his inventory. Five to be exact as he was expecting to collect and even greater amount of the said energy type on the areas.

With his preparations being completed, Zeke created one [Conjure] near a black area. He then used this in order to [Shadow Dive] and as he did, Zeke was greeted by an area that befitted the energy oozing there.

All the trees dried up and wilted. The air itself was so thick with Chaos Energy that it could even be mistaken as a sort of thick smoke. The stones and the earth all had cracks on them, revealing the same violet glow which Zeke found below the rift. And, near this said entrance were the single horned monsters. Ones which immediately recognized the gamer as they raised a high alert.

"Well I wasn't planning on hiding anyway so this may be good." Zeke said as he looked at the [Chaos Goblins] which were positioned over two tall mountains. In its middle was the road which Zeke believed to lead to the main encampment.

The gamer would've gone right away. However, [Chaos Goblins] suddenly appeared on holes within the mountains. All wielding bows and arrows suggesting that, they were there as the primary form of defense.

"So they also have a clear system and hierarchy." Zeke thought to himself as the arrows began flying down his direction. These were enhanced as the goblins seemed to specialize in the type of weapon they held.

However, this only posed a little problem to Zeke who dodged by pivoting his body to the side. This was not the end of the said attack as more arrows came down on him. Ones which he immediately recognized to be a way for the monster to stall for time.

"I'm sorry but I won't be playing based on your rules." Zeke activated only a single skill; [Mana Conversion].

Through this the gamer was able to gain an amazing amount of power at a short period of time. Hence, after dodging the next set of arrows, Zeke suddenly disappeared from sight. Only to reappear next to one of the one horned [Chaos Goblins]. Burying the monster's face to the ground which seemed to have been crushed as the splattered blood indicated.

"Oh dear, its all mushed on my hand now." Zeke commented as he heard the frightened sounds made by creatures of the same type which were positioned nearby.

"Oh don't worry I didn't forget about you guys." Zeke grabbed it by the neck and threw the monster at the others which were also positioned up the hill.

They all came rolling down which made the monster understand how dangerous their height was even for them. A realization which came too late as Zeke released ice spears that ended their lives.

Zeke was only starting. There were tons of these goblins after all and, Zeke wasn't planning to meticulously come at them one by one. Hence, he released one of his [Conjures]. Creating a large pillar of flame; one which was so high that there could be no mistaking which of the [Conjures] would come out. It was Horizon.

The [Chaos Dragon] was immediately attacked by the goblins yet, this didn't do much. Its scales were too sturdy to be damaged by the type of attack which they were using. Horizon didn't wait for long and immediately took to the skies, with Zeke jumping on its back.

They soon reached an altitude where the arrows of the goblins became inefficient. With this, Zeke took out [Death's Void] both being charged enough for the attack he had in mind.

"We're gonna clear them in a single go okay?" Zeke said, with the [Chaos Dragon] immediately understanding as the flames also began oozing out of its mouth. As Zeke thought the goblins weren't as used to shooting down large creature from the sky as much as they were trained to do so with ground units. This is especially so with Horizon who put their arrows out of trajectory with every flap of its wings.

Then without a moment to lose, Zeke and Horizon went down. The [Chaos Dragon] began breathing out fire while Zeke fired both of his guns. Not only did they destroy the goblins but also shattered the mountains into pieces, revealing the encampment of the monsters and all that were marching toward him.

The monsters had an unmistakable look of surprise on their faces. This was understandable with the feat that Zeke just performed and, in fact, things didn't even end here.

"Catch." Zeke said as he began dropping bullets to the monsters on the ground. The said bullets exploded as soon as they reached the ground, with Zeke preparing them beforehand. It was similar to how aircraft carriers dropped bombs during the wars on earth, a fighting maneuver which saved Zeke the effort of having to shave down the enemies if he fought on the ground.

However, this attack was only short lived. It didn't take long for the real opponents to finally come out. Ones which released a single spear of chaos each. Destroying Horizon's wings as the creature hurled down the ground.

Zeke jumped up as he created some distance. Placing a detonate on Horizon which he activated as soon as the monster began attacking his [Conjure].

A wave of flame consumed the monsters on all side and, with all these damage accumulating on the dragon, it finally entered its infernal state. One which fitted well with all the charred monster bodies around and the flames of the fire god surrounding it.

"I figured there would be monsters strong enough to damage Horizon." Zeke said as he finally reached the ground, looking at the monsters which were positioned at the far back. They had six horns each. Indicating that, these were probably the boss monsters.

"I hope you put up a better fight than these small fries." The gamer said as he continued his assault.

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