The Gamer's System

Chapter 223

Chapter 223: Against the Six Horns

There was something peculiar with the six horned monsters.

Aside from the fact that the five horns could not even begin to compare with the amount of power they had; they were also close to the level of being one of the aids of the [Chaos Monarchs]. A feat that could only be accomplished by creatures which were close to the strength of the [Monarchs] themselves.

This is the reason why there are only a few of them that existed and, the reason why, only a few of them were allowed to exist. After all, the said level of strength also entailed that, they took up too much of the generated [Chaos Energy]. In fact, only a hundred of them would be needed in order to deplete all the [Chaos Energy] that Pier has worked up on creating.

These were the creatures which Zeke battled. Two of them to be exact and, although he already knew some things about these types of creatures, he could not help but be amazed by the sheer amount of power they were releasing. His body was hyped, all his senses tingled as he expected the battle to be far beyond everything he has encountered for a while. In fact, he may even be forced to use on of Calitha's skill.

Both Zeke and the monsters didn't move for a while. This was a fortunate turn of events for the gamer who began the [Analysis] on the creatures. Revealing all the details about them. Beginning with the one which had a robe on it and a staff which looked like a deformation of monster parts forcefully placed together.

[Name: Chie'ron Halthuz]

[Species: Chaos Warlock]

[Specification: None]

[Rank S+]

[Status: Evolved]

[Information: The creature is one of the few six horned monsters that has ever been recorded in the history of Gaia. Those who survived an encounter with the monster say that the creature could control space and ben it to its will. They say that its staff contains all the flesh of those that dared challenge it in a fight, making it both a trophy and a weapon.]

Zeke then moved to analyzing the next one. The gamer didn't even need a whole minute in order to perform this task. The other monster had a great sword on its back, suggesting that it was a melee fighter. It also had armor placed on its right shoulder, covering it entirely while its body was almost bare. Save for the few scales that were on top of certain parts which it also covered. It also had some kind of genie pants on while its feet were bare. Two more swords adorned its waist suggesting the capability of the monster to use multiple fight styles.

[Name: Drakhal Thuzi]

[Species: Chaos Champion]

[Specification: None]

[Rank S+]

[Status: Evolved]

[Information: The creature is one of the few six horned monsters that has ever been recorded in the history of Gaia. Those who survived an encounter with the monster say that the creature could slice a whole mountain in two with a single swing of its blade. Nobody has ever see the creature unsheathe the swords on its waist.]

Zeke knew that both of these were capable of speech. That's why he was wondering why it was that they didn't even raise a sound after everything he did. But then, he also thought about these same creatures which may take pride in their strength. Not allowing themselves to communicate if the creatures seem to be lower species.

"So are we just going to stand or are we going to begin?" Zeke didn't want to bother but, a part of him just wanted to hear them speak; making it part of his goal.

This was not some illogical desire of the gamer. Zeke knew that if they do speak, then he would probably gain some information on [Chaos] itself. After all, these were no ordinary monsters. These were the apex of the monsters that could be found on Gaia.

"Let's begin by a few test shots shall we?" Zeke said as he fired twenty bullets per pistol. A barrier generated by Chie'ron caught this. With both barriers remaining perfectly fine even after the said attack.

What got Zeke even more riled up was the fact that, he didn't even feel the barrier getting set up. Chie'ron didn't make any movements nor did the creature's staff move. Both six horns were still standing where they were.

"I'm being taken lightly right now aren't I?" Zeke told to himself as he began a barrage of shots that aimed at destroying the said barriers. He did this as he began closing in, thinking of using the blades on his pistols in order to make the blade user Drakhal perform a counter.

He didn't even need to get close for the monster to do this. Drakhal went into a slashing stance and as soon as it swung its blade, there was a piercing silence that resounded on the battlefield. Zeke instinctively jumped up as soon as this attack was made. A decision which proved to be correct as a stone pillar on Zeke's back got cleanly sliced in half.

"How do I avoid something like that exactly." Zeke said to himself as three more of this came at him. All invisible to the naked eye.

The gamer didn't need to see these as he [Shadow Dived] to a fallen building's shadow. Evading the attack entirely as he fired more bullets. The barriers were, however, still successful in blocking these attacks. Revealing his location to Drakhal who continued swinging its blade.

"You guys are still holding back on me aren't you? That's not good." Zeke said as he dodged yet again using the same tactic. Yet, to his surprise, there was a force holding him down. It was gravity magic and, one which was at least a top tier one as he couldn't move away.

It was too late for Zeke to realize what was happening as he felt the slashes of Drakhal being dangerously close. This forced Zeke to activate [Overdrive], allowing him to move at a distance away. Yet, the gravitational magic also followed.

"It's casted on my body. Damn this is frustrating." Zeke said as he was trying to find a way to get away from it.josei

More slashes soon followed and, Zeke finally understood what it was that he needed to do. He continued teleporting to multiple locations which the six horns thought to be futile. Drakhal could easily read the gamer's movements and, Chevron's skill wasn't something that could be shaken off. In fact, the [Chaos Warlock] even added on the intensity of the skill to assure that Zeke would not be able to get away from it.

Yet Zeke still continued [Shadow Diving]. Making twenty more [Dives] before finally stopping at one area. Some of the slashes finally made contact with him which shocked the six horns. After all they got used to him dodging every time and so, the six horns thought that they were finally getting the upper hand. But then, Zeke finally began his counter attack.

The ground rumbled as bright explosions covered the whole area. Chie'ron immediately realized that the center of these explosions came from the areas Zeke teleported from. The monster didn't understand why however as, the attacks were too far to damage them.

The next thing that came was the bleeding of Drakhal which the creature didn't understand. It was like he was hit by his own attack as the damage from the wounds felt similar to the slashes he was making.

Then, before they could even realize the full gravity of the situation, Zeke [Shadow Dived] in the middle of the two. This was the purpose of the explosion, to create shadows of the creatures where Zeke could [Shadow Dive].

It was all too late when the six horns tried to respond as, the gamer was able to cast [Detonate].

While the barrier created by the warlock was indeed strong, Zeke notice that there could be one fatal flaw on it. That is, it would also contain any foreign attack being made. Chie'ron made it look like they could release attacks from the barrier but, Zeke thought that it probably worked like something based on an [Ally System]. One which prevented their skills from both cancelling each other out and damaging each other.

Of course this was a wild guess but, even if Zeke was wrong, the explosion itself would generate enough damage for the creature to take him seriously.

"I hope that warmed you up properly, otherwise this next half would be too quick to be any fun." Zeke said as he emerged at another location. With his body being destroyed, the [Curse of the Blood King] also activated. Raising Zeke's stats even further as he emerged from the attack unscathed.

Meanwhile, the monsters finally showed signs of getting damaged. In fact they had burns all over their bodies and a look of annoyance on their faces. And, it was at this moment that the creatures finally spoke to Zeke. Beginning with Chie'ron who said:

"Death will not come swiftly for you boy."

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