The Gamer's System

Chapter 231

Chapter 231: Blood, Order, and Chaos IV

[Zeke's PoV will be completely disregarded on the following parts of Blood, Order, and Chaos. I forgot to put it on the author's note on the last chapter. Thank you and enjoy!]

The fight would've ended even before it had started. With the weapon being used by the enemies, it was only a matter of time before the forces of the [Blood King] got wiped out in a single attack. Yet, there was a problem encountered as the weapon finally heated up.

"Well it seems that didn't work out well for us." The [General of Chaos] mentioned as he looked at smoke that was coming out from both machines. 

The [Particle Cannon], although strong and potent, was not perfected just yet. Due to its nature of forcefully extracting energy and then amplifying this into large bursts, its frame could not hold out for long. Meaning, there was only a certain threshold that could be reached before it got destroyed completely.

Of course the monsters did not know this. That was why the [Generals] were betting on the chances that they would give up. Seeing how they were able to pierced through the barrier in their last attacks.

"The last one would've chucked a large part of it off if not for that pesky seven horned monster." The general continued, thinking how this was wasted because of Aeros' antics. 

Yet this also meant that there would not be much energy left on the said monster. Blocking such an attack required an extreme amount of energy to be depleted. This would be coupled by a huge strain being placed on the body.

"Gather our soldiers and give them the fight that they want." The general mentioned, tasting victory already.

"Understood sir!" 

"These weapons would be able to generate one last fully charged blast at the very least and I'm sure that would be enough to take them all out."

"But sir…what about our men?"

"Does it look like I care what happens to you? Just do as I say before I decide to personally deliver you to the afterlife of Gaia." The general furthered.

"Y-yes sir!" This was the immediate response of the soldier who scurried back to the ranks.

It was the endgame at this point. They were finally going to get rid of the [Blood King] for all of the plague and misfortune that he created all over Gaia. This was the thought that ran on both of the generals' heads. Feeling proud of the fact that it was their forces that got deployed to the said fight.

This was largely due to their respective [Monarchs]; Jean and Vask. The two were not only prodigies of their own factions. They were also the most well spoken off and, although both were relatively new, their radical ideas and their steady development was something to look out for. After all, they were slowly going up the ranks, with even the [High Monarch] of both [Order] and [Chaos] beginning to fear them.

This is the reason why their forces were the ones deployed on the mission. Aside from wanting to assess the strength of the said prodigies, the [Monarchs] wanted nothing more than for the operation to fail. This would greatly reduce the amount on infantry which both houses could produce and would ultimately flunk them back to the twelfth seat of both factions. 

The generals knew this of course and were not going to allow such a thing to happen. Hence both began with their battle cries. Deciding to personally join the fight themselves and put their lives on the line.

"For Lady Jean!"

"For Lord Vask!"

The fighting thus commenced once again. There was the steady march of all the soldiers while artillery shots were being fired. Some melee combatants thus down even before getting a single slash in. And this lasted for a few more minutes until, they finally clashed.

Aeros went in the front lines destroying the poor soldiers which only took him a single swing from his might [Harbinger]. This was a short-lived experience as two figures jumped in on him; forcing Aeros to go in the defensive immediately as a powerful long-range attack came. This attack was coupled by a huge swing of a claymore.

"Well it seems that you aren't just decorative forces after all." Aeros commented, seeing his opponents to finally be the generals themselves.

"And you don't seem like all that the soldiers have cut you out to be." The [General of Order] commented.

"Although you'll soon die, allow us the pleasure of introducing ourselves." The [General of Chaos] furthered. 

"I am Kleo Razis, the first commanding general of the forces of Lord Vask." The male general said, wielding the claymore with only a single hand.

"I am Silica Elarte, the first commanding general of the forces of Lady Jean." The female general followed up. Wielding a composite bow that relied on [Order Energy] to create the arrows.

Aeros was already tired from all that he performed for the battle. Yet he didn't let this exhaustion show. Speaking in the same authoritative tone, with a voice that seemed to come from the depths of the seas itself.

"I am the King of the Seas: Aeros Riptide and I assure you, once we are done, even your bones will be unrecognizable." 

The clash continued immediately. With gusts of wind being released that killed the soldiers nearby. These weren't even skill shots yet, they were enough to wound those foolish enough to get near.

It is said that warriors have a sharper sense of danger because of the countless times they get close to death. And at that moment death was not only flickering but instead oozing where this battle was ongoing. Hence, little by little, an area got created where Aeros and the two generals were fighting.

There was a basic survival instinct telling them that, if they stepped in or if they got too close, then they were sure to die. Flesh scattered all around them and screams followed as those that were too late to get away have been caught in the furious exchange of attacks.

"Not too shabby for a monster." The Kleo commented, swinging his blade once again in such a swift motion that his weapon would be mistaken to weigh as much as a stick. 

Yet its weight did not lie. And with the velocity of the said attack, Aeros was forced to go in the defensive as he blocked the blows. The ground he was stepping on gut crushed as he was being buried by the rapid succession that seemed to know no end.

Yet this was not the end of his problems. Silica made a way for her arrows to hit him from time to time. Although the creature's senses were sharpened enough to the point that he could see these attacks coming, there was no way to dodge if his movements were also being limited.

"You talk more than the whores that visit me at night!" Aeros taunted, finally finding the momentum he was looking for.

It was too late for Kleo to understand the danger he was in as the [King of the Seas] made one upward swing. The only thing which Kleo was able to do was block with his blade – inevitably sending him flying. Aeros did not let go of this momentum and continued his advance.josei

"Hydro Slash!" A large wave of water came blocking the arrows that went for him. 

This was a quick attack directed at Silica who was forced to back away further. Yet space was being limited by the soldiers who were also in the way.

"You don't seem to be an expert in close range combat." Aeros said, surprising the opponent with his quick movements despite his large frame. He was already within striking range, with all of Silica's blind spots being exposed. 

The monster was forced to back away however as he felt danger closing in. With the [Chaos General] coming down in a piercing motion, being able to destroy the helmet of the monster as the slice was able to connect.

"Gravity bind!" Kleo followed, making Aeros stop in his tracks momentarily. Enough for Kleo to close in as he distorted the space in between him and the creature; slashing right away which Aeros was not able to fully block. This resulted in his arm getting torn off.

This was followed through by quick arrows that pierced the armor on his knees. Making the monster drop to the ground as even its eyes were hit with much precision of the arrows. At this point he was forced to go in the defensive once again.

"Even before you gave your title, we've already known what they call you." Kleo began as he tried to destroy the [Hydro Barrier] set up by Aeros.

"You've been living a solitary life in the depths of the seas, only coming out when there were those foolish enough to try and challenge you. Or so the voyagers say." It was Silica's turn this time. Trying out one charged arrow which was still blocked by the barrier.

"You should have stayed that way because, you would've been able to prevent this outcome. Land is no place for a hideous creature like you."

Aeros was unable to make any counter attack anymore. His barrier was slowly but surely getting trimmed down by the two generals and so, he created water clones. Fighting on his behalf as he tried sustaining the barrier even longer. 

"We know that all your skills are weaker on land. That's why you're simply a bit stronger than those six horned. So why don't you do yourself a favor and die peacefully? We promise that your king would be following soon enough." 

These words triggered Aeros. He stood up releasing a massive amount of [Chaos Energy] and, in the process, also shattered his own blade. Huge waves of water soon came, pushing the generals away and preventing much movement.

"Peacefully you say? There is no peace for me until the waters of the seas are being disturbed by the likes of you." Kleo didn't wait for whatever form the attack was going to make. He distorted space once again, thrusting his sword on the heart of Aeros. However, to his surprise, the monster held his wrist. Refusing to go down.

"Let go you filthy creature! Let go!" 

"Everyone who goes to the seas either see me as a threat or see me as an adversary. It is only my king who has ever tried to negotiate with me and he did not lie for the currents of the waters were calm as he spoke. The only peace I'll ever find is when my King has ruled Gaia"

"You speak of him so benevolently but he's just a Kalista who turned into a monster! Now let go!"

At this point Silica did the unexpected. She began charging an attack to take them both down. Kleo felt this and knew that it was the right choice so, he continued increasing gravity. Preventing both him and Aeros from getting away.

"Let's end this!" Aeros demanded as Silica finally fired her arrow. 

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