The Gamer's System

Chapter 232

Chapter 232: Blood, Order, and Chaos V

There were a lot of things happening in the battlefield all at once. Aside from the fact that Aeolus and the two commanders were about to end each other's lives, the [Particle Cannon] was also nearing its full charge. In fact, it would probably take a few seconds after the fight of the generals in order for it to fire. 

Selena would've poured all her remaining mana including her life force into the barrier just so it could defend against the said attack but, something unfortunate happened. A figure came down from the skies, with gigantic wings that resembled that of a raven's.

As soon as he landed on the ground every spell being casted was nullified immediately. This included the waters of Aeros and the skills of the generals. 

With this reset Aeros was also able to activate an effect. The water he released got turned into a sort of healing spell. Restoring him back to full health in a matte of seconds as even his body parts were restored. Yet this did not come without a price.

The monster was out of [Energy] to use. Relying on nothing more than his physical prowess for the remainder of the fight. Kleo and Silica backed away from him because of the creature that just arrived. 

It was the [Monarch] who faced the [Blood King] in a duel and lost. The same [Monarch] who's pride got deeply hurt because of the said event and, could not find no rest until he finished the [Blood King] himself. Bearing the title of the [War Monarch of Chaos], Pilliade joined the fight.

"This is going to be rough." Aeros commented as the [Monarch] stood like he owned the whole battlefield.

"WHERE IS ALEXANDER! GIVE HIM TO ME NOW BEFORE I TURN THIS WHOLE BATTLEFIELD TO ASHES!" This demand was followed up by the black flames of the [Monarch]. It had similar effects to the flames of [The One Who Cheated Death] with the only difference being, he could burn spells. A feat he performed a few seconds ago when he landed in the middle of the battlefield.

"This is not good, how is he already awake?" Kleo commented, thinking about how the same [Monarch] was left in a state near comma. This was how badly beaten up he was in the duel against the [Blood King].

"Lady Jean will not be pleased with this." Were the thoughts that ran on Silica's head. Knowing her master to execute anyone that dared go against the laws. 

"ARE YOU ALL DEAF! I FUCKING ASKED WHERE THAT INSECT IS!" The [Monarch] was in a state where he was danger to both foe and ally. 

Some of the monsters were foolish enough to try and attack him. This ended in their bodies instantaneously catching flames. They weren't the only ones however as the monarch burned everything he could see.

Pilliade was known to be the cruelest among the [Chaos Monarchs] and also the most barbarically primitive. In fact, he was the perfect example of what [Chaos] should be. He did not take sides and only ever cared about bring ruination to those around him. 

Kleo and Silica knew this. That's why they decided to run away as soon as the [Monarch] began his advance. They knew that anything they say or do can be used against them. Yet they weren't even able to get that far off as the [Monarch] took notice of them. Grabbing them both by the neck and raising them up.

"You are commanding officers, aren't you? Why didn't you answer me when I asked?" 

Both generals couldn't make a response as the [Monarch] gripped onto their necks tightly. Air was slowly running out as they flailed their bodies around. And, it was only at the point near death when the monarch decided to let go of the two.

"Don't even try anything funny. I may be wounded but my senses are as sharp as ever." Pilliade said; talking to Aeros who did as the [Monarch] told while also thinking of a way to get out of the situation.

"Now, I do believe that I did not crush your vocal cords so you could still speak. Please explain to me why you tried running away."

"W-we are sorry your lordship. We feared that we'd get caught in the flames." Kleo said as this was the most reasonable explanation he could come up with. Silica on the other hand only bowed her head, as it was not her place to talk to a [Monarch of Chaos].

"THAT WAS THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT YOU DUMBASS!" Pilliade kicked Kleo so hard that the general's consciousness slipped away for a split second. 

"Be grateful that you are both [Generals] of those cheeky [Monarchs] otherwise I'd have no problem burning you down." He continued, looking at the [Plasma Cannons] which he immediately burned down just by staring at them.

The cannons exploded immediately. Killing all the soldiers who were stationed on the said area as the earth trembled even greater than before.

"I'd have none of that sissy shit in this fight." He furthered, referring to the [Particle Cannons].

"Return to your quarters and don't you dare rally your men out of this place. I'll burn everything down until I've cooled off." The [Monarch] commanded. With both generals doing as they were told. 

"Now as for you, let's have a little talk shall we?" Pilliade began making his way to Aeros.

The seven horned knew him quite well. After all, he was watching together with Selena when their king fought both [The Chaos Monarch of War] and the [Order Monarch of Discipline]. Even from that angle when he wasn't directly fighting, he was already having a hair-raising sensation telling him that there was no way to win even if he went all out.

That is the reason why his current situation was even more perilous. Yes, he was back to full health but there was no move for him to use except for one. Something he was reserving for the final phases of the battle where he decided to sacrifice his life for the king.

"I have nothing to say to you." Aeros said boldly. Impressing the [Monarch] who saw that the creature was ready to fight him.

"You see, I'm not really in a good mood. I woke up with my body hurting all over while there was this strange nightmare that kept repeating itself on my head."

Even before Aeros could make sense of what the [Monarch] was saying, a punch already reached his face. Dropping the monster on the ground as a huge crater formed around him.

"As to be expected of the so called "King of the Seas", you could at least handle my punches." The [Monarch] said as he continued hitting Aeros. This continued on for a couple more minutes as Pilliade released some of his frustration on the [Blood King's] commander.

"I need you to bring him out here. Tell him that I'm waiting for our fair duel to end." The [Monarch] furthered, placing burn marks all over Aeros' body as the monster screamed in pain.

"Now, what is your answer?"

"Go – fu -." Aeros stuttered between the words. Whispering his response which forced Pilliade to come a bit closer.

"What's that?"

"Go fuck yourself."

"Ahh…I see."

Pilliade proceeded to burning the monster even more. The whole area around them was caught in the flames, turning all soldiers into ashes immediately. Even the retreating generals could hear these screams, both of Aeros and of their dying comrades. 

"You should've brought him out when I asked nicely." Pilliade furthered finally showing his true colors and his bad temperament. 

He infused his fist with flames. With each punch burning Aeros' flesh in a state that even his waters could not restore. This was how strong Pilliade was, yet, Aeros wasn't going to let his king get insulted. 

"Now are you ready to give me a proper response?"josei

"Yeah. The only reason you're so brave is because you know that he's badly hurt. That wounded pride and ego of yours would not rest until you somehow beat my master. And of course, you can only do that when he's weakened because you can never match up to him."

There was a dangerous silence that followed. Aeros even felt his own death closing in at that moment and, he wasn't wrong. 

"HAHAHAHAHA!" This roaring of laughter was coupled by the continuous punches of the [Monarch]. He didn't allow Aeros to speak anymore and simply gave his comment while he performed the brutal attack. With the seven-horned monster seeing his life flash before his eyes multiple times over.

"For a disgusting creature you sure do know how to run that filthy mouth of yours." Pilliade said, making sure that Aeros would not have a swift dead. The monster's blood was splattering on his face and on his fist at that point.

He only stopped when there was no sign of resistance from the monster anymore. Pilliade was breathing heavily at this point. Thinking how he wasted his time on such a lowly creature.

"If you're not gonna tell him to get out, then I'll just force him out." Pilliade said as he dragged the monster through the battlefield. 

Everything was burning with Pilliade's [Chaos Flames]. There was the smell of flesh and bones burning as well as metal and wood. The crackling sound made by the same flames were also surrounding them. A scene which Pilliade thought to be perfect for the opponent he needed to face.

Soon enough he was at the front of the barrier. He threw Aeros inside it and issued his challenge without a moment to lose.

"FACE ME BEFORE I BURN ALL YOUR SERVANTS TO KINGDOM COME!" His words echoed until the end of the hideout. Pilliade even began burning down the barrier which he found little difficulty on.

"Well? AREN'T YOU COMING OUT?" The [Monarch] furthered, creating a gigantic ball of flame. One which would not only break the barrier but also create the said effect which he told.

There was only silence. 

Nobody gave him a response which Pilliade didn't take positively. He was just about to release his spell when, he heard footsteps coming near. 

"Ahhh…so you were really hiding there." He said as the flame he created illumined the creature that stepped out of the darkness. 

It was Alexander. The self-proclaimed [Blood King] who defied all of the Monarchs. He stared at Pilliade for a few seconds before finally responding to the [Monarch of War].

"Let's make this quick. I still need to take a nap." 

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