The Gamer's System

Chapter 233

Chapter 233: Blood, Order, and Chaos VI

Alexander, or Alex as he likes to be called, is the one which everyone refers to as the [Blood King]. Nobody wished to claim the said title simply because there were dangers connected to it. Specifically, Alex was the constant target of the [Monarchs] and all the curses they could cast.josei

He had black hair that suited well with his armor which had  a dark crimson color. On his hand was the familiar halberd used by the gamer whenever he entered the form of the said creature. Yet, the version held by Alex seemed to be much stronger and alive. In fact one would even see the said weapon's core beat from time to time.

His red eyes glowed even in the darkness and, his aura was in par with that of Pilliade. Making the [Monarch] smile for the fight that was about to continue. One which he needed in order for him to assert his strength once again.

"You know I've done my research and found out how barbaric you truly are but, for you to do this to one of my men. You really must have a screw lose on that head of yours."

"You seem to be implying that you're somehow better than me is that it?" Pilliade looked at his opponent. Alex had bandages all over him just like the [Monarch] did yet, this seemed to be a whole lot more.

The [Monarch of War] didn't understand why however. He was already unconscious when the other [Monarchs] stepped in. With the details only being narrated to him vaguely by the nurse that tended to him.

"I think your body should already attest to that fact. I don't need to prove anything to you." Alex said in reply; also noticing the damage he has done to the [Monarch].

"Is that so? Why don't you come here so that I could fix that cheeky attitude of yours." Pilliade demanded as Alex finally reached the half dead Aeros. Only to stop at that spot as he gave a command.

"Don't be impatient now. I still need to heal my subordinate."

The healing was done even before Pilliade could respond. Alex didn't need this because he knew that the [Monarch] would agree nonetheless. He knew that Pilliade would rather not have any excuses made by his enemy when the match was finally over.

The healing was thus began immediately. Alex only needed the tip of his halberd to touch the skin of Aeros for the spell to begin. The core of his halberd shone at this point. Releasing the aberrant type of [Energy] which only the [Blood Monarch] possessed.

"Blood Transfusion." As soon as Alex casted this, Aeros began to recover from the damage dealt. Even the burns made through the flames if Pilliade were cured. Something which should've never happened on normal circumstances.

"M-my lord. Please forgive m-me for being unable to defend out base." Aeros said, waking up immediately although only half conscious.

"It's fine Aeros. You did what you could and have done so in an outstanding manner." Alex commented, with his healing finally being done.

"Are you done already or do I need burn some more of your men?" The [Monarch] demanded as his patience was running thin.

Aeros have just gotten up at this point. Alex instructed him to gather all their subordinates and escape at the back route. 'I'll follow as soon as I'm done with him.' Were the words he left Aeros who willingly did as was told.

Alex waited for his subordinate to leave his sight first. He then focused his whole attention on Pilliade Saying only two words to the impatient [Monarch].

"I'm done." As soon as Alex said this, he was already out of Pilliade's field of vision. This did not last for long however as the [Monarch of War] felt the presence of his opponent pass through him.

"COME AND FIGHT ME YOU COWARD!" The [Monarch] demanded, running after Alex who deliberately wanted to rouse the anger of his opponent.

This only went on for a couple of seconds. With Pilliade somehow realizing what his opponent's intentions were. Alex stopped on his tracks, looking Pilliade in the eye as the two of them finally arrived at the center of the battlefield.

Aside from the two of them, not a single soul was left alive and thus, they owned the entirety of the area to themselves and, this was a good thing. Because with how massively destructive their powers were, all living things would inevitably die as soon as they began.

"Flame Domain!" Pilliade didn't even wait for any signal. The mere fact that Alex was the first one to cast a spell meant that they were already fighting.

The flames scattered all around the battlefield were recalled to come close to their master. This surrounded the two in a circular shape, preventing Alex form escaping as, the said skill rose into a giant cylindrical wall of flames.

"Nowhere to hide!" He shouted, releasing weapons from the flames themselves. All seemingly newly crafted by the same wall of flames.

The god of war didn't waste any time and began his assault. Two weapons immediately transferred to his hands. One being a broadsword while the other was a short sword.

"This is going to be rough." Alex thought to himself as he began dodging the blows of the [Monarch].

The same skill was actually used by Pilliade on their previous duel. But because of the long preparation time it took him to set it up, Alex was already able to make counter play after counter play. With the flames needing a certain amount of time in order for them to be activateable.

However the present situation was a bit different form this. Pilliade didn't need any time to set it up anymore. All the burning he did earlier have an ulterior motive behind it. One which involved generating more flames while also extending their duration. Both of which were effects needed by the [Monarch] in order to increase his chances of winning.

The fight went on just like this. With the [Blood King] doing his best to avoid the movements of his enemies As mentioned earlier he was not yet fully healed. It didn't help that he regenerated Aeros earlier as this also consume a significant amount of his energy.

Nevertheless the Blood King was able to hold his ground against his enemy. In fact, Pilliade was making little to no progress at all with his attack. Despite his stats doubling while within the domain. Despite the wide variety of weapons that he could change from time to tine in order for his fighting style to not get figured out. He was still having a hard time against Alex.

"I hope this sin's everything you've prepared for me because I've already seen this once." Alex taunted, side stepping as to avoid a downward thrust. Then turning the other direction in order to dodge the stab of the [Monarch's] short sword.

"Keep provoking me. There's nothing you could do at this point!" Were the words returned to him as Pilliade's tempo was slowly increasing. Not only this but he also began looking like an apparition.

Pilliade then shifted to a large axe. Alex dodged once again by jumping up and this time, he tried making a counter as he threw his halberd at the enemy. Only for Pilliade to disappear once again and reappear firing a few set of arrows to Alex who was still in mid-air.

The Blood King dodged this by teleporting back to his halberd, A choice which seemed to be poorly made as Pilliade was there. The creature made a vertical slash. One which Alex was still able to avoid yet not as cleanly as the first few as, blood was gushing out of his chest.

"Blood Transfusion." Was the spell he immediately casted in order to close the wound.

The arena was beginning to heat up at this point. Alex felt his skin slowly sizzle as even the beads of sweat coming out did not last a single second from the heat. This began burning down the [Blood King] who had no cooling spell.

The problems were beginning to pile up. None of them were even solvable as he couldn't opt to come out of the wall of flames. Knowing that something of that caliber would burn him in a matter of seconds. He simply continued moving around, having a plan in mind which was probably the best card he had at the moment.

"Well aren't you going to make any counters mister Blood King?" Pilliade was already overconfident at that point.

He thought about the previous fight and how it was probably a fluke that he lost. Defending himself by asserting that he didn't take the fight seriously form the get go although this was really the case. Slowly but surely the damage was accumulating on the [Blood King].

With the rapid succession attacks. The tempo that was consistently increasing. The attack types that fluidly changed. There was no way for Pilliade to lose and, this was finally confirmed as his sword found its way through the chest of the [Blood King].

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