The Gamer's System

Chapter 234

Chapter 234: Blood, Order, and Chaos - Final

The move that Pilliade used was something which he referred to as the [War Ballad]. It was a move which needed to be set up. Beginning with his domain being created and everything else following after that. The mechanics were similar to one of Gallio's ace spells where every new weapon held raised his status points.

Thus Alexander's eyes didn't lie when he saw his enemy moving faster and faster. With the blows also getting stronger and sharper at the same time. This also began heating up the battlefield, with Pilliade reaching his strongest state in no time at all.

Along the last minutes of their fight, Pilliade actually reached the strength level of the High Monarch. A level where a single flick of his finger could destroy a whole mountain.

Surely enough, the [Monarch] was confident that this move would work and, it did not fail to deliver. With his favorite weapon, the [Blazing Forge], Pilliade successfully pierced through the chest of Alexander.

"I knew that was just a fluke." He stated, looking at the poor and sorry state of his enemy. He was even beginning to think that he went overboard as to release his strongest attack.

Yet things only began spiraling downwards from this point onwards.

"A  fluke you say." Alexander repeated, smirking as he held on to the weapon of the [War Monarch].

Pilliade responded immediately by raising his [Chaos Flames]. Covering his enemy form head to toe as he created some distance between them.

Alex was able to dispel the flames although his body was already fille with burns. Even the shirt he was wearing got destroyed, revealing all the scars he got from the previous fights.

"How are you still alive!" Pilliade demanded, continuing his barrage from where he left off.

[War Ballad] was a skill that continued so long as Pilliade was within his domain. Hence, the [Monarch of War] only got stronger and stronger with each passing strike. This created the inevitable outcome of Alex simply left to dodging, evading, and blocking. Just like what happened earlier, Alex was still doing his best to survive but this wasn't that effective against Pilliade.

"Why are all my senses on high alert? He can't even hold a candle against me." Pilliade said to himself as his instinct were still kicking in. Something which he thought to be flawed as there was nothing special about what Alex was doing.

In fact, he was undoubtedly winning and, once again. The [Monarch] saw this. Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling of a deathly cold running through his body. One which he tried disregarding altogether because, he had control over flames after all.

"I will not be shaken by your petty tricks!" He screamed. Thinking that what the [Blood King] was performing was nothing else but an illusion.

The [Monarch of War] proceeded to land a decisive blow on Alex. This time pouring his all on the attack as he coated his weapon with most of his [Chaos Energy]. This was enough energy to rival the flames of the sun itself and, if it weren't for his Domain Covering them. The attack would've surely burned half of Gaia to ashes.

"That's one nasty looking skill." Alex thought to himself as, in the blink of an eye, all of the flames [Chaos] poured down on him. This brought down a surging wave of flame that spread around the area evenly as soon as the initial strike hit the ground.

The wall of flames rose even fighter because of this. With the blast reaching the heavens as some citizens witnessed the black pillar of flame burning even the sky. This sliced Alex's body in half, finishing the fight once and for all…

…or so he thought.

In the blink of an eye, Alex was already beside him. Pilliade didn't have time to respond nor to even react as the [Blood King] slit both knees of the [War Monarch] with ease. Making his opponent drop to the ground kneeling.

"How…" Pilliade wasn't even able to finish as Alex proceeded to slicing off his head; cleanly off his shoulders.

The move in itself was anti - climatic but, Alex was running low on [Energy] to use so he needed to be quick about thingsjosei

"Think about the whole fight in the afterlife. If there is even any for [Monarchs] like you." He said, with the wall of flame finally coming down.

Alex was already thinking of resting his body once again. The fight forced him to come back out in the open although there was still much recovery to go through. Yet he was delayed once again as, after the wall came down entirely, what awaited him on the other side was the Monarch of Order Jean. She had a bow loaded with an arrow and from the position he was in, Zeke knew that there was no form of escape which he could use.

"Shit." Was the only though that came up on his head as Jean was riling up to fire. Stretching the bowstring as the [Energy of Order] resonated with the attack.

"Any last words?"

"Actually there's a ton I'd want to say so last words don't fit the bill. Let's just get things over with shall we?" He demanded, raising his halberd as he thought of the limited attack patterns he could use.

Heb knew that he could also beat Jean. But that would only be if he was in his proper state. As he was at the moment, there was no way for Alex to win. And, it was at this point that the memory piece finally ended.

[Congratulations! You have finished the Integrated Memory Piece: Blood, Chaos, and Order]

[The following rewards have been generated:]

[You have gained the skill - Ultimate Curse of Chaos]

[Grade: SSS+]

[Skill Type: Curse Passive]

[Energy Consumption: None]

[Information - A curse which prevents any form of buff or blessing to be received by the gamer that is aligned to [Chaos Energy].  This also prevents the gamer from making use of [Chaos Energy] entirely. However, because of this state, he is also immune to further curses which may be caused by the energy type mentioned.]

[You have gained the skill - Ultimate Curse of Order]

[Grade: SSS+]

[Skill Type: Curse Passive]

[Energy Consumption: None]

[Information - A curse which prevents any form of buff or blessing to be received by the gamer that is aligned to the [Energy of Order]. This also prevents the gamer from making use of the [Energy of Order] entirely. However, because of this state, he is also immune to further curses which may be caused by the energy type mentioned.]

[Information – You have gained access to the skills of the [Blood King]. A random skill will be gained as soon as the gamer defeats one of the [Monarchs] regardless of the faction.]

[Information – [Crimson Energy] will now be available once the gamer reaches the form of the Blood King.]

[Information: The Halberd of the Blood King is transformed into the real one.]

[The gamer will be logged off now.]

"They should've at least showed me how the other fight went. I don't think that Alexander would lose nor die that soon." Zeke thought to himself as he got up from his bed.

There was so much information take in but, nevertheless, he was thankful for the fact that he at least got some of the names of these [Monarchs]. Three from the [Chaos] faction namely, Paimon, Vask, and Pilliade. And one on the side of [Order] which was Jean.

"That skill he used to end the fight. The trick seemed to be a bit sophisticated as those blood stains he scattered around the area didn't seem to have been a random occurrence." He didn't waste time in trying to piece every bit of information together.

He was also deep in thought about the two [Curse] type skill which he just gained. These were supposed to be debuffs but, thinking about it, Zeke hasn't even began making use of either type of Energy. He already had everything that he needed with mana casting and [Death's Void]. Plus, there were the [Conjures] which he could always rely on.

"The bright side of this is that they basically can't affect my statuses. Meaning, I have a partial immunity to both."  Zeke thought to himself as he proceeded to go out of his room once more. The recent activity strained his body for some reason so he thought of sparing with the [Conjures] for a while.

Everything was set for the gamer. There were still missing pieces of information but with this unexpected boost on his skills, he was even more sure of his ability to fight Pier. Sure there was a spine tingling sensation that ran over his body as he watched the fight between Alexander and Paimon but, this still proved one thing. That even those [Monarchs]could be killed and that they weren't immortal. And if there was one thing which Zeke was sure about, it was that the halberd of the Blood King could do just this.

"Just wait for me a bit longer" Zeke said, not being able to conceal his excitement anymore as a huge grin formed on his face.

"I'm going to destroy both gods and monarchs."

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