The Gamer's System

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: The Master and his Disciple

"We've never had the chance to talk like this before huh?" Allesiah told Zeke as she gave him his cup of hot chocolate.

"If you think about it, that's probably because we've always been walking on thin ice." Zeke said, sipping as he finished.

"That's also true." Allesiah replied, laughing.

Before Zeke came to her life, things usually went slowly for the sorceress. She hid her last name, using [Wyrr] as an alternative just in case her sisters came looking for her. With this, she began her days as a sorceress adventurer which, became unbelievably anti-climactic for her.

The distinct starting point to this is, when she joined Marin's adventurer party. Unlike what she imagined, most of the missions involved cleaning places, catching thieves, cooking for people and, even serving as bodyguards. After all, people make request based on their needs and, no person would waste their money to put up a request to eliminate strong monsters.

This continued, making the life of Allesiah a duller than she imagined. She thought that there would be risks, life or death situations, a chance meeting with a rival and all those other stuff. But none of that ever happened. Allesiah spent her days, holding on to her staff and looking at the blue sky, thinking how bland her life turned out to be. But she couldn't just quit.

She needed money to sustain her cost of living. Killing monsters couldn't provide this, not if she would rely on the loot dropped by the weaker monsters that she could handle. And, aside from this, she can't hope to return to the capital. Not after her eldest sister went missing while, her second sister became the captain of the Wood Scouts. She got stuck and, at this point, she began to accept that this is all that life has to offer.

But then, all of this changed as Zeke came. Her life completely flipped over when they entered the Secret Dungeon. With this came the betrayal of some people which she put a lot of faith into. She also thought that the rookie would escape but instead, Zeke charged in the front lines, risking his life for people he just met.

This is actually the main reason why Allesiah willingly signed a contract with him. The human could've easily killed her and Boulder but instead, he fought and defended them. He even gave away his share to Boulder who decided to quit being an adventurer soon after.

"Contrary to what you believe. I think you're actually a person who cares about others." Allesiah thought to herself as she stole a glance at Zeke who enjoyed his cup of hot chocolate.

"But you know. I was actually surprised that you accepted the contract. I mean, elves do have a lot of pride." Zeke said, referring to the information he gathered as he read through books.

"Well, pride won't make me stronger. I learned that a long time ago and, I threw that away when I ran from home." She replied, now remembering the things that happened after she struck the deal.

As soon as the contract was signed, she continued fighting large groups of enemies. In fact, the only time she played as a support was when she caged the Wood Scouts inside the forest. Allesiah's body began remembering the pain, making it tingle softly as a smile formed on her lips.

She was also taught of a new method of spellcasting. One which nobody has ever thought of in Elysium. Through this and all the training, Allesiah has grown to the point that, she can almost reach Sylvia's level. But that's until her sister began evolving.

"Wait, how come you've never told me anything about your life?" Allesiah asked, thinking how Zeke only spoke of fights and…fights…and…plans for more fights.

"Well, there's really not much I could tell you about myself." Zeke answered, knowing that, more than half of his life was spent in the world offered by the screens of all the devices he used in order to play.

"If you want to meet all the personas I had, that'd take forever. But, if you want to know me as me…" Zeke then stared at the ceiling for a moment, thinking if there is anything he can say.

"I doubt I can say anything real." He continued.

"I don't believe that at all." Allesiah replied immediately.

Zeke only looked at her with a smile. Then, he continued on to veering the discussion to something else.

"Oh by the way." He began

"I've got some new materials here for your next weapon." Zeke said.

"That's so like you." Allesiah commented, thinking how Zeke has always been focused on fighting, crafting, and leveling up. As if this whole thing is nothing more than a game for the human.

"What do you mean?" Zeke asked, furrowing his brows.

"Nothing. Never mind." Allesiah answered, bringing them back to the topic that Zeke talked about.

"So what staff would it be this time?" She continued and, with this, Zeke's face brightened with excitement again.

'I'm glad you asked." He answered.

Zeke then continued to explaining that, he came from a place where there is a wider array of weapons which could be used.

"Once I got here, I got so immersed into the environment that, I completely forgot the fact that I could actually create things other than what you guys have been used to." He said.

"I'm guessing I won't be getting a new staff then." Allesiah answered knowing where the conversation is leading to.

"Yes. Precisely!" Zeke answered.

"But for now we both need to get some shut eye." He continued, getting Allesiah's empty mug and his own – bringing these to the sink.

"You go ahead and sleep. I'll leave your new equipment in front of my door." He added.

At this, Allesiah stood up. She looked at the back of her master and thought that, for a human, it seems much broader. As if Zeke could carry the entire world if he put his mind to it.

"I'm going ahead then." She said, following the advice of her master.

"Oh and Zeke." She said, making the human look at her. She barely uses his real name so it always catches his attention when she does.

"Thank you." Allesiah said.

Zeke got a short surprise from those words because, there was something different in that moment. It might be the tender voice which Allesiah used, or the soft smile she had on her lips but, whatever it is, Zeke felt a warmth surge throughout his body. Something which he dismissed as quickly as it presented itself.

"Don't thank me yet. You've still got a lot of training ahead of you." He said, using his usual smile on the elf.

This is how the night ended for Allesiah. But for Zeke there were still a lot of things left on his plate to finish. And so, after cleaning himself up and sleeping in his room, he proceeded to the new item to be crafted.

"Right, let's begin!"

Morning soon followed. The realm is still dark yet, Allesiah is already awake, barely getting any sleep from the excitement of getting a new weapon. Allesiah went to the front of Zeke's room as her master instructed.

Lying in front of the door is a cloth that covered what seemed to be a small set of items. There is also a note which Allesiah read.

"I won't be joining you guys for today. With your clearing speed, you can probably summon another boss monster inside the forests. But that's all you need to do. Once you summon it, disengage and return home. We don't know how powerful the other beasts will be, nor the skills and abilities they'd have in their arsenal." The first paragraph read.

Allesiah then proceeded to the second one, much shorter than the first:

"Anyway, I'm really tired so I'll leave all that grinding to you guys. If I don't sleep properly, I also can't function properly." Were the words written.

"That first boss must've dealt a lot of strain to him." Allesiah thought to herself as she carried the hidden items to the dining table.

"Oh, sis what's that?" Sylph said, just waking up with her bed hair popping up on every direction.

"It's my new weapon." Allesiah replied, making her sister come closer in excitement.

"What did that human make this time?" She said, peeking at the contents.

Both of them thought that it would be something like a dagger or, a retractable weapon. But, these ideas were proven wrong as what welcome their eyes are…

"Bracelets?" Allesiah said, looking at the items closely.

Inside the container are two bracelets which has a dragon swirling in a circular motion. The details to the beast are so well defined that, you'd think it was a master craftsman who made them.

The dragons had multiple colored crystals which are embedded to their bodies. All of which are alien to both Windsprites. This is the first time they have seen such gems. This made them wonder even more. After all, when it comes to gems and jewelries, nobility have been exposed to a lot of these.

In the middle is a crystal larger than the other ones. The item is silver like in color and, as Allesiah held it in her hands, it felt as light as a feather.

"So… are you going to fight by being fashionable now?" Sylph asked, seeing that apart from these is a set of earrings which differed in colors. One is deep red while, the other is ocean blue.

If one looks into the earrings closely, it would be noticed that, they actually resemble a set of eyes. As Allesiah wore all of them, she went up to a mirror to inspect the items.

"Master, how are these supposed to be weapons?" Allesiah thought to herself as a lot of aesthetic value added with the ornament seeming items.

However, Allesiah knew that Zeke would never waste his time making jewelries. And with this idea is a distinct sight of mana she began seeing all around her. Unlike the level provided by her staff, the flow of mana is much thicker now, as if she can just hold it in her hands.

She still has no clue as to why Zeke couldn't just leave an instruction manual for her. Little did she know that, Zeke actually thought things through.

"Once she tries casting a spell, she'll understand how it works." Zeke told himself, too tired to write down the whole instruction for usage.

While the Windsprites fidgeted with the items, Harun and Sebastian have also woken up. And, at the sight of the items, the servants immediately came close.

"Master what are those earrings? They're nothing like what I've seen from other nobility?" Harun began.

"Did you take those from the goddess?" Sebastian followed. Thinking that what Allesiah wore is actually owned by Yaeger.

"Idiots! That's her new weapon. The human made it for her." Sylph answered.

This made the servants look at each other. And then, a smile crept on their faces. It was as if they had a telepathic link, giggling before they began teasing Allesiah. This exluded Sylph who is both dense and had no malice in her mind.

"This doesn't surprise us at all. You've stuck with that human for a while after all. It won't be shocking if he has fallen to the charms of a pure noble from the Windsprite household." Harun said, smiling mischievously.

"Master Allesiah, we will accept you even if you choose a human. After all, Master Zeke he has both skills and brain. You can't ask for a better lifetime companion." Sebastian continued.

"What are you even saying! Sylph already said that this is a weapon! It's a weapon!" Allesiah then began thinking of the concept of a fireball just in order to demonstrate this. But, just as she did, a strong wind came and the Goddess Yaeger soon followed, stopping what could have been a disaster.

"That was dangerous miss elf. You could've burned my house down." Yaeger said, holding the breakfast dish on her left hand.

"That was some strong pressure." Sebastian answered, forming sweat on his forehead right before the attack came.

"What was that?" Allesiah said, remembering the feeling of mana that flowed around her. She didn't even need to take any mana from herself. That fireball was about to be made using the external mana.

At this, everyone finally believed Allesiah. The spell wouldn't explode of course. Zeke made sure that enough safety measures were put into the items to prevent them from harming the one who'd use it. Yet, the force made them all believe that it would.

At this Keith also woke up. This left only two people who have yet to come out. One is Sylvia who has yet to finish evolution while, the other is Zeke who is still fast asleep.

The group finally began eating. Yaeger served the turtle egg soup which everyone enjoyed. It was both soft and crunchy which made it weirdly satisfying to chew on. Apart from this is the soup like substance that smelled like an even combination of spices and, in a single sip, they felt themselves being rejuvenated.

"Well how is it?" The goddess asked.

"It's delicious!" Keith replied, forgetting to eat properly as he asked for seconds.josei

The group did the same. Eating their fill as Allesiah gave the instructions for that day. The two servants laughed at the command given by Zeke. While Sylph just sighed. Nobody complained however.

With their new weapons and the strength they've garnered through the days of training, everyone felt that they could do as Zeke told. Heck, they even felt that they could just defeat the boss monster.

"That would surely shock him." Sylph said, seriously considering the idea in her mind.

With this, they took the supplies needed and headed off. The first thing which the group did however is, seeing just what Allesiah is currently capable of. Hence, they all stood back at a safe distance and watched the sorceress do her thing.

She then remembered the sensation that surged through her body earlier on that day. The feeling of a spell being formed by merely thinking of it.

The wind started swirling around Allesiah and, soon after, this began sparking. At this point, monsters have already felt her presence and began coming in to hunt their prey. Meanwhile, the wind around Allesiah continued swirling until it turned into flames.

This fire grew more and more intense. Yet, in the middle of it is the Windsprite, completely unharmed. Sylph worried however as, Allesiah continued attracting more and more attention.

"If things go wrong, you know what to do." Sylph told the two servants who nodded at her command.

"So that's how it works." Allesiah thought to herself, holding up her hand. One of the crystals on her bracelet glowed a bright red and, soon after, came a fireball as thrice as big as its normal size.

This amazed everyone because, the flame only grew bigger. It expanded more and more until; one could not classify it as a fireball anymore.

The enemies began appearing one by one at this point. One of which is a new opponent. The monster has a water like substance and appeared close to the image of a cyclops. Upon seeing the elf, these monsters rushed forward.

They swung their arms which turned into whips of water But, even before they could hit Allesiah, they got blocked by the swirling flame. Allesiah then began her assault, hitting the flame to the ground.

This surprised the other elves who expected to witness a disaster. Instead, what they saw are flames that didn't burn. These flames crept through every direction and, as they touched a monster, the flame's gentle image changed.

The small flickers of fire rose into a rage of flames. These consumed the monsters which ran around in pain and panic. Even the [Water Cyclops] couldn't dissolve the flames, making them meet their inevitable end to this strange attack. NO matter what they did, the flames didn't stop and, what came weirder is how the flames only burnt them.

Allesiah then followed by summoning something she has never tried before.

"Shadow Sphere." She thought. The bracelets then created a dark shade as 10 orbs began floating around her.

"You're really something else." Allesiah thought to herself as she remembered Zeke.

If she stayed in that tiny town. If Zeke didn't come. If she didn't sign the contract. Without these things, she wouldn't be ale to reach the level she is currently at.

"I guess I'm considered a veteran now." Allesiah said as tears started forming under her eyes. One wouldn't understand how she felt. Only she could prize that moment no matter how random the timing might have been.

For her, getting strong meant the world. A dream that was almost crushed. Yet here she is, destroying a wave of monsters all by herself. Summoning the number of orbs required in order to call someone a master sorceress.

The moment contained so much joy for her. In fact, she couldn't control it anymore that, she began to go on a killing spree.

She fired multiple orbs which came looking for monsters to kill. She then summoned large columns of ice which froze her enemies in place before striking them down with thunderbolts. She got so immersed that, she couldn't even hear her companions who told her to slow down.

"This is just like how she was back in the castle. That brat." Sylph said, catching up to her sister and not wanting to fall behind her strength.

"So uhm, who are we supposed to defend again?" Sebastian said to Harun jokingly, seeing Sylph begin her own massacre of monsters.

"I guess we've gotta settle for the leftovers then." Was Harun's only reply as the training for that day continued.

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