The Gamer's System

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: The Second Monster?

"Oh you're finally awake?" Yaeger said as Zeke came out of the door.

"Where are the others?" He asked

"They're already going at it. Are you gonna follow right now?" The goddess replied.

"Maybe. I'll just make a few stretches first. By the way what's for breakfast?" He asked coming forward.

"You mean lunch. It's almost noontime mister." Yaeger said, placing the [Carnivorous Turtle's] eggs on the table.

"Ohhhhh that looks delicious." Zeke commented, sitting down and chatting with the goddess.

Yaeger stared at the human with delight. She has never felt as much enjoyment from a mortal than what she's now experiencing. Zeke amused her and; she wanted to make sure that the mortal could amuse her for a longer period of time.

"Hey, about that extra reward. Wanna talk about it?" The goddess said, wearing a mischievous smile on her face.

"Fine by me." Zeke replied.

Before lunchtime even came, the group has already cleared half of the monsters required in order to summon a boss monster. After Allesiah cooled down, the team went and did things more strategically.

Using her spellcasting abilities, Allesiah targeted the monsters that are too far to notice them. She created a rain of ice that which covered a circular area. This [AoE] skill continued getting smaller. The attack forced the monsters to come toward their direction. Between getting hurt and just moving away from harm, any creature would instinctively choose the safer option. Thus, the monsters moved in slowly.

Once in range, Sylph followed through with her arrows. Though a bit difficult for a single archer, she is able to manage as there are two bows at her disposal.

The [Infinity Bow] floated, automatically shooting out arrows depending on Sylph's commands. On her hand is the [Windsprite Heirloom Bow] which made it possible for her to double the damage she dealt and cover a larger area with her attacks. Sebastian helped by creating walls of earth that limited the area where the monsters could appear from.

This meant that Sylph could simply focus on these areas for her attack. This combination isn't perfect however. A lot of monsters are still able to pass through. But this is also part of their strategy.

Once in mid rage, Harun handles the monsters. Taking down the unlucky ones that escaped Sylph, only to meet a more gruesome end as the spear pierced through their bodies countless times.

One to two monsters would still be able to get past this defense and, these are handled by Allesiah's [Darkness Spheres]. Thus, both defense and attack are covered in a balanced manner.

"How many does that make it?" Allesiah asked her sister who fired from both of her bows.

"Not sure but, I think three more hours are what we need in order to summon the beast." She said, firing as fast and as accurate as she can.

"Well I hope it comes soon. My arm is getting tired from all this thrusting." Harun said, continuing her assault on 10 [Pyke Boars] that came simultaneously.

"Aren't we going too fast? Shouldn't we eat first?" Was Sebastian's remark – the only member on their group who wanted to stop and eat first.

"Nonsense. The sooner we finish this, the sooner that beast appears. And the faster we summon those creatures, the sooner we can also return to Elysium." Sylph commented.

Allesiah didn't make a comment on the conversation anymore. She is too busy on the multiple spells that she is casting. After all, it is not just one rain of ice that she is maintain but, layers of this same attack.

After the first wave is shoved in, she creates another layer which forces in the second batch of spawned monsters. She then dissolves the first one as soon as they enter Sylph's range. This is because, her spell would hinder Sylph's attacks. Then, she creates a new one near the spawn point once again.

"You're more of a slave-driver than Zeke." Allesiah thought to herself. Smiling as she followed Sylph's orders.

This continued on for another hour. They would've stopped but, Sylph feared that the built-up adrenaline will also vanish. Hence, they pressed forward. The only rest allowed is the single instance of drinking their stamina and mana potions. Other than this, no other rest was permitted by Sylph.

As this continued, Sebastian still wished that they could eat their lunch first. And then, as if the gods have heard his plea, someone teleported to their location, bringing the lunch for that day.

"Hey, how's everyone doing." Zeke said as he came out of the portal.

He immediately brough out all his conjures and made them face the wave that is currently coming for the group. Then, he surrounded the area with [Poison Clouds], assuring the group that no monster would be able to reach tem.

"Eat first idiots. Whose brain dead idea was it to keep on fighting on an empty stomach?" Zeke said, irritating Sylph who gave the command.

"We just made use of the hype in order to clear through the monsters faster!" She defended.


"Let's not fight over it. Rest for a while guys and let my monsters do the work." Zeke said.

His conjures cannot clear the area as fast as the elves. But their force is enough to prevent the monsters from advancing any further. Hence, they are the perfect shield to use if the group needs a breather.

Zeke made a conjured [Winged Monkey] prepare the area where they would take a break. After the conjure finished its job, everyone sat down to eat.

"Oh by the way, I've taught the monkeys a new trick that you might like. Zeke said, calling one forward which hovered at the back of Sebastian."

"Master Zeke. That trick isn't stab and fly away is it?" The nervous servant replied, having a phobia from monsters that gets close to his back. As he became a defender, Sebastian's back has always been his blind spot. Thus, all throughout his life, his back has experience a lot of damage from monsters. As time went on, this concept made him afraid.

"Don't be silly. That monkey will give you a massage., So relax and let it do its magic." Zeke said. Sebastian still has stiffened muscles but, that gradually decreased as the elf felt how flexible the monkey's fingers are.

"Ahh that's the spot." The elf said, finally loving the therapy.

"Do does anyone else want to try?" Zeke offered.

At this, one [Winged Monkey] came to Sylph and to Harun. Meanwhile, Zeke sat beside Allesiah and started talking to her about the bracelet and the earrings. The malicious Harun saw this and started giggling at the sight, completely wishing that Zeke would fall for their youngest master.

"From what I saw, I'm guessing that you have a clear idea about what the bracelets can do right?' Zeke said, actually watching the group from a distance before giving them their meal.

"A little bit. I'm thinking that each color of a rock on these things regulate a specific element from the flow of mana." She replied, raising the bracelet and looking at the gems.

"Hmmm… well at least you've got one concept right." Zeke replied, smiling at the spellcaster. He wasn't wrong when he thought that she would be able to use it properly as soon as she casted a spell.

Zeke raised Allesiah's hand and held on to the bracelet. He then began his explanation as he spun it around.

"These things actually came from the [Carnivorous Turtle's] shell. There is a rock on it that could register a single element and, once it does, it can amplify that spell by 100%." Zeke said, pointing at the gems that has different colors.

"But that isn't how it felt like. The amplification felt…less." Allesiah replied.

"Exactly. That's because I needed to cut down the stone and divide it into pieces. You see, once the stone registers an element, it won't be able to register a new one. Powerful as it may be, it'll be useless once you face an opponent which completely counters the element amplified." Zeke continued.

"That actually explains a lot. So how high is the amplification?" Allesiah asked getting her head nearer to the stones. Both of them are focused on the discussion that, they didn't even notice how close their faces are to each other.

Both of them didn't care of course. Zeke is so absorbed in explaining his handiwork that he couldn't care less. On the other hand, Allesiah is just as fascinated that nothing else mattered to her.

"Right now the amplification is limited to 10%. It was a huge rock and, chunking it down to bits actually failed a bunch of times. Plus, I even refined them as they came out in order to make them more efficient."

"Is that why they're as smooth surfaced as gems?" Allesiah asked.

"Yup. Oh and this is what I added to them." Zeke began, pressing on the head of the dragon which made the bracelet open up. The thing hidden inside is something which glowed a crystal blue color that seemed to flow and move. This thing covered the whole bracelet.

"This thing is called a mana detector and attractor. Once you activate a spell, it will automatically register the element used. Upon detection, it will single out that mana from the flow that exists around us. It will then collect it until you reach the desired amount for your skill." Zeke continued his explanation.

"Doesn't that mean I can actually double the spell power?" Allesiah asked, surprised from all the details.

"Not necessarily. There's a limit because, getting that much amplification may damage your body." Zeke added.

All these things are products of Zeke's crafting. He not only thought of the concept but also, made sure that he'd be efficient with the limited amount of resources he has. Of course, he could just summon the [Carnivorous Turtle] again and loot it. But that would take too much time and, time is not something which they have a luxury of.

Hence, as his body slept, his consciousness continually crafted items and materials. Allowing him to create the item which Allesiah is using at the moment.

"I'm not even going to ask how you were able to get your hands on all those materials." Allesiah said, knowing that her master has a lot of secrets.

"That actually saves me a lot of trouble." Zeke replied, continuing on with his explanation.

"Oh, and, the silver cover of the band is made from the same materials as Sebastian's shield. The crystal inside is very fragile so a container that could handle a lot of damage is needed.

"Your earrings are made from another special mineral. It allows whoever wears them to see the flow of mana and, gain a certain amount of control over it." Zeke said, now going on to holding Allesiah's earing. He then backed off as soon as he finished giving the details.

"Other than that, there isn't any amplification like you sister's staff. But I think these items suit you better. After all, your focus is on mana control and disruption, not spell force itself." Zeke finished.

"So what are they called?" Allesiah asked as the explanation finished.

"I actually wanted to name them myself. But then I thought, I should give you the honor of doing that." He replied, making Allesiah smile.

"You even bothered with such a small detail. That's very weird of you master." She said.josei

"Hey if you don't like it, I can just name them myself." Zeke said jokingly as he stood up.

Allesiah actually has something at the top of her mind, A name that'd probably give justice to such useful and good-looking weapons.

"Dragon of the Elements." This is the name she thought off for the bracelets. Seeing as it favors no single element and, has the shape of a dragon; she figured that this name would suit it. As for the earrings, the name she thought of is:

"Eyes of Mana." Referring to the fact that these earnings let her see the flow of mana.

Right after she finished her meal, Allesiah went back with everyone else. Harun poked her with her elbow a few times but, she didn't understand what it was for. Meanwhile, Zeke has already begun giving the instructions for the next part of the training.

"You guys only need around 100 more monsters defeated in order to spawn the boss. I'd love to see you do that but, we need to be more efficient with our time. So, I'm going to another part of the forest and clear as many waves as I can." Zeke said.

"'So are we supposed to fight the monster then?" Sylph asked, wanting to use here weapon against stronger opponent.

"No. Under no means are you to engage with those beasts." Zeke replied with a stern voice.

"All you are permitted to do is observe it from a distance. Do not provoke it nor start combat." He continued.

"Pshhh. Fine then." Sylph answered and at this, Zeke finally left.

After only a few seconds, Sylph faced the other elves who are left behind with her.

"Okay so this is how it'll really go. We corner that monster, rain it with attacks and, I'm sure it'll die by then." She said.

"Didn't master Zeke just instruct us to do otherwise?" Sebastian replied.

"Hey whose side are you on?" Sylph answered back, taking the lead of the group.

The elves knew how stubborn the second Windsprite could be. And, aside from this, they also wanted to test their limits with the monster. Although what Zeke said made sense, the words of Sylph was enough of an excuse for them to follow through with her idea. Thinking that "Hey, we didn't think of this. She did."

In the end, it was only Allesiah who strictly wanted to go against it. Yet, she didn't stop her sister; thinking that she probably has enough strength to defend Sylph.

The group then continued their assault. This didn't last long and, soon after, the crystal stopped summoning monsters.

At this, the group began their preparation for the monster that would come. Allesiah begun this by creating spells that has a similar nature to Zeke's detonate. The spells are already formed and, mana has already been condensed for them to work. The only thing left is for Allesiah to give the signal and, all of these will fire simultaneously.

As for Sebastian, he has begun setting up a thick wall of earth. They plan to cage the monster in order to limit its area of movement. Through this, Sylph can freely create a rain of arrows within the area while Harun will deliver the finishing blow after the barrage.

"This actually seems like a decent plan." Harun thought to herself, amazed that Sylph could think of such a strategy. But then again, she was once he leader of the Wood Scouts, an elite group of elf archers.

As they finished their preparations, the crystal began emitting a bright red color. The same thing that happened with the [Carnivorous Turtle].

"It's starting. Get ready guys." Sylph said, and then…it began.

They didn't even wait to see what kind of monster came out. Allesiah began with a fury of thunderbolts that struck down from the sky.

"Those idiots." Zeke said, seeing the display on the minimap. Of course, he saw how the summoning crystal has already change color and, of course he's noticed how there are no monsters spawning. He has been carefully observing the party from day one after all.

"Fine, I'll let you guys have a taste of your own medicine." Zeke though to himself, not teleporting to the area right away.

"Continue the assault. Don't reduce the force by a small bit!" Sylph commanded, firing the rain of arrows and following this up by a barrage of explosive arrows. They all waited for the agonizing screams of a beast. But all they got was silence. Getting a creeping idea in their heads that, they haven't done any damage.

Smoke and dirt rose from the enclosed space created by Sebastian and, while this onslaught continued, Harun looked for her target. She already has the proper posture for the assault and, was about to dive into the field. But then, she stopped.

"Harun why aren't you attacking?" Sylph asked in shock.

"It's not a monster." Harun replied, as the smoke cleared out.

What came from the smoke is a human figure. However, there are horns sticking out of his head, making the group think that it is a Beastman.

"What are you guys doing? No matter how human he looks, he came out from the summoning crystal! That's a monster kill it!" Sylph ordered. Allesiah immediately followed, releasing her [Darkness Spheres]. Coupled with this are bullets made of condensed air. Sylph also followed this through by firing a couple of arrows to the enemy.

The horned human simply looked at the attacks in a bored stare. And, in the blink of an eye, he danced through the attacks, dodging everything without even the slightest look of strain in his movements.

The opponent then took out a sword that the elves have never seen before. It is a katana, the prided weapon of the Japanese Samurais. The enemy ran towards the walls and, easily enough, he was able to tear them down like they are nothing more than wet sand piled together.

Then, Allesiah activated [Flash Freeze]. One large enough to cover the whole area in ice. She breathed heavily after performing the spell, knowing that it is too much for her even with the equipment she has.

"We need to go." She ordered, looking at Sylph with a serious expression. The older Windsprite bit her lower lip, knowing that Allesiah is right. However, things didn't go as planned.

"Leaving so soon?" The words were both cold and indifferent, sending a chill that ran through their body. They knew instantly that it was the opponent who spoke. However, their bodies couldn't match the speed of their thought.

They wanted to turn and attack but, the opponent was just too swift. And, just before their heads got slashed, they heard something graze past them.

"This is why I usually work alone." Zeke said as he came out of the shadows holding on to his twin pistols.

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