The Gamer's System

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: Hitting Two Monsters With One Strike

Zeke watched the fight unfold from a safe distance. The [Corrosive Viper] continued moving around, avoiding every break in the ground created by the [Steel Golem]. The viper then continues to using a bunch of skills which dealt some damage to the golem. 

One is [Tail Blade] which turned the tail of the [Corrosive Viper] into a sharp and hard object. With this, it continued slashing at the [Steel Golem], targeting only a single spot ion order to deepen the cut which only started out as a scratch.

Zeke understood immediately that the monster is bad news. It quickly adapts to its enemy and develops a way in order to deal with the situation. This means that, the [Corrosive Viper] has a decent amount of battle sense. This does not directly translate to intelligence because, the [Corrosive Viper] fell for Zeke's trick after all.

Although, it was in an angered and irritated state during that time. This would explain why he was able to fool the [Corrosive Viper] which showed a promising performance during the fight. But then again, its opponent is not falling short on creating countermeasures.

The [Steel Golem] noticed the cut being gradually made. Hence, it began using [Earth Shatter] on the areas where the [Corrosive Viper] made its attacks. The viper slithered its way around the cracks which continued increasing in a steady pace. This limited its movements more and more as the breaks in the ground continued increasing. Then, after a few minutes of dodging and attacking, it inevitably got a part of its body fall to the [Steel Golem's] attack. 

The [Steel Golem] didn't miss this chance and tried to squeeze [Corrosive Viper] in. The latter monster hissed in pain but, immediately got out of its predicament by spitting [Corrosion] on the part where its body got stuck, creating more free space which allowed it to get out move to a safer location.

"So corrosion will not work on its own body. That means the information given by Analysis is accurate." Zeke thought to himself, observing how the vile liquid didn't deal any damage to the [Corrosive Viper's] skin.

The fight then continued. However, while the [Corrosive Viper] did a bunch of attacks, there seemed to be little to no damage done to the [Steel Golem]. However, Zeke knew that there is a greater plan to the continuous attacks of the [Corrosive Viper]. And, as this creature dodged another [Earth Shatter], he finally had his guess proved.

The [Corrosive Viper] secreted its venom on the area where a large cut has been made. The [Steel Golem] didn't scream in pain like a normal monster. But Zeke saw the attack dealing its damage, causing the health of the [Steel Golem] to finally start decreasing in a considerable amount. It then began being more aggressive with its [Earth Shatter] – placing the [Corrosive Venom in a difficult predicament as it continued trying to avoid the breaks on the ground which increased more and more.

As the area of movement for the [Corrosive Viper] decreased more and more, Zeke knew that it would have no choice later on. The viper needs to coil itself to the [Steel Golem] and fight in a melee. Otherwise, it'll just get trapped in the increasing number of traps created by [Earth Shatter].

"Do I need to kill you guys by myself?" Zeke thought to himself knowing that there is a chance for him to resummons them as his conjures if he kills them off himself. 

"Let's just wait and see for now." He continued, thinking of his current arsenal and what means he could employ in order to push though with this plan.

Zeke knows that the fight is not a fool proof plan to defeat both monsters. If the [Corrosive Viper] escapes, the [Steel Golem] would not be able to catch up to it and, at that point, Zeke needs to deal the finishing blow to the monster. However, that much is difficult as he could barely deal any damage to the [Steel Golem] once it activates its [Ultimate Defender] skill.

Zeke left the thought hanging for the moment as he continued observing the battle. Things continued with the [Corrosive Viper] finally being able to constrict its opponent.

However, it could not squeeze the [Steel Golem] as this creature is too tough and sturdy. The viper then bit on a part of the [Steel Golem's] armor, digging its fangs deep within its opponent. Zeke saw the damage slowly being dealt. The [Steel Golem] didn't allow itself to be beaten by such a pathetic attack. It started stretching its arms outward, tearing the body of the viper which did its best to keep the constriction in place. 

The [Corrosive Viper] secreted more [Corrosion], adding even more damage to weaken its opponent. As it stands, both monsters didn't let up. and, Zeke had an idea coming out from viewing these two monsters in their current dilemma.

He used a [Teleportation Scroll] and got even farther away from the fight. Then, he brought out [Death's Symphony Mk. II] and began charging it with [Umbral Slash]. He continued feeding the skill to the mana cores installed within his twin pistols – storing more and more damage which Zeke noticed as the weapon felt heavier every time he allowed it to consume more of the skill.

"Just stay in that position." Zeke said as the attack actually takes a lot of effort and time to create. 

The monsters continued battling each other. The [Corrosive Viper] moved its head around the [Steel Golem] trying to find a weak spot. Yet all that met it are the hard and sturdy parts of its opponent. Both creatures fought with an equal amount of force – pressuring each other to be on alert and look for an opening to strike.

As they did, the [Corrosive Viper] finally felt the presence of Zeke, or rather, the large amount of mana building up in a single direction. Zeke saw the [Corrosive Viper] looking at his direction.

"Crap, That's not good." He said, thinking that he is actually on a far enough distance for the monsters not to notice him. After all, he is using the [x32] scope of the system which means that, he should've been too far to be noticed.josei

The [Corrosive Viper] immediately tried to break away from the [Steel Golem]. This made Zeke worry for a second but then, the [Steel Golem] is able to hold on to a part of its opponent –locking it in a spot and pressing its body down on the ground.

"That was close." Zeke said as his pistols began getting cracks all over.

He remembered the warning given by the system as soon as he finished creating the weapon. 'Upon generating more than what it can handle, the pistols will break.' And Zeke clearly remembers this. However, the situation requires him to go beyond the limits as, he has only one shot at defeating both monsters.,

His weapon will break after he fires the charged attack. Furthermore, if he attacks with anything less, the monsters will just be wary of his presence – making the situation less favorable for him. 

With how things flowed, Zeke knew that this attack is his only chance of finishing the fight in the fastest and simplest way possible. After all, he still needs to prepare for the fifth boss which is supposed to be on a whole other level compared to the monsters which Zeke has already faced.

With the fight that continued, the [Corrosive Viper] still tried to get away. And, it was able to do this with its slippery body. But then, it got stuck in one of the breaks in the ground created by the [Steel Golem]. In its panic to run to safety, it got a bit careless, trapping it in its current predicament.

Unlike it, the [Steel Golem] does not feel the presence of Zeke. As mentioned, the monster is simple to the point that, it lacks a lot of functions with only its defense and AoE attack being available. This benefitted Zeke who has an unmoving chunk of steel as one of his targets. While the other target is a squirming gigantic viper stuck on the ground.

[Warning: The pistols will explode if even more mana ate stored in to it.] 

At this, Zeke knew that he is at the breaking point of his weapons. He then activated his [Scope] function. He aimed for an area where he could clearly hit both monster at the same time. The pistols are now covered by a black static, with the same dark glow coming out from the cracks in the weapon.

Without missing a heartbeat, Zeke pulled both triggers. This sent him flying back and hitting a tree, which broke all the bones on his arms in the process. The attack itself appeared in a flash, an enormous dark beam with the same black static covering it. The [Viper] couldn't escape from the attack as the charged [Umbral Slash] even covered the spaces where [Viper] could've moved to.

This applied even more so to the sluggishly moving [Steel Golem]. The shot of Zeke devastated everything it grazed, digging through the ground where its passed and, destroying all the trees that stood on its way. Soon enough, the attack met its target and, devoured both monsters within the darkness of Zeke's bullets. 

The human didn't stop with his attack. Right as his arms recovered, he teleported to the scene and, just as he expected, the [Corrosive Viper] died to the strike. The [Steel Golem] is still alive however and, Zeke immediately act red based on the situation. 

Zeke's guns are now both shattered. However, the cores are still fine. Although they could break at any moment. Zeke charged one of these with enough mana for it to explode and, on his other hand, Zeke summoned the blade used by Erio. Gaining all the attributes that comes with the [Blood Elf Swordsman's] blade. 

Zeke moved with haste, using [Quick Step] to dodge the [Earth Shatter] which the golem could still use. Then, he jumped up and swirled around on the air. Zeke hit a part that already cracked open due to his first strike and, with the blade continually hitting it, the area crumbled even more showing the [Steel Golem's] hollow inside with an item that glowed blue in the middle.

He couldn't fit in the hole and thus, decided to throw the damaged core inside, supplying it with one last burst of mana. This overcharged the core which immediately lead to its explosion. Zeke couldn't' get away from the blast and, in an instant, a blinding flash of light covered the whole area. This destroyed the remains of the [Corrosive Viper] and shook the earth so much that, the servants waiting in the cabin worried about Zeke's current state.

The quake continued for a few more seconds and, dust covered the whole area, swirling around the center of the explosion. As soon as all of this settled, Zeke came out on top of a shattered [Steel Golem]. Holding the monster's core in the palm of his hand.

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