The Gamer's System

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: The Fifth Week

"How many does that make?" Gallio asked as he slashed the last opponent in half. 

The king stood on top of a mound of monster corpses. These monsters are generated through the same technology that the Wood Scouts used in order to summon a hundred [Shadow Wolves] on the forest. This is an invention of Gallio, one which he has used mostly in order to continually sharpen his skills – fearing that the lack of practice would make his movements in the battlefield dull.

"That makes a two-thousand [Shadow Wolves] in total my lord. Adding to the two dragons which you also slew, there are a two-thousand and two monsters which you've defeated in the past hour." Glade reported, counting the number of summoning crystals used by Gallio for this exercise.

The raw power of his ancestor never fails to amaze him. Yet, he didn't like the existence of such an abnormal entity, one who could easily tip the balance on the continents of mythos.

"I think I'm getting a bit weaker Glade. Send in two more dragons and well be done for this morning." Gallio said, swinging his blade while jumping up continually in order to keep his body warmed up.

"As much as I want to follow that order my lord, you have a meeting with the war generals this morning and, punctuality is of utmost importance." Glade replied. 

He is the only one who could talk this casually to the king. After all, he has shown his unwavering loyalty to the Leonis household and, most especially to Gallio. This is also the reason why Glade is such a fearsome opponent. Even the king himself who has experienced beings tabbed inn the back by his most trusted comrades could not see how Glade is plotting his demise.

"Okay then, tell the soldiers to clean this mess up and deliver all the meat to the kitchen. The soldiers have a lot of beefing up to do before we go to war next week." The king commanded, making Glade bow and continue on with his command. Two female servants came after, aiding the king and leaving Glade on the practicing field.

"Honestly, how does he even summon that much power." Glade said, breaking three summoning crystals which immediately released 300 [Shadow Wolves]. The monsters locked their eyes on the elf who stood in the middle of the bloodied corpses of their kind. The creatures knew instantly that he is their opponent.

"Let's have a go then." He said with a smile on his face, beginning the onslaught of the monsters.

The whole field seemed to be covered by a black mist as, the [Shadow Wolves] moved quickly, attacking in groups as they tried to corner and pin down Glade.

Unfortunately for them, their opponent is nowhere near an easy prey. With each step that the wolves take, Glade also finds his way to close the gap between him and a single member of the pack. Using the weapons left by the dead General Erio, Glade seemed to dance through the battlefield, attacking and defending in a fluid motion.

With each passing second is a [Shadow Wolf] corpse added to the number which has been slain. This gladdened Glade who had a lot of stress built up. The primary reason for this stress is none other than Zeke.

"Why isn't that human contacting me until now. What are you up to Zeke?" Glade jumped in the air, avoiding an attack from one of the [Shadow Wolves]. Another one tried to capitalize on this moment however, Glade simply jumped on top of this monster's forehead and, proceeded to stabbing it near its jaws using the shorter blade. He then chopped off the body in half using the longer blade, needing not much effort in performing the slash.

"War is coming in a week and, he'll definitely have a harder time once the King joins the campaigns." As Glade reached the ground, he bolted to the nearest wolf which tried to bite him. Unfortunately for the monster, Glade's long sword is faster and, the weapon found its way within the mouth of the monster. Glade immediately took out his sword as two more wolves came rushing in.

"Body Double." Glade said as the wolves grabbed on to his body using their fangs. More wolves pounced in, tearing Glade's body into multiple pieces. Little did these creatures know that, what they are eating is nothing more than a copy of Glade's body and, one which has a surprise inside it.

The real Glade appeared at a blind spot, killing a single [Shadow Wolf] that was on that area.

"Such dull creatures." Glade thought to himself as he snapped his fingers, causing his cloned body to explode. This destroyed a lot of the wolves and, made them search the area for whoever it is that cause the attack.

Glade looked at the shadow which came from the window and, it told him that it is almost time for the meeting. Hence, he sped things up even more, raising his sword to the sky.

"This may just be an imitation but, it's enough to kill you all." Glade told the monsters which finally noticed him.

"Imitation Spell: Rain of the Thunder Dragons." At this, lighting bolts fired from the top of the room. 

Normally, this would cause an earthquake and make a loud and disturbing sound under. However, Glade has already made sure to conceal his activity as he enveloped the whole room in a cloaking spell which contained everything that transpired, absorbing both noise and vibrations within the spell.josei

He watched the scene, thinking how useful his imitation skill is. This attribute of his not only allows him to copy skills but also, make revisions on it as long as Glade knew the principles behind the spells. Then, Glade finally went for the door, brushing then single spec of dust that stuck to his clothes as he fought with 300 Shadow Wolves.

"To think that the king fought all those with one arm tied behind his back and, not suing any skills. Honestly, that elf is not mortal anymore." Glade thought to himself, proceeding to the war room where he expects the generals to already be at.

The days have felt longer for the citizens of Elysium. With how busy the military activities are, there isn't a time for the citizens to have any decent sleep nor enjoy any relaxing or pleasing activity.

Wherever one looks, a citizen is bound to smell the pile of corpses that is about to rise. They could smell the fear of the soldiers, mixed with the excitement of those who wanted to test their new found strength against the other races.

Nobody can stop this anymore. Whether they like it or not. Whether the war is distasteful or not. Nobody can stop King Gallio from proceeding with his plans.

"Give me a status on the training of our soldiers." Gallio began as all the generals have already been gathered.

"As of the moment, we have properly categorized the soldiers within our ranks. There are long range, heavy artillery, assault, defenders, cavalry, sorcerers, and a decent number of elites per group. We have also divided the number of elves equally in order to fight all three continents at the same time." A long-bearded general said.

Gallio knew that, by starting a war, he would also break the thousand-year peace treaty which has been established in Mythos. Thus, he needs to have enough forces to fight all of them and, at equal terms.

"What about the monsters?" Gallio continued.

"At the moment, we are still charging a hundred crystals my King. We've already used as many corpses as we could but, we still lack the amount of flesh to be sucked up by the crystals." A spectacled general replied.

"That's a shame. If only they monsters within the forest were still alive, we'd have enough for those." Gallio said regretfully. He then proceeded to his command.

"Get all the useless citizens. Kill them and offer their life to charge the remaining crystals." Gallio finished, making the command with indifference in his eyes. 

The elves in the room did not fear this order. After all, King Gallio has promised to spare all their loved ones and every member of their household if they do as he commands. Everyone within the war meeting is from a distinguished household – holding a decent amount of power and resources within their grasps. 

By threatening these individuals, Gallio ensured that he could make use of all their resources while also not needing to manage them directly. While he can continue changing hosts, he cannot be at two place at once and, with the number of preparations which he needs to make, he requires the best men for the job. 

"Let's move to the weapons and supply." Gallio stated, leading the group to look at the general who wore an eyepatch on his right eye. The general is not actually half blind, he just thinks that the eyepatch makes him look a bit badass.

"All supplies have been secured and, all weapons have been handed to the soldiers. The porter teams are also ready and, have been well trained for their duty." The general said.

"Good." Gallio began, satisfied with the reports of his generals and, proceeding to his main battle plan.

"As we have discussed, the troops will be divided into three. Each will be transported to a different continent within Mythos. We have already created the portals on each continent, ensuring that each ahs been placed within the capital." Gallio began.

The transportation he speaks of is similar to Zeke's [Transportation Scrolls]. However, these can transport a whole army at once and, to the locations specified by the crystals. Through Gallio's links and connections, he was able to place all the crystals within the areas that are most advantageous to his soldiers.

This is the only way for them to win. With the shock that would come from suddenly getting attacked, mobilization of a continent's army would not be executed properly. At this, Gallio's forces will already have an upper hand, securing the most powerful land within every continent.

Gallio stood and faced the window just behind him. He saw the horizon before him, stretching endlessly. He wanted it all, he wanted to conquer everything and destroy all which stands in hiss way. 

"I'm done waiting. As soon as the next full moon rises, the whole of Mythos will bathe in the color of crimson." 

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