The Gamer's System

Chapter 92

Chapter 92: What Followed

Allesiah and Sylph woke up within what seem to be a hidden labyrinth. Confused on a lot of things, they tried to get up immediately but, found shortly after that both their hands and feet have been shackled in order to prevent any form of escape. These are connected to chains that stick to the cold concrete below them. 

Sylph immediately tried taking them off with brute force - swinging her arms around. This proved to be ineffective as the shackles have been made to ensnare and capture even a dragon. On the other hand, Allesiah tried to analyze the whole situation. josei

Tall walls surround them wherever she looks. Contrary to a prison cell, there are no bars that keep them from the outside. Meaning, they are probably within a large enclosed area that cannot be escaped easily. Then there are the shackles. The disciple of Zeke looked intently on the material, thinking of what it is exactly.

If only Zeke was there, they would have known every single detail about the item. But he wasn't there and…he wasn't anywhere in fact. The human died from Glade's attack. With Analysis, this is what would've shown on the information of the shackles.

[Name: Nullifying Shackles] 

[Grade: S]

[Information: The shackles are made from ancient crystals infused with metals that could absorb their attributes. Anything that uses up mana is rendered useless and, any attempt to use these methods will result in the release of poison on the cuffed person's body – making them feel immeasurable pain for a whole minute.]

Allesiah experience this right away as she tried to use the mana flow around her. She felt something poke her flesh from the inside of the cuff. Soon after, the poison ran rampant through her veins.

"AGGGHHH!" Allesiah screamed as she felt its effects immediately.

"Hey bastards what did you do to my sister?" Sylph shouted but, found only silence as her response. There aren't any escape routes which they could take and, neither will any form of assistance come anytime soon. With Glade controlling every situation connected to Elysium, the sisters are left to themselves.

The area is far from the city itself. The whole structure is located underground with Minotaur guarding the entrance and, every other part of it. Any unregistered person who enters within the area won't survive the number of traps, guards, and defenses which Glade prepared. Even with the loud screams of Allesiah echoing, nobody would hear her.

Soon, the one minute of agony ended. Allesiah learned not to use mana and, warned her sister from performing the same. Everything about their current predicament just spells bad for Allesiah. In fact, both of them could feel how odds seem to run against their favor. Yet, Allesiah haven't lost hope. 

"Master. I hope you're safe." Were the words running through her head as she thought of Zeke's safety. There are even details that she needs to inform him off; details which will be crucial upon discovering who tampered with their transport. 

Meanwhile, the elf who placed them on the labyrinth have just arrived to war. Donning an armor of black which represents neither elves nor blood elves, Glade stepped into the battlefield as if he owned the place. Soon enough demons came flying toward him and, the new king answered in kind by taking out a lance. 

"Accuracy Increase, Ultimate Berserker, Monarch's Domain, Curse Expansion, Damage Multiplier." He used all these skills and, threw the lance to the flying enemies. The attack didn't end and, continued moving toward the backlines of the enemies. An explosion soon came which swirled in pitch black. 

He then snapped his fingers, summoning Chimeras to help with the battle. He continued by bringing out a sword that imitated the same effects of Leo Rex. With a single slash of this weapon, Glade effectively cut the wings of some flying enemies, making them crash down to ground where the elven forces are waiting.

By this time, the forces of the enemies have already recognized how dangerous the new enemy is. The elf gladly walked toward another group of forces rushing toward him. 

"Double Barrier. Shield Strengthen." Glade simply said, creating an invisible wall which blocked all projectiles coming toward him. One by one, the elf tested out all the skills which Gallio never used. Gallio only used a number of skills as, he dislikes suing most of his skills. In his opinion, close quarter combat is always the best because, this is the only chance his enemies have of actually damaging him.

Glade didn't care much about this philosophy of Gallio. He simply used enhanced long-range skills, maximizing the output of each skill used by combining strengthening and amplifying spells to them. He threw spears, lances, projectile spells, and added layer after layer of defensive skills on him. Even if, by a stroke of luck, one attack passe through his defensive skills, it won't amount to much as the armor he wears can absorb 90% of the damage inflicted.

It didn't take long for the battel to balance out. When he initially arrived, the elves have actually began losing. But, with his appearance, Glade sent a torrent of damage to the enemies, pushing them back and evening out the battle. With the momentum being regained by the elves, Glade finally found a chance to ask the current state of things.

He teleported to where the commanding officer is located, surprising the elves but, remaining calm nonetheless. With the display put up by Glade earlier, they have a clear idea of how dangerous the person is.

"Give me the coordinates where I need to strike." He ordered. There wasn't much resistance put up by the officer. He went on to presenting the amp of the battle and, putting a red marking on all locations which are vital for the fight.

"Understood. Tell your forces to back away if they value their lives." Was all that Glade replied as he floated up on the sky and, began to charge another large-scale attack. 

"Chaos Sphere." He began, creating a whirlpool that continued getting stronger with each passing second. The sky turned darker than it already is and, lightning continued striking the ominous sphere created by Glade.

But, the insanity of the skill didn't end there. Glade is nowhere near satisfied with his skill practice. Hence, he activates more skills to blend with the initial one he released.

"Mimic." He repeated this skill four times, creating four more orbs that swirled around the initial one. The demons didn't simply stay silent as this occurred. Some of them found a way to get within range. Yet, even this is a futile attempt.

"Clone." Glade said, creating two mirror images of him which fought the devils that tried to interrupt his experiment. Each clone only has 50% of Glade's attributes. But this is more than enough to overpower the demons.

"Amplify Darkness." He continued, making the spheres grow even more in size. Then, a finishing touch was added to the other mimicked versions of the original one.

"Remove Restriction." This made the mimicked [Chaos Spheres] as strong as the original one. Huge cyclones have now formed and, even Glade has trouble seeing so he activated another skill that lets his vision get clearer. Another skill was activated to further the distance of his sight.

Nothing could stop him now. The demons who are known to be both cold blooded and indifferent couldn't stop their inner instincts to act up. They felt the fear of death. One which is so assured that, some of them even froze in place to accept their fate. Luckily for them, this came swiftly with the next actions taken by Glade.

"Instant Teleport. Area Expansion." Glade chanted, making his skill disappear without a trace. The following events came so quickly that, it took everyone by surprise. In fact, the sight was so unbelievable that, nobody knew what to make of it. Lightning turned black wherever the skill hit; the earth continued shaking so violently that cracks began to show up. Those unlucky enough got swallowed by the breaks on the earth's surface which closed as quickly as they opened.

This onslaught continued on for another ten minutes. Nobody could attack properly and, everyone simply focused on trying to survive. Then, the sudden clam came and, with it is Glade transporting back to the commanding officer. 

He threw a head to him. One which the elf recognized to be owned one of the strongest warriors within the demon continent. He released it immediately from shock and, slumped on the ground.

"I presume you can finish things here?" Glade said, having carefully analyzed the situation.

"Yes sir." The officer said; still unsure of what to make of the situation. Some soldiers were able to come to him up close and, thought immediately of King Gallio's right hand man - Glade. Yet, the features and aura are all different from Glade. Even his hair and skin color have changed, making the same soldiers doubt themselves.

Before the commanding officer could even ask anything more, Glade has already disappeared from their sights. He went to the remaining continents, ensuring that the tides of battle will always be in favor of Elysium's forces. With Zeke's party destroying most of the backup forces, Glade has no choice but to deal with matters himself.

Yet, he gladly placed this task upon himself to complete. Glade needs a way to measure his newly attained power and, what better excuse to use excessive force than on a war. But, these gears of chaos which Glade have put into motion does not end in Mythos. For, even in the realm of the gods, everything is in turmoil.

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