The Gamer's System

Chapter 93

Chapter 93: The Trial

A trial followed Zeke's death. This trial is, of course, within the realm of the gods. All of them seemed to be floating in a giant space, with stars adorning the whole area. Around them are planets that are suspended in space. The gods and goddesses came in various forms and sizes. Some have human characteristics. Some look more spirit like. Some look like the incarnation of death and evil itself. While, some look mortal. Of course, when facing humans, they retain a human figure. This is to avoid too many questions that may be asked by humans they encounter. 

On top of all the minor gods are the three major deities. Just like the minor gods, these three are in their original forms. Nisha has horns sticking out of her forehead. Her eyes are darker than the void, her skin is just a bit lighter than her eyes while, she is dressed in what seems to be a black hole. Sinclair is the exact opposite. Although she always tones it down in order to avoid blinding some minor gods – the goddess of light and creation has wings of the devil and, the tail of a dragon. Contrary to people's idea of angels, Sinclair looks more like a dragon of light than an actual goddess of it. 

Meanwhile, Chrono retains the same figure shown to Zeke. Although he also has an original form, Chrono has been using the childlike body for a long time that, he declared it as his original.

The same three deities have no words to express how they felt at the moment. Not only have they lost a really capable, gifted, and versatile human, but they have also lost a valuable piece in restoring order to Mythos. 

Furious, they didn't wait a second longer. With a snap of their fingers, all the gods and goddesses got transported to the Council of the Divine. Explaining the whole agenda to those gathered, the questioning began immediately. Of course, their only lead is Yaeger and so, she is the one interrogated.

"The goddess Yaeger will now explain herself before the council of the divine." 

Zeke isn't the first victim of these suspicious events. In fact, there was already one case in the past that they found to be suspicious. However, there weren't clear hints on the case. This led to it being labeled as an accident. But this time, with a human of Zeke's caliber being wasted, the main deities will not rest until every weed within the council has been executed. josei

"Why is it that your transport led them to the middle of the enemy camps?" Said the interrogating god. Yaeger just wanted to snap his neck but, that would be unprofessional of her. And seeing how the three major deities are present, even she knows better than to be disrespectful with her actions.

"That wasn't my intention. The transport was safe and, I assured this myself." She said in reply, presenting them with a magic formula recorder. The item, just like the name suggests, can record everything connected to a spell used. 

This isn't a god made item. It is one of the many innovative inventions of the Dwellers. But, this in itself isn't enough to convince those around her.

"That is made by mortals and therefore faulty. Can you show any other evidence proving your innocence?" The interrogator replied. Yaeger already has a thousand ideas on how to murder the irritating god. But again, she made sure to keep her calm. The goddess knows that, those behind this would benefit if she caused a scene.

Other gods began making low mumbling sounds. Sinclair gave them a sharp stare, making them roll back their tongues and close their mouths shut. There are a few gods which they didn't want to anger and, on the top of this list are the main deities. Sinclair, in particular, only needs a snap of her fingers to hit them with the same force of a red supergiant's explosion.

"Guys. You know how much I hate your guts right?" Yaeger began, knowing that on the council, she is the only goddess who was first a mortal. Not only this, she loves Mythos and, has always believed in the goodness of people. A goddess such as herself is the least likely to cause any destruction or harm to mortals.

"Answer the question." The interrogating god continued.

"I have no idea. You can rewind what happened and, you'll see that I created a safe transport for them. One which was supposed to be directed at Elysium's forest." She said, suggesting that they use Chrono's powers to look at the events.

"LIES!" Calitha, the god of fire said. He was there when Pier meddled with the transport and, unlike the other gods, he couldn't hide his nervousness from what is currently transpiring. Other minor gods began making noises. Soon enough, the interrogation felt more like a one-sided trial.

"There he goes again." Pier thought to himself. He knows the god quite well and, knows that the same god cannot remain calm under pressure. Even though he isn't the one being interrogated, Calitha feels as if the major deities are on to him. 

With the ruckus caused, Nisha began to act. The room began getting darker with every passing second. Everyone felt the cold embrace of death approach them even though they are gods. There is a feeling of emptiness that began welling up inside them, as if their existence is slowly getting eaten up. This caused them to fall silent, making Nisha discontinue from her action. 

Sitting perfectly still on her chair, the goddess put the reigns on the other gods. She didn't even need to speak in order to show her dominance. This is the reason why Chrono brought a blanket with him, he knows that it won't be long before the minor gods stir Nisha's wrath once again.

"Forgive me for my imprudence!" The god said as he backed off. Pier couldn't help but giggle as he saw the Calitha stumbling like a mortal. 

After using Chrono's powers to get a rewind of the events, Yaeger continued her defense. The three deities knew her very well. Although she is referred to as the goddess of the hunt, Yaeger has done nothing but hunt the monsters generated in her realm. She does not like violence nor does she involve herself in any conflict or war. Out of all the gods, it is only her who dislikes getting involved with the majority.

"I was once a citizen of Mythos. In fact, I was part of the original Dwellers. And believe me, I'd rather murder all of you than cause any more harm to the place that was once my home." She continued. 

Sinclair didn't like the sharpness of Yaeger's tongue. Nisha on the other hand remained indifferent. While Chrono loved the strong personality of the goddess. All the minor gods still kept their mouths shut, fearing the rage of Nisha which may come if they cause any more commotion.

A lot of other questions were given to Yaeger. However, none of them placed her in any trouble. Over and over again, the goddess of the hunt proved her innocence. This made Calitha nervous once again. His heart, in fact, could be heard thumping through his chest. Pier on the other hand remained calm, knowing that no harm would come to him.

The gods finished the meeting without accomplishing anything. But, the three major deities created a task force which would investigate the events. They already have their suspicions on Pier but, since the god remained calm all throughout the trial, the major deities decided to gather more evidences. 

"For now, investigations on the transportation will be made. This won't take long, the gods we assigned will finish investigating within 24 hours." Sinclair began.

"Whoever it was that got involved in this, I hope you're ready to become my new playthings." Chrono continued.

The gods and goddesses began preparing to get out. But then, the goddess of darkness and void used her skill once again. This time the power is multiplied twice, giving all those present a difficulty in breathing. She stopped it as soon as some fainted from the attack.

"I assure you, not even a speck of dust will be left on your existence once I'm through with you." Nisha warned them, still unable to get over the fact that Zeke is dead.

"You are dismissed." She continued, returning the gods and goddesses to their daily businesses. 

Within Mythos, it isn't only Zeke who died. A lot of deaths have been caused by Gallio's greed and Glade's ambition. This includes the thousands of soldiers which were killed by Zeke and the Windsprites. There was no other choice but to end the lives of the Half Blood Elves that have been tainted by Gallio's blood. 

Among these deaths however, is one which was uncalled for. On the ground, Keith lay with life finally escaping from his eyes. With the poison than ran through his body and, the hit made by Gallio, the poor frame of the child finally gave up. But this isn't the end of it.

A few seconds after his death, the boy's fingers began twitching. The boy who is supposed to be dead, began getting up until he was able to stand up completely. His hair changed to a silvery gray and, his eyes burned a crimson red - as if the body is foreign to him, the boy tried moving around.

"I'm sorry you were brought into this mess." Were the first words spoken by Keith as he said one command:

"Open status bar."

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