The Grand Mistress

Chapter 148 - Exquisite

Chapter 148 - Exquisite

The tent was filled with Simione's moans and when Hawk's lips started traveling down on her blushing body, the moan became constant and intense. It was raining hard outside and so the sound Simione made blended into the rain as it flew into the air, making a melody that sounded so sweet and alluring in both the lovers' ears. 

When Hawk's tongue slid past through her most intricate part, Simione lost it all. She bit her lips hard and arched her body desperately wanting to feel more of it. His tongue was so hot and was giving her both pleasure and promise that right then, the supple power of her body suddenly awakened at it. Simione's naked flesh moved to each of Hawk's strokes, dancing to the rhythm it made, like a dancer executing a routine graciously in bed. Not long, something inside her burst and she reached a daze of exquisite sensation only Hawk was able to make feel. Her orgasm rose and broke slowly and the sound she let while drowned on it made Hawk felt so manly. 

With how Simione moved and moaned for him, Hawk was having hard time controlling himself so just as her orgasm fled and her panting died, the man took off his shorts and let go of his erection. His woman was all splattered in bed, covered with covers and was bushing red from the undeniable sensation he just gave her. Knowing how beautiful she was, Hawk pulled the covers up to see her naked splendor hidden between it and what welcomed him was her surprised mortified face, as well as her ever magnificent curves and silky soft skin. Thoroughly exposed, she tried to cover her body with her hands but Hawk snapped it away before she could.

"Don't," He chastised gently and swept his gaze across her. "I want to see all of you mi amore,"

Simione bit her lips feeling too vulnerable and exposed at Hawk Monsanto's advances and yet even when she felt a little comfortable at the way he looked at her, he let him have the favor. Besides, although there was a fire outside, it wasn't bright enough for him to see everything. However knowing that she was there with him, ready to be taken and tasted, Hawk still took much pleasure in it. 

Not wanting to deny himself any longer, he positioned his full erection at Simione's intricate entrance and Simione readied herself for whatever was next. The mentor that Lucy hired warned her that her first would be very painful but she had to endure it no matter what. The lust and pleasure had already taken over her and right then, she couldn't think of anything but anticipate the man's next move. 

Hawk gave Simione one lustful look before he bent down a little and pushed but just as his engorged manhood entered her a little, Simone groaned in a little pain and Hawk became aware of the barrier he had to cross to own her. This rigidly surprised him and so he withdrew immediately.

"Shit!" He cursed frustratedly at what he had found and he turned away from her and took the pain of not being fulfilled. He grimaced at the pain of wanting but held it off as he didn't want to take her then. "You are a virgin…"

"What's wrong?" Simione was utterly confused. She sat at the tent and asked Hawk who was still tending his pain and suppressing his urges. "Didn't you like it?"

Hawk didn't respond for a moment as he was crumbling in pain and he needed to let the pain die out, so was his urges.It took a while though and Simione was already feeling complicated at how he chose to stop at a very crucial moment. In the end, the girl took the covers, covered her naked and turned her back the way Hawk did so with her. When Hawk recovered finally and realized how Simione misunderstood it, he went to her and appeased her.

"Mi amore…" Hawk gently caressed her but Simione shoved off his touch.

"I get it, you don't want to take responsibility," The girl spatted and Hawk let go a frustrated sigh at her words. He chose to bury his head at her shoulder for a while as he cursed at how things went. He honestly did not want things to end this way tonight but then again, he messed up.

"Mi amore, listen," After a while, as the tensions went low, Hawk tried to make her understand what happened.

"I want to rest now, go away," The girl pushed him away and rolled to the sheets, very determined to be alone. She wanted to cry at this time but she thought she had no reason to, or perhaps the reason wasn't worth it so she swallowed her tears.

Hawk however was determined to appease her so even when she was already annoyed and pissed, he continually tried to soothe her anger but Cat wasn't having it, she aggressively pushed him away until Hawk was left with no choice but rolled her with force back toward him until the girl was lying down under him and her hands being pinned by his. Hawk looked at her thoroughly, begging to just ease off for a moment and be willing to listen.

"Screw you Hawk Monsanto! I hate you!" She threw at him and resisted but he was just too strong for her.  historical

"Can you just listen?" Hawk's voice was so madly frustrated he sounded like a mad man then. It was the very first time Simione heard him that loud and hard that in an instant, that she somehow flinched in fear. God! Was this the real Hawk Monsanto? His grey eyes were burning mad and his face was so rigid as a domineering aura came out from him. Cat silenced in fear as if she was a little cat in front of the Lion, ready to be his very own supper for night.

When Hawk saw that he had been a little too much and saw Cat's fear, he softened right away. He was just so frustrated at many things then he hardly had his emotion under control. His unsatisfied need already dried out his energy and Simione's backlash only made him more frustratedly exhausted. 

"I'm sorry mi amore, I didn't mean to scare you," Hawk drew his face close to her and kissed her gently on the head. He planted more gentle kisses on her face further until all the tension died down and Simione was no longer resisting and their breathing went steady.

"Let me go now," Simione asked gently then, wanting to withdraw to her own private space and not argue with him anymore. 

"No love, we have to talk about it,"

Simione sighed and closed her eyes for a moment to sucked in the remaining pain. "You already told me a few weeks ago that you don't want me. Tonight was my fault, I should have known where to place myself. I just got...I got lost for a moment, I'm—"

"No" Hawk shook his head gently as each of Simione's words struck his heart hard. He did reject her, but right then he was regretting it the most.

"There's no need for much of an explanation Hawk," Simione went on, "You are going to get married soon, it's only natural you resist such a temptation like me,"

"God Cat! That is not what I intended, okay?" The man couldn't hear anymore of her conclusion because it was only making him feel guilty even more. "If only you knew how much I wanted this...I wanted you so badly...I'd give anything just to have you tonight..but I'm trying to hold it..I'm trying very hard not to touch you especially now that I know that no one had ever done it..that your first time will be me... Do you get that? Do you understand my frustration now?"

"Take it...why don't you take it? I was willing to give it you...are you that dumb to not know I wanted to?"

"I know love," Hawk's expression then was so full of gentleness and warmth that Simione felt like something was coming that she wasn't prepared for. Oh God! How could she continue to hate him if he continues to look at her like that—like she was the love of his life and the one who owns his heart. What's happening? Why does she suddenly feel very nervous about what's going to come next?

"I don't want to take your first time, Cat, not like this," Hawk was so soft and sincere Simione's heart flew away surprised. "Not when you everything is very complicated between us, not when until I fixed things,"

Hawk's words sent shivers into Simione's spine. Her breathing somehow raced with how her heart beat fast and she could feel her hands shake at it. The next thing she wanted was to cover her ears then because what Hawk said next, didn't prepare her for what was about to come.

"I'm already in love with you Cat," Hawk sincerity took Simione's breath away. "And I'll take your pureness not when you just want to give me your body, but also your heart. Now tell me, do you love me too?"

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