The Insider System

Chapter 110

Chapter 110: Golem Detail

Chapter 110: Golem Detail

On the third floor Lake just followed Wallace because he had never bothered to stop and look around any of the farms. Walking into a small room that had a few small grow zones, Lake saw the golem Wallace told his servants to deliver. It was sitting on a small pedestal that looked like it had been built very recently just to hold it.

Lake thought that because the golems feet fit perfectly into small slots Lake wasn't sure but he was guessing it was some form of charger like the pole the Scarerat had been on. Sam had said something like it absorbed energy from the environment to power the Scarerat but Lake was sure this charger probably worked differently being inside and all.

As Lake thought about what he was seeing he was also keeping his eyes on Wallace as he went over the golems body. Lake assumed he was checking to make sure it hadn't been damaged on the way down or whatever. After Wallace had done a very thorough job he placed his hand on the Golem and it started to move a few seconds later.

"This is my design for harvesting the whole plant. I plan to make a separate design for picking fruit from branches without damaging the rest of the plant but it's going to take more time because I'll have to design some nimble fingers instead of just giving it blades for hands like I have with this one."

As Lake was listening he saw the golem get to work chopping rows of plants with its long arms that worked like scythes and depositing the plants into its bin on its back. It seemed efficient but Lake didn't understand why they couldn't just get people to do it. In this world people could move and work much faster because of stats they earned from jobs so he didn't understand the benefit.

"How is this better than just Letting farmers do it?" Wallace smiled like he had already prepared an answer. Lake was sure he was about to hear what had originally been intended as his sales pitch but went unused because Lucas had said yes almost instantly. josei

"It isn't at the moment and to be honest I'll probably never be able to completely replace farmers but right now Lucas has asked me to make golems that can set up a farm anywhere in less than a day. He also said if I can make them resistant enough we will be able to farm plants that grow in hazardous environments much easier."

Lake nodded, he guessed they had their uses if you knew how farming actually worked. He had been thinking using his idea of farming from his world but here not every place you needed to grow was safe. He could also see the golems being useful for poisonous plants since they were mainly made of metal they would be immune.

Lake saw the Golem's bin get full so he asked. "What does it do now that it's full?" Wallace walked towards the golem as he said. "I plan to add a function that allows it to bail up whatever it's harvesting so it can keep working but at the moment I'm just going to tell it to empty itself in that corner."

"So how much work is it to build one of these?" From what Wallace had said about all of Lucas's plans for the golems it sounded like they were going to need a lot. "The designing takes a lot longer than actually making them, as long as I have the resources I can make around three a day but once I send my designs to Lucas he's going to find people that can build the bodies while I just enchant them."

"How many do you think you need?" Lake wanted to know if once they started if it would just go forever or if they had a set number they planned to make. "No idea, I'm fine with doing it forever if it's what the guild wants. Even if we ever had enough farming golems I would probably just start making different golems."

"Are golems something all Enchanters can make, or do you need a special skill, or is it a separate job?" Lake had been trying to get the Enchanter job for a while but not really that hard because he kept forgetting to use Imbue before he killed things. "All Enchanters can do it if they put the time in, but there are skills that make it much easier. For instance I have a skill where I can just use my Mana to make a golem instead of needing all the materials most Enchanters need."

"What kind of materials do most Enchanters need to make a golem?"

"It's mostly cores, the main issue being the more complicated the golem is the stronger the core needs to be to actually bring it to life. It can be really hard to get a good supply of powerful cores considering no one really risks their life fighting monsters that can easily kill them, or travels very far into the wilderness."

This statement seemed to be hinting towards how the world he was in was structured and Lake wanted to know more but whenever something like this came up he never really asked because he felt like it gave away the fact that he didn't come from here. He tried to keep his questions to things not everyone would know unless he was talking to Lucas.

Lucas had known for a while that Lake probably came from another world even though he had never confirmed it. Lake would just ask Lucas Later about what Wallace had just said about the wilderness. Lake had been wondering for a while if there were other parts of the world he hadn't heard about yet but every time he had seen a map all it had on it was the continent he was currently on.

This had made him start to wonder if this world had more of a flat shape compared to the world he had come from that was a sphere. He could see a fantasy world being flat since it didn't work the same way reality wise. Lake was done watching Wallace's golem do Farm work so he turned and said goodbye before leaving to head to the cafeteria.

It was about lunch time so Lake couldn't really help himself but go and eat even if he wasn't that hungry. Lake had to say his skill Refreshed was nice but he wished he could control it so he could be hungry more often when he was inside the guild. At the moment he had a hard time eating twice in a day if he wasn't doing anything.


In a place Lake was just a few days ago Five people were standing around an empty case wondering how someone was able to get inside without them being alerted and why the person hadn't emptied the place out, and had settled for not only one, but also the least impressive of the weapons.

"With them only taking one there's a zero percent chance whoever entered the vault works for the Demon Lord so it leaves the Thieves guild as the most likely candidate. It's possible whoever broke in thought if they only took one we wouldn't track them down which means they probably know who we are and if you factor in the skill it took to get in here they are definitely one of the big shots."

"It's probably more they think we will be too busy to figure out which of them actually did it. With the war and all, they probably thought it was the perfect time to pull a job like this, but now that Tiff doesn't have a weapon I say we send her to find it." The other four didn't seem to agree and one of them finally said something.

"If we send her without her weapon there's a good chance she could die. Not all of us are as strong as you Greg, and Tiff can only use Holy magic making her one of the weakest." The four of them knew Greg had a tendency to overestimate them because he assumed all of them were about the same strength but the truth was all three people who had been chosen to wield the three swords were much higher in combat strength than the rest who had really only been chosen because the Temple didn't have that many other choices.

"You four are forgetting she specializes in stealth and she has a maxed out agility there are very few people who could actually catch her even in the capital."

"There are still plenty of ways she could get hurt, and there is no way the Temple will allow her to go after the dagger alone, so even if you tell them it's missing they will just put it off until after the battle. Which is the only reason we would need it."

"You might be right but I don't think you realize how much the dagger matters. It might seem that there isn't really that much of a difference between 23 and 22 but from what I've been told we were already heavily outnumbered so I think the temple will send her to retrieve it even if she could die. She doesn't have much use without the weapon anyway."

The four of them knew the Temple told Greg more about the war since he was one of the three swords but none of them liked the way he had been treating them recently. He had gone from being friendly to treating them like they were expendable and while they were all soldiers who could very well die, the way he was talking about Tiff, who had been with them since they were children was concerning.

"Alright pack up the weapons we have already wasted more time than we should have the others are waiting for us." The four did as they were told and soon were on their way to arming the others. In just a few hours they would finally get to unveil what the Temple considered one of the only things that could possibly win the war.

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