The Insider System

Chapter 111

Chapter 111: True Chaos Pt.1

Chapter 111: True Chaos Pt.1

After lunch Lake had gone to the library to read more about how to create spells. After some reading he had seen that he wasn't ready yet because with only really understanding two principles any custom spells he made would be lacking and not much different from Wind magic.

Once he started to learn principles from other elements that would be when it would make sense for him to start making custom spells that mixed multiple elements together. He had also stopped because he didn't want to miss the start of the battle everyone was predicting.

During lunch he had heard a lot of people saying that there would definitely be a large-scale fight tonight and if the Temple lost the capital would turn into a bloodbath. It seemed the Demon Lord didn't keep prisoners and just turned any people he found into undead for his army.

Lake had already known this because he had seen it happen with his own eyes, but for some reason he thought the capital would be spared and just occupied by the Demon worshipers, but from what he heard from the people who had been eating if the Temple failed to protect the city the only place in the capital that wouldn't be turned into Undead would be the Alchemist guild and any guilds that had already joined the Demon Lord's side.

After that all the people he had been listening to said was which guilds they thought were on what side and why. Lake would have continued to listen if it had been true and not just wild conjecture that none of them could agree on but he had been done eating so he had left.

He was currently just waiting in his room. He had sent one of his servants outside onto the balcony and told them to come get him once it started. A few hours had already passed and Lake was just going to go outside and wait because there wasn't much difference if he waited here or outside, and he was getting tired of sitting at the table.

Stepping onto the balcony, Lake saw his servant just standing there doing exactly what he had told them to. "You can go to your room if you want. I'll watch and call if it starts." His other two servants had already gone to their rooms but had asked to be called down if there was a fight, so it seemed he wasn't the only one who wanted to watch.

Lake was sure every person in the guild would be doing the same since the result of the battle was so important. It would be kind of crazy not to be up and alert when anything could happen.

Not long after the sun had set Lake finally saw something without confirming Lake called out to his servants because even if he was wrong and the fight wasn't about to happen, it wasn't that big of a deal, and his servants wouldn't want to miss the beginning.

Lake didn't turn to greet the three when they came outside and just pointed where he had seen a flash of light moments ago. "Something just happened there, and I think it's about to start." A few seconds after he said that he saw another flash in a different part of the city. Staining his eyes, Lake saw two people fighting.

He was happy he had such good vision and could see in the dark because he bet he was one of the few people who could see this. Of course it was just a low level fight but it was better than nothing especially after the hours he had been waiting. Watching the two throw punches and spells at one another it wasn't long before more people joined them.

It wasn't just in that part of the city either, it was starting to spread. "Where are all of them coming from?" It was like the city was infested or something. He guessed since the city didn't have a barrier like the guild did there wasn't anything stopping the two armies from just coming in.

A lot of them had also probably already been here to begin with so he guessed it made sense that this amount could be in the city with no one really noticing. He just wished they would hurry up and pull out the big guns because everyone who was currently fighting was kind of weak.

After a while Lake finally saw something big happen. One of the bigger buildings in town exploded. Lake wasn't sure what had happened or why it had been that building but he was excited because it probably meant the fight was about to ramp up. It seemed he was right because a few seconds later there was a flash and a section of the city close to the edge burst into flames.

"I was expecting the Temple to hold back more while in the city."

"Maybe they had no choice."

Lake liked hearing his servants' comments. It was like court side commentators, and it was making his experience much more rich. After another big explosion they continued their comments.

"That was the Temple again, what are they doing?"

"It's probably because they know that everyone in the city will be killed if they fail to stop the Demon Worshipers."

Lake agreed with Jason and was about to say so when he heard a knock at his door. He was going to tell one of them to go and let whoever it was in when he saw Jason was doing it already. Turning back around to watch he heard. "You don't mind if I watch here do you? my balcony faces the wrong direction."

Lake didn't need to turn to know Millie was here and since he had been meaning to talk to her since he had returned he had no problem with her watching with him. "No problem." Millie walked over and stood next to him by the railing. "Sorry about not stopping to talk yesterday. I was really tired, and all I wanted was to get to my room to sleep."

This had technically happened earlier today, but that didn't matter so he didn't correct her, and Lake got it so he said. "I get it, none of us like to climb the stairs after a big day." Getting back to what was actually happening, Lake asked. "Which side do you want to win?"

This was a complete joke because Millie wouldn't want every person in the city to be killed so it was obvious which side she probably wanted to win. Most people would probably be the same way because most people saw killing as wrong, and most of the time there wasn't anything that could justify it.

"I mean I thought everyone wanted the Light Temple to win." Lake was about to say something along the lines of, not everyone, but was stopped by a giant wave of golden energy in the sky. "Looks like the Holy mage from yesterday finally started to fight."

Once again Lake was too far away to see the fight in the sky, and the fact that it was kind of cloudy wasn't helping, so he kind of just watched the golden flashes that happened every few seconds while listening to his servants and Millie making comments.

"I didn't think it was possible to use Holy magic so frequently whoever it is must have a max affinity to be able to gather so much."

"It's also possible they have something that can store Holy mana, or that they have a really high Intelligence."

"No, if they were just relying on Intelligence theirs would have to be over 200 which would make them a demigod, and if demigods were fighting most of the city would have already been destroyed, or you know all of it."

"It's most likely some form of weapon. You see how every attack is a wave. I think it's because whoever the mage is, they are using a sword or some kind of bladed weapon."

Everyone seemed to be waiting for more details and they all stopped talking to pay attention. But Lake did the opposite. Jason had just said the mage was probably using a sword which made him think about the weapon vault he had broken into a few days ago. It was very possible the weapon they were currently using to fight was one of the ones he had seen while he was inside the vault.

Lake guessed it was a good thing The Insider had stopped him from taking them all and had made him settle for a dagger because the city would be screwed if the temple didn't have what they needed to fight off the Demon Lord's army. It did make him wonder why they had kept all the weapons in a random building instead of a church or something though.

That vault must have been special in some way he didn't understand or maybe the weapons had been hidden away from the temples to keep them safe from traitors. Lake knew every organization had problems with members that weren't actually loyal to them. "In coming!"

Lake looked up to see a massive fireball was heading straight for the guild. "Don't worry the barrier will take care of it." Lake still ducked behind the railing as the explosion happened just in case. It was an instinctual reaction because it had caught him off guard with him not actually paying attention.

When the light and sound had died back down to normal he stood back up to see Jason had been right and the barrier had stopped the ball of fire just fine. "I bet guild master Lucas is mad right now." Lake turned to Millie to see she was still right next to him. "Why would he be mad?" Lake didn't think there had been any damage caused by the attack so he didn't understand why Lucas would care.

"The barrier doesn't really use any power as long as it isn't being attacked so a stray attack just happening to hit us is bad luck." Lake hadn't been paying attention, so he had actually thought the attack had been aimed at them, but he guessed now that he knew it was an accident that had cost the barrier some power he could see why Lucas could be mad.

Seeing as Millie seemed to know about the guild buildings working he thought she might know about the teleporters so he asked. "Do you know how the teleporters work as well, or just the barrier?" Millie shook her head and said. "You would have to ask Lucas, they have been off so long that I've never even heard anyone talking about them."

Millie had been in the guild for a lot longer than him so if she hadn't ever seen them on it meant they were almost never used. He remembered Lucas had said they were only for emergencies so they did work, they were just hard to recharge, but this was starting to seem like an emergency might happen soon that would cause Lucas to reactivate them. josei

And just after he had learned to fly making him not need to walk the stairs anymore. Life was never fair.

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