The Insider System

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: Wake Up Call

Chapter 191: Wake Up Call

Lake opened his eyes and looked around. After he saw where he was he went ahead and looked at how long he had slept, a little less than three hours and he was happy he woke up now because it was less than normal for him and this gave him more time to work today.

Standing up and looking around the room, Lake saw the other members of his team still asleep. There was a good chance he wasn't going to see them again because of what was going to happen today but they had been pretty helpful for the last few days, especially Grendia. He wished he would have done a better job about remembering to ask her about Earth magic.

It was fine he would figure it out later and maybe if they were successful today he would be able to ask her after it was all over. Stepping out into the hallway Lake thought about finding Master before he left to have a more detailed conversion because he hadn't really had a chance to actually talk to Masters before he ran off to investigate the Elevators but Lake decided he could leave that for after he found something today. josei

He would have to find Masters then anyway so this was a good way for him to save a small amount of time. Pushing his way out of the guild and out onto the street, Lake set his Detector to look for buildings that have things hidden by Demon Worshipers in them like he had planned to with no problems. Lake then started to head for the first tier of the city.

The first tier was extremely small from what he could tell so starting there and working his way down from there was a good idea in his head. Lake didn't even get through the second tier before he got his first hit. Detector was lighting up one of the buildings he was passing so he switched to Mana Vision to see if he could see anyone inside the building.

Lake saw some people inside so he switched his Detector to see if they were Demon Worshipers. He was happy that he checked because the people inside didn't light up. Thinking about why that might be, Lake decided to see if maybe they were undead.

The three people inside lit up and Lake decided he might want to start looking for Undead as well as Demon Worshipers everywhere he went. It was just too bad he couldn't set Detector to look for multiple things very easily without making a carefully crafted sentence that included every thing you were looking for.

Thinking about the Undead from the other day that were also Demon Worshipers Lake wondered what made these three different. He guessed gaining the title Demon Worshiper was a choice and being undead wasn't really something you could help. This meant the four undead from yesterday had chosen to be Demon Worshipers and for whatever reason the three inside hadn't.

That being said they were still inside of a building that had things put there by Demon Worshipers so they were probably in on the whole plot that was going on in some way. Lake decided to just mark this place and keep going because he really didn't have much time or at least he didn't think he did and he wanted to find more than three undead before he stopped to start clearing out the surface with the help of the guild.

Lake returned Detector to look for buildings that have things hidden by Demon Worshipers in them but changed it slightly to include undead by making it buildings that have undead or things hidden by Demon Worshipers in them. With Detector having no problems with a command like that, Lake realized he could probably get it to look for lots of things at once if he found a way to group them all into one sentence.

This made this skill even better than he had thought originally and it reminded him not to be too literal with what the skills description said it could do. If one read the description of Detector they wouldn't even think you could set it to look for living things like he had been doing for the past few days.

Detector (L) Lv.1

You can set this skill to search for certain things.

(Range scales off of Perception)

He had also thought he could only set it to look for simple things but with how detailed his search setting was now that had also been wrong. He just wished Detector's range was as big as a skill Like Mana Vision or Item Sense because it would make it a lot more certain he hadn't missed anything.

With how it was now he was always afraid he had missed something because it had been just slightly too deep for him to see. His current goal was to be very thorough in his search so it was making it hard to not think he was doing a bad job. It was just going to have to do until he found another job that gave him more Perception he guessed.

Continuing his run to the top, Lake started to pass building after building that met his conditions he had set Detector to and he was just moving in a straight line so he was starting to worry about what he was seeing. He marked every building but started to think he should have brought a map with him so he would be able to pass on the locations to Masters easier.

Making it to the top of the city lake found himself in between multiple small castles. He guessed this place was slightly different to the place he had come from and there were multiple people taking the role of the king here. He wondered if they got along or were always fighting in the background.

He didn't really have too much time to think about it because he finally reached the very middle of the city and found what he assumed was the Metal Temple from the way it looked. He had seen it from a distance as a shining tip to the city when he had first gotten to the city but this was his first time seeing it up close.

It was a very nice looking building but that wasn't what he was worried about. Detector was lighting it up and Lake couldn't believe the God Of Metal would allow the Demon Worshipers inside his own temple but then Lake realized who had come to retrieve the monsters from his group and he was sure other groups had sealed over the past few days.

Those Undead would be inside this temple now and that was most likely what was causing Detector to light it up. Lake was happy he had realized this because it had almost made him think he needed to give up on the city and just directly leave. It had already been bad enough with the number of places he had found to be tampered with in some way by the Demon Worshipers but if even the temple was filled with saboteurs it was over for the Metal Domain.

He didn't have any more time to spare so he turned to start doing a spiral down the city. It didn't take long for Lake to pass the Guild district the Fighters guild was in and Lake stopped and headed inside. Running to Masters office Lake burst in. "Masters, I need a map of the city right now!" The situation was really bad.

Lake had found almost a hundred buildings that had met his conditions. There was no way he would ever be able to tell master every location from memory and have Masters be able to send a team to every location so Lake had to draw it onto a map if he even wanted a small chance of them stopping the city from being destroyed.

"I have one in my desk." Masters seemed to understand the urgency from Lake's voice and pushed the person he had been talking to before Lake had burst in out of the way so he could get Lake the map. Lake took it and said. "I'll be right back." Running back outside, Lake started to mark out all the buildings he had found in the first three tiers of the city before heading down to the next tier. Lake had given up on hiding his speed or even being able to control himself and went all out.

His feet were going so fast he was starting to crack the stone the roads were made out of and whenever he used a building's roof to jump he left a large hole in it. It didn't matter though because as he was marking out the buildings Lake started to realize he had been right about the fact that all the things underground had been a distraction.

The buildings he was marking were leaving a shape he could start to see as something more than just a random scattering of buildings. It was a formation or some type of magic shape that he didn't understand. He had no idea what it was going to do but with its size he was sure it was big enough to crumble the city if it went off.

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