The Insider System

Chapter 199

Chapter 199: Undoing Pt.1


Chapter 199: Undoing Pt.1

Lake had finished his checks on the other four groups and was now waiting for the piece of metal he had been given to light up. The Temple Head said it would happen during the attack on the Mana siphon so he still had a bit of time before it happened. Lake was sure the attacks would start soon though because with everyone in place sitting around was just giving the Demon Worshipers more time to notice them and prepare.


Donny looked at the others that were with him and then at the one holding the device that would tell them when to move in. "It's hard to believe that the Demon Worshipers would dare to put one of their bases so close to the guild." The Group he was in had only had to move a few streets over from the fighters guild after they had met up with a small amount of mages from the Metal Temple to arrive at the place they had been sent to raid.

"Not that crazy if you think they were hoping to catch us off guard." Donny guessed that made sense but he didn't think this small building they would be attacking could really be holding enough people to go against the guilds. Even if the other guilds hadn't sent any forces to deal with the Demon Worshipers didn't mean they wouldn't defend the district if it was attacked.

Looking away from the person who had the device since they had put it back into their pocket, Donny started to look around for another person to talk to to pass the time. He eventually found someone he thought might know something about Lake because of the skills they had. With skills like theirs they would be a scout or a thief and either way they should know something about a scout like Lake.

It was the person who had let them into the house they were using to hide. "Have you ever heard of a person named Lake?" Donny knew it wasn't really the best time for him to be investigating the person he suspected of being the one who stole his shield but he had been separated from the people who could be considered to be Lake's friends so he didn't need to worry about him asking about Lake getting back to Lake.

"Do you mean the person who saved Masters yesterday?" Donny nodded, this fact had spread around the guild already so everyone would know who Lake was. Donny just wanted to know if they had known Lake for a long time and if they knew anything about some of his other skills or if they had seen his face.

"Yeah, have you known him for long?" The man he was asking looked around to all the people he had been talking to and they all started to shake their heads no. "No, none of us have ever seen him before a few days ago." This would make it a lot harder for Donny to ever find out anything about Lake.

It also meant he would probably need to just ask Lake himself. If Lake was the thief all he needed to do was ask about hiring Lake to do something and Lake's answer would tell him if he was right or not. If he ended up being wrong nothing bad would really happen except there being a small chance of word that he was looking for someone to resteal his shield from his brother but his brother would already know he was going to try so even that didn't really matter.

The worst thing would actually be him being right about Lake but Lake somehow getting away. Donny was hoping to blackmail Lake into doing the job for free so he guessed he didn't actually need to confront Lake face to face; he could just send some letters. The problem with that was it could take a while to actually scare Lake enough to work and face to face would work right away.

Seeing the guy who had the communication device pulling it out again he and all the others in the room stopped talking and looked at them. "Alright move in. We just got the orders to move in." Donny and all the others headed for the door at the same time but he ended up being one of the first through.

Following the leader towards the door of the building they were raiding Donny wondered if the people inside already knew they were coming. Yesterday it seemed the Demon Worshipers didn't know until they broke down the door but if this place was really a big part of the Demon Worshipers plan they would most likely have some kind of a look out or some type of defense that would keep them out.

Either way they were already at the door so he guessed he was about to find out. The person leading their group lifted their hand and blasted the door off of its hinges using a fire spell Donny had seen many times before in the past. Fire Blast was a very common sight for anyone who had ever been in a fight since fire magic was so commonly used.

It was good to know that they didn't just have earth and metal mages here because he had seen what could happen if everyone in a group only knew the same type of magic. All the people you were fighting needed to do was make a simple targeted ward against the element and you had no hope of breaking through.

"Stay close until we find them." After the leader said this they started casting defensive spells and only stopped after three barriers of different elements were in front of them. Donny could also use three elements so he wasn't really impressed, just jealous because he had only gotten one element he wanted to use.

"This door in front of us has someone behind it." One of the people in the back of the line must have an earth affinity or something because they called out to the leader that they had found someone in one of the next rooms. "Ok we'll start there." The leader didn't directly blast this door. Donny felt it was because so far they hadn't seen anything that would make them think a Demon Worshiper was who was in the next room and instead walked up to it to open it slowly.

He had also noticed that this raid was nothing like the ones he had been a part of yesterday. He didn't know if that was a good thing or not though. "Hello. Is anyone here?" The leader asked this like they didn't already know the answer and when they got no answer they tried again. "We're from the Fighters guild. We just want to ask you some questions."

With still no answer coming from the room the leader said. "We're going to enter now." After they said that they positioned their barriers in front of them again and started to enter the room. Donny followed them inside and following their eyes as well he saw a person in the room corner clearly having been trying to hide.

They looked normal from what he could see of them but there was no way to know who someone was by how they looked even if it seemed to be a pretty accurate method most of the time. "Come out here." It seemed the leader didn't want to be the one to close the distance and instead wanted to have the person hiding to come towards them.

When there was still no reaction from the person in the corner of the room Donny started to wonder if they were dealing with a dead person. They also hadn't cleared the rest of the building yet so he was worried about being flanked since they all had their attention on this room and what was in front of them.

Turning away Donny asked. "Which one of you called this out?" He wanted to see if they were able to watch their backs or maybe even tell him if they had only sensed this person because they were moving before they entered the room. Seeing a dwarf step forward Donny knew he had found the right person so he didn't even wait for them to confirm this and asked. "Was this person moving before we entered the room?"

The dwarf started to nod so Donny said. "Thank you, and would you mind keeping your eye behind us while we deal with this?" The dwarf gave him a thumbs up and said. "Already on it." Donny figured that would be the case since dwarves were so good at doing their job but he felt like he should still say it.

Turning back around Donny got the person who had taken his place out of his way and said to the leader. "They're faking." The leader nodded and started to creep their way towards the person in the corner.

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