The Insider System

Chapter 193

Chapter 193: Finishing The Map


Chapter 193: Finishing The Map

Lake rushed to where he had left off and continued what he was doing. He didn't just run past the building after he marked them this time though and took the time to look inside them with Mana Vision. After seeing there were living things moving around in a house, Lake would use Detector to see what they were before writing it on his map.

He didn't know if this was what the Temple Head wanted but Lake felt like maybe it would be useful. He continued like this for a while before he realized he was spending too much time on each building. He felt like he had a big enough sample size for the Temple Head to use with him checking the insides of almost 30 buildings so he stopped and went back to just marking the location on the map as fast as he could.

Before too long Lake had made it down to where the elevators were at the bottom of the city and he stopped and looked at the final product. There was now an outer border on the formation so Lake knew it was complete and he could go back to the Temple Head now. Running in a straight line towards the Temple Lake passed through the gate and was expecting to see the Temple Head where they had left him but he was no longer there.

Lake remembered what Masters had said about the Temple Head and looked up towards the statue to see the Temple Head once again suspended from a rope chiseling away at the pillar in the center of the room. He wasn't happy that the Temple Head had started working on the pillar again but he did have to say they had made great progress in the small amount of time he had been gone.

Lake had only been gone for about twenty minutes and in that time it looked like they had finished half of the work needed to shape the pillar into a person's shape. With how fast they were going, Lake wondered how often they made these statues because he had seen some statues in the city but at the pace these dwarves worked they could fill the whole city with them.

This made him think the statues were exported to one of the other Domains he had heard about in the past few days; possibly the Stone Domain. He felt like they would like something like this even if the statue was made of metal.

After some time waiting the Temple Head came down and said. "You're back too fast to have done what I asked." This was partially true so Lake nodded and handed the now complete formation to the Temple Head. "Mmm."

The little man started to grunt as he studied the formation and after a while he said. "There's a bridge formation here. This means this is just a part of the Formation and it has a twin hidden somewhere close. Possibly under the city or in one of the mountains close to the city. This means we'll still have a fight on our hands if we destroy the one in the city but since it will be more advantageous to us if the second formation is outside the city. I'm sure you've noticed the fact that this city is designed to withstand an invasion. That means it's probably under us. You need to find it for us. Don't worry about uncovering the whole thing, it will be exactly the same as this one, we just need to know where it is so we'll know where the attack will be coming from."

Lake understood everything the man said except for the attack he kept referencing. He was saying it like the formation was going to attack them in some way. "What else does the formation do?" So far all the temple head had told him about it was there was an imprisonment formation and a bridge formation. Lake wanted to know the rest because there were five very obvious parts to the massive formation.

"This massive part here is a giant summoning formation. I'm not sure what will be summoned though because it's probably something the Demon Worshipers cooked up special for us. This here is a mana siphon and since it's so big it will be able to clear the whole city of what looks to be Earth and Metal mana. The Demon Worshipers are planning to make it so the dwarves won't be able to use magic once the formation is active and for this last one I'm not too sure but judging on the fact it's over the the guild district and it looks like an attack formation, I'm sure they're hoping to destroy all of the guilds at once."

After the Temple head got done explaining to him what the formation did on the surface he started to break down some of the hidden effects he could notice by just looking at it. "This one right here, this line." The temple head was looking at him so Lake nodded to say he saw the line the Temple Head was pointing towards. "This ties the Imprisonment formation and the mana siphon together meaning if you mess with one it affects the other in this case the Mana Siphon will get stronger if the imprisonment formation goes out unless you destroy this part of the formation first but if you do that the opposite will happen and the Imprisonment formation will get stronger becoming a suppression formation draining the energy of those trapped."

Lake had heard enough and said. "Thank you Temple Head but I need to go look for the other formation now." All he really needed from the tiny man was to be told where and when to attack, so him knowing all the traps hidden in the formation wasn't really important. "You should wait till we finish the golem to leave. It will help you get under the city."

Lake wanted to ask about this golem and how it would help him but decided if he asked there was a chance the tiny man would start another long winded explanation and that would keep them from finishing so it was better to just let them get back to work. "I will wait Temple Head." Lake said this to end the conversation and went to sit in one of the pews to watch them work on the golem he had thought was just a statue.

Lake was happy that it ended up being something more important than a statue because he had been judging the people here for not understanding how dire the situation was and wasting their time but it turned out they had been helping in a way he hadn't understood. He hadn't realized what it was because of how different it looked to the golems he had seen Wallace make because this one was just one giant piece of metal and the ones Wallace had made all had moving parts and joints.

After a while Lake started to get annoyed again, even if they were helping the thing had looked done for the past five minutes and all they were doing now was polishing the golem so it looked shiny. He felt like this was an unnecessary step but he had no choice but to wait because he wanted to see it once it was done.

It was forty feet tall so he wanted to see what it would look like once it got moving and if its joints and such would bend or if it would just float above the ground in its fixed shape or something. After a few more minutes of them polishing the statue all the dwarves who had been working on the statue started to descend and Lake knew that probably meant it was done and all they had to do was make it start moving.

Lake didn't know too much about golems but he knew they were something Enchanters made so he guessed one of them would be about to do that. Once they were all down off of the statue Lake saw all of them except for the Temple Head circle around the golem and get on their knees.

Once they were in position Lake saw the Temple Head Lift his arms and say. "Twain, the Silver Demigod, we offer you this vessel." After this short statement the statue in the center of the room started to shine too bright for Lake to continue to look so he closed his eyes until he heard a rumble he assumed was the golem moving.

Opening his eyes Lake saw the golem was still glowing in a sliver light but it was now less bright so he was able to look at it. Lake instantly realized he could no longer tell he wasn't looking at a living being. It pretty much looked like a living person now that it was moving like one. "Alright follow it to the edge of the city and remember to come back as soon as you find the other formation's location."

Lake wanted to know more about the golem but it was already moving so he didn't have time to ask anything. Running behind it Lake wondered how it was going to get out of the temple but right when it was about to crash into the wall it lifted its hand and the wall split to let them through.

It seemed it was able to control Metal the way Grendia was able to control Earth. If that was the case Lake could kind of understand how the Golem would help him get down to the rest of the city. This thing had probably been built to fix the elevators or something using magic. It was a good plan because from what he had seen earlier when he was mapping out the formation the people working on the elevators did not look like they were even close to having them running again on their own.

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