The Insider System

Chapter 194

Chapter 194: Finding The Other Formation

Chapter 194: Finding The Other Formation

Lake followed behind the golem as it slowly made its way through the crowds. He was happy it was smart enough to know that it couldn't just step on the people that were in the way but he kind of wished it would step on the ones that were too dumb to get out of a giant's way. Sadly the golem seemed more patient than he was and it never even stepped on a single person.

He was sure one would be enough because after the first person got squished the rest would get out of the way. It ended up taking them almost ten whole minutes to walk all the way from the Temple to the edge of the city and while that might be considered a fast time it should have never taken that long for something with legs as long as the ones the golem had.

It was starting to seem every person in the city was fine taking their sweet time doing things other than him and it was probably because they didn't get what was going on past knowing it was bad for them. If they really understood what was happening they would be in their homes staying out of the way or evacuating from the city.

Lake saw all the dwarves that had been working on the elevator come over to the golem and he could tell they knew what it was for. Lake didn't know if they had requested it from the Temple or if they had just seen one before but he was happy they knew because they were getting out of the way to let the golem get to work.

Watching it lift all the metal scrap into the air and new things like gears start to fly towards the elevator shaft, Lake knew it wouldn't take long for the elevators to be back up in running. As he was watching this process go down, Lake wondered if this golem would be doing other stuff after it was done here or if it would be coming with him to look for the other formation because he had found it very useful yesterday when he had someone with him who could move the environment around when he asked and even if this giant was only able to move metal there was still enough of it around to be a big advantage for him in a fight.

He didn't really have any plans to get into a fight just yet but you never knew when the Demon Worshipers planned to start laying the formation and once they did he would have no choice but to fight whatever they were going to summon while he ran. "You came with the golem right, are you from the Temple or did you just follow behind it because you were curious?"

Lake looked at who had just talked to him and once he saw it was just one of the dwarves that had been working on the elevators, Lake said. "I'm from the fighters guild. I'm just waiting to use the elevators once they're back in a working condition." Lake didn't want to give away too much information to a random person even if there wasn't much reason to be suspicious of the person he was talking to.

He was sure there would be people working for the Demon Worshipers around because of how much attention the golem would draw over to them so even if this person was fine to tell someone might overhear what he said and put together he was important to the Temple and try to kill him.

Lake didn't want that to happen so he made it sound like he was just a normal Fighters guild member to downplay his importance. He wasn't really afraid of the fight that might happen if he had loose lips but he was afraid of wasting time. He already felt like they were down to the wire and anything that happened to slow him down would result in him failing to actually gain any money from all the work he had done in the last few days because the city would be destroyed.

"Trying to beat the tide of people using them once they're back working?" Lake nodded and said. "That's what I'm hoping for." Now that he thought about it he was going to have a hard time using the Elevators as much as he would need to be able to go to every floor like he needed to.

That meant he needed to think of a way around this problem before the elevator was done. It didn't take long for lake to think of a way to check a tier without actually stepping off of the elevator and it was using the same skill he had pretty much used for everything in the last few days.

Setting Detector to look for the tier that the Demon Worshipers were planning to make a formation that was attached to the one he had already found Lake decided it was descriptive enough to find what he was looking for but knew he was going to get two chances if it didn't work on the way down because he could change the description again on the ride back up.

"It looks like it's almost done with that one." Lake didn't know anything about what the golem was doing so he just took the dwarves' word for it and said. "Alright, goodbye." Walking over to the elevator that the golem had finished working on, Lake got on and looked around to see it looked almost exactly like the ones he had been taking, just more shiny.

He guessed since the golem had reformed the metal it had lost the scuffs from the constant use they used to have. Taking the highest number weight off the wall and placing it onto the plate, Lake felt the elevator start to descend. With that all he had left to do was ride the elevator until he saw something trigger Detector.


Passing tier 42 Lake saw a giant amount of gold pop up in front of him and he knew it was Detector trying to highlight the entire tier. He had expected the formation to be somewhere close to where he and the others had found the staircase the Demon Worshipers were using to get around but he guessed they had other ways to get around and possibly multiple staircases.

Taking the weight off of the plate Lake replaced it with the one that brought him back to the surface. Feeling how slow he was moving back upwards Lake started to think. He had been on the elevator for a while now so flying up the elevator shaft would get him to the surface much faster.

These small elevators had roofs though so he was going to need to get around it if he actually wanted to do so. Stopping the elevator by choosing the weight that moved it to the floor he was passing Lake got off of it while telling it to go down a floor while empty. Lake took the second he needed to charge up the mana needed to use Fly to see what was going on on the 39th tier before entering the Elevator shaft heading upwards.

He was happy with how much faster flying was and wondered if he should have just flown down the elevator shaft to begin with. If he had he could have probably saved himself 20 minutes or so of time. That being said, waiting for the elevator had been what had caused him to realize checking each tier one at a time would have taken forever and to think of a way to check the tiers without actually entering them so maybe the elevator had saved him time in the long run.

Of course the best case was him having the idea to fly right after he had had the first idea but whatever the city hadn't exploded yet and him getting back quicker gave the Temple Head less time to study the formation and Masters less time to organize the army they would be attacking the formation with. josei

Stepping onto the surface Lake saw the golem had moved over to the freight elevators and that it had already finished on the ones made for people to use. The elevators were already being used and Lake could see people constantly getting off of the other elevators near him. He was sure the people who had been trapped underground were getting to the surface as quickly as possible.

He also saw a lot of people he recognized as members of the fighters guild that he had worked with in the past all headed towards the Fighters guild. It was good timing for them to get back; he just hoped they had gotten sleep last night because they weren't going to be able to go to bed once they got back to the guild.

Slipping out of the crowd, Lake headed towards the Metal Temple to tell the Temple Head what tier the other formation was on. Then he planned to head back to the Fighters guild to let Masters know whatever the Temple Head said about the formation so they could start getting people where they needed to be.

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