The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 1015 Arrival Incident

Chapter 1015 Arrival Incident

Chapter 1015 Arrival Incident

As the Countess of the Banished Dark Moon mentioned, the collective attack from the other Lunirich Gods that was directed at Rex, transcending the barrier between the God realm and the mortal realm was not done without repercussions.

It was a direct attack from literal Gods, which was unbelievable.

Only a few instances in the past could match the level of what the Lunirich Gods did to Rex.

Gods shouldn't interfere in the mortal realm directly.

Sending a celestial envoy is the normal way of connecting with the mortal realm that will not cause a heavy backlash on them. But it's true that the celestial envoy will only retain a small portion of the associated God's power.

Naturally, Rex should've seen this coming.

In a twisted way, breaking the Lunirich Edict is him interfering with the matters of the Gods.

Surely, the Gods would return the same thing to him.

However, despite their godly selves, what they had done on a whim will not go unpunished.

Not too long ago, after the attack the other Lunirich Gods launched at Rex, Iseldra received an unexpected visitor that came to her dominion. It was the Lunirich God of the Dark Moon, urging her to join forces to deal with the troublesome mortal.

She came in the name of the reputation of the entire Lunirich Gods.

But this serves the opposite reaction.

Enraged by her demanding tone, Iseldra kicked her out and didn't even consider helping.

Initially, she was going to slumber again until the situation became more suitable for her, but this visit made her dissuade from doing that and instead contact the Silverstar Pack for help to awaken her champion.

A declaration that she doesn't care what her other siblings want.

"I didn't take any part of the assail, and yet I too felt its repercussions," Iseldra muttered with divine displeasure, clicking her tongue in disdain. "Despite my benevolence in not voicing my grievances, they still seek my aid? Truly laughable!"

"Here's my answer, dear brothers and sisters" She mocked before turning her gaze down.

Sensing her displeasure, the giant white Werewolves moved.

Not waiting for Iseldra to command them, all of them engaged in combat among themselves to placate her seething wrath. Should her anger escalate, then the requirement to appear her would reach levels of sheer terror.

Due to that, they wasted no time to give her a show to take her mind off of the ordeal.

Located at the left side of her throne was a giant white Werewolf.

It seemed to be awaiting his turn to rumble.josei

But oblivious to Iseldra, the creature cast a brief, calculating gaze in her direction. Its eyes aglow with crimson light, indicating the influence of an alternate divine energy. Something that she failed to sense.


Humming Damned Forest, two miles away from the Dark Elf Kingdom.

Reluctantly, Evelyn found herself compelled to part ways with Flunra, recognizing that the issues within the Dark Elf Kingdom demanded immediate attention. Despite the urgency of awakening the Princes of Ice and Snow, crucial for Rex's future endeavors, it would not be wise of her to disregard her responsibilities.

It was her duty to keep Dargena City running and its political alliances intact.

A responsibility that a Queen would need to bear.

'I'm doing the right thing, even Rex would agree with me' Evelyn pondered.

While striding slowly toward the Dark Elf Kingdom, she was dwelling in her messy mind. She clearly remembered that Rex said to her that she was the Queen-like figure of the Silverstar Pack, and thus, she should be present to handle this kind of issue.

After all, if a civil war breaks out within the Dark Elf Kingdom, it would be very bad.

It would be akin to losing an alliance for good.

Despite the turmoil in her mind, all thanks to the abrupt shift in Flunra's attitude towards her, she endeavored to maintain a facade of strength and quickened her pace, reaching the Dark Elf Kingdon within mere minutes.

Upon arriving there, the guards were shocked to see her approaching without a notice.

Moreover, there were no envoys with her which was weird.

Knowing the background and her standing within the Silverstar Pack, the entire city guard squad had their legs feeling weak. But some of them forced themselves to come down and open the gate for her.

If a Silverstar Pack member came here like this, then it could only mean one thing.

All of the guards knew that she had come to deal with the chaos.

But as the gate was opened, the city guards had a better look at her and realized that she was surprisingly, clad in battle armor. It was the first time for them to see the Luna of the Silverstar Pack clad in such attire.

Expecting a fight, she stands enshrouded in an armor of midnight steel with crimson accents.

Her pauldrons, adorned with the likeness of snarling wolves, lend her the imposing air of a battle maiden. A crimson cloak, emblematic of her namesake, drapes over the functional elegance of her cuirass, the color as deep as her fire elements.

Moreover, her steel gauntlets end in red prudian talons, each one a promise of lethality.

Without the need for her Werewolf form, her gauntlet could rip anything apart.

Lastly, a silver star emblem adorned her breastplate.

It was a set of armor that the workers in the factory had made as a gift for her, forged with the combination efforts of all, and also with the best of the red prudian materials. She wore this out of cautiousness if she ran into a vicious battle.

But in the Dark Elves' perspective, she wore this to give them some discipline.

Just the thought of it made them shiver.

Emerging from the opened gate were approximately three dozen Dark Elves adorned in sleep armor. All quickly rushed out and made a simple royal procession for her, standing in line with upright backs on either side of the gate, creating a passage for Evelyn to enter.

Observing them doing this, Evelyn didn't say a word and walked inside.

Each of her steps clanked against the ground.

Almost in a union, all of the Dark Elf guards bowed as she walked past them.

None of them dared to raise their gaze to look at her as there was an evident vexation in her countenance, showcasing that she was in a rather bad mood. If not noticed from her evident expression, her bad mood could be felt directly through the air that she emitted.

"You, come here" Evelyn mused, pointing at a Dark Elf.

Upon hearing this, the Dark Elf quickly rushed over, "What can I help you with, my Lady?"

"Inform the King of my arrival, I request an audience. Also, I was told that your Elders have awakened. Summon their representative to the castle too" Evelyn commanded with an authoritative tone, prompting the Dark Elf guard to act on autopilot.

He would do anything that Evelyn asked of him right now.

Just as the Dark Elf guard was about to do as he was told, a group of Dark Elves came.

Compared to the regular Dark Elves that Evelyn had seen, these ones were more muscular and bigger than the norm. Even the one leading the group of three has a weird third eye on his forehead, an uncharacteristic trait for the Dark Elves.

"I've overheard your command earlier," the leading Dark Elf uttered as he approached.

Evelyn looked at him with one of her brows raised, "And?"

"I'm not certain if you're in the right state of mind, but let me remind you, human, that this is the Dark Elf Kingdom. It's not the ancient era anymore, so don't delude yourself into thinking you can waltz in here and issue orders" He declared, towering over Evelyn and even crossing his arms arrogantly.

Upon hearing this, the Dark Elf guards felt their hearts tightened.

"S- Sir Olfa, it's fine... I- I think she's okay" the Dark Elf guard beside Evelyn muttered.

His voice was trembling viciously due to the fear gnawing him.

Instead of listening to what the Dark Elf guard said, the one referred to as Olfa looked at him in ridicule, "See...? Look at what that spineless King Jorik did to our people! He has infected others to be as spineless as him, pathetic!"

"Move out of the way" Evelyn sighed, trying to walk past, not wanting to entertain this fool.

But Olfa was angered at the tone that she was using and blocked her again.

Bending down to her eye level, Olfa fixed her with a direct gaze, a smirk playing on one side of his lips, exuding an air of arrogance still. "Do you know who I am? Are you even aware of whom you are addressing, human? I am Olfa, the son of the great Damioc, hailing from the esteemed Shalvin noble lineage. Adjust your tone, or I may find it necessary to relieve you of your tongue"

Despite the provocation, Evelyn did bite and repeated, "Move out of the way"

However, Olfa was at this point, enraged.

"She's pretty. Don't hurt her too much so we can play with her, Olfa"

"Yeah, it'll be a waste to scar her pretty face"

Similarly, the two other Dark Elves who came with Olfa chimed with their disgusting words.

Even Evelyn was irked at their banter, shooting a disgusted look.

Like a thousand cuts, the Dark Elf guards who heard these comments felt like suicide.

Disbelief hung heavy in the air, for how could Olfa and his companions, hailing from an ancient era, remain oblivious to the identity of the one they addressed? The incredulity deepened further considering the subject in question wasn't merely a member of the Silverstar Pack but also held the treasured Luna of the pack. 

Lord Rex's spouse!

It was a well-known fact that the Luna of a Werewolf Pack is very protected and cared for.

Other members could easily be provoked if anyone messed with their Luna.

So the fact that Olfa and his friends did this made their hearts skip a beat.

Additionally, under the gaze of the Dark Elf guards, Olfa reached out his hand to lay a hand on Evelyn. However, in the very next moment, the area around them blasted as the entire place was covered in dust and rubble.

Because of this loud crashing sound, more turned their attention towards the gate.

Many feared that the kingdom was being attacked.

Numerous powerhouses, a mix from the ancient era and new era came rushing towards the gate in a splendid manner, brimming with dark nature energy. But then, as the dust receded, their eyes witnessed an astonishing sight.

"Kahhk!" Olfa coughed a mouthful of blood, his eyes bulging in anger.

Pinned to the ground, his head pressed against the earth and his right arm contorted to the back, on the brink of breaking. A dominant figure was stepping on Olfa, and a single glance revealed the figure was none other than General Theodas himself.

His foot firmly planted on Olfa's back, crushing him from above.

A savage expression decorated General Theodas' expression right now.

Just as he heard the gate being opened, he came to check only to find Olfa messing with the Luna of the Silverstar Pack, Evelyn. It was a shocking sight that his eyes almost popped out of their sockets before he made his way with extreme quickness.

It would be catastrophic for the kingdom if Olfa laid a hand on Evelyn.

"You imbecile! Does your puny mind understand the gravity of what you are about to do?!"

General Thedoas shouted with extreme anger.

Upon hearing this, Olfa gritted his teeth and tried to stand up, "Theodas! Get off me!"

"Answer me! Do you know who she is?!" He retorted still.

Olfa, his pride wounded and humiliation evident on his face, glared at General Theodas with a burning rage. "Her? A mere human nobody?! She came here and acted like she owns our Kingdom, and I'm the one who has the spine to correct her!"

"Idiot! She's the Silverstar Pack's Luna!!" General Theodas roared at the top of his lungs.

At that moment, Olfa's eyes widened and he stopped struggling.

Returning his attention to Evelyn, standing motionlessly with a stoic expression, surrounded by the Dark Elf guards that instinctively came to protect her when they saw Olfa was about to lay his hands on her, his initially shocked expression faded into one of pale realization.

Only now that he understands the gravity of what he was doing.

"W- What...? T- The Luna?" He whispered silently, pure terror trembling his voice.

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