The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 1016 The Luna's Standing (1)

Chapter 1016 The Luna's Standing (1)

Olfa was in complete and utter shock.

He was told that humans were not the sovereign rulers of the world in the ancient era and thought that he could finally exert his hatred and vexation when a human traversed to the kingdom and even bossed around the guards.

Due to his eagerness, he failed to recognize the differences he would've normally noticed.

It should be odd that the guards open the gate willingly for Evelyn.

More so that all of them even obeyed her completely.

Surely, had his mind was not clouded with his eagerness, he would've found this weird.

Despite the cold tension in the air between the ancient families and the royal family of the new era, which General Theodas was a part of, he doesn't seem to be lying to Olfa as even the guards instinctively came to protect Evelyn.

Not that she couldn't defend herself, but out of fear for themselves.

Antagonizing the Silverstar Pack spelled inevitable doom.

The Silverstar Pack served as both a protective umbrella for the Dark Elves against the other high-rank Supernatural races and also a formidable force in their own right. Engaging against the newly formed third party of the new era would be a recklessly foolish endeavor.

Even Olfa knew that as he was educated of their feats the moment he was awakened.

It was then that he felt the pressure on his back building.

General Theodas didn't press him more than he needed to, but the weight on Olfa's back was gradually intensifying, and it all came from Evelyn's cold, penetrating state. Her silent, icy gaze conveyed more condemnation than any words could.

A formidable response to Olfa's impudent transgressions.

"Forgive his impudence, my Lady," General Theodas turned to look at Evelyn and apologized for Olfa. "He is nothing more than a brat who doesn't know his place. Please, if you let this one go, then I will make sure that nothing like this will ever happen again"

Upon hearing this, Evelyn turned to look at General Theodas before she stepped forward.

The Dark Elf guards that surrounded her makes way for her.

As Evelyn drew near, Olfa and the two other Dark Elves hurling insults at her found their previous bravado waning. Her aura now resembles that of an executioner, punishment's harbinger, the one who would determine their life and death.

Frankly speaking, if she wanted to, she could technically do anything to them right now.

Such was the power she held as the Silverstar Pack's Luna.

Keeping her graceful composure, Evelyn looked down at the pinned and terrified Olfa.

"Olfa, son of the great Damioc of the Shalvin Family..."

She repeated what she was told earlier, her words alone were able to make Olfa's blood run colder than the North Pole. He now realizes his mistake of arrogantly declaring exactly who he is in front of Evelyn.

Not only does he bring trouble to himself, but he also brings trouble to his entire family.

"Do you admit your wrongs, Olfa of the Shalvin Family?" She asked.

"Yes!" Upon hearing this, Olfa repeatedly nodded his head while still being held down by General Theodas, begging for mercy. "I have wronged you, my Lady. If you show mercy to me right now, I will repent and try to never make a mistake like this ever again!"

Evelyn nodded, she could see the palpable regret in his eyes.

For a brief moment, Olfa had a smile on his face, thinking that he would be pardoned.

But that exhilaration was short-lived as the air around her turned colder.

"Since you acknowledge it, what befits an appropriate punishment in your view?" She mused lightly, yet Olfa's body couldn't help but tense. "Certainly, there must be a consequence to ensure the lessons are learned and your errors are not repeated, don't you agree?"

Despite her soothing and graceful tone, there was a hint of lethality in it.

Knowing that this might not end well, General Theodas decided to intervene in the banter.

"Ah—there's a traditional punishment we Dark Elves adopted. He would be whipped on his exposed back with an enchanted thorny vines against the crimson pine tree until ten leaves fall from its branches" He proposed, trying to help Olfa.

Not that General Theodas undermines what Olfa did.

Olfa was in the wrong, but it's preferable nothing too bad happened to him.

Upon absorbing this, Evelyn nodded with subtle approval, her gaze reflecting that she was inclined to accept that. But then, a glint appeared in her eyes, as if a realization had dawned upon her out of nowhere.

"Sir Olfa may have proposed something worthwhile earlier" She remarked, turning to Olfa.

Looking at her peculiar eyes, Olfa gulped harshly.

With a sweet and velvety smile, Evelyn then continued with an inquiring tone, hiding the true feeling that she had within, "If I remember correctly, you said earlier that you would relieve me of my tongue. Am I remembering it right?"

Breaking free from General Theodas' hold, Olfa quickly prostrated on the ground.

He pressed his forehead strongly against the ground in repentance and shook his head viciously, not wanting that to be his punishment, "No, you must've heard it wrong, my Lady. I never said something like that"

"Are you calling me a liar, Sir Olfa?" Evelyn asked again, her eyes squinting.

Olfa's body trembled uncontrollably at this.

He subconsciously knew that he had messed up way more than he could chew right now.

Nothing could save him from this situation.

Even if his father came and tried to appease the situation, there was absolutely no way that he was able to end this without offending Evelyn. Moreover, the onlookers who heard what she said felt a shiver run down their spine.

None of them could imagine seeing Olfa's tongue being cut off without flinching themselves.

It seemed to them all that the punishment was settled already.

However, at the peak of the tension as Olfa already started to weep silently, not expecting that his bravado would lead to a severe consequence—having his tongue severed—the air that seemed to choke the onlookers' throats dissipated completely.

A graceful smile came and adorned Evelyn's beautiful and flawless face.

Just like that, all of the lethality she emits disappears.

"Don't be scared too much, Sir Olfa," She said with a lighter tone. "I'm not equipped to do such acts myself. After all, I'm not as vicious as some might think. Of course, if it were the Alpha, he would not have waited long to gauge your tongue out"

Upon the brief mention of the Alpha, Olfa crawled to Evelyn's feet.

"Please, my Lady, the Alpha doesn't need to know. I will repent!" He begged in desperation.

His life would've been over if Rex knew what he said to Evelyn.

Looking at this, Evelyn's kneeled down and helped him to sit up with the same, enchanting smile on her face, "Fear not, I am not that kind of person. I will make sure that the Alpha doesn't know because I already make sure you will not make the same mistake"

"Y- Yes! You have my gratitude!" Olfa quickly thanked her despite being confused briefly.

He doesn't know what Evelyn meant by that.

But as long as the Alpha wouldn't know about this, he should be fine.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere to be" Evelyn stood up and left the place.

She walked past Olfa and his two companions.

Of course, she didn't forget to give the two an expressionless look before smiling at them.

Both were not brave enough to look at Evelyn's smile.

Feeling elated that he was blessed by a miracle by nature itself, Olfa looked skywards with a brimming smile on his face. He was glad that nothing bad happened even though if the situation was reversed, he would've cut the person's tongue already for saying what he said to Evelyn.

It was too disrespectful, especially for someone of Evelyn's standing.

'Huh... Guess it was only the Alpha that was vicious, the others are probably second-rate'

Oblivious to him, Evelyn gives a meaningful glance at General Theodas.

Her glance alone made General Theodas sigh as he understood what she meant entirely, and in obeying her order, he approached the elated Olfa before he slapped him so hard on the face, toppling him to the ground.

"What are you-?!"

Just before Olfa could say anything, General Theodas struck the back of his neck.

A strike that knocked Olfa unconscious instantly.

Evelyn's signal was for him to do the punishment himself.

Clearly, the first slap to Olfa was a personal one as he was still in disbelief that Olfa could end up offending Evelyn. Moreover, he also did the same thing he did to Olfa to the other companions as they too would suffer the punishment.

He knew that it was the only thing that would appease Evelyn's silent wrath.

Then again, this is a bad time for them to offend her.

Due to the argument she had with Flunra, she was obviously left in an extremely bad mood.

Not lingering any longer as there were onlookers watching him doing this, General Theodas carried Olfa over his shoulder and the two other Dark Elves before he dashed away, taking them to a more secluded place for the punishment.

While Evelyn, on the other hand, heads to the castle to meet with King Jorik as she planned.

But as she walked, a group of people came rushing over to the gate.

One of them bore stark similarities to Olfa.

It was as if she was looking at an older and more mature version of Olfa.josei

Coming across each other, Evelyn and Olfa's father, Damioc made eye contact in a standoff.

Damioc heard that Olfa made a commotion near the gate, and he was reported that the one he supposedly offended was the Luna of the Silverstar Pack. After receiving the news, he made haste to the scene but it seemed he was too late.

Looking around the place, Olfa was nowhere to be seen.

Even some of the crowd was already leaving, depicting that the ordeal was over.

"Damioc Shalvin..."

"Lady Evelyn..."

Both of them greeted each other meaningfully.

Unlike Olfa, Damioc recognized Evelyn instantly due to the fiery red hair that she possessed.

It was the stark characteristic of the Silverstar Pack's Luna.

On the other hand, Damioc was also surprised that Evelyn knew his name.

Surely this was Olfa's doing.

However, from that alone, he could already made a guess of what had happened.

Smiling lightly, Evelyn made her way onward without saying a single word again. But when the two were shoulder to shoulder, she stopped and tilted her head to the side a little, "He volunteered to be punished, and it's not death, you have nothing to worry about. But if you try to stop it, I can't guarantee that it won't end badly so I suggest you wait"

"I understand" Damioc replied grudgingly.

Despite he was unwilling to let his son be punished, there was nothing he could do.

Touch Evelyn and the entire kingdom will be razed to the ground.

At this point, he should be thankful that Evelyn didn't decide to kill his son.

Had he known the actual things that Olfa and his companions were saying to Evelyn earlier, Damioc would've felt extremely lucky that Evelyn didn't pursue the matter. Threatening and even verbally harassing her is not a small offense.

Once again, if Rex knew, there would be a bloodbath.

Evelyn decided to let this matter go, however, was not because of her kindness.

It was because she could use this in the meeting she will have later.

A trump card if the older generations of Dark Elves try to be overbearing with her.

Realizing that Damioc is more level-headed than his son, Evelyn smiled before she turned her gaze forward again, "Shalvin Family, huh... I'd like to apologize upfront, but this incident will be heard by the Alpha. If I were you, I'd think of a way to appease his inevitable anger"

After saying that, Evelyn simply walked away, leaving Damioc rooted on his spot.

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