The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 1017 The Luna's Standing (2)

Chapter 1017 The Luna's Standing (2)

High-standing figures are currently present to attend the sudden, out-of-the-blue meeting.

A request from an unexpected visitor.

Under the request, ten figures were called to a secretive parlor.

It was an expansive room shrouded in mysterious gloom, echoing the grandeur and ominous allure of the Dark Elves. High, arching windows stretch towards the ceiling, partially covered by heavy, whispering drapes.

Statues of legendary Dark Elves adorned the walls, depicting scenes of ancient lore.

At the room's heart lies a long, onyx table.

Its surface is reflective and cold, lined with chairs that resemble thrones, each carved from the rarest dark wood and endowed with high, clawed backrests. An array of candles, dancing like captive spirits, provide a dim, flickering light that casts, treacherous shadows across the floor.

Moving lively, these shadows mingle with the soft glow that the table emanates.

Sitting on each of the chairs were the ten high-standing figures.

Evelyn sat at the power seat at the left edge of the table, far away from the door, with Lady Lauren standing right beside her. On the other hand, King Jorik sat at the power seat at the right, with a royal Dark Elf advisor beside him.

Positioned at the body of the table were the Elders, representing their high-ranking families.

Out of the six of them, there was one familiar face.

Damioc was one of them, and he was evidently avoiding turning in Evelyn's direction as he could feel that she was looking at him. A tense air loomed in the air because of their exchange, and the others could feel it directly.

Surely, Damioc was ashamed of what his son had done to her.

It was a fatal mistake.

'Lady Evelyn... Is that really the Luna? She looked so young'

Sitting at the right side of the table, sizing Evelyn up and down was a beautiful Dark Elf.

For many, she is the embodiment of her race's enigmatic beauty.

Her skin is a luminous shade of pale silver, a perfect match with her white hair that cascades down in a meticulous braid, hinting at a disciplined nature. She wears a black dress with sheer sleeves that billow softly and graced with intricate golden earrings that speak of her status.

Overall, her demeanor was that of quiet power, a silent storm personified.

She was Bevryth, the head of the Aldri family.

Looking at the supposed Luna in the flesh, Bevryth was both surprised and confused.

Knowing the nature of the Silverstar Pack, they also retain their human nature, and even in human lifespan, Evelyn still looked very young. 'If it's her, then this must not be too hard to do. It'll go smoothly'

After thinking that, Bevryth made subtle eye contact with another Dark Elf across her.

He nodded in response before returning to silence again.

A silent minute has passed, and none of them uttered a single word in this minute.

Only the sound of the repeating, resonating click of Evelyn's armored talons could be heard in the background, punctuating the tense silence that enveloped the room as her piercing gaze swept across the assembly of Dark Elves.

From the looks of it, they were all aware of the incident that transpired at the gate.

Earlier, Lady Lauren has already briefed her about the Elders.

Lady Lauren observed that the Aldri, Sanzo, and Diaro families were the most hostile in the current situation. All of them tried to cause trouble to King Jorik's family but were thankfully intercepted by General Theodas.

But as it was barely a month since they awakened, these are only the tastings.

It wouldn't be a surprise if those three families tried to do something to disrupt this meeting.

Eventually, King Jorik decided to be the one to break the ice.

"Have you been hurt anywhere, lady Evelyn?" He asked, concern in his tone.

Upon hearing this, Evelyn tilted her gaze to him before her fingers stopped with one louder click that echoed throughout the room, "No, I am fine. General Theodas came in the nick of time, and I appreciate it"

King Jorik nodded in relief, he feared that Olaf had already grazed her somewhere.

"As the sovereign of the Dark Elves," He solemnly placed his hand over his chest, a gesture underscoring the sincerity of his words, "I extend my deepest apologies for the regrettable incident you endured in my realm, Lady Evelyn. I earnestly hope you can find it within in you to grant me and my people forgiveness"

Despite the tie between King Jorik and the Silverstar Pack, this is his fault.

It was the wrongdoings of his people, and as a King, he was also the one to blame.

Nevertheless, the anger Evelyn had earlier was not directed at King Jorik too much, knowing the situation he was facing right now. But as she was about to accept the apology, her eyes darted to the other Elders of the Dark Elves.

A look of disapproval was etched on their contorting faces.

'Hmm... Seems like King Jorik specifically said that to establish his position' Evelyn pondered.

The Elders exhibited their displeasure overtly as King Jorik promoted and emphasized his role as the Dark Elf King in the presence of a Silverstar Pack member. Such an act clearly aimed to solidify his position.

A declaration to others that he was now the undisputed ruler.

Just from his apology alone, the air around the Elders becomes hostile instantly.

But it was at that moment that Evelyn stepped in.

"I sought an audience because of the news I heard unfolding in the Dark Elf Kingdom, I am here to see if there was a way to resolve this matter, one that would restore the harmony your kingdom once enjoyed" She explained, opening up a conversation.

Evelyn hoped that this meeting would lead to a favorable conclusion for all.

One that would end the Dark Elf's dispute.

Already expecting what she was here for, King Jorik could only sigh lightly.

None of them seemed to want to explain the problem to Lady Evelyn, and it was only then that King Jorik's advisor stepped forward and was the one to explain it. He would not allow Evelyn to wait another minute for them to explain.

It would be disrespecting her further.

Evelyn listened to the problem that existed between King Jorik and the Elders.

A problem centered on the King's position, where King Jorik was said to be unworthy of that position, not due to his lack of strength, but rather because his blood doesn't contain noble lineage, and leaving him as the King would be breaking the longstanding tradition.

King Jorik's advisor explained the bloodline of each noble family to Evelyn.

She was educated in the families of the Dark Elves.

Several times already, there were heated debates that only intensified by the second.

Lady Lauren was forced to become an intermediary in Evelyn's stead to keep the meeting civil, there would be no fight in front of Evelyn. Fortunately enough, the Elders were quite compliant and didn't escalate things.

On the other hand, Evelyn was left in contemplation.

Now she understands that what the Awakened who reported to her said earlier was true, a fight would really soon break out if this matter is not settled somehow. If that happens, it would be the doom of the Dark Elves, at least if no one gives up.

From the looks of things, it's unlikely that either of them would give up.

"Isn't it better for the stronger one to be in charge?" Evelyn muttered questioningly.

It was then that Bevryth leaned forward to the table and answered instantly, "Unlike your kind, we, the Dark Elves favored nobility more. Our ancestors have been blessed by Dark Nature directly, and thus, the blessing of Dark Nature course in our blood. Jorik doesn't have that, so he's unfit to be our King"

"While you were slumbering, I kept the Dark Elves alive across multiple catastrophic events. I deserved to be King. Bringing up nobility is unfair, the blessing happened thousands of years ago, and none of you were directly blessed. All of you are only using it as an excuse to take the throne" King Jorik retorted, not backing down.

Upon hearing this, Bevryth scoffed, looking at King Jorik with clear hostility.

"W- What if..."

Out of nowhere, one of the Elders that was silent all this time opened his mouth.

In that very second, all turned their heads to him.

Realizing that he had become the center of attention, his eyes widened.

Surely, speaking at this moment would definitely draw the others' attention towards him, yet he doesn't seem to expect to be the center of attention. It's very hard to believe that he was one of the most influential figures in the Dark Elf Kingdom.

Looking at this Elder, Evelyn recognized him to be the head of the Khuurtid Family, Silva.

One that Lady Lauren doesn't seem to be worried about.

'Compared to all the other Elders, he looked the most harmless. He was panicking, and even his body was trembling. Is he really a head family?' Evelyn judged inwardly, seeing that he didn't show any trait befitting of a head family.

As a head family, he should've been adept in meetings such as this.

"W- What if there will be a temporary King until this matter is resolved?" Silva proposed.

But even though it was a decent proposition, King Jorik shuts that down in an instant, "No, I will not accept a temporary King. I will not comply with anything that would lower my position as the King, it will not happen"

"How- How about a second King? You will still be King" Silva countered.

Upon hearing this, King Jorik paused, but he didn't seem to react as strongly as before.

Immediately after that, Silva suddenly made eye contact with Evelyn.

Despite his meek nature, he seemed to be conveying or signaling something to her through this eye contact. In response, Evelyn stood up and declared the conclusion of this meeting, one that all of them were accepting.

"It's settled then. We will be appointing the second King, and the ones present in this room will be voting. Are there any objections?" She swept her gaze across the room and found that none of them raised their objections.

Finding that there was nothing more, Evelyn sighed lightly in relief.

'I need to stay here until the second King is appointed. I could appoint the second King right now, but that would be too meddling, so this way is the best' She pondered, nodding as this was the best she could do for them.

But as she was about to conclude the meeting, one Elder spoke up.

He was sitting across Bevryth, "Wouldn't it be better if the witness be Lord Rex himself?"

"Hmm...?" Evelyn raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Soon, the Elder shifted his gaze to Evelyn before proceeding, "Well, there's a potential issue that one party might back away at the last second, and that would be a problem. If Lord Rex were present, none of us would retreat. So, I'm curious, where is he?"

Upon hearing this, Evelyn's expression darkens.

"Are you underestimating me?" She retorted back, bubbling anger slowly rising within.

The Elder nonchalantly shrugged and took a deliberate step to the side, facing Evelyn who was still standing by her seat. He extended his arms, and a radiant bronze glow enveloped him as potent energy surged through his being.

In addition, an eerie vertical eye emerged on his forehead.

With a smile, he continued, "Forgive me, but I don't think you can enforce this agreement"


Out of nowhere, his entire body blurred.

Evelyn felt a light pinch on her cheek before a voice came from her back.

"After all, you couldn't even react to me. During the day for the second King was appointed, you wouldn't be able to enforce if one back out, Lady Evelyn..." He sat on the staircase behind Evelyn's seat, leading to the scenery of the outside.

In his hand was a black dagger, liquid could be seen dripping from its tip.

Out of instinct, Evelyn reached to her cheek.

Pulling back her hand down, she was surprised to see blood, the Elder actually attacked her!

"Hah... this is going to be a problem" She mused inwardly.josei

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