The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 191 Meeting The Eternal Curse Creature

Chapter 191 Meeting The Eternal Curse Creature

Tut Tut!!

Bonus Chapter has arrived for hungry eyes!

As always, tell me what you think of the development of the story in the comments XD

And once again, I will continue to keep saying this but nevertheless Thank You! For you all that supported this Novel!

I'll keep the greeting short, Happy Reading!


A beautiful creature appeared out of nowhere,

The creature is certainly a Vampire just from looking at its pale skin and two sharp fangs on its upper mouth, and the curves of the creature's body stated that the creature is a she.

Black and Red Victorian short skirt dress covered her body, and her red thin lips quirk up into a devious smile.

Rex looks at the Vampire in front of him in horror, 'That's...'

Flashes of the scene where Rex was about to find a sword for the tournament at Faraday University cross his mind.

In the bathroom, Rex got cursed and he saw a creature bathed in blood.

He can clearly see the creature's resemblance to the Vampire in front of him, and also the words that creature said to him still ring in his head.

"I will find you..."

That's what the creature said, and Rex becomes even certain the creature is the Vampire in front of him.

The Vampire glance at her back with her glowing purple eyes, the creepy smile on her face can be seen clearly as she turns around.

Upon revealing the Vampire's face, Rex widened his eyes because he recognize that Vampire.

'She's the Vampire I capture in Zrolis City, Calidora!', Rex thought in surprise, he would've never thought that the curse came from Calidora.

His body glows with a yellow hue as he thought, 'But why?! I didn't treat her badly that time'

Calidora looks at Rex with crazy eyes, her creepy smile is still plastered on her face as she tilts her head a little while looking at Rex.

Then, her eyes suddenly change.

Her purple violet eyes suddenly emit a red hue as it turns red, a weird-looking pattern appeared around her Sclera that makes Rex feel uneasy.

Rex's chest suddenly felt tightened as if something is gripping his heart.

In a flash, Calidora leaped towards Rex with blood energy surrounding her like a maniac.

The slight pang on his chest distracts Rex for a moment before suddenly, Calidora already leaped onto Rex pinning Rex to the ground.


Rex looks at Calidora who is mounting on him in shock,

Calidora is also looking at Rex with crazed eyes before she suddenly waves her claws,


"Tch!", Rex grunted as his cheek got slashed, his blood started to flow down on his cheek slowly making Calidora gulp harshly.

She then brought her face closer while gripping Rex's cheek with her hand,

"I've been waiting for you", Calidora said softly before she licks the blood on Rex's cheek, she did it slowly as if she was carefully tasting Rex's blood.

Rex wanted to push her away but his chest felt tight again,

Seeing this scene, Vanessa shouted, "Let's help him! We can beat that Vampire!"

The others snap out of their daze after hearing Vanessa's command, they gritted their teeth and charge forward before suddenly,



Four of them including Vanessa got hit on their backs,

They fall flat on the ground without any resistance, it happened so fast and before they know it they're already lying on the ground.

"Argh! Leader, Did you see who hit us?!", Simon shouted while looking at his surrounding.

Vanessa gets back up quickly before she shouted back, "I don't know! I can't feel their presence even with my detection!"

Feeling the situation is out of hand, Vanessa chanted, "Ice Magic! Ice Cocoon!"


An ice barrier erupted from the ground creating a cocoon around the Trench Predator Scavengers, the others then also chanted their spells to reinforce Vanessa's spell.

She already brought Liliya to her side, she will not leave Liliya alone.

Vanessa looks to the side to only found the Vampire mounting on top of Rex.

She squinted her eyes and saw Calidora's dress has a crest on them, she then widened her eyes in surprise, "That Vampire is a Royal!! The one that hit us should be her Royal Guards!"

"Royal Vampire?! We can't fight that!!", a guy shouted desperately.

They are Scavengers from the Trench Predator Guild, and they already have experience and briefing about this mission they're currently doing.

It's common knowledge for them to know everything about Vampires,

This part of Supernatural Territory is near the Vampire's Kingdom, so it is natural to be alert for Vampires and learn their characteristics.

And that red skull-shaped crest on Calidora's dress is that of the Royals,

Vanessa and her group are instructed to run upon seeing any Vampire that has that crest, they will not stand a chance against the Royals and even their seniors can't fight the Royals.

"We need to flee! Let's just ditch that guy", another guy added.

Hearing this, Vanessa takes one last look at Rex while biting her lips.

She then instructed, "Let's flee from here, we can't do anything to help him anyway"

Right after they said that two silhouettes suddenly appeared in front of them blocking their vision towards Rex and Calidora.

They are wearing black full-plate armor with a red-skull crest on their chest,

Vanessa and the others leaped back instinctively, the two Royal Guards appeared inside the ice cocoon as if it's nothing.

"Do not interfere, All you need to do is to stay here and do nothing until it is over", one of the Royal Guards said.

Hearing this, Vanessa frowns.

She then said, "We will leave this place, we have nothing to do with that guy"

Vanessa already caught on to the situation, these Royals are after Rex for some reason and she will not risk her group for a stranger.


The guy beside Vanessa suddenly got cleave in two,

This happened in a blink of an eye, and all of them didn't even react to the attack before the guy beside her fall to the ground dead.

"We will not repeat ourselves", the Royal Guard said.

A red ruby blade appeared on one of the Royal Guard's hands that are coated with blood.

Vanessa and her group didn't even saw where the sword came from, but the blood on it is definitely one of theirs that just died.

This is a clear warning from them, and this makes Vanessa's group frozen in place.

One of the Royal Guards is standing facing Vanessa's group motionless, while the other are watching Rex and Calidora.

Back to Rex,

Rex gritted his teeth as he snapped out his daze,

The red eyes of Calidora somehow put him in a dazed state, he can't think clearly.


Rex punch Calidora but got blocked by her, but she got blown away creating a gap that Rex used to recover his position.

Calidora stomps to the ground stopping herself.

She then licks her claws that got Rex's blood on them, "As I thought, your blood is the best"

"What did I do to you? Why did you curse me?", Rex shouted with a frown.

This situation shouldn't have happened as Rex thinks that he didn't treat Calidora badly, he even gave her his blood.

But then he suddenly realized, 'Is this because of my blood?'

Just as he was thinking, Calidora's hand was suddenly covered by blood energy as it creates a big red hand made of blood energy.

From the energy it emitted, It should be around peak rank five.

Rex scans Calidora as he prepares himself,


Race: Mythical Vampire - Teen Vampire(Queen)

Power: Rank Five (Mid) - Eyes of Terror

Mental: 105

Strength: 98

Agility: 198

Endurance: 176

Intelligence: 254

Seeing Calidora's stat, there is a couple of question that pops into Rex's head.

There are some changes on her stats that he realized, but he's not worried because her stat is near his but he got many enhancements to amplify his stats.

He's not worried,

Calidora's body glows with blood energy, her wings suddenly sprouted on her back before she dashes towards Rex.

Rex was caught off guard, her speed exceeded his expectation.

"Arghh!", Rex grunted after his chest got clawed by Calidora, blood dripped from Rex's chest, and this spike Calidora's interest again.

She dashes towards Rex again but this time Rex is on full alert.


Rex roared as he use his Alpha Bearing skill, but then suddenly,

Calidora's red eyes flash,

<Alpha Bearing has failed to reduce the target's stats>

Reading this, Rex widened his eyes in surprise before Calidora stabbed Rex's chest with her red energy claw.

She then clenches the red energy claw making Rex grunt in pain, "ARGHH!"

Right after Rex's flesh got ripped from his chest, Calidora kicks him away sending him crashing into a tree.


Rex stands back up while touching his chest area,

There is a nasty wound on his right chest that got ripped by Calidora's claw, 'Damn it! Alpha Bearing is not working, and Myth Presence doesn't seem to affect her!', he thought in anger.

He then activates his Yellow Force and Pure Brace of Moonlight enhancing his power greatly.

"Haahh, I need more of this. Give me more!!", Calidora shouted while licking Rex's blood on her red energy claws, she looks intoxicated by Rex's blood.

It's like taking a drug, and she can't stop taking it anymore.

Without even responding to Calidora's remarks, Black Lightning started to envelop his body completely as his eyes glister, "My turn!"


Rex's body turns into a lightning bolt as he dashes towards Calidora, He activates his Force Beam as his fist glows with a yellow hue.

Seeing this, Calidora smile and dashes forward too.

Calidora punches Rex with her red energy claw while Rex also gives the same response.


Their fist collided creating a powerful shockwave that even cracked Vanessa's ice cocoon, but their power is not equal.

Calidora got blown away by Rex's punch,

Her strength is nowhere near Rex's strength sending her flying away, she becomes the one that goes crashing away to a tree just like Rex before.

But instead of getting hurt, Calidora got a crazy smile on her face.josei

"How could you hurt me? I just want to dice you up and drink your blood", Calidora said while waving her claw around.

She even pouted as if what she's saying is a good thing,

Rex becomes disgusted as he looks at Calidora, but then, he widened his eyes in surprise when he suddenly saw Calidora's stats started to rise.

'What happened? Why is her stats rising?!', Rex thought in surprise.

From all the fights he has before, he never found an opponent that has their stats rising right in front of his eyes.

He saw her stats rising through her stats tab!

Calidora smiles creepily when suddenly,


"Argh! What the fuck?!", Rex grunted in pain, both of his legs suddenly got pierced by something.

He looks down to only found two needles made of blood pierced his shin,

Rex's legs become weak as he falls to the ground, the blood needle went through his shin and comes out from the back.

The needle is thick, and it's stuck on his legs.

Calidora laughs hysterically, her creepy laughs filled the night.

'I can't transform, there is still the Trench Predator group there', Rex thought.

With Calidora showing that she's a powerful opponent, the only answer is to use the new Manual Transformation feature that he got.

But Rex can't do it here,

Vanessa and the others are still standing still just like the Royal Guards said, they didn't even dare to move too much lest the Royal Guard decided to kill them.

All they can do is watch as Rex fight with Calidora,

"You want my blood right?", Rex shouted towards Calidora.

Hearing this, Calidora glance at Rex innocently while making her eyes bigger, "Of course, Can I take all of it?", Calidora said pleadingly.

Rex then raises both of his hands as if he's letting Calidora take his blood.

Calidora looks at Rex with starry eyes, but when she's about to approach Rex,

Both of Rex's hands show his middle finger, "FUCK YOU!", he cursed before he ran away from this place escaping through the forest.

Seeing this, Calidora was frozen in her spot.

She then gritted her teeth with clear anger on her expression, her eyes flash with a red hue before she dashes towards where Rex has run off to, "YOU ARE MINE!!"

The Royal Guards also moved, they follow Calidora leaving Vanessa's group.

Even after the Royal Guards left,

Vanessa and her group didn't move an inch, they are still frightened by the Royal Guard that can kill them without them even noticing.

After waiting for a while with no sign of them, Vanessa finally moves.

"I think it's okay now, they already left", she said before the others finally sigh in relief.

They all are relieved after the immense pressure they shouldered with just standing beside the Royal Guard, it's as if their lives can disappear in just a moment.

It's not a good feeling to experience,

"We better get out of here, let's call off the mission. The upper management will understand if we said that we encounter a Royal Vampire", Simon said from the side.

Hearing this, Vanessa nodded her head agreeing with him.

But she can't help to look at where Rex has run off to, 'Why did they target him? Did he take something important or...'

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