The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 192 Devilish Vampire

Chapter 192 Devilish Vampire



Rex runs through the forest like a madman, his legs are hurting but they started to heal while he's running to find a suitable place.

While he's running, he can feel Calidora is on his back tailing him.

But that's not all, 'There're others following me, Is that the Vampires that attacked the Trench Predator Scavengers?', Rex thought.

From the very thin aura those Vampires emitted, Rex knows they are strong.

If he's not in a situation like this and his senses aren't put to the max, he probably won't detect these Vampires without the help of Kyran.

The pursuit kept going for minutes,

"Come here little doggy!! I won't do anything bad! I'm just going to take all of your blood!!"

Calidora can be heard shouting from the back,

Rex becomes even more certain that Calidora is already out of her mind, 'What do you mean only? That's basically wanting to kill me', Rex screamed in his thoughts.

The bushes and tree trunks along Rex's path got destroyed,

He didn't even bother dodging, he just power through all of them because Calidora is fast.

Turning his straight-line path will certainly make Calidora catch up to him, and he still thinks that they're not far enough.

After feeling that he's on a good enough distance than the others, 'System use Lunar Blessing Storage!', Rex said to the system.

Right after he said that his body makes a cracking sound as his body turned into his Werewolf form.

It happened while he's still running,

Rex didn't know if it's the system's feature or what, but the transformation is not as painful as during the Full Moon.

<The user's stats have been multiplied by 2!>

Rex scans the surrounding, he saw an open field on his right as he dashes there.

Although he's in a predicament because of the Vampires chasing him, he still has the Invincible item that he got from the system.

Only the Vampire King can rival his Invincible Item,

A bunch of Royal Vampires like them can't be stronger than rank nine, it is simply impossible.


Rex stomped the ground after finding another open place,

There are much mutated bugs around here but they all escape after feeling Rex's aura, they also have a danger sense like animals.

After a few seconds, Calidora arrives at the place.

She still has the same crazy eyes but this time, she widened her eyes in surprise seeing Rex's form, "This form...", she said in surprise.

"Have more blood!! I can see it!!", Calidora screamed in joy.

Her red eyes with weird patterns on them glow brighter, it's like she's seeing something that she wanted the most in her life.

And if Rex can read her mind, his blood is the thing she wanted most.

Hearing this, Rex was caught off guard.

This form of his should push further his Werewolf aura, but instead of getting nervous or fear, Calidora becomes even more crazed because of his blood.

It seems that he got more blood flowing in this form based on what Calidora said.

Rex looks down and saw his new Werewolf Form after evolving,

His fur is a deep black that makes him merges with the dark, an erect body that puts him aside from other Werewolves, and also two demonic horns on his head.

Just from a glance, anyone will know that he's a different kind of Werewolf.

Without even caring about the disparity of their strengths, Calidora leaped again towards Rex with excitement.

Her mind seems to focus on his blood as she flaps her wings towards Rex.

But unlike the fight they had before, Rex flashes to her side and punches her using Force Beam that landed right on her rib cage.


"Huakh!", Calidora got blown away screeching on the ground,

Her body rolled a couple of times because of the force from Rex's punch before suddenly, Rex already appeared again on her back.

This time, his claw burns with dark energy.

"Claw of Tormentor!!"


Rex slashes Calidora who is still rolling on the ground, his claws imbued with dark energy slashed her back sending her crashing to the opposite side.

But feeling the slash, Rex frowns, 'Did she have some kind of barrier?'

The slash landed solidly and it should pierce her skin,

But Rex felt that his claws hit a hard object, not a skin that he expected.

After Calidora stop on the other side, she spat a mouthful of blood because of Rex's punch that may just break her ribs.

The difference in their strength is evident, Rex is much stronger than her in this form.

Calidora raised her gaze to meet Rex's and to his surprise,

Her creepy obsessive smile is still there, the pain doesn't seem to bother her at all.

"Tch!", Rex wanted to finish Calidora off again to kill her but suddenly, Calidora is the one who makes the first move.

Her power raises again but it is still far from Rex,

Calidora spread her arms as multiple droplets of blood appeared around Rex staining his vision in red, "Blood Magic, Carnage Festival!!"


The droplets of blood glow with red energy as they shot towards Rex,

Rex's body glows with a yellow hue as he also activates his black lightning, both energies cover his body completely nullifying Calidora's attack.

The Black Lightning didn't manage to evaporate the droplets of blood, but it still manage to weaken it before it hit Rex's Force Barrier.

Not a scratch landed on Rex's body, his Force Barrier stopped it all.


Rex appeared in front of Calidora in a flash, his cold red eyes are staring at her.

His eyes are like sharp icicles that stab one heart, but this didn't affect Calidora at all as she shouted, "GIVE ME YOUR BLOOD!"


Rex slap her face making her face turned to the side forcefully,

Calidora touches her cheek that got slapped by Rex in surprise, the pattern in her red eyes shook violently making the ground tremble.


Looking at this, Rex was shocked, 'Is this her eyes power?'

Before Calidora's eyes can do anything more, Rex already activates his Black Field Orko spell as five tentacles made of black lightning caught Calidora's body.

Four of her limbs got restrained by the black lightning while the last one choked her neck.

This makes the trembling ground stopped, Calidora's eyes turn back to purple as she got choked by the black lightning.

"Take your curse off of me, or I will kill you right now", Rex said threateningly.

Hearing this, Calidora smiles mockingly, "Give me your blood now or our soul will always be linked to each other even after death"

After she said that,

Her body suddenly glows red as she leans forward, she kisses Rex right on his lips completely surprising Rex.


p Rex pushed her away before Calidora laughs sweetly,

His lips started to bleed, Calidora bite his lips purposedly to make him bleed.

Calidora licks her lips in delight savoring Rex's blood that manage to get into her mouth, she smacked her lips in delight while playfully looking t Rex.

For her, Rex's blood is something that she will give everything for.

Looking at this, Rex's body is boiling in anger.

He doesn't understand why Calidora is doing this but he will certainly not let her go, she acts like this is all a game for her and Rex didn't like that.

Rex's claws glow with yellow, black, and lightning energy.

What Calidora did just now completely angers Rex, "Then you will die now!", Rex said softly when suddenly,


"What?!", Rex got surprised when two silhouettes appeared in front of him.



Rex's left shoulder got slashed by a sword before he blocked a kick to his stomach pushing him back a couple of meters, this exchange happened in a flash.

Rex manages to block one of the attacks is only thanks to his insane reflex.

He raise his eyes and saw two vampires clad in black armor standing beside Calidora.

'They are the Vampires that attacked the Trench Predator Group, and they both are strong!', Rex thought while looking at the two.

But then, Rex smirk when he realized, 'The Myth Presence is working, the Vampire that I blocked is a peak rank six or even seven but I manage to block his kick', he thought.

With the power they currently have, they should be way stronger than Rex.

Separating Rex from Calidora should be an easy job, but one of their attacks somehow got blocked by Rex.

This means that their movements are sluggish, Myth Presence works on these two.

"Who are you?", Rex asks.

The two vampires faces can't be seen, but they look like a guard.

One of the Vampires stabs the ground with his red sword imbued with blood energy, Rex's spell immediately got canceled by it.

Calidora got freed from Rex's spell,

Her eyes glister as she wanted to pounce to Rex again but got held by the Royal Vampire Guards.

"LET ME GO!! HE'S MINE!!", Calidora shouted.

One of the Royal Vampire Guard hits the back of Calidora's head sending her unconscious, he then carries Calidora on his shoulder.

Looking at this, Rex becomes alert because he will not win against these two.

Rex is already getting ready to activate his Invincible item from the system, that is the only way to get out of the situation if the two Royal Vampire Guards attacked him.

But then,

"You, How did you do that?", one of the Royal Vampire Guards asked.

Hearing this, Rex's eyebrows scrunch in confusion.

Then the Royal Vampire Guard added, "How did you turn into your human form? What method do you use?"

"As if I will tell you that", Rex scoffed.

Both of the Royal Vampire Guards went silent for a moment,

Then suddenly, wings grow from their backs making Rex on full alert with his thumb ready on the Invincible item in his inventory.

But then, they flapped their wings leaving the place.

Rex looks at both of the Royal Vampire Guard with a frown, 'Why didn't they attack me?', he thought in confusion.

If the Royal Vampire Guards are tasked to protect Calidora then hurting her means that they are free to kill Rex, but they didn't do it and leave instead.

This doesn't make sense, and Rex stood there until he can't see them anymore.josei

After making sure they're not coming back, his body then transforms to his human form again.

Rex is separated from the Trench Predator Scavengers and left here alone, he then sighs, 'What a night, let's hurry back before the Violet Moon'


"Have you check if all securities are running smoothly?", a guy wearing a military uniform said after entering a room, there's a specialist badge on the side of his uniform.

The two military men inside the room stand up abruptly and salute immediately.

They are currently inside the watching post of the Great Barricade,

In every two miles of the Great Barricade wall, there will be one watching post, they will guard their side of the wall from any intruders.

It's a manpower heavily routine that is filled by the military.

Although the technology in this era is great, they still need manpower to handle manual things like this.

The Great Barricade wall is so long that it will take days to reach the end of it from the other end, and every two miles has a watching post.

One can imagine how much manpower is needed to maintain this, it's a lot.

Thankfully, resident of Ratmawati City is not on the list for being forced into the military to fulfill these kinds of job.

People outside of Ratmawati City have it hard,

Many of their men or even women are sometimes forced to voluntarily join the military, humanity is facing a crisis, and the military needs all of the manpower they can get.

"Yes Sir!! We already checked everything Sir!!", both of them said in a union.

Hearing this, the specialist military man left the room before he said, "Make sure to check again, and don't sleep at the same time!"

After the specialist military man left, the two military men sigh in relief.

They are just at the end of their great card battle, and the specialist shocked both of them.

"Just one more and I will win! Are you ready to lose?"

"In your dream pussy! You are destined to never beat me from the moment you are born!"

While the two military men are playing cards,

Unknown to them, a group of Vampires is hawking their watching post.

Just as they're laughing happily, the door suddenly burst open making them stand up while saluting again fearing that the specialist military man came back.

But what greeted them is not what they expect,

A Vampire wearing dark full-plate armor bust into the room,

Both the military men wanted to press a button on their side but they're too slow, the Vampire already slashed their hands before their heads got sliced in half.

This happened in seconds, and no sound was made from their exchange.

After killing the two military men, the Vampire looks to the side before it turns off all of the security in the room by destroying them.



Right after he did that, the invisible barrier covering the Great Barricade wall dimmed down.

The Vampire then close the door silently before he left, he dashes to a ground slope a few miles from the wall where an army of Vampire with black uniform are stationed.

"Sir Issac, the barrier on the wall has been destroyed", the Vampire said.

Hearing this, Issac's lips quirk into a smile, "Today will be the day I cleanse my name from disgrace! Let's kill some humans!"

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