The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 193 Delta The Silverstar Wolf

Chapter 193 Delta The Silverstar Wolf

Rex search for the Trench Predator Scavengers,

He remembers Vanessa's scent clearly, and after he got back to the place where they part ways he can instantly follow her smell.

Her smell is different than others, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

Rex is dashing through the forest like the devil in the night,

There are multiple mutated animals that have a peak rank five power that will give him a good exp, but the time is pressing and he can't afford a distraction.

He needs to go back to the Human territory, it's not safe in this place.

After a while of following Vanessa's scent, Rex finally catches up but he saw something interesting is going on with the group.

'Let's see the show for a moment', Rex thought with a curious look.


"Leader, there're twenty of them and we can't win against them without fighting with our all", Simon said in worry.

The group was faced with twenty or more mutated wolves,

The Wolves have dark blue furs with sharp fangs, and their bodies are twice the size of a lion that can instill fear even just meeting one of them.

Vanessa's eyes darted to the surrounding place, and she soon finds out that they're surrounded.

Many pairs of eyes are looking at them from all sides,

Like a man-eating creature in the night, they stalk Vanessa's group carefully.

"Vanessa we need to go, the Vampires might just be around the corner", a guy said while looking around paranoidly.

Then another added, "We can't even see the Vampires movements! let's just power through them, we need to get out of here!"

Although they're surrounded, they fear the Vampires they just met rather than the wolves.

Hearing this, Vanessa frowns heavily, 'The team is shaken because of the Royal Vampires before, we can't fight these Wolves in this state. But how can we get out of here', she thought.

Anyone that experience meeting the Royal Vampire Guards before will certainly be the same.

The pressure from not knowing how they died can shake all kinds of brave men and women, it's like knowing their life and death are in the hands of others.

That is not a good feeling to experience,

Liliya is lying in the middle of the group unconscious, Vanessa is determined to protect her.



The mutated wolves started to circle them as they bare their sharp fangs, their bloodthirsty eyes are fixed onto the group knowing that the group is scared.

Vanessa holds the hilt of her sword tighter,

She looks to the group of mutated wolves and finds one that has white fur, 'Is that their leader? If we can take that one out then we will be free', she thought.

Without wasting a second, Vanessa jumped towards the white wolf.

Just after her attack, the other wolves also attacks the group as a fight broke out.

Vanessa slash her sword that spat icicles at the white wolf but missed it, the white wolf dodge the icicles to the side with its fast movement.

Its movements surprise Vanessa, with that big body the white wolf shouldn't be that fast.


The white wolf roared menacingly as its body glows with a white hue,

All of the surrounding wolves become even daring, the roar acts like a powerup for the wolves.

Looking at this, Vanessa widened her eyes again as the white wolf suddenly appeared in front of her with faster movement.


Vanessa manages to block the white wolf claws with her sword,

She got pushed back by the force from the white wolf's attack, 'It comprehended Force! I can't beat it easily!'

But then suddenly,


"We meet again", a voice creeps onto Vanessa's ears that makes her skin crawl.

Even the others in the group got goosebumps hearing this voice, it's the voice that they least wanted and expect after what happened earlier.

The wolves that are attacking them suddenly stop, this makes the group confused.

They all looks to their backs and saw Rex leaning on a tree.

Seeing Rex, "Why are you here?! Don't come near us! You will get us into trouble!", Vanessa shouted fearing the Vampires are still pursuing Rex.

The others also step back in fear, they know damn well that Rex is the Vampires target.

Rex didn't reply to the group, he just walks casually towards the group making the group step back unconsciously.

But rather than greeting the group, Rex went past them.

The Trench Predator Scavengers looks towards Rex and saw something that shocked them,

The white mutated wolf that Vanessa just fought against suddenly wags its tail at Rex, it then jumped towards Rex like a dog.

Rex laughs as he falls to the ground, the white mutated wolf started to licks him endlessly.

The hours they spent together bonded them together,

'I know that this wolf is strong, but to actually able to use Force', Rex thought as he plays with the white wolf.

But then, Vanessa snaps out of her daze, "How...How did you tame such a powerful creature?"

"I didn't, we're just friends", Rex said nonchalantly.

Vanessa frowns hearing this, she then said, "Who are you really?"

"Just a student who is taking a trip", Rex said casually, he didn't intend to tell Vanessa his name at all.

She wanted to say something more but then,

The others also snap out of their daze, Simon then intervenes, "Vanessa it's not safe here, he's a target of those Vampires earlier and they might still be around here"

"Yeah leader, let's just go", another added.

Hearing this, Vanessa gritted her teeth before she said, "Thank you for your kind help, but we must go"

Rex didn't react to her statements,

He waves his hand, "Leave Liliya here, you should trust me by now that she's my friend", he said.

Vanessa hesitated but looking at her group, she finally sighs.

"Fine, I'll leave her with you. But if you do anything to her, I will come for you", Vanessa said coldly before the group dashes to the side leaving the place.

After the group left, Rex then walks to Liliya and checks on her.

The wound on her neck already looks better, and it should recover after a little more time.

Seeing their leader wags its tail docilely, the other wolves hesitated to attack Rex who is thinking amidst the wolves.

But just from the glare of the white wolf, all of them whimper and went back to the forest.

Rex noticed this,

"Now, running back will be faster but it will be tiring", Rex thought out loud, but then an idea came to mind as he look at the white wolf.

He then approach the white wolf and said, "Do you want to come with me?"


Inside the Scarlet Banes Kingdom,

"Your majesty, there's a messenger from Queen Shanaela requesting your attention", a Werewolf wearing armor said while kneeling in front of the throne.

King Baralt is currently occupied with many female Werewolves around him,

He smacked his lips in displeasure after hearing what the Werewolf in front of him said, "Tell them I'm busy, the air of this night is not suitable to talk politics", he said while smiling playfully at the female Werewolves.

The Werewolf bowed his head deeper and replied, "Your majesty, they said that it's important"

"ARE YOU THE KING? RUSTON?", King Baralt shouted angrily.

The Werewolf immediately planted his head on the ground as he replied with the utmost respect, "No, your majesty. Forgive my rude behavior, I'm simply not thinking straight"

"Then send them away!! I will not see anyone this night!", King Baralt commanded.

After their exchange and knowing that King Baralt is displeased, Ruston immediately ready his claws and slashed his left hand.


His left hand got cut cleanly as blood splurted out of it,

King Baralt scoffed before Ruston bowed one last time and left the throne room, he doesn't want to disturb King Baralt further.

Leaving the throne room, Ruston went to the hall.

The hall is decorated with many furs of powerful mutated animals as decoration, and the furniture here is made of strong bones and wood.

Arriving at the hall, Ruston saw an elf sitting on the middle chair.

The Elf stands up upon seeing Ruston but frowns when she saw Ruston's bloodied hand, she knows instantly that the request has been declined.

"The King will not see anyone this night, please relay your message to me", Ruston said.

Hearing this, the Elf got angered, "This is a matter of importance! I need to speak to the king!"

Ruston squinted his eyes warning the Elf to not be reckless.

The Elf eased her behavior after realizing that she's currently inside the Werewolf Kingdom, she finally sits back down before Ruston also sits in front of her.

"There has been a report that Thyssys has been attacked by a Werewolf", the Elf said.

Hearing this, Ruston becomes confused, "Why would a Werewolf attacks Thyssys, the Supernatural is under a temporary alliance, moreover, the Werewolf and Elf don't have any qualms with each other"

"That's what I want to ask!", the Elf replied sharply.

She then continues, "Five High Elves in Thyssys got killed yesterday night, and the one that manage to escape told us that a Werewolf did it"

Ruston laid back on his seat as the blood on his hand stopped bleeding.

"For a Werewolf to kill five High Elves then they must be an Alpha, but why would any Alphas do this", Ruston said in confusion.

Seeing Ruston's act, the Elf then said, "Is it that confusing? Or are you hiding something?"josei

"Are you suspecting the Werewolf Kingdom breach the temporary alliance?", Ruston said with a darkened expression, he started to emit a black aura that pressure the Elf heavily.

The rune on his shoulder glows red as his eyes glare at the elf in front of him sharply.

The Elf's chest heaved up and down as the aura pressured her making it hard to breathe, it is clear the difference in power between both of them.

She then said hurriedly, "My apology! I get consumed by anger and was not in the right mind!"

Hearing this, Ruston takes back his aura before he scoffed, "I will send a pack to check Thyssys, and I will conduct a full investigation on all of our Alphas that are absent that night. You may leave now"

After saying that, the Elf bowed respectfully and left the hall.

Ruston laid back on the chair with a frown, 'Why do they attack?  What reason for this attack? It just doesn't make sense'



"The air feels nice", Rex said with a smile.

He's currently riding the White Wolf's back as the wolf gallop hard through the forest, its speed is astonishing, it even manages to surprise Rex.

For a peak rank five mutated animals, this beast is one of a kind.

Not only it is the leader of a pack of mutated wolves, but it also comprehended Force just like Rex, only weaker.

Rex is holding Liliya to make sure she doesn't fall,

She's still unconscious but based on the Werewolf Rash, she will definitely wake up after they got back to human territory.

The journey is long, but the White Wolf saves them the trouble.

"I will call you Delta, the Silverstar Wolf!", Rex said as he taps the white wolf, Delta's back.


Delta howl in joy, "It seems you know what I'm saying and like the name", Rex said with a laugh.

After about five hours of galloping hard non-stop, 'We will arrive faster than expected'

Delta proves to be stronger and faster than what Rex expects,

Usually for normal animals, 30 minutes of galloping hard will certainly tire them.

But Delta, on the other hand, she kept going for five hours straight now and there's not even the slightest bit of sign that she's tired.

They will arrive at the human territory in just a bit over a day, Rex still has plenty of time before the Violet Moon arrives.

But while Delta is galloping hard, Rex's eyes catch something.

"Delta stop!", Rex said.

Delta stops after hearing Rex's command, Rex looks up and saw a crow stalking them before it flaps its wings towards Rex.

He stretches out his arm before the Crow landed on his arm,

There is a rolled letter on the Crow's legs, Rex takes it before he opened it.

'Green Team, Go to Qrila City after finishing your mission. The city will be under attack, the black hand there needs help and you're the closest to the position.

Green Messenger~'

Reading this, Rex frowns, 'The city will be under attack? They know this ahead of time?'

'Damn it, there's still the Violet Moon. How can I do this?', Rex thought, he doesn't have the time to help the city.

It will be bad if he transforms during the Violet Moon,

Rex gritted his teeth before the crows flapped their wings away, "Let's just hope I can control the transformation with the Manual Transformation feature, Delta Let's go!!"

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