The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 196 Cruel World

Chapter 196 Cruel World

Meanwhile, Inside a level two city on the west of Ratmawati City.

"Mira, Let's go back. I promise I will give you the money, just give me another chance", a guy said pleadingly.

The guy is wearing a typical office worker white shirt, but his appearance is haggard.

There is a pretty girl in her twenties that is similar to him wearing a crop top, and her arms are hugging a muscular bald guy that wears a sleeveless black tee.

"Brother, how can you get the money? You got discharged a year ago from the military, and you can't get a job until today", Mira said harshly.

She then added, "That limp leg of yours, I just hoped you didn't come back!"

Hearing this, the guy kneels on the ground helplessly, "I promise to pay your debt, but you have to go home and talk to mom"

"Our mom is dying...", the guy mumbles softly.

Hearing this, "That stinking woman, why won't she just die already. She's becoming a burden the longer she lives, doesn't she realized that?", Mira said coldly.

Mira spits to the ground remembering her mom, her words pain her brother greatly.

The guy beside Mira laughs, he seems to be Mira's boyfriend, "Just dump them already, I got money to pay your debt and take you anywhere you want"

Hearing this, Mira's eyes become starry.

She hugs the guy's arm tighter and said, "Of course babe, I'll leave them right now since this jerk over here can't pay my debt"

Her brother can only hear their conversation helplessly,

Even after hearing their harsh words, the guy didn't even say anything and just looks to the ground with teary eyes.

The grin on Mira's boyfriend becomes wider as he looks at the guy kneeling on the ground.

After saying that,

Both Mira and her boyfriend left the guy while bickering with each other.

The guy didn't even say anything while the two started bad-mouthing his mom, he's disappointed in himself more than Mira, "I'm so pathetic"

Two days passed,

"Sorry, we can't accept you here", a woman said politely.

The guy is currently inside a building and it seems he got rejected for the job vacancy, he left the building with a dejected look.

The day is already noon, he decided to went back with a sour mood.

Just when he's around the corner,


A speeding car suddenly went through a puddle of water and splashes the water at the guy.

The guy stops for a while, he wanted to curse but he held it in and just resume his way back home under pitying gazes.

Arriving at his home,

"Mom, I'm back!", the guy shouted.

He went to his mom's room and find that his mom is awake lying on the bed, her head is bald and her body is frail and weak.

She has a blank look on her face until the guy enters the room.

"Where's Mira?" *Cough* *Cough*, "I want to see her", the mom said weakly.

Seeing this, the guy takes a glass of water on the desk beside the bed and gently helps his mother drink it.

"Don't worry mom, I will bring her back", the guy said assuringly.

Although he looks believable, the mom saw right through his lies.

The mom smiles weakly before she said softly, "I don't think I got much time left, I want to at least see her for the last time"

Hearing this, the guy widened his eyes, "Don't say that mom"

Tears started to fall down his eyes while looking at his weak mother, he can't imagine what would happen to him if his mother was about to leave him.

But then,josei


The mother suddenly splashes the water at the guy making the guy stunned.

"BRING HER BACK RIGHT NOW!! WHY CAN'T YOU DO SUCH SIMPLE THING", The mom suddenly shouted at the guy.

The guy raises his gaze and said, "Mom don't be angry, calm down it's not good for you"

He's not shocked by the sudden change in his mother's tone and mood, it seems that he's used to this kind of treatment.

"STOP CARING FOR ME!! YOU FILTHY SON!!", the mom shouted angrily.


Just as the guy accepts all of his mom's curses, the curses suddenly stop.

The guy, Indra, looks up and saw his mother gasping for air while glaring at him.

Seeing this, "Mom? Mom? Mom?!", he shouted while seeing his mom gasp for air a couple of times before she suddenly passed out.

Half an hour later,

"Nurse my mom has been lying there for almost 20 minutes! She needs to get treated right away!", Indra said angrily.

He's currently inside a hospital, but his mom only gets checked and does not get treated.

The nurse glanced at Indra nonchalantly and said, "The doctor said she has stage 4 cancer, she will be treated quickly but you need to pay the bill for the operation"

"I will pay it! Just treat her immediately!", Indra shouted desperately.

"Please fill out this form and pay the bill, after it's done then the patient will be treated ASAP", the nurse said and gives Indra a form.

Indra tries to ask for help but the nurse ignored him.

He then went to read the form and saw that the bill is not something he can pay easily, "Dear God, What have I done to deserve this", he mumbles desperately.

The bill is a  huge amount that even if he sells all of his belongings he still can't pay it, in his current condition he can't afford this operation.

Still not wanting to give up,

Indra calls his friend and surprisingly, his friend wanted to help.

"I'll give you half of it, I know your position and we've been friends for as long as I can remember. But that's all I got, I will send it to you right away"

Hearing this, Indra jumped in joy.

He thanked his friend before he rushes to the nurse again knowing that he can pay it now, "Please treat my mother, I can place my home and all my belongings as collateral"

The nurse glanced at him again and got showed his bank balance.

After seeing this, the nurse finally accepts Indra's offers as she went to call for the doctors to do the operation on his mother.

Indra runs to his mother who is lying on a bed rail in joy, "Mom they will treat you. Please get better, I will be waiting for you with Mira", he whispers to his unconscious mother.

But then, he saw that his mother's chest is steady.

There's no visual sign of breathing,

"Mom?", Indra called before he checks on his mother.

Indra widened his eyes after realizing his mother is not breathing, "DOCTOR!! HELP MY MOM!!", he shouted as he started to cry heavily.

Despite all of her mother's wrongdoings, she's still his mother.

The doctors came to the scene hurriedly and do a checkup on Indra's mother to only confirm that she's already gone, this hit Indra's heart like a truck.

He fall to the ground feeling his legs become weak, the news was too much for him.

Another hour passed,

Indra is sitting outside of the hospital crying alone, he then remembers his mother's last word before she died.

He picks up his phone and calls Mira,



The call didn't get answered, Indra then stands up and goes to Mira's boyfriend's apartment where she will certainly be.

Arriving at the place, Indra enters the apartment office.

"Can you call out the resident in room 411, I'm his friend", Indra said to the receptionist.

Hearing this, the receptionist smile politely before she checks on her computer.

She then said, "I'm sorry sir, room 411 is empty. The resident is not here anymore"

Indra looks at the receptionist with a blank look, he was shocked by the news that came from the receptionist's mouth.

He thanked the receptionist and went out of the apartment office,

He taps on his phone trying to call Mira, but his call got rejected every time it rings making Indra even more desperate.

Indra calls Mira a couple more times to no avail, he squeezes his hair feeling desperate about the situation that keeps escalating.

He lost his job, his mother just died, and her sister can't be reached.

The series event in his life is too brutal for anyone to endure, Indra can only walk along the street blankly feeling life is unfair.

He walks aimlessly before suddenly, his phone rings.

"Hello? Mira! Where are you?!", Indra shouted, he's so glad that her sister is calling him.

But then, Mira replied while crying, "Brother help me! I got caught by the military, come to the back of the apartment please!!"

Hearing this, Indra immediately rushed to the back.

He doesn't know what's going on, but Mira is in danger and that is certain.

Reaching the back of the apartment, Indra saw Mira's boyfriend there and Mira that is held by two guys wearing military uniforms.

There is a military jeep beside them, and the military men are forcing Mira to get inside the jeep.

"STOP!! DON'T TOUCH HER!!", Indra shouted.

Mira's boyfriend glance to Indra with a surprised look,

The two military men didn't stop as they put Mira inside the jeep, and they immediately get inside the jeep wanting to drive away.

Seeing this, Indra blocked the jeep bravely, "Where are you taking my sister!"

"We're taking your sister as a Volunteer, please step aside and don't make things difficult", the driver said coldly.

Hearing this, "WHAT?! I already covered my sister's volunteer time two years ago!"

Without even answering, the military men ignored Indra and just step on the gas forcing Indra to move out of the way.

"TAKE ME INSTEAD!! HEY!! TAKE ME INSTEAD!", he shouted desperately while banging on the jeep window where he sees Mira crying.

Indra tries to run after them to no avail, the jeep is too fast for him to keep up with.

He scrunches his hair in desperation, his sister just got taken away.

And the last thing he can see is his sister's crying face through the jeep window.

Indra's body started to boils with anger, he walks towards Mira's boyfriend angrily before he clenched Mira's boyfriend's collar, "WHAT DID YOU DO?!", he shouted.

"I turn in Mira to cover my volunteer time of course", Mira's boyfriend said with a cheeky grin.

Indra's widened his eyes in shock, he raised his hand to punch Mira's boyfriend but got blocked and counters instead.


He fell to the ground after just one punch, this makes Mira's boyfriend laughs evilly.

"I have to say, I have fun with your sister all this while", Mira's boyfriend said as he kicks Indra on his rib cage repeatedly.

Indra can only grunt as he got kicked repeatedly, he can feel his bones broke because of the kick.

Mira's boyfriend then continues, "I also know, this leg of yours is defective!"


"AAKKKHH!!", Indra shouted in pain, his left leg becomes defective during his military time, that is why he got discharged from the military early.

Indra held his left leg in pain, the pain is too much for a normal human, like him,

Indra got kicked one last time by Mira's boyfriend right on his nose breaking it completely, his head got knocked to the side as blood started to flow out of his nose.

Mira's boyfriend then lights up a cigarette with a chuckle and said, "Later dipshit, don't ever bring your face in front of me again"

Indra wails on the ground, pain can be felt all over his body.

He lies helplessly on the back of the apartment building in pain, there's not even a single soul here that can help him.

There is no one except the sound of creaking bugs and a dim busy night street.

Water started to pour down from the sky,

The rain falls down at the right moment as if it's emphasizing the life Indra will have without his mother and also his sister.

He started to sob in the darkness feeling that life is unfair and cruel, 'Why is this happening to me, I didn't do anything wrong to anyone except doing good'

'Life is too cruel, Why do they take my mother'

'Why do those people take my sister?'

'Is it God's plan to make me suffer? Why is God's plan like this, Isn't it supposed to be a good plan even for me?'

'I'm also just a human too, why are they being like this...'

Indra started to contemplate in life, all of the things he loved and cared about has been taken from him forcefully.

He's living alone in this world, like a stranded broken fish in the vast ocean.

Tears rain down from his eyes realizing that things will not go back to normal, what happened has already happened and it's not going to turn back.

Indra kept crying alone, his ribs are hurting even as he sobs.

But then, a red light suddenly shines on his face.

He lifts his head up and saw a glowing red circle on the ground, it has many weird symbols and it emits a terrifying aura.

Then suddenly,

A figure appeared from the red circle that makes Indra widen his eyes in surprise.

He crawls back in fear while looking at the figure that came out of the red circle, turns out the night is still not over for Indra.

The figure stands towering in front of Indra who's crawling on the ground.

It then said, "I feel your pain and sadness young one, I can help you ease the pain and turn everything back to normal"

Hearing this, Indra stutters, "N-Normal?"

"Yes, Everything you experience will only be a dream", the figure said with a grin.

Indra stops his crawl and looks back at the figure, the figure then continues, "I can give you more than just turning back to normal, I can make you powerful that no human will dare to face you"

The words normal that the figure said entice Indra, it's the only thing he wanted in life.

"Turn things back to normal! I beg you!", Indra said desperately.

The figure's grins become even wider, "Very well my child, close your eyes and remember to do the task that I will say"


A red formation made of hundreds of symbols appeared below Indra, but he didn't see this because his eyes are closed.

He's already on the lowest point in his life, and there is nothing more to lose.

In his consciousness, a red blood contract appeared in his vision,

Then a blade appeared beside the contract as Indra's hand instinctively reaches for it,


Blood splurted out of the palm of his hand as he said, "I Indra will serve under you, and swear upon this contract that I am loyal to the Blue Wrath of Vulvazith"

Right after he said that unknown red energy infiltrate his body as his eyes turns red.

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