The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 197 Blue Demon

Chapter 197 Blue Demon

The rain pours down on the city street,

Droplets of water hit the plastic cover of the umbrella that protects all of the people that are walking through the rain.

It's a cover that shelters people from the water just like a wall that shelters humanity from their countless enemies.

A barricade in dark times,

Amongst the walking people of the city,

There's one guy wearing a white shirt sitting on a bench by the street,

Out of all the people in the city that walk past the guy, only him that doesn't bring the umbrella and let himself get drowned by the rain.

His hair becomes wet, and the white shirt he wears sticks to his body because of the rain.

The guy then raises his head and looks at a hospital in front of him, he looks at it with his drain eyes as if his soul is not inside him.

Something is off about the guy's vibe, and only some people notice it.

People that walk past him glance at him weirdly,

"Did that guy not bring an umbrella?"

"Poor guy, did something happen to him?"

"Son, study hard so you won't become like him in the future"

Their conversation can be heard clearly despite the heavy rain, but the guy sitting on the bench ignores them all.

He just kept looking at the hospital without even getting distracted by their words.

With thousands of people in the city,

The guy felt alone in this crowded city, none whom he cared for is present.

"Damn all of you", the guy mutters.

He then straightens his back wanting to stand up but then suddenly, a hand taps on his shoulders stopping him mid-way.

The guy looks to the back and saw a middle-aged guy with a bright smile.

The middle-aged guy leans his umbrella to protect the guy from the rain, "I know I don't know you at all, but can I sit beside you?"

Hearing this, the guy widen his eyes before he nodded his head.

The drain eyes of his were suddenly lit up with life for a moment, but it soon turns back again.

"Do you smoke?", the middle-aged man said while sitting beside the guy.

The guy looks at the middle-aged man before he nodded his head,

Seeing that the guy accepts his offer, the middle-aged man takes out a pack of cigarettes and gives it to the guy.

He then lights the cigarette after the guy put it in between his lips,


Both of them started to smoke just under the middle-aged man's umbrella,

The middle-aged man's clothes got a little bit wet but he didn't mind, he just sat by the guy without caring about his surrounding.

Exactly like the guy did,

"I have experienced a feeling like yours, the feeling of wanting to just forget about the world and just enjoy the moment in front of you", the middle-aged man said.

He then continues, "I don't know what you're going through, but just don't give up. Nothing last forever, not even the problems you're experiencing"

"Think of those that dear to you dead or alive, close or far. The moment you gave up, it's the moment the demon inside you take over"

"If you don't have someone to keep you going, then just do it for yourself"

The guy just sat still listening to the middle-aged man,

After saying that, the middle-aged man sat with the guy for quite a while.

At some point in their silence, the middle-aged man suddenly fold his umbrella and let the rain drown him just like the guy did.

He then stands up, "Well, I have to get going", he said with a smile.

The guy looks to the middle-aged man who was about to leave, he then mutters, "It's too late for me now"

Hearing his mutter, the middle-aged man looks back, "What did you just say?"

"Do you have a family?", the guy asks.

The middle-aged man stopped before he said, "Yes, I'm living with my mother"

After he said that, the guy stands up too and said, "You're a strong and kind person"

The middle-aged man was confused as to why the guy said that, but then the guy continues, "Leave the city", he said before walking towards the hospital.

His words make the middle-aged man frowns, "What did you mean by that?!", he shouted.josei

The guy stopped on his track, he looks back towards the middle-aged man as blue fiery tears fall from his eyes, "It's too late for me now...", he said softly.

Seeing this, the middle-aged steps back in shock.

What he saw in front of him brings fear onto his entire being,

The guy's mouth suddenly got ripped open until the edge of his face, his teeth that were supposed to be covered by his flesh suddenly turns razor sharp and ripped through his face.

A blue fiery line suddenly appears in the middle of the guy's face splitting his face in two,

Then, his body burns with blue fire that melts all of the skins on his entire body and instantly vaporized it.

People in the surroundings notice this event,

They saw how the guy's body burns with blue fire as his skull burst through his face,


All of them started to scatter from the place after seeing the guy, their survival instincts kicks in as they felt danger from the guy.

But amongst all of them, the middle-aged man was still stuck frozen in place.

"Leave the city", the guy said.



The skies spat lightning thundering the entire place, and at that right moment the guy that is in front of the middle-aged man vanish.

Just like a droplet of water in the rain, he vanished without a trace.

"Leave the city"

It's the guy's last words that rang on the middle-aged man as he too started to run.


"President Sebrof! President Sebrof!"

A secretary bust into the room which should be President Sebrof's room,

There's a look of urgency in the secretary's expression, but upon entering the room the secretary didn't see anyone except a man sitting on the sofa.

The man looks towards the secretary in confusion, "It's already night, the President is not here"

Hearing this, the secretary turns pale, "Who are you?"

"You're new here?", the man asks.

He then shakes his head, "I'm the one tasked by President Sebrof to attend the night matters, What news did you bring?", the man said before he sat down on the president's chair.

The secretary bowed slightly and said, "We just got a report from Lupis City"

"Lupis City? Isn't that a level two city? What does the report say?", the man asks with a frown.

Urgent situation rarely came from level two and one city because they are close to Ratmawati City, and thus has plenty resources to protect themselves.

It is supposed to be level three and four cities that will bring this kind of urgency.

"The report stated that the city got attacked by the Demons hours ago, and already fall to the Demon's hand as we speak", the secretary said softly.

Hearing this, the man widened his eyes in shock.

"What do you mean it got taken over? Such big city got taken by the Demons that fast?!", the man shouted in shock.

As a representative of the UWO and the man who's given responsibility by Sebrof, he knows very well the cities associated with Ratmawati City.

Lupis City holds more than a million lives,

With them being so close with Ratmawati City, they also have powerful Awakened that can be deployed in such situations.

The news that the city got taken over by the Demons is such a huge shock!

The secretary then replied, "From the statements of the survivor of the city, they said that one blue Demon massacred the entire city and turns the Linto Financial Tower into a demonic tower"

"Blue Demon? There's no such thing as Blue Demons", the man said angrily.

He then continues, "Is this somekind of joke? If it is then I swear that you will regret it!"

But unlike what the man expects, the secretary can only shake her head without any sign of joking about this news.

Seeing this, the man slopped down to the chair in shock.

He then takes a deep breath before he takes the phone on his desk and dials someone,



"Hello? Michael why are you calling me this late?", a man on the other side said irritatedly.

Hearing the man's voice, Michael stopped for a second before he said, "Sir, There's an urgent problem and it needs your attention"

"What do you mean? I assign you there so you ca-"

But before the man on the other side can finish, Michael already intervenes, "Lupis City falls to the Demons"

The man on the other side went silent, he then said, "I'll go there this instant"

An hour later,


"How did this happen!", Sebrof busts into the room angrily.

The shocking news that interrupted his sleep greatly angers him,

Both Michael and the secretary is bowing to Sebrof on the side, they know that Sebrof will not be happy about the situation.

It's just shocking to think such an incident occurs,

All of the cities associated with Ratmawati City held close communication, and for a level two city, this kind of attack should have been prevented.

But nevertheless, the Demons managed to sneak in.

"Sir, this is the report of the matter", the secretary handed the report with trembling hands.

Sebrof takes the report from the secretary's hand harshly before he started to read it, his anger kept on rising the longer he reads the report.

"How did the demon manage to get there?", Sebrof said with a frown.

He then continues, "With so much surveillance in a city like Lupis City, this incident shouldn't be happening"

Michael and the secretary was also at a loss for words,

The Demons rarely attack because their place is far from Human Territory, and even if they do decide to attack the Great Barricade that is heavily guarded will stop them.

But now, somehow they manage to attack Lupis City which confuses Sebrof.

p Sebrof then finally said, "Ready the choppers, and tell the top Guilds to send their strongest available Awakened there right this instant!"

"Yes Sir!", Michael said while bowing deeper followed by the secretary.

But just when Sebrof was about to leave the room,


The telephone on the desk rings making the others startled,

Sebrof looks to the telephone with a frown, he then walks towards the telephone before he answered it, "This is Sebrof speaking"

"President Sebrof, this is the president Farhan of Alopolis UWO Branch"

Hearing this, Sebrof frowns even more, "Why are you calling me this late President Farhan, did something happen?"

"Yes, 67 Awakened got killed in the cities south of Alopolis. Amongst them is a peak rank five. Some witnesses told us that the killers are two creatures commanded by a woman, the people call her Chaos Witch"

"Because of that, we request a rank six reinforcement from the main office", Farhan added.

This makes Sebrof even more stressed out,

He then said, "I'll let you talk to my representative, I got matters to attend"

But then, Farhan said hurriedly, "Sir, I also got the news about Lupis City. If it's just a normal request I wouldn't call you, but the thing is the Chaos Witch is heading to Lupis City too based on her killing routes"

"What? Do you suspect that this Chaos Witch has something to do with Lupis City?", Sebrof asks.

Michael and the secretary can only look at each other from the side, they heard Lupis City being mentioned and they instantly know that it's a bad sign.


Sebrof ended the call while looking down on the floor,

The two news that he's thrown at may link with each other, his head started to feel dizzy because of the news or even because he just woke up.

He didn't know which one,

Silence covered the room and none opens their mouth,

After fifteen minutes passed with silence,

Michael wanted to say something but got intervenes, "Organize one of the guilds and send them to Alopolis, the rest of the Guilds will create a defense line around Lupis City, while I'm going to go to the survivors", Sebrof commanded.

"Yes, President! I will attend the matters as you said", Michael said.

Being the president of the UWO main office, Sebrof is not just some normal guy.

After giving his command,

Sebrof nodded his head before he takes his suit, "The world is changing, I sure hope we can go through this crisis", he mumbles as he walks out of the room.

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