The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 207 What Happened Last Night

Chapter 207 What Happened Last Night

A day passed,

Rex arrives back at the entrance of Faraday University, there's a tired expression on his face upon arriving back.

He's wearing a sling for his right arm,

It's shocking to him that his right arm still hasn't healed, the Vampire and Demonic energy that infiltrate his body slowed down the healing process.

His arm will need at least a few days to become normal again.

Arriving at the entrance of the university, many students look at him in shock.

The news of Benrith City that also got attacked by the demons already spread wide throughout Ratmawati City, and the students of Faraday University also know this by now.

Many of them look at Rex in concern because the demons are vicious Supernaturals.

Demons are the most feared fighting Supernatural forces ever known by mankind,

Their entire being is filled with malevolent and evilness that makes them wild, vicious, and predictable.

Red blazing eyes that portrait hell itself, charcoal skins with cracks of fire spreading throughout their bodies, and their mindless head that filled with killing blow a wind of fear to humanity.

Other Supernaturals has thinking abilities that rival humans,

So getting caught by Vampires, Fairies, Werewolf, Shapeshifter, and other Supernaturals will not always result in death.

Some even manage to get out using their wits,

But Demons, on the other hand, there's literally zero chance of surviving if a human gets caught.

The only hope that the caught humans can beg for is to not get caught by an Archdemon, each Archdemon likes to toy with humans and their method of cruelty knows no bound.

And unlike other Supernatural,

Demons don't have any substantial weakness except for the light element, which only a few Awakened have it just like the dark element.

In fact, the UWO believe that demons will not die permanently if killed with other means than using light element.

They will eventually rise back, and be born again with newfound hatred.

Knowing that Rex faces such creatures concerns the other students that put Rex as a role model, and it can be clearly seen on their faces.

Rex smiles awkwardly before he steps forward to entering the university.

But just as he stepped his foot inside the university, a man that looked like a lecturer because of their uniforms already waits for him at the entrance.

Seeing this, Rex sigh knowing something like this will happen.

"Rex Silverstar, the principal is waiting for you in his office", one of the lecturers said.

Rex waves his hand and walk past them before he said, "I just got back, let me settle in for a moment then I will meet the principal"

But just as he wanted to walk past them, they blocked Rex's way.

"The principal instructed to guide you to meet him the instant you came back", they added.

Hearing this, Rex can only sigh as he signals to lead the way.

After getting Rex's compliance, the lecturer guides him to the principal's office.

Arriving at the principal's office, Rex was greeted by Vargas who is already sitting on the sofa waiting for him while sipping tea.

Rex politely approach Vargas and sits on the sofa in front of him,

There's a silence that covered the room as Vargas kept sipping his tea, this makes Rex feel a little bit of uneasiness inside him.

After a moment passed, Rex was getting impatient.

He's beaten up from the event that happened during his mission, and he's also tired.

"Principal what do yo-", Rex said but got intervened by Vargas.

He said, "You left the university without my permission, somehow entered the news in the Benrith City incident, and now you came back beaten up"

Hearing this, Rex was at a loss for words.

Vargas then lifts his eyes up to look at Rex before he said, "I thought that you went to deal with the trouble you had, but the news stated that you're not"

"Where were you?", he added.

'I can't use meeting Rosie in Qrila City as an excuse because many witnesses saw me there with Liliya, and He probably knows that I become a Scavenger because of his position in the UWO', Rex thought with a frown.

Rex then finally said, "I'm linking up with my friend in the Great Barricade, and decided to go train in the Supernatural territory"

Hearing this, Vargas squinted his eyes studying Rex's expression

But Rex kept calm in this situation, his expression didn't change one bit.

"Well, that doesn't matter", Vargas finally said with a sigh.

He then points at Rex's right arm and said, "But that's going to be a problem, the yearly tournament for the university's ranking will be calculated in 2 days"

Rex remembered that he need to beat up some kid for Vargas, and this makes him slouches on the sofa tiredly.

"You said you can beat them easily, with your right arm like that I assume it will still go smoothly", Vargas said with a smirk.

This makes Rex groan in displeasure, he then said, "Fine, just arrange a one on one and it will be done in seconds"

Varas' face then lit up in joy before he nodded his head,

Rex was about to leave but got called by Vargas right in front of the door, "I already sent you your monthly part, and the lecturer that you met with brown hair will be your tutor"

Hearing this, Rex was surprised because he forgot about that.

'I almost forgot to ask Vargas how to advance to rank six, but the supposed tutor he assigns will probably know it too', Rex thought.

But just as Rex touch the door handle, he turns back and said, "Sir, can I ask a favor from you?"

Vargas who was about to go back to his room stopped before looking at Rex confusedly, he then sat back down as Rex also sat back down.

After a while, Rex then left the principal's room where a lecturer is waiting for him.

This lecturer is one of the lecturers that guides him before, he's expression is stoic and he looks like a strict lecturer.

"My name is Chandler, I will be your lightning tutor from now on", the lecturer introduced.

Rex glance at Chandler briefly with judging eyes, "I would like to talk to you more about the training, but I'm very tired now so can I leave?"

Hearing this, Chandler was about to flip out but he held it in.

The condition Rex is in right now is not suitable for training, so he lets Rex go after telling Rex to meet him once he finished Vargas' tasked and got better.

After leaving the place, Rex went straight back to his room.

But right before he wanted to knock on the door, he suddenly remembered something, 'I forgot about Adhara and Kyran!'

Remembering them, Rex busts into the room startling the maids and butler.

All of the maids and butler look at Rex with a surprised look, before they turn their heads with a solemn expression.

Seeing their weird behavior, Rex frowns.

He then instantly runs towards his room where Adhara should be before he saw Adhara lying on the bed covered by a blanket like a sleeping princess.

Looking at this, Rex was confused as to why the butler and maids are like that.

Rex approach Adhara who is looking paler than the last time he saw her, he then sits on the edge of the bed before he touched Adhara's forehead.

He felt the coldness of her body with a frown,

After realizing that something happened to her, Rex opened the blanket and widened his eyes in surprise.

Her body is covered with wounds, and Rex is sure that it's from last night.

Because of him being away in the Supernatural territory and the event that transpired to him, Rex forgot that Adhara and Kyran will also be affected by the Violet Moon.

This is the first time Adhara and Kyran dealt with a full moon without him.

'Did they transform in front of the butler and maids? But that wouldn't make sense, I should be hunted right now if that were to happen', Rex thought with a frown.

But then, not transforming also didn't make sense, 'The system said that the transformation will not occur to me because of the Manual Transformation feature, does that affect them too?'

Rex becomes puzzled by what just happened,

He bought a healing elixir from the shop before he lifts Adhara's head and help her drink the elixir gently.

After giving Adhara the elixir, he left the room and headed towards Kyran's room.

Upon opening the door, Rex frown seeing Ryze is sleeping alone in the spacious room without Kyran by his side.

Ryze wakes up from his sleep and saw Rex looking at him,

"Where's Kyran? I told him to not go out", Rex said with a frown.

Before he left, he explicitly told the butler to keep an eye on Kyran and not let him leave.

He's afraid that Kyran will do something because he doesn't know that he's a Werewolf, this can lead to many problems.

Ryze then points to the wall before he said, "Kyran is in the other room"

Hearing this, Rex becomes even more confused as to why would Kyran leave Ryze here all alone.

Seeing Rex's confused expression, Ryze can only looks down with a blush.

'He's blushing? What the heck is going on here', Rex thought as he left Ryze's room and went to the neighboring room.


The door handles opened as Rex went inside the room,

He then looks inside the room to find Kyran before his eyes widen in shock, 'What the hell just happened here?!', he screamed inside his head.

Two hours later,

Rex is sitting in the cafeteria with a frown,

There are people sitting at his table, and all of them look down upon receiving Rex's glance.

​ Edward, Kyran, and Lisa is sitting at his table,

Kyran and Lisa are looking down afraid of meeting Rex's eyes, while Edward glance at the both of them teasingly.

But Rex notice that Edward's body is trembling weirdly,

"How the hell did you end up with Kyran?", Rex asks Lisa.

Hearing the question is thrown at her, Lisa stuttered as she plays with her hands nervously, "I...I meet with Kyran in the garden"

"And then?", Rex added hurriedly.

This makes Lisa's body jolted in embarrassment, she still remembers that night clearly.josei

Edward then added teasingly from the side with a chuckle, "And then she hooked up with Kyran, you will be surprised how fearsome Kyran was last night"

Hearing Edward's remarks, Kyran and Lisa put their heads down.

Kyran especially is not that confident guy that Lisa met last night, his confident bearing vanished upon Rex's arrival.

Rex also notices this, Kyran shouldn't be this meek.

He looks at Kyran and the others that can clearly be seen trembling, 'Why are they being like this, Am I that scary?', he thought with a frown.

But then,

"My body felt heavy all of a sudden, What is happening?"

"I thought only I felt it"

"Yeah, Something's weird here"


One of the cafeteria tables suddenly broke in half,

The student on that table looks at the table in shock, "I only hit it lightly why did it break?"

"You sure you're not using any mana?"

"I swear! I only slam my hand to the table without using any mana!"

Hearing the talks from the surrounding student, Rex slaps his face in realization.

'System, Can you exclude humans and my pack members from the Alpha Bearing skill?', Rex thought with a sigh.

After upgrading Alpha Intimidation to Alpha Bearing,

The skill changed from an active skill that can only target one into almost like a passive skill that affects anything in his surrounding.

When the system said anything, it means literally anything.

Just like Alpha Intimidation that can weaken a rock, Alpha Bearing can do that too.

<Alpha Bearing Skill is off>

After getting the notification from the system, Rex looks at the others and found that their body is still trembling but not as much as before.

The oppressing pressure he emitted vanished,

'Now back to the topic, Kyran does that because of the Violet Moon so I can't blame him for it', Rex thought.

He then said, "Well I won't blame Kyran much, so what do you intend to do now Kyran?"

Kyran then raises his head to look at Rex's eyes, he's confused about what Rex means, "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean what will you do with Lisa", Rex said while pointing his chin to Lisa.

Hearing this, Kyran fell into thoughts but Lisa on the side is blushing embarrassedly as if she know what Kyran will say.

But then, Kyran's answer shocks her, "I will do as you say"

Rex smiles amusedly hearing this,

He glances at Lisa who is looking at Kyran in shock before she looks down again feeling Rex's eyes looking at her.

'It'll be bad for them to be in a relationship, Kyran will eventually know that he's a werewolf and that will involve Lisa', Rex thought.

He looks at Kyran and Lisa and thought, 'Let's see if he really wants her'

"Then Kyran, you will stop seeing Lisa and just act as if what happened to both of you is just an accident", Rex said calmly.

This makes Lisa frown, "You can't just say that it's an accident!", she rebutted.

But Rex only looks at her calmly before he looks at Kyran again,

Feeling that the last call is on his hand, Kyran then said, "I'm sorry Lisa, but I can't be with you"

Hearing this, Lisa looks at Kyran disbelievingly before she stands up and left the table feeling disappointed in Kyran's decision.

After she left,

"You're still young, just wait for your time and the right girl will come", Edward said cheering Kyran while tapping his back.

Kyran nodded his head softly still feeling complicated,

Rex looks at Kyran who is gloomy with a slight smile, his eyes then landed on Edward before he asks, "So, Edward, tell me all of the things that happened last night"

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