The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 208 Riot And Careless

Chapter 208 Riot And Careless

A couple of days has passed,


A man is sent crashing to a tree like a jet, he looks at the man in front of him in disbelief.

The man in front of him is wearing a sling,

He thought that fighting this man that is clearly injured is a joke, but who would've thought that he lost from a punch from this man.

This event shocked the other people watching this too,

They're all currently outside in the open,

Green lushes grass covered the surrounding ground while a circle-shaped sparring ring made of sand lies in the middle, only one man stands inside the ring nonchalantly.

Rex is looking at the man he just punched calmly,

He's currently fighting the top-ranker of another university wearing a blue uniform,

Linda, the representative that Vargas sent to accompany him to this university told Rex that his opponent is a powerful rank four Reflection Elementalist.

It is said that he can reflect an attack using his mana, but sadly his opponent is Rex.

Rex didn't use any of his mana and sent a straight punch imbued with Force Beam towards him, he didn't hold back at all wanting to finish the fight quickly.

After beating the top-ranker, Rex walks out of the arena while trying to move his right arm.

"Argh! When will this healed", Rex groans in irritation.

Faraday University already tries to heal him using a healer, but the healer is only a rank five healer and can't remove the Supernatural energy completely.

This bummed Rex because he will be stuck with this sling for longer,

"Why is he so strong?!",

"He's abnormal, he beat Ali with pure strength!"

"His fame is not just for show, he's probably the current strongest student"

The students that are watching from the side look at Rex in terror, they all know about Rex's feat but seeing him in real life still shocks them.

Even the lecturers in the university frown,

Although they look calm and composed, some of them know that they can't beat Rex too.

Amidst the chattering crowd, Rex walks to Linda and said, "That's the last one right?"

"Yes, this is the last university. Faraday University will probably rank at the top because of this", Linda said excitedly.

She then guides Rex back to the car to bring him back,

While the car engine is starting, many of the students sent gazes filled with envy and hatred knowing that a student is far stronger than them.

It's a natural thing,

Rex can feel their envy and hatred towards him, but he didn't care about flocking birds.

Reaching the metallic color sports car that emits a greyish hue, Rex sat on the passenger seat while Linda sits on the driver seat.

She tied her long blond hair into a ponytail before she stepped on the gas,


The students of the university felt insulted seeing them left without any formalities, but they can't do anything when they know that they're from Faraday University.

With the power he has that surpassed any Awakened students, Rex is sure to be dear for humanities.

Vargas is the principal of Faraday University, and he's also the president of UWO in sector 3E making Rex unconsciously backed by the UWO.

,m This alone makes no other university or even people dare to touch him.

Except for the 25 Golden Crest of course,

The rain pours down heavily on the street, but with the greyish hue, none of the raindrops touch the shiny body of the car.

It creates some kind of bubble surrounding the car,

The sports car is driving on the special street, it is a street where only officials and high priority people can go through just like Rex.

Rex looks out of the window and saw the blur city streets,

Vargas was supposed to be with him right now to see his performance, but he canceled it at the last moment because of the two demonic cities.

"Linda, how long have you been Vargas' secretary?", Rex asks opening a conversation.

Linda who is driving glance at him for a moment before she replied, "About four years"

"Then you must know the situation in the two demonic cities right?", Rex asks again, he's worried about the current progress of the war.

Although the border is protected, Supernaturals found a way to go around the Great Barricade.

The Demons got a way to go really near to Ratmawati City, and they currently took over two-level two cities that puzzled Rex.

From the incident in Qrila City, Rex knows that Vampires found a way to turn humans into them.

This method most likely spread to other Supernatural too, and Rex assumes that the demon uses this method to bypass the Great Barricade and attack the cities.

But it still didn't make sense for him,

'Why do they attack cities near Ratmawati City? It's a stupid move knowing that the conquered city will just be taken back by the humans with no reinforcement to it', Rex thought.

"Vargas got an order to help the main UWO headquarters, and I've been told that reinforcement from the border is on their way", Linda answered.

Hearing this, Rex falls into thoughts.

Just like what he thought, the humans can just take back the city so the attack has no strategic value except for creating havoc.

From the fighting, he experiences against the Demon, Rex met one rank six blue demons that makes him flee.

He met the blue demon outside of the city,

This means that the demons inside the city will be crawling with rank six, and they're probably controlled by higher rank demons.

With that kind of lineup, it's natural for the UWO to ask for reinforcement from the border.

The Awakened inside Ratmawati City are few, and rank seven or higher ranked Awakened are even fewer.

It will be bad to leave Ratmawati City defenseless,

But just as he was thinking,

Rex suddenly saw a crowd gather beside the road that is currently being handled by the police, they are numbering in hundreds and some of them hold up a sign.

'Join Forces!'

'Awakened is not the only Savior!'

'UWO is a Joke!'

'Safehaven No More!'

The crowd are rioting in front of a building,

Rex glance up to the building and saw that it's the UWO branch building in this sector,

"The attack on the cities so near to Ratmawati City makes the people fearful, so the UWO is doing all their can to take over these cities quickly to address the fear", Linda added.

The car then zooms off the city street leaving the riot,

As they near Faraday University, Rex can be seen looking at his phone a couple of times anxiously as if he's nervous about something.

Linda caught this from the corner of her eyes, "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing", Rex replied before he turns his head to the side avoiding Linda's curious gaze.

The drive takes a full 15 hours in the special street, They arrive at Faraday University without a hitch.

The rain already stops a while ago,

Linda got out of the car as her heels creates a clacking sound, she wanted to go inside the university but stopped when she looks back.

She saw Rex is still in the car unmoving,

Looking at this, Linda looks at Rex confusedly as she signals Rex to come out.

Rex is currently looking at the notification from his phone with a nervous look, he hesitated for a moment before he walk out of the car.

This makes Linda even sure that something's going on, "What are you doing?"

"Do I have something to do today?", Rex asks back without even answering Linda's question.

Linda looks at her phone for a moment before she shakes her head,

After confirming that he doesn't have anything to do, Rex then separated from Linda as he went inside Faraday University.

Rex then went straight to the training ground,

Arriving at the training ground, he then scans around the room searching for someone.

He walks around the training ground while looking left and right, but then his eyes landed on a woman fighting against a robot.

That woman is Adhara,

After knowing the things that happened that night, Rex immediately apologizes to Adhara who he left alone with Kyran in the Violet Moon.

But Adhara quickly forgave him because they somehow didn't turn into their Werewolf form.josei

Adhara also apologize to him about the incident with the FAA, but Rex didn't think about it way long before Adhara apologized.

They then make up, but there's something that bothers him.

Something that he felt guilty about, but he decided to not tell Adhara about it.

Since then, the butler and maids have a weird look every time they look at Adhara but they quickly hide their expression away after seeing Rex.

This makes Rex worried but it's already been done,

He thought of creating an excuse to tell the butler and maids, but if he tries to explain it then he will become more suspicious.

That's why he just let them wander in their thoughts about Adhara's condition.

Adhara look at the approaching Rex in delight,

She then instantly got out of the arena and meet Rex in the changing room.

Rex saw Edward is also there in the changing room, 'They seem close these days', Rex thought.

"Edward, I got something for you to do", Rex said before he takes out a spellbook.

He then gave it to Edward before he whispers, "Take this to the Atkins Family and make sure that you're not being followed. Bring Kyran with you, to take his mind off of her"

After saying that, Edward takes the spellbook and left.

But before he left, Edward then asks, "Oh yeah, Where's my car?"

Hearing this, Rex's body froze in shock.

'I forgot his car in the Great Barricade!', Rex thought in surprise.

He then look at Edward with a guilty smile before he said, "I forgot your car in the Great Barricade! but don't worry, I'll take it back"

Edward was at a loss for words, "Bro, I'm going to sue you!", he said jokingly.

"Come on, I'm sorry okay! I'm going to take it so just get on with your delivery", Rex said while rolling his eyes.

Edward scoffed before he left the place,

After Edward left, Rex and Adhara are left alone in the changing room.

Rex looks at Adhara, he's filled with guilt seeing Adhara's innocent smile especially when he knows what happened to her during the Violet Moon.

She said that she felt an excruciating pain that attacks her mentally.

This happened the same time when Rex do the thing he did with Rosie, and Rex instantly knows that it's his fault, not the Violet Moon.

'I should've held it in', Rex thought with a sigh.

Seeing Rex is dazed, Adhara then said, "What's wrong? Is there something bothering you?"

"Nope, Let's go to the cafeteria because I need to tell you something", Rex said before they both left for the cafeteria.

Arriving at the cafeteria, the place is almost empty.

It's already afternoon and the students are either training or in class, so they have the cafeteria all by themselves.

"So, Is it about the beast? Where is it?", Adhara said excitedly.

Hearing this, Rex looks at Adhara confusedly, "The beast? What do you mean?"

"Everyone knows that you become a Zeragon, so I want to see the beast you tamed. Is it a tiger? snake? or a Wolf?", Adhara added curiously.

But this makes Rex face-palm himself, 'I totally forgot about Delta! What's wrong with me'

He then look at Adhara's excited face before he said stutteringly, "Her name is Delta, and she's a rank five mutated White Wolf"

This makes Adhara even more eager to meet it,

"Well, there's a slight problem with that. I forgot to bring her here because I passed out", Rex said with a wry smile.

Adhara gasps in shock, her mouth is O-shaped speechless by Rex's ignorace.

She then shouted in shock, "HOW COULD YOU FORGET HER!!"

"Many Awakened wanted to become a Zeragon, and here you are forgetting your precious mutated animal", Adhara added.

This makes Rex scratch his head, he also can't believe it himself.

Adhara kept on mumbling about Rex's stupidity before Rex finally said, "Okay stop it, I get it that's my fault"

"But that's not the thing I wanted to talk to you about", Rex continues.

This makes Adhara raise her eyebrows in confusion, she thought that Rex wanted to talk to him about Delta so she becomes confused right now.

She stares straight in Rex's eyes in confusion,

Rex hesitated for a moment as he struggles to come up with the words, this makes Adhara's heart thump faster.

Their emotions are linked together, and she knows what Rex's feeling.

After the past days, Adhara already knew that Rex is hiding something because she can feel it through her feelings.

But she didn't force Rex and just wait for Rex to tell her.

Rex then takes a huge breath preparing himself, but when he's about to open his mouth a soothing voice interrupted him, "Rex!"

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