The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 209 Hans The Snake

Chapter 209 Hans The Snake

"Sir, What are we going to do with this?", a guy with snake-like eyes said while holding a spellbook.

The spellbook he's holding is a high-rank spellbook, but he holds it as if it's trash that's not even worth his time.

Usually, this kind of spellbook will be regarded as an heirloom even amongst the highest-ranking families, but now it's handled like trash.

Then, the guy added, "The kid is certainly dealing with the Reed, and he's obviously playing with us using this spellbook"

"You can't use it too?", the man in front asks.

If Rex was here, he will recognize the two as Wesley and Hans from the Atkins Family.

They both have a darkened expression on their face after realizing that they got played,

Rex tempered the spellbook to make sure it can't be used using the system, he also lie about the poison to not have him get targetted.

Hans is fuming with anger, he throws the book to the side harshly before he said, "Just like anyone that tries this, I failed at that exact same moment"

Hearing this, Wesley's face becomes red but his body is unmoving.

But the bad news didn't stop, "Based on our spy in Reed Family, Audrey and Stevanus are said to be in closed-door training and when they come out the Reed Family will officially challenge our position", Hans said with a troubled look.

After a brief moment to calm themselves, Wesley finally said, "Let's check the next spellbook he will give in a bit"

"You will try it instantly, if you fail then find all information regarding that kid and bring all of the information to me", Wesley added with a serious look.

There's an air of violence surrounding him, and this makes Hans smirk evilly.


Someone called Rex from the side,

Just from hearing her voice, Rex already knows who she is.

Adhara glances to her side before she widens her eyes in shock, she can't believe the person she's seeing right now.

"Rosie?!", Adhara shouted in shock.

She even stands up unconsciously in disbelief,

They're currently in Faraday University, a pretty good distance from Ochyra University.

So there's no way that Rosie can just come here, she needs to prepare for a bit which means this is a planned visit.

"Hello! Long time no see, Adhara", Rosie said with a smile.

Rosie looks fresh with a slight makeup on her face,

Her outfit is all black with a black unbuttoned t-shirt, black hot pants that show her slender legs, and she brought a black suitcase beside her.

This makes Adhara frowns because she's looking better than the last time she saw her.

Adhara stutter as she said, "O-Oh, I'm surprised you came here"

Her eyes then fall to the suitcase beside her before she said, "Is there a tournament here? or perhaps an exchange student program?"

Rosie glance at Rex who is giving a signal to her before she said, "I surprisingly met the principal of Faraday University, and he offered me to transfer to Faraday University"

Hearing this, Adhara was at a loss.

She somehow finds it unbelievable knowing that Rosie has no particular talent,

Adhara then glances at Rex who is also looking shocked, but she frowns when she felt pain in her chest coming from Rex's feeling rather than being surprised.

"Can I hang out with you guys again? Now that I transferred here?", Rosie asks with a smile.

This makes Adhara unconsciously nod her head,

Seeing Adhara agreeing, Rosie jumped to Adhara and hugs her excitedly, "Yay!! We're back again!!"

After hugging Adhara, Rosie's eyes fall onto Rex.

Rex is looking to the side not knowing what to do,

Rosie then let go of Adhara who is still in a daze before she walks closer to Rex and stretches out her hand, "Long time no see Rex...", she said softly.

Looking at this, Rex stretches out his hand to shake Rosie's.

Upon touching Rosie's hand, a spark of electricity travels throughout his body making him jolt.

The usual calm and stoic Rex didn't know what to do while shaking Rosie's hand, but he still forced out an answer, "It's been a while"

With that, the three of them sit back as Rosie tells her story at Ochyra University.

She talks about it excitedly and her face is brimming with happiness,

Adhara and Rex can only listen to her attentively with an awkward smile, they still can't believe that Rosie is in front of them right now.

But after catching up for a while, a woman suddenly approaches their table.

Rex glance at the woman in confusion,

The woman is wearing a formal suit with a professional air around her, this kind of woman shouldn't be in a university but in an office instead.

'Did I do something? Except beating top-rankers around Ratmawati City I didn't do anything else', Rex thought in confusion.

The woman stopped beside their table politely,

Her eyes scan the group of people on the table before her eyes fall onto Adhara, "Ms. Adhara, I have sent a couple of messages to your email but didn't get any reply"

"I've come to ask regarding the matter", the woman added.

Hearing this, Rex looks at Adhara in confusion, "What's this about?", he asks.

"Nothing, I'll be back in a minute okay", Adhara said before she walks away with the woman.

She went away under Rex's eyes,

Rex look at this with a frown, 'It's been a week or so but it looks like she did something, and Edward probably knows it too considering they've been close these days'

After Adhara left, Rosie then sits beside Rex.

This makes Rex snap out of his daze as he looks at Rosie, "What is it?"

"I can't believe you hold your part of the deal, I thought you will just leave me again", Rosie said teasingly with a smile.

Rex felt hurt from her words, "When did I not stay true to my word", he said irritatedly.

This makes Rosie chuckles looking at Rex's annoyed look, "I'm just joking, no need to be grumpy about it", she said playfully.

"So, When will you make me your kind?", Rosie said blatantly.

Rex glance at her with a shocked look as he said, "We never make a deal on that, you said you wanted to be in the group again not the pack"

"Aww, Do you have secret number three that I can use?", Rosie tease again.

This makes Rex annoyed as he stands up and left,

Seeing Rex get angry, Rosie then shouted, "Wait! I'm sorry! I'm just joking you know!"

"I know", Rex replied while still walking away.

But Rosie ran after him and said, "You haven't shown me my room yet, It's tiring to transfer here on such short notice"

"What do you mean your room? I don't know where it is", Rex said nonchalantly.

Rosie then held Rex's arm stopping him, she then said, "Your room, of course, I know that there are four bedrooms inside your room"

"Not a chance", Rex said before continuing to walk away.

But Rosie stopped Rex again,

Rex exhales roughly feeling really annoyed about Rosie, "It'll be better for me to be with you all no? In case something happens I know your secret and I can help"

Because of what Rosie said, Rex message his forehead for a moment.

After deliberating the pros and cons of Rosie in his room, he finally said, "Fine, but don't do anything stupid or else I'll kick you out"

"Yay! Let's go!", Rosie replied walking past Rex as if she knows the place.


A moment later,

Edward came out of the train wearing a black hoody, there's a bag on his back that should be where the spellbook is.

He walks out along the crowd in alert,

With such an important item inside his back, he can't put his guard down at all.

If any of the 25 Golden Crest knows about the spellbook inside his bag, then he will definitely become a squishy target with only his rank-four power.

Rex also told him to not get followed, this also added to his alertness.

Kyran is also there with him wearing an oversized hoody, he follows right behind Edward.

They walk to the street before they stopped on the sidewalk,

Edward looks at his phone, and there's a map on it that leads to his destination.

After looking at it, he called a taxi because it's still far.

The taxi stops in front of them before the driver asks, "Where do you want to go?"

"Gold street, the Paradise Club", Edward answered as the taxi driver signal for them to get in.

The car then starts moving, it travels through the night street steadily.

Based on the map on Edward's phone, the place should be 5 miles away from the train station right beside a nightclub called Paradise.

They will be meeting with the Atkins in an abandoned building right across from the nightclub.

Nearing the destination, the taxi driver then said, "Are you going to the nightclub?"

"No sir, I'm just going to meet my friends there to give them something", Edward replied nonchalantly, he's too busy looking around.

But his mind is a little bit at ease with Kyran beside him,

Kyran's senses are so sharp that no one in Edward's entire life can match him, his senses are overwhelmingly sensitive.

Hearing this, "Don't go to that club, many thugs and local criminals go there", the driver added.

"Don't worry sir, I won't go there", Edward replied with a smile.

Along the ride, Kyran is silent and he seems to be in a bad mood and Edward completely understands his mood.

Kyran is still a kid, and he's dealing with his first love so Edward can understand.

They then reach the place the map on Edward's phone stated, Edward and Kyran, walks out of the taxi before Edward goes to the front window, "Sir, Can you wait because I won't be long"

The taxi looks around nervously, there are many groups of thugs holding weapons.

Edward notices this too, he then sighs, "Thanks for the ride sir, I hope you get home safely", he said while giving the money.

After getting the money, the taxi driver apologize and left.

"Why do they have to ask for a meeting in this kind of place, it'll be nice if we can talk in a fancy hotel", Edward mumbles.

He then looks to the surroundings and finds a back-alley in the corner,

Edward looks at Kyran before Kyran nodded his head, it seems he already sense someone is in the back alley.

But then,

Just as he wanted to go to the back alley, a voice called out to him, "Hey you there! Come here!"

Edward signals to Kyran to not pay it any mind, but Kyran is clearly annoyed.

"Hey, you fucking kids!! Boss is asking for you!!", another voice can be heard from the back.

Looking at Edward and Kyran who ignore them as if they're ants, the thugs walk over to them before they blocked their path, "I'm talking to you!"

Edward looks at the thugs with a stoic expression, three thugs wearing haggard hoodies are the ones who stopped them.

"I ignore you two times, I'm sure it means fuck off before I beat you guys up", Edward said coldly.

This makes the three thugs aghast, "What the fuck did you say, kid?!"

"Kids these days, they don't know how to behave properly", another added.

But just after they said that Kyran's eyes sparked with violence as he glared at the three thugs.

This makes the three thugs unconsciously step back, Kyran's glare completely alerts all of their senses telling them to run.

They stepped back in fear as they realized Edward and Kyran were not normal,

"He told you to fuck off. Now that you're still here, I'll beat you up", Kyran said coldly.




Kyran punched two thugs straight in the face sending them crashing away,

The two thugs hit the nightclub wall right beside their so-called boss who's hands started to tremble, he just lit his cigarette before this happened.

With his cold look, Kyran walks to the last one calmly.

This scene greatly shocks Edward, Kyran is simply too ruthless.

"Kyran that's enough, we have something to do", Edward commanded.

Hearing this, Kyran stopped but then he said, "Rex once said that some people can't change, and these guys surely won't"

Edward widened his eyes in shock, he can't believe what he's hearing.

Kyran then grabs the last thugs on the neck before he twists it coldly,


A cracking sound can be heard as the thug's neck breaks,

There's no remorse in Kyran's eyes as he killed another thug, it's like he's a different person compared to he was before.

After killing the thugs that were messing with them, Kyran started to walk towards the boss.

The boss's body started to tremble in fear, he didn't expect a strong human to be in this kind of place that is closer to a shithole.

He just regretted telling his goon to mess with Kyran and Edward,

Kyran stopped right in front of the boss, He look at the boss straight in the eyes for five seconds that felt like an eternity.

He raises his hand making the boss close his eyes in fear, But then,


"Stop it, they're normal people so it's not right to kill them over these small matters", Edward grab Kyran's arm stopping him.

He frowns when he felt that Kyran's strength is stronger than before,

After glaring at the boss straight in the eyes for a couple more seconds, Kyran pulls his hand and walks towards the back alley.

Edward sigh seeing Kyran's behavior, he then glances at the boss.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you", the boss plead as tears fall down his cheek.

Looking at the boss's pathetic look,

Edward raises his hand making the boss close his eyes in fright, but instead of hitting him,


The cigarette between the boss's lips suddenly turns to ash with a touch of Edward's hand, and after doing that Edward looks to his back and saw Kyran is already in front of the back alley.

He then turns his body and goes to the back alley leaving the boss dumbfounded.

At the back alley,

"You're late", a man said right after Edward and Kyran came to the back alley.

Hearing this, Edward didn't respond as he takes out the spellbook and throws it at the man.

He then signals to Kyran to leave but the man suddenly said, "Are you sure this is the right one? Not just a fake copy?"

"You can check it yourself", Edward said coldly.

The man then chuckles lightly, he's wearing a mask and a hood so Edward can't see his face, not even his eyes.

Kyran is leaning on the wall without caring about their conversation,

But then, the man opened his hood revealing his snake-like eyes.

Upon seeing the man's snake-like eyes, Edward's body went stiff.josei

Rex has a problem with the Atkins and Reed Family, and because of that Edward also researches the two families and remember their core members.

And the one that he remembers the most is this guy, Hans from the Atkins Family.

He's the right-hand of Wesley Atkins that always becomes the representative of the Atkins Family if Wesley is not around, he's also known to be vicious and evil.

Although it's not publicized, Edward also finds his nickname given by the other 25 families.

Hans the Snake,

So seeing this important guy here makes Edward alert.

Kyran notice Edward's stiff body as he too prepares himself,

Hans flip through the book playfully before a smile appeared on his face, "Pleasure doing business with you", he said while stretching his hand out.

Looking at this, Edward hesitated for a moment.

But then, he eventually approaches Hans and shakes his hand.

After shaking his hand, Edward wants to pull his hand back but frowns when Hans holds his hand tight.

Edward looks at Hans with a questioning look,

Kyran is already alert, his eyes are gazing at the surrounding trying to sense an ambush.

Edward and Hans' eyes meet for a couple of seconds and the pressure Hans emitted is overwhelming, but surprisingly Hans lets go of Edward's hand.

He looks at Hans with a frown while he rubs his throbbing hands, he then left the place with Kyran following him.

Although they turn their backs, they're still alert.

They didn't believe Hans at all, they're on guard until they left the back alley.

Unknown to Edward and Kyran, Hans is smiling evilly on the back as he looks at both of them leaving.

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