The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 215 Vargas' Condition

Chapter 215 Vargas' Condition

"Here", Chandler handed Rex a phone after exiting his room.

Rex takes the phone before he put it on his ear, "Hello? Vargas?",

"What do you want to talk about? I will hear you if it's not about going to Beah City", Vargas on the other side said sternly.

Rex and Adhara are precious students of Faraday University,

They both have surpassed every student of Faraday University by miles, and thus become a great asset for the future of humanity which will not be risked.

Although Rex is a bit angry with Vargas, he knew why Vargas is doing this.

If a promising youth that has the potential to reach the eighth rank or even ninth rank died trying to save someone, it will be a massive loss for humanity.

Because of that, Vargas will not let them go easily.

"Just listen to me, you will find this interesting as I speak", Rex said.

But Vargas is having none of that, "I'm busy Rex, and whatever you said will not change my mind of forbidding you to go to Beah City", he said.

Vargas wanted to hang up the phone but Rex said hurriedly to stop him.

"I have a proposition in exchange for letting me and the others go, just hear me out once and if it doesn't change your mind then you can hang up", Rex said assuringly.

Hearing this, Vargas went silent before finally saying, "I'm listening"

After getting the confirmation from Vargas, Rex then explained, "In exchange for letting us leave for Beah City, I will tell you how the demons manage to get through the Great Barricade"

Chandler who is waiting from the side widened his eyes in surprise hearing what Rex said.

Rex can even hear Vargas gasp in surprise for a moment, he smiles lightly hearing their reaction, 'He won't pass up on this, it's a bit inhumane but I don't have any other bargain', Rex thought.

"Go on, tell me how they did it", Vargas asks curiously.

But before Rex answered, he put the phone on speaker before he said, "Do I have your words that we will be allowed to leave?"

Vargas pause for a moment after Rex said that,

It was a good 10 seconds of silence before Vargas opens his mouth, "You have my word if your information is true"

"You can trust me, sir, I'll take full responsibility if they're false", Rex added.

Rex becomes eager after getting Vargas' word, but then Vargas continues, "There's another condition that will be put in the mix"

Hearing this, Rex frowns feeling something is off.

"I will let you and the others leave for Beah City, but Adhara can't go with you", Vargas added.

Rex was at a loss for words hearing this,

The purpose of going to Beah City is to safe Adhara's father, and now Vargas will let them go with a condition that Adhara will not go with them.

This troubles Rex greatly, "But sir, we're going there to save Adhara's father"

"That is exactly why Adhara is not going, it's her father and she's bound to make a careless move that will risk all of your lives", Vargas replied.

Hearing this, Rex was at a loss for words.

He knows that what Vargas said is absolutely true, but he can't just leave Adhara here.

"So how about it? Do you still want to proceed with the deal?", Vargas asks from the other side, his tone shows that he will not back down from his proposition.

'I already told him about knowing how the demons infiltrate us, they will extract this information for me whether I agree or not', Rex thought with a frown.

Vargas already know about Rex's possession of the information,

Even if Rex declines the deal to search for another way for Adhara to still come, he will still be captured by the UWO eventually.

'There's no other choice', Rex thought shaking his head.

After about twenty minutes passed since Rex left his room,

Adhara, Edward, and Kyran are sitting in the hall absently waiting for Rex to return, he said to trust him and they did.

Edward glance to the side and saw Adhara pacing around the hall nervously.

She trusts Rex will help her father, but it's still frustrating when they got held like this and can only wait for him to return.

But just she's starting to get anxious, the entrance door opened,

Rex came inside the room alongside Chandler, his expression cannot be read as he walk towards the others.

"So how was it? Did you get their permission?", Adhara said hurriedly.

Each passing seconds are precious for her, her father is out there and he might be in danger at this exact moment.

Rex looks towards Adhara before he smiles, "Yes, I got permission from Vargas"

Hearing this, Adhara jumped up in joy as she takes her bag happily, "Well then let's go! We need to get there as soon as possible just in case", she said walking past Rex.

Edward and Kyran also take their stuff preparing to leave, but then,

Adhara's arm suddenly got grabbed by Rex,

She looks at Rex in question before she asks, "What are you doing? Why aren't we going?"

"I got Vargas' permission with a condition that you will not come with us", Rex said helplessly.

This makes Adhara widen her eyes in shock before she struggles to break free from Rex, "WHAT?!! I'm going whether you like it or not"

But Rex didn't let her go and kept holding her arm with a reluctant look.

Adhara looks at Rex in unbelievable shock, "No...You can't do this to me!! Rex!! I want to go, please let me go!", she pleaded desperately.

Rex pulls Adhara to his arms and hugs her,

"LET ME GO!!", Adhara shouted as her body started to emit purple flame.

This scorch Rex's force barrier as Adhara tries to break free, his yellow barrier started to get weaken as Adhara's fire becomes stronger.

And soon enough,

Rex's body burns with purple flame as a sizzling sound was made.

Although the pain of burning from Adhara's flame kept getting stronger, Rex kept his arms tightly wrapped around her body completely ignoring the pain.

Chandler was about to intervene, but Rex sent him a warning gaze.

It went on for minutes,

She still tries desperately to free herself and wanted to run away, but Rex hugs her tightly.

Her sobs resounded on the room as she kept shouting to let go, and soon her shout turns into a whimper as she started crying in Rex's arm for the second time today.

Seeing her haggard look,

Rex felt a slight pain in his heart knowing that he can't do anything more than this.

What Vargas said is true,

Based on how Adhara reacts right now, she will definitely take reckless action in the demonic city which may endanger their lives.

Rex agrees with him completely, and they must leave Adhara here to avoid such consequences.

"This is the only way, just trust me", Rex whispers in Adhara's ears.

Adhara kept hitting Rex's chest in tears, the purple flame started to grow dimmer and dimmer, "I want to go...I want to go...Please let me go", she whimpers in tears.

Rex then takes a deep breath as he finally whispers, "I promise, I will rescue your father and bring him back safely"

He then signals to Edward who is watching from the side,

Looking at this, Edward sigh before he approaches Adhara who is in Rex's arms.


Edward hit the back of Adhara's neck,

Adhara widened her eyes as Rex kept promising to save her father, her vision turns blurry until she eventually passed out on Rex's arms.

After Adhara passed out, Rex brought her to his room and lie her there.

He saw how tears still kept falling from Adhara's eyes,

Rex's eyes flash with determination looking at Adhara's state, "I'll definitely save him"

The group of three finally go out of the university, Rex didn't forget to tell Chandler and Ari to keep an eye on Adhara when she wakes up.

She will definitely try to escape,

About four hours later, Rex and the others arrive at a train station.

After leaving Faraday University, Rex and the others got a lift by the lecturers to the train station and already booked with the fastest train available.josei

With Vargas' authority, he got the exclusive train that is made for a high person like Vargas.

They got out of Ratmawati City and Arrived at Nerphia City in just under four hours, this shows how fast the train is.

A trip that should take 8 hours or more got reduced to more than half the time.

'That was fast, at this rate we will reach Beah City just before night', Rex thought as he walks out of the train.

Edward glance around the place with a frown, "Why are we stopping here?"

"I need to go somewhere for a bit, it will not take long and we should arrive at Beah City before night", Rex replied before he called a cab.

They travel on the city street and not long arrive in front of a building,

Looking at this building, Rex widened his eyes in realization, 'Isn't this Devan's office building? Why did the Green Messenger tell me to meet here'

Back when he was just on his way here, Rex already burnt the message from the Green Messenger as instructed.

A couple of minutes after that,

A black crow suddenly came out of nowhere, and it a message stating to meet here.

Rex notices when he's still in the taxi of the familiar street, but he didn't expect the place to be actually Devan's office building.

He looks at the building in disbelief, 'If the SCO occupies this building, Devan must've already...'

Not wanting to think of it, Rex shakes his head and looks to the side.

He saw the bar location that he and Liliya go to before to wait for Devan, but Rex is not surprised to find a restaurant open there instead of the bar.

'I did quite a commotion there didn't I? They deserve it though', Rex thought as he walks out of the taxi.

Rex then said, "Come with me, I'll not take long"

The three of them get inside the building,

Upon entering the building, Rex saw many people coming and going to the building wearing white shirts just like a normal office worker.

It doesn't look like an SCO base at all, it looks normal.

"Wait here, I'll go finish my business and we'll be soon on our way", Rex said signaling to Edward and Kyran t wait on a sofa in the waiting place.

After they nodded their heads, Rex walks up to the receptionist.

The receptionist looks at Rex before he said, "What can I help you, sir?"

Rex is unsure of what to answer, he felt wrong saying the SCO or even the Green Messenger to a person that might not know about the SCO.

It will make him break the SCO's rules, and he didn't want any more trouble.

After deliberating for a while, Rex finally decided to show the black crow tattoo on his chest.

He ripped the invisible sticker he uses to cover it before he pull his shirt's collar to show the black crow tattoo.

Many people send him weird glances, and Rex feels awkward doing this.

But the receptionist immediately understand, "Do you have a job or meeting today sir?"

Still unwanting to speak about the SCO or the Green Messenger, Rex shows the location message he got from the black crow before with a green messenger name on it.

The receptionist looks at the message before he smiles, "Right this way sir"

He then follows the receptionist walking through the office, they then enter the lift before the lift's door closes.

Inside the lift, "Please show the tattoo again", the receptionist instructed.

Hearing this, Rex shows his black crow tattoo again before suddenly, the black crow tattoo emits green energy.

This green energy went to where the floor number button before number 13 glows green.

After that, the lift started to move to floor number 13.

Rex and the receptionist walks out of the lift,

On floor 13, Rex saw an empty floor with only a box in the middle.

He looks towards the receptionist before the receptionist signals Rex to open the box which Rex reluctantly does.

It felt sketchy, and Rex didn't like it.

Rex then stops in front of the box before the box suddenly opens by itself,

The box reveals two scrolls inside it, 'It seems even Liliya didn't take the mission, that shows how dumb I am right now', Rex thought with a sigh.

From the two scrolls inside the box, it should be directed to him and Liliya.

But clearly, Liliya didn't take up the mission because it is too dangerous, and she might just die doing this mission.

"You can open the two scrolls, and pick the mission that you wanted", the receptionist said.

Hearing this, Rex takes the two scrolls and reads them.

After deliberating for a moment, Rex takes the right scroll and nod his head, 'This one is more appropriate, I'll take this one'

The box closes after Rex takes the right scroll,

Rex then turns to his back head to the lift before he walks out of the building with Edward and Kyran.

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