The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 216 Demon Watchmen

Chapter 216 Demon Watchmen

Rex and the others walk out of the office after Rex got the mission from the SCO.

'That other mission is overwhelmingly difficulty', Rex thought with goosebumps, he can't imagine if he was forced to take the other mission.josei

It will probably be the hardest mission he will ever face.

Thanks to SCO's generosity that allows Rex to choose the mission, Rex chose the right scroll instead of the left scroll.

The right scroll content is to identify the source of weird energy that is coming from south of Benrith City.

It's a spying mission rather than the left scroll that told to go to Lupis City to check on a powerful creature that is said to be turned into a demon.

Although both missions are difficult with how close the location with the demonic cities,

The left scroll's creature is estimated to have higher power than the sixth rank, and this is nothing but bad news for Rex.

Rex may survive both missions, but Edward and Kyran will probably not.

Aside from the absurd difficulty of the mission, Rex chose the right scroll because they're heading to Beah City near Benrith City.

Lupis city on the other hand is in the opposite direction of where they're going.

After taking the mission from the SCO, Rex and the others headed towards Beah City where their main target is located.

To save Adhara's father,


Meanwhile, Rosie got out of her class with a sigh.

This is her first day in class after transferring, and she's instantly bombarded by questions from the other students regarding Rex.

Her living in Rex's room is not a secret, many already take a hold of this.

Some of the students are interested in her relationship with Rex, and many of them are women that are jealous of her.

Rosie can only say that she's a friend of Rex from Ochyra University.

She doesn't want to bring much more trouble to Rex, so she just decided to introduce herself as a friend rather than his ex.

While she wanted to go back, a woman suddenly called her from the back.

"Rosie!", the woman shouted.

Hearing this, Rosie looks to her back and saw the woman running towards her, "Yes?"

"The sun is almost down, let's train together", the woman invited.

Rosie is confused hearing this,

Although she didn't mind training together, she still doesn't understand why did she emphasize the sun is almost down part,  "What's training have to do with that?"

"Didn't you say you're Rex's friend? How come you didn't know this", the woman said suspiciously.

Rosie frowns hearing this, she becomes even more confused after Rex got brought into this.

But then, the woman continues, "I heard that Jack tell the others about his conversation with Kyran, the kid Rex brought. Kyran told him that Rex always emphasize training in the night"

"That is why the students in our class will be training every night from now on", she continues.

Hearing this, Rosie was at a loss for words.

She then said, "So you're thinking that training in the night is the secret method that makes Rex as strong as he's right now?"

"Yes!", the woman replied excitedly.

Rosie can only face-palm herself helplessly, "I'm going to head back first, I'll join you guys after I'm done refreshing myself"

After saying that, the woman told Rosie to go to the training ground before she left.

"Kyran told them? Where did Rex find Kyran anyway and is he one of his pack too?", Rosie mumbles in wonder, but there's a hint of jealousy in her tone.

Reaching Rex's room,

Rosie found a lecturer and a foreign guy standing in front of the room.

The two guys are Chandler and Ari,

Ari is not wearing a uniform like the others which makes Rosie think that he's not from this university, while Chandler is obviously a lecturer at Faraday University.

Rosie wanted to slip past them to walk in but Ari stopped her, "What is your business here?"

"Relax, she's Rex's friend and she might be able to help us", Chandler said while looking at Rosie expectantly.

Hearing their discussion, Rosie frowns, "What's going on?"

"Well, there's a problem a couple of hours ago", Chandler steps forwards and said.

Chandler then told Rosie about the incident that happened here, the incident where Rex and the others were about to go to Beah City to save Adhara's father.

Rosie looks at them in disbelief, she didn't expect such an incident happened while she's in class.

"Then how's Adhara right now? Where is she?", Rosie asks in worry.

Based on what Chandler told her, Adhara will probably drown in her own anxiety thinking about her father in Beah City.

But then suddenly,





Adhara suddenly shouted from inside, her shout is muffled but can still be heard lightly.

Chandler and Ari then looks at Rosie with wry smiles before Chandler said, "Can you help her calm down? She becomes like this ever since she woke up"

Hearing this, Rosie sigh and signals to open the door.

The two then unlocked the door slowly, but the door suddenly burst open.


Adhara tries to escape the room but Ari with his glaring aura manages to grab Adhara's ankle, and he then restrains Adhara with his element as she tries to break free.


Purple blazing fire tries to scorch Ari's restrain, but their disparity is too much.

With her fourth rank power, Adhara didn't manage to break free from Ari's restrain even though her purple fire becomes stronger in each passing second.

Rosie looks at this in awe, Adhara has grown so much powerful than the last time.

Even she know deep in her heart that if they were to fight right now, Adhara will destroy her with a flick of her hand.

It will end like that without a doubt,

Rosie walks closer to Adhara who burning with anger, "Lock us up inside, I'll try my best to calm her down", she said to Chandler.

Hearing this, Ari then puts Adhara back inside the room as Rosie also enters the room.

Upon entering the room, Rosie was shocked to see the room is in a mess as pieces of furniture scattered around the room.

Even the walls, paintings, and ceilings are black because of Adhara's struggle.

After closing the door back, the restrain on Adhara's body dissipated again before Adhara immediately lunges towards the entrance door and started banging on it again.

Her stamina seems endless as she kept banging on the door aggressively.

Looking at this, Rosie hesitated for a moment before she said, "Adhara, you know that you will not do anything to that door right?"

Her words got no reply from Adhara, she ignores Rosie completely.

"I know what you're feeling, it must make you very worried about your father but you have to trust Rex", Rosie persuade gently.

Hearing this, Adhara's hands stopped banging the door.

She then fall to the ground weakly as her legs felt weak, "But I must do something", she said.

Rosie walks towards her before she holds Adhara's shoulders, "Fighting against the situation will not help, even if you manage to get out what then?"

"Do you really think you can barge into a demonic city and expect to survive?", Rosie added.

Her words make Adhara's heart feel a slight pain, what she said it's true and she just realized it.

She then continues, "Your father will not want you to do such reckless thing, and Rex will also not want you to do that so just stay here and if you're uneasy just pray for them"

After Rosie said that, Adhara cried again as Rosie hugs her body.


Back to Rex,

Rex and the others manage to reach Grodale City just before night, it's the last stop city because of the demonic cities situation.

After reaching the city, Rex and the others are forced to resume on foot.


The three of them now are currently dashing through an abandoned city,

All of them are wearing a black uniform with masks to cover their face, it's battle equipment Rex got from the shop.

<Night Ronin Armor>

Night Ronin Armor is a black armor that has a special effect that will erase the wearer's aura and will increase the wearer's agility stats by 20% upon using the Night Ronin Armor in the night. Perfect equipment used for an espionage mission.

Rex bought three of these armor to be used in their attempt for rescuing Adhara's father.

Edward was suspicious before but Rex told him that Vargas prepare this for them, he's worried about their safety and Edward completely bought it.

It makes sense for Vargas to do this with top students on the line.

The Night Ronin Armor is a full set black uniform that comes with an enhanced steel breastplate, pauldrons, gauntlets, and knee armor.

The armor is Japanese style, and this makes the three of them look like ninjas.

Upon getting closer to their destination, Kyran started to sense many auras around them.

They're currently in an abandoned city just beside Benrith City, and they need to go northeast to reach Beah City.

But the demons already invaded this place too.

"There are many of them, I sense at least 20 of them around here", Kyran said.

Because of his super-sensitive senses, Rex tasked Kyran to tell him all demons that he senses and pin their location.

Rex looks to his right and saw an abandoned tall building, it's the tallest building in this place that should present them a good view of this abandoned city.

"Let's go up, we'll check the place first", Rex commanded before their bodies vanished.

After reaching the top of the tallest building, they can finally see the condition of the place they're in right now.

Demons surrounded the place,

Just from a glance of Rex's, there's probably more than a hundred of them scattered throughout this place.

"The majority are in the fourth rank, some of them are third rank or fifth rank", Rex said.

He already scans all of the demons down on the streets and found that the majority of the demons are the fourth rank and this portrait is a problem.

Edward looks down and frowns, "Rex, look at the demon's position", he said.

Hearing this, Rex looks down again and saw what Edward meant.

Out of hundreds of demons around this place, they all have a gap between them as if someone gave them a territory to guard.

"They are watchmen", Rex mumbles in thought.

The demons have gaps with each other instead of randomly crowding means that this is a strategy, and a higher rank demon commanded them.

Rex notices that this kind of position means that the demons act as an alarm.

If one of them got attacked by something or someone, then their deaths will alert their main base which should be Benrith City of a possible attack or intruder.

With the number they have, Rex has to admit that this is pretty clever.

"What should we do? We will surely alert the demons if we don't know how they communicate with each other", Edward asks with a frown.

Killing the demons silently is probable, but they didn't know how the demons alert the others.

It may be as easy to deal with by the sounds of battle or maybe a troublesome one like an engraved rune that will alert the main base.

For Edward and Kyran, it's impossible to find how they communicate.

But not for Rex,

'System, Can you scan the demons and search for any rune or magic that will be activated upon their deaths?', Rex asks.

<Touching the demon's body is required to scan>

Reading this, Rex frowns as turns out he needs to touch it just like usual.

'If we kill one and it turns out they will be alerted through an engraved rune or spell then it will expose our position, going through them silently is also an option but It's hard with Kyran in the group', Rex thought with a frown.

"Where's Beah City's direction again?", Rex asks.

Edward points to the northeast and said, "That way, we can try to go through them silently with the armor we wear"

Hearing this, Rex falls into thoughts.

He's deliberating for a moment, but when he's about to move,



The three of them looks to their right in the direction of the sound, and there they saw a commotion going on.

Rex looks at the commotion, there is something fighting against the demon there.

He knits his eyes to see what is fighting the demon before suddenly, Rex smiles, 'Isn't that...'

After realizing what the demon is fighting against, "Let's go there", Rex said and dashes towards the commotion direction.

Edward and Kyran were confused but they too also dashes behind Rex.

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