The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 222 Beah City Aftermath

Chapter 222 Beah City Aftermath

Rex waves his hand to shakes off the black smoke on his hand,

The second winged demon just got killed by him, and its also thanks to the insectoid creature hat came out of nowhere that is now looking at Rex.

All of the demons are already dead except for a couple running four-armed demons and the demon puppet.

Feeling the fatigue kicking in, Rex fall to his knee as his body turns back to normal.

The insectoid creature looks at Rex curiously with its many eyes, and its eyes long dragging stare makes Rex uncomfortable.

Although Rex is kneeling on the ground, he's still wary of the insectoid creature.

After a few minutes of silence, the insectoid creature glance to the left.



Rex stares back at the insectoid creature to scan it, but then suddenly, "Akhh!", his head suddenly throb painfully.

He held his head in pain, and by the time he opened his eyes the insectoid creature is already gone inside the ground and left the place.

'What was that? Did that creature did this', Rex thought with a frown.

But just after he said that, two figures suddenly appeared on top of Beah City as it attacked the demon puppet instantly.


A translucent red barrier defends the demon puppet as it levitate above the skyscraper idly.

The two figure are the high-rank Awakened that attack Benrith City before, they just finished cleaning up Benrith City.

One of the Awakened concentrate huge amount of energy that almost feel the same as mana, but Rex can tell that it's different.


Scarlet red fire started to materializes on top of the demon puppet as fire shockwaves throbs to the surrounding like a beating heart until the Scarlet red fire turns into a ball-shape.

Upon looking at it closely, Rex can see two spirit arms extending from the Awakened's back.

These two spirit arms can clearly be seen by the naked eyes, it almost materialize completely  unlike spirits that Rex saw before that take a form of an energy.


After the last beat, huge ball of fire the size of a house appeared and with a wave of the Awakened's hand it descended towads the demon puppet.

From just the mana it emitted, Rex has never feel such huge scale of mana in one spell.


The ball of fire exploded the size of a nuclear explosion as it instantly vaporized the translucent barrier around the demon puppet, and also the demon puppet itself.

Rex got pushed back by the impact as he crash to a building behind him.

The explosion was too much, and even Rex can't handle the impact eventhough he's on the ground while the explosion is way above the city.

*Cough* *Cough*

Rex coughs a couple of times as smoke and dust filled his surroundings.

His left arm and abdomen started bleeding again after the red symbol on his forehead disappeared alongside his aura.

Because of the fight he had, Rex can't maintain his skills anymore.

He's currently lying on the ground helplessly, his body is hurting all over.

'I need to tell them about the attack', Rex thought as he sarted crawling desperately.

The Great Barricade may still be taken over, and Rex carrys the burden to tell the two Awakened flying above the city about it.

"HEY!!", Rex shouted while crawling on the ground.

Although he tries to shout with all he had, his energy is already drained and he can't muster enough voice to call them.

The two figures was about to leave the city, and Rex can't take their attention.

Just when he's about to give up, Delta suddenly came to him and realizes what he intended.


Delta howls loudly, her howl reverberated to the surrounding and it catches the attention of the two Awakened above the city.


The two Awakened went towards Rex's direction and landed in front of him.

Upon closer look, Rex saw that the two Awakened are a man and a woman.

They have steady and clear eyes just like an expert, with an overwhelming aura surrounding them showing a new height of power.

It's the first time Rex saw an aura like theirs,

The man glance to Delta who's tugging her muzzle to help Rex, "A Zeragon? Why is someone like you here?", the man asks curiously.

The man has orange undercut hair with a muscular frame, and he seems to be in his thirties.

Rex then struggles to stand up with one hand, his body is trembling uncontrolably as he tried to stand up before the woman helped him.

"Don't be like that Denzel", the woman scolded the man.

The woman has light blue hair with a magnificent bow on her back, her blue eyes also brings a feeling of comfort.

She then helps Rex gets up and asks, "It's okay now, we already cleared the demons from this city", her hands then glow with a blue hue as the blue energy covers Rex's left arm.josei

It didn't take long before Rex can feel his left arm gets better,

But Rex raise his hand to signal for the woman to stop before he said with difficulty, "You need to go back, the demons are attacking the Great Barricade"

Hearing this, the two Awakend looks at Rex with a frown.

"What do you mean by that?", the man asks hurriedly, he can feel something is amiss.

Rex then glance the man with his heavy eyes before he continues, "The demonic cities are just a decoy, they wanted you two to leave the Great Barricade before they attack it"

"Go back to the Great Barricade, you might still have ti- Rrghh!", Rex grunted in pain.

He turns his body and lies on his back,

Rex then looks at his stomach and find that the demonic energy is corroding his skin, it slowed his regenerative ability heavily.

Both of the Awakened widened their eyes in shock,

The woman glance at the man in horror, "FUCK!!"


The man's body glow with intense fire, two fire wings spread majestically on his back before he flapped his wings and left the place turning into a red streak of light.

It just take a blink of an eye, and the man is suddenly gone.

After the man left, the woman glance at Rex with a troubled look before her blue energy grows intense cleansing the demonic energy on Rex's stomach.

"How did you know about this?", the woman asks after healing Rex.

Rex who felt the pain lessen by much then answer, "That floating demon you killed above that skyscraper is a demon puppet, although it emits a powerful aura it's only an early rank six demon"

The woman was put into thought as she also notice it, "They use that demon to lure us here, so that we left th Great Barricade", she grits her teeth in anger.

"No wonder it died with a spell from Denzel", the woman added in realization.

Rex then said, "That demon there told me that it's too late so he mock me with that fact", he points at the winged demon's carcass in front of him.

The woman look at the winged demon before she sigh, "Do you think we still have time?"

Rex averted her gaze knowing that it's too late.


Two magnificent blue wings made of water appear on her back, there's a white veil decorating the wings that makes it looks like angel wings.

Rex looks at it and feel overwhelmed by the energy emitted by the wings.

'That's definitely not mana, what kind of energy is that', Rex thought as the woman started levitating on the air.

"What is your name kid?", the woman asks.

Hearing this, Rex then answered while gluing his eyes on the two beautiful wings, "Rex Silverstar"

Now that Rex finally take a good look at the woman in front of him, there are two things that came to Rex's mind, Beautiful and Mysterious.

The blue eyes of the woman shade with an air of mystery, and Rex can feel that the woman in front of him is very powerful.

"Well Rex, Humanity need more strong Awakened and I can see that you have a potential in reaching my rank", the woman said with a gentle smile.

She then continues, "Go to the Sky Temple, I will be waiting for you there"

Without waiting for Rex to answer, the woman flew away before turning into a streak of light and disappeared on the end of Rex's vision.

After the woman left, Rex stands up to his feet.

Because of the woman's doing, Rex's injury started to heal up just fine.

It will not take long before he recovers,

An hour after the fight is over, Rex and the others rescure the humans in the city that survived the demon's invasion.

There are many people that survived the attack, it's all thanks to a bunker the city has to shelter them from this kind of attack.

Even Rex find it hard to believe, the bunker is very well hidden.

He already counted the people in his head and find that there are about two thousand people in there, and they all survive without any injury or some sort.

After helping the city reorganize for a bit, Rex and the others volunteer to clear the surrounding mutated animals.

The city's entrance is busted wide open, and any wandering mutated animal will get inside.

Added with the death of many city guards, the city is defenseless against the mutated animals if they're not cleared.

Many of the city people thanked them, and Rex already got used to it by now.

Rex then went to Adhara's father who is inside the shelter where the other city people run to, he's put there by Edward and Kyran.

"Thank you!!", Adhara's father said before suddenly hugs Rex.

Edward and Kyran already tells him about what happened, and he knows that Rex and the others came here to help the city.

Because of that, Adhara's father is indebted to Rex and the others.

If not for them, the city will suffer more casualities from the demons attacking the rear and also the winged demon that blasted the city entrace wide open.

"I'm just doing what any other Awakened will do", Rex replied.

Adhara's father then held Rex's shoulders and said, "This is my city, and I'm thankful that you saved my city"

Hearing this, Rex smiles gently, "It's not just me, the others also helped"

Both of them exchange pleasantaries as they chat for a bit, Adhara's father then finally said, "Where's Adhara? Why is she not with you guys?"

"The principal won't let Adhara come, she's shaken by the news of Beah City getting invaded by the demons", Rex replied with a sigh.

Adhara's father smiles lightly, "Wise man"

"Will you come with us? Adhara is worried about you", Rex asks.

Adhara's father who is just about to go back to the city to help stops, "I will come with you, but let me organize the city first before we head out"

Hearing this, Rex nodded his head before Adhara's father left.

Just after he left, Edward approach Rex's side before he points at a man digging under a tree.

Looking at the man, Rex sigh before he approached the man followed by Edward.

The man digging is Henry,

The Awakened that Rex met on the rear who is helping the city people to evacuate to the shelter, Rex can see that Henry is crying.

He also saw three corpses beside Henry, and the corpses wears the same uniform as Henry.

"Congratulations, You just complete you mission", Rex said suddenly.

Henry got startled because of this as he looks to the back, he saw Rex and the others before he went back to digging, "Yeah, but with three casualities", he said with a sigh.

"I'm guessing your comrades went to the other side to help the city people?", Rex asks.

Henry then replied annoyedly, "Yes, it's my order and they all suffer from it. It's just unfair for other people if we decided to save one area"

"In a mission like this, you should've just stick together and save as many people as you can while still minding your own lives", Rex said.

He the continues, "Splitting like you just did to save more people just put more risks to your comrade and thus they died alongside the people they're trying to save. And now, you regret your decision and cry while digging their graves"

Hearing this, Henry boils in anger, "Did you just come here to mock me and my comrades?! What are you trying to say!", he shouted in anger.

"I'm saying that you're insulting your comrades by not learning from your mistake, instead of crying and regretting your decision it will be better to learn from it", Rex said harshly.

Edward then taps Rex's shoulder before he approach Henry, "It's not your fault, that's what my friend here is trying to say"

Rex scoffs while turning his head away,

After realizing what Rex is trying to say, Henry finally nodded his head and wipe his tears.

But just when he's about to continue digging,


Rex and Edward opens their bracers before rolling up their sleeves, they then started to dig with their hands helping Henry.

Even Kyran started to help after seeing them digging,

"What-What are you guys doing?", Henry said with a shocked expression.

Rex then said while still digging, "Burying MY comrades of course, they're helping Beah City so they're my comrades too. Besides, it'll take too long for a cry baby like you to dig three graves"

Hearing this, a smile crept on Henry's face before he too started digging.

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