The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 223 Supernatural Stronghold

Chapter 223 Supernatural Stronghold

The next day,

City people started to repair the entrance of the city under the mayor's command, they're working together to cover the entrance first.

Rex and the others were told to sit on the side after helping with the heavy work.

All of the city people didn't let Rex and the others help even though it will speed up the process, they said that Rex and the others has done enough.

So the three of them added with Henry can only sit idly in the mayor's house.

They're sipping coffee on the terrace as they look at the people working together, Adhara's father is also amongst them.

Adhara's father told Rex that by noon of this day, they can leave for Ratmawati City.

So Rex and the others are waiting for him, it's a good thing too to relax for a bit after what happened last night.

While the others are resting, Rex is busy with items inside his inventory.

<Demon Core>

Demon Core is the source of power for all kinds of demons, they contain demonic power a particular demon manifested which will determine their power. All demons have a Demon Core or even a couple of Demon Cores, and the bigger the Demon Core the more powerful the said demon is. Demon Core can be used as an enhancement item to strengthen the body.

Reading this, Rex smiles as he looks at the Demon Core hologram in front of him.

Last night aside from completing the Sudden Quest to save Adhara's father, he also got these Demonic Cores from the demons' carcasses.

Because of yesterday's brutal fight, he didn't remember it but after the fight ended,

The system scans the area and calculated all of the demon's carcasses in the surrounding, and Rex got a whopping 197 Demonic Cores.

It didn't count the demons that he didn't kill, so it only amount to 197.

The demonic core is a ball of energy that is similar to Elemental Stone, the difference lies in the energy in the demonic core which is Demonic Energy.

Aside from that, the Demonic Core is glowing with a blue hue.

Rex didn't try to take it out from his inventory, it will make the others suspicious.

After inspecting the Demonic Core, Rex opened his stats tab to check when the next full moon is and also to add all of the attributable stats he got to mental stat.

<Rex Silverstar>

Pack: Silverstar (2/2)

Level: 32 (43,450,000/60,000,000)

Race: Royal Black Werewolf

Full-Moon: 21 Days - Lunar Eclipse

Berserk: 78%

Sanity: 42%

Mental: 127 (+30)

Strength: 219 (+86)

Agility: 146 (+15)

Endurance: 109 (+59)

Intelligence: 236 (+20)

'Lunar Eclipse? I don't know anything about it', Rex thought.

He then asks the system, 'What will happen during the Lunar Eclipse?'

<The Shadowed moon will veil the Chosen Werewolf in a skin mask, the berserk form will be suppressed as the Chosen Werewolf becomes the deadliest killer>

Reading this, Rex sigh feeling the system always gives him riddles.

'Let's just ask her later, she'll probably know about it', Rex thought while shaking his head.

While Rex is busy with himself, Edward looks at Henry who is currently in a bad mood before he approaches him.

"Where are you going to go after this?", Edward asks Henry who is still daydreaming on the chair alone while watching the view.

Henry snapped out of his daze, "I-I'm going to report back to my guild"

Looking at Henry's behavior, Edward squint his eyes and said, "I'm guessing you're thinking about how to tell your comrade's death?"

Henry looks down after getting read by Edward, he sighs not knowing what to do.

"Just tell the guild that your comrade fought bravely while you luckily survived, it will not undo what you did but at least it will make you feel better", Edward advised.

Hearing this, Henry becomes conflicted, "The city people witnessed it, the guild won't buy it"

But just as they're talking, "I'm sure the people will back you up just fine"

The mayor suddenly walks inside the room and saw the four of them sitting on the terrace, all of them turn their heads back to the mayor except for Rex.

Henry is surprised by the mayor's sudden appearance but the others already sense him long before he spoke.

Rex sips his coffee slowly as he wonders why the mayor is here,

The mayor approached the four with light steps before he stopped, "You four are the city's hero so I will do all in my power to help you"

Hearing this, Edward smiles while tugging Henry's side.

Henry also smiles lightly, "Thank you", he said.

After the mayor's nodded his head with a smile, he then said, "Can I talk to Rex alone for a moment?", the mayor look at the other three signaling them to leave the room.

Kyran frowns, "Why don't you just talk?"

Edward covers Kyran's mouth before he pulls Kyran and Henry away and leaves the room.

Rex then stands up from his seat and leans on the terrace's fence while facing the mayor, he still has the cup of coffee in his hand.

"I want to thank you on behalf of the city", the mayor said straight to the point.

Hearing this, Rex smirks lightly, "I know the city people are thankful, but no offense but I didn't come here to save the city"

"I knew that Russ told me", replied the mayor.

Rex looks at the mayor with a frown, "Russ?"

"It's what we called Brian here, I heard you're his daughter's boyfriend", the mayor added making Rex smile wryly.

'I thought he lied', Rex thought wryly.

Rex then turns to his back to the sight of the city people working together, "But still, that didn't change the fact that I'm not here for the city"

The mayor walks to Rex's side and said, "You could've left the city right after you saved Russ, but you chose to stay and help the city. Many said that you fought the winged demons, and without you, we will be finished"josei

"You know, the city guards are all from the military", the mayor said while pointing at the handful of city guards organizing the city people.

He's hinting at something and Rex catch on it,

Looking at the mayor's gestures, Rex's face darkened, "Are you asking me about the insect creature? I don't know what it is, and I certainly don't conspire with it"

"I didn't necessarily say you're working with that creature, but maybe you work for the other one", the mayor blatantly said.

Hearing this, Rex frowns harder, "You're saying that I'm working WITH the demons?"

"It's not too much to be careful wouldn't you agree so?", the mayor said with an innocent smile.

The mayor looks at Rex with his innocent smile as silence covered both of them.

'Did he see me transformed? But I perfectly did it under the smoke cover so nobody should've seen it not even Kyran and Edward', Rex thought trying to find a loophole.

But no matter how he thinks, he just thought that he did it cleanly.

It went on for a hard minute before the mayor finally smiles, "I know you're not"

"I was just about to tell you that we're indebted to you, and as you know the city has connections in the military so feel free to contact me if you're in trouble", the mayor said.

Rex's face returns to normal, he walks past the mayor coldly and said, "Thank you, but I don't need your help"

But just as Rex was in front of the door, "Not now, but you'll eventually need it"

This makes Rex stop in his track, he squints his eyes while looking at the mayor who is holding a piece of paper in his hand.

The mayor then approach Rex before he handed the piece of paper, "Activate this when you need my help and when I said that I'm indebted to you, I mean it"

Rex takes the piece of paper, he looks at the mayor one last time before he left.

At noon, Rex and the others went back to Ratmawati City.

Russ, Adhara's father waves his hands to the city people that are seeing them off as they embark on the journey back.

They went back to the station they arrive from to get back to Ratmawati City.

While they're on the train, Rex takes out his phone, opened the news app he has, and was shocked by the news he's reading.

'They're too late', Rex thought with a frown.

The news shows that the Great Barricade got breached in two places, the Great Barricade was attacked by the Demons and the Vampires right when Rex is fighting the demons last night and they manage to occupy two sectors of the Great Barricade.

What Rex realizes last night is true, the demonic cities are just decoys.

He even got surprised when he saw that a ninth rank Awakened and also an eight rank Awakened got killed in the sector where the Vampires attacked.

This devastated the UWO as they lost two pillars of humanity.

Rex also got a few messages from Vargas that is asking how he know about the attack, Vargas also sent Rex a video.

After clicking the video, Rex widened his eyes in surprise.

The two sectors that are now occupied by the Demons and Vampires became a stronghold, it's a strategic point that the Supernatural plan on holding.

It is evident by the powerful stronghold they're making,

The stronghold made by the demons is guarded with 5 Ezrud that acts as a watchtower, these Ezruds are hulking and they never sleep.

Aside from that, the video also shows a black charcoal demon holding a spear.

It stands on top of the stronghold walls they built while watching the humans,

Although Rex is not present in the scene, he knows that this demon is very powerful just by the vibrating air around it because of the steaming demonic energy.

Rex then open the other video and saw the Vampires done the same,

They're creating a big castle that will be a stronghold, and it is guarded by dozens of Royal Vampires and also a couple of powerful vampires that are baring their wings.

'We got played, and now they have a strategic entry point for future attacks', Rex thought.

He turns off his phone with a sigh, 'I need to speed up reaching the sixth rank, and also I need to enlarge my pack and make them stronger'

Just as Rex thought that his eyes landed on Edward.

Edward is currently sleeping beside him, it seems last night took a toll on him.

But upon looking at Edward's sleeping face, Rex's face becomes troubled as he shakes his head.

'Anyway, I think I need to invest more in my pack', Rex thought.

But then, he groans in pain when he tries to move his body.

Rex's left arm is already healed but it's still stinging with pain although it already can be moved, the injury on his abdomen however is still recovering.

He lift up his shirt and saw that the three holes are still there, he didn't use any healing elixir because it's not urgent yet.

The next morning, Rex and the others arrived at Faraday University.

All of the student's eyes landed on them as they walk inside the university,

How can the students' eyes are not glued onto them, Rex brought Delta to the university and all of them are in awe of the mighty white beast walking beside Rex.

The students know that Rex is a Zeragon, but this is the first time Rex brought Delta.

While they become the center of attention of the university, Delta lifts up her chin with pride as she walks alongside Rex.

They enter the university before a lecturer approach them,

"Student Rex, I'm afraid that you can't bring this creature inside the university", the lecturer said with slight hesitation.

Hearing this, Rex nodded his head in understanding.

He then said, "Is there a place for her to stay?"

"Yes, there's a place on the corner of the garden and there she can rest and get treated", the lecturer replied while looking at the scar on Delta's body.

Rex nodded his head before he rubs Delta's muzzle softly and told her to go to the garden,

The lecturer and the others look at Rex who glances at Delta briefly, it makes them all look at Rex in confusion but then,


Delta howled in displeasure as she leaped away,

Looking at this, the lecturer widened his eyes and wanted to stop Delta but Rex stop him, "What are you doing? Didn't you say that she will rest in the garden?"

"Yes I said that but how can she know where it is", the lecturer replied with a frown.

Hearing this, Rex chuckles lightly, "Trust me, she knows where she needs to go and she definitely won't do anything troublesome"

Although Rex assure the lecturer, the lecturer still feel concerned but he eventually let it go.

After the lecturer left, Kyran approaches him from the side.

"I've been meaning to ask, but how exactly do you communicate with Delta?", Kyran asks curiously, he saw how Delta follow Rex's every command as if she understands Rex.

Rex glance at Kyran briefly before he smirks, "It's called Predator Instincts"

"Predator what?", Kyran asks in confusion, but this makes Rex chuckle as he walks inside the university leaving him.

He then said snapping Kyran out of his daze, "You'll get there"

Hearing this, Kyran was aghast as he runs after Rex, "What do you mean you'll get there? I have Predator Instincts too!"

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