The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 224 Ryze Meet Delta

Chapter 224 Ryze Meet Delta

Rex and the others went inside the university but they saw Vargas already waiting for them, he's standing in front of the entrance with a stoic expression.

Vargas is standing straight with a cane in his hand, and he's staring straight at Rex.

With only just one glance, Rex knows that Vargas wanted to talk to him alone so he signals to Edward to leave the both of them.

Edward brings Kyran and Russ after nodding his head to Rex.

After they left, Vargas instantly nodded his chin to the side signaling Rex to follow him.

Rex is led to the principal's office under the students gaze,

Along the way, Vargas kept smiling at the students who are looking in his direction until they reach the principal room.

While Rex is walking on Vargas' back, he frowns when he senses someone watching him.

The gazes of the people that are not students can be felt clearly, 'They're from the UWO, right? It seems they're suspicious of me'

All of the prying gazes come from people wearing Faraday University's uniform, but Rex knows exactly that they're not students.

'Peak Rank Six, Early Rank Six, They're really suspicious of me', Rex thought with a smile.

Reaching the principal's office,

"Close the door and sit down", Vargas said after entering the office.

Rex closes the door lightly, and when he turns his head to his back Vargas already looking at him again with an unreadable look.

Vagas looks stiff for some reason,

But without him saying a word, Rex already knows what Vargas wants to say.

"What do you want to know? I'm going to answer it all", Rex said while sitting on the sofa.

Vargas kept eye contact with Rex as he stands idly in the middle of the room, he then replied, "How did you know about the demons' plan?"

Hearing this, Rex glance at Vargas disappointed, "I'm going to answer, but are the people hiding in this room really necessary?"

From the moment Rex steps inside the room, he already senses four people hiding in this room.

Rex can't exactly see them but he can sense each one of them, he also can check their stats and they're scattered around the room.

'Invisible items? or equipment?', Rex thought.

After Rex said that, the four invisible people in the room suddenly materialize around him.

They're all wearing a white and blue robe with the UWO symbol on their chest, and all of them gaze at Rex coldly.

Out of the four of them, Rex finds an interesting person beside him.

The woman on his side is gazing at him intently and Rex can feel she's casting somekind of spell with her eyes.

Rex glanced at the woman and saw her stats,

<Mandy Hoyles>

Power: Sixth Rank(Peak) - Serrated Wind Elementalist

Mental: 427

Strength: 411

Agility: 533

Endurance: 358

Intelligence: 511

After scanning the woman's stats, Rex saw that the power section is bold.

He then taps the 'Serrated Wind Elementalist' part before another tab opened, and reading this Rex's smirk in realization.

<The user is under an inspection spell>

The system also confirms Rex's suspicion,

The corner of Rex's mouth quirks up even more after the system confirms what he thought about the UWO plan and the power of the woman beside him.

"Then answer this, Are we colluding with the Supernatural?", Vargas asks.

The question makes Rex scrunch his forehead in surprise, it still surprises him even though he knows that the UWO is suspicious of him, 'We? What did he mean by we?', Rex thought.

But he eventually answered, "No"

The woman beside Rex frowned after Rex answered the question,

She then glance at Vargas before she nodded her head, and at the exact same time, the four people inside the room vanished into thin air.

After they left, Vargas sigh a sigh of relief.

"What was all that about", Rex asks curiously.

Hearing this, Vargas then answered while massaging his forehead, "When I got your message, I instantly told Sebrof the UWO's main branch president but instead he becomes suspicious of me"

"So, he sent those people to check where I got the information from which is you", Vargas added.

Rex nodded his head, he somehow already thought about that.

Vargas then said, "The woman beside you is a trusted member of Sebrof, she has a gift that can make her saw through lies that's why I ask you that question"

Rex widened his eyes this time,

He pretends to be shocked by what Vargas said, but the truth is that he already knows about the woman's ability from the system.

'Thankfully Vargas asks if we work with the Supernatural, not Am I a Supernatural. If it were the latter, then I don't know what will happen to me', Rex thought in relief.

It will be disastrous if the woman saw through that, he will be arrested or worst.

"So, How did you know about the demons' plan?", Vargas asks.

From the looks of it, he's already more relaxed because those people are gone.

Rex leans to the sofa before he replied, "A winged demon in Beah City told me that, he did it to see my helpless expression right before I killed it"

Hearing this, Vargas widened his eyes in shock, "Isn't that a sixth rank demon? How did you kill it?"

Realizing what he just said, Rex was stunned before he think of an excuse on the spot, "Shouldn't you know your best student ability? I'm a Zeragon remember?"

"Great beast I must say, it might reach a higher rank if nurtured properly", Vargas replied with a slight chuckle.

But the laugh soon fade as the vibe becomes grim,

Vargas glance at Rex briefly as he said, "You saw the videos I sent?"

Rex nodded his head, Vargas then continued, "The UWO creates a temporary defense line against the strongholds, and many Awakened are put there to not let the Supernatural run havoc"

"We also identify a new blue demon, and it is as strong as the Demon King", Vargas added.

The expression on his face becomes even darker and darker as he goes on, it was clear that Vargas has a lot of things in mind.

"Because of you, we know that the Supernatural has a method to turn us into them and we identify that the Vampires are kidnapping people but the real problem is the demon"

"They can do a ritual with a human from afar, and that explains the demonic cities. What a headache", Vargas mumbles while thinking.

But then, he realizes that he just mumbled his thoughts in front of Rex.

Vargas then smiles lightly and said, "I'm sorry, you didn't need to hear all of that"

"That's okay, it's humanity's problem so I need to know about it too", Rex replied, he got a lot of information from Vargas' mumble and he likes it.

After that, both of them talked with each other before finally, Rex left.

A couple of hours later,josei

Rex got back to his room and find no one is there, 'Adhara probably went out with Russ', Rex thought as he walks to his bedroom.

He walks past the butler and left the butler with cold shoulders,

Although what the butler did is logical, Rex is still annoyed with him because he should've told Rex first instead of instantly reporting to the university.

The butler sigh seeing Rex's cold expression, but he knew the consequences.

But just when Rex was about to enter his room to change clothes, he saw that Ryze's bedroom door opened slightly and it's dark.

Feeling curious, Rex approaches the door and peek inside it.

With his night vision ability, he saw Ryze sitting in the corner while writing on a notebook.

'I technically bought him, it's not fair for him to be ignored like this', Rex thought, he then opened the door startling Ryze.

"What are you doing?", Rex asks after entering the room.

Realizing that it's Rex who just entered his room, Ryze instantly stands up and hides the notebook on his back, "Nothing", he said.

Seeing Ryze panicking, Rex chuckles, "Change your clothes, I want to take you somewhere"

Hearing this, Ryze's eyes spark as he nodded his head repeatedly.

After a couple of minutes,

Rex comes out of his room and saw Ryze wearing an oversized white t-shirt with also oversized pants, he looks funny because of it.

The pants and t-shirt are so big that it's dragging on the floor when he walks.

"Why are you wearing oversized clothes?", Rex asks in confusion.

Ryze looks down at his clothes before he replied shyly, "I-I don't have many clothes, and this is Kyran's clothes just like what I always wear"

Hearing this, Rex felt even more guilty.

He didn't realize that Ryze doesn't have clothes, he never put any attention to him.

Now that he looks at Ryze,

He seems to be thinner than the last time he saw him, it's like he didn't eat much for the last couple of days.

"Clarice!", Rex called out.

Clarice, the maid, runs out of Rosie's room hurriedly after hearing her name is called, "Yes? What can I do for you, sir?"

"Here, I want you to buy Ryze some clothes and be sure to have it before I got back", Rex instructed while handing her money.

But just when Clarice was about to leave, Rex added, "What did Ryze eat while I was gone?"

Hearing what Rex just asks, Clarice stutters as she glances at the butler asking for help.

"Sir, Ryze eat just the-", the butler wanted to help but Rex stopped him.

Rex glance at the butler coldly and said, "I didn't ask you did I?"

This makes the butler smile wryly and shuts his mouth, Rex's eyes then landed back on Clarice who is looking down on her feet.

"Make sure that Ryze eats exactly what Kyran eats", Rex said coldly before he left the room.

Ryze also follows behind him hurriedly, he's afraid that the butler and Clarice will blame him if he's left alone in the room with them.

After leaving the room, Rex brings Ryze to the garden.

He then went to the corner of the garden and find a building there, the building has no sign on it but Rex knew that it's where the tamed mutated animal is kept.

And also, he knew that Delta is in there.

"What is this building?", Ryze asks innocently while looking around.

Rex glance at Ryze before he kneel on the ground to match Ryze's eye level and said, "I got a job for you, I want you to keep Delta company when I'm gone"

"Who is Delta?", Ryze asks while looking at Rex with his big innocent eyes.

Before Rex can answer,


"Stop!! Where are you going!!", a voice can be heard from the building.

The building entrance got busted open as a white beast came out while wagging its tail, this makes Ryze widen his eyes in surprise.

He steps back in fear seeing the huge white beast that came out of the building.

This makes Ryze unconsciously hide behind Rex in fear as Delta came running towards them, Ryze even wanted to run but got held by Rex.

After Delta arrives in front of them, Rex pat Delta's head as Delta wags her tail happily.

"Ryze, this is Delta and you will be accompanying him if I'm not around", Rex said making Ryze get goosebumps.

Getting told to accompany such a beast can make an adult scared, much less Ryze who's the body doesn't even compare to a twentieth of Delta.

Rex taps Ryze's back, "Don't worry, Delta is not going to bite you"

But even though Rex said that Ryze still hesitates to touch Delta who is looking at him curiously.

Before Ryze can muster his courage to touch Delta,

Delta suddenly bites Ryze's clothes and tossed Ryze to her back, this caught Ryze by surprise as he suddenly sat on Delta.

But before he can grasp what just happened, Delta suddenly runs around the garden.

"Aaaahh! Help me!!", Ryze cried out in fear.

He's holding onto Delta's back desperately as Delta runs around, he grabs Delta's back firmly because of how fast Delta is running around.

This makes Rex chuckles lightly seeing Ryze's scared face,

Rex watches as Delta plays with Ryze around the garden, some students saw this and they too chuckle seeing Ryze's dying expression.

Then suddenly, a figure appeared behind Rex who is sitting on the Garden's bench.

"What is it Ari?", Rex asks.

The person that suddenly appeared behind him is Ari, and Ari is holding a fancy-looking envelope in his hand.

"I was instructed to give you this", Ari said while handing the envelope.

Rex looks back and takes the envelope, he opens the envelope and reads it before he frowns as he read the envelope's content.

"Banquet? What is the Banquet about?", Rex asks in confusion.

The envelope turns out to be an invitation, Rex is invited to attend a banquet.

"It's a normal banquet for the 25 Golden Crest, I was told by Stevanus to invite you to attend the banquet", Ari replied calmly.

But this makes Rex frown, 'Stevanus?'

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