The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 235 Edward's Past

Chapter 235 Edward's Past

The car speed through the empty street,

It's still quite far to get to Faraday University from this sector, and Rex can see that Edward is troubled by something.

"Edward, You okay?", Rex asks.

Hearing his name got called, Edward glance to the side briefly and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine just a little bit tired"

Rex nodded his head and let him drive.

But although he let this past, Rex is still suspicious that Edward hid something.

'Is he in some kind of pain?', Rex thought while studying Edward's troubled look.

The scrunch on Edward's forehead, and also his clenched jaw clearly makes him look as if he's trying to hold something in.

But when Rex was about to ask again,


"What happened to Kyran?", Adhara asks in confusion.

Because the car is currently speeding, Adhara bumped her elbow to Kyran and got zapped by the invisible black barrier around Kyran.

Rex glance to the back before he replied, "I gave him a Dark Orb"

"Dark Orb? You mean the thing you gave me too?", Adhara asks back.

Then Rex nodded his head before Adhara widen her eyes, "Kyran will be an Awakened too?! That's exciting!", she shouted in excitement.

Hearing this, Rex and Edward chuckle.

"How did you get that really? There's no record of such items", Edward asks.

Turning someone into an Awakened is something that even the UWO knows that it's impossible, yet Rex uses such a miraculous item just for Kyran that he just met not long.

With the past history between them, Edward knows that Rex will not do this without feedback.

"I found a place where I can found these Orbs, I got it by being a Scavenger and roaming the Supernatural territory", Rex lied.

He can't possibly tell them that it's from the system.

Although he trusts Edward and Adhara, he still knows that the system is special and he can't tell them about its existence if he didn't have to.

Besides, how would they know if Rex didn't tell them in the first place.

Hearing this, both Edward and Adhara gasp in shock.

Adhara then said, "How did you manage to become a Scavenger? Doesn't it require you to go through multiple processes and students can't become one?"

While Adhara kept asking questions,

Edward glance at Rex before he said, "A mission from the SCO?"

"Yep, and I gladly take it", Rex replied casually.

His answer makes Adhara keep rambling about not telling her, and Rex didn't mind it because it's been a while since he talked like this with Adhara.

But amidst the chatter,

Edward suddenly got dazed from Rex's answer,

From the look of his expression, Rex's answer surprised him more than him being a Scavenger.

"Y-You go to the Supernatural territory willingly?", Edward asks in a daze.

Hearing this, Rex then replied once again with the same answer which makes Edward looks to his front while still in his daze.

The sound around him becomes a buzz as his breathing becomes heavy,

"Supernatural Territory...", Edward mumbles lightly.




Military men lie on the ground with wounds covering their bodies.

Some of them has their limbs missing as they shout in pain,josei

Edward is standing amongst them while looking at these military men, then suddenly a man approaches him from the side.

"Edward!! Listen to me! Major Lincoln is still out there, and you need to bring him back before the Griffins came", a man wearing military clothes said while shaking Edward's shoulder.

Edward snapped out of his daze, he focuses on the man in front of him while nodding his head.

"There! The Major is last seen on the eighth, you go there right now!", the man points in a direction before shoving Edward towards that direction.

This startled Edward,

After getting pushed, Edward grabs the medic kit and immediately went in the direction the man points to before.

He did it without any thinking,

But when he realized what he was doing, Edward is already in the middle of the battlefield.



All kinds of explosions and gunshots can be heard,

Entangled and rotting creatures are running towards him, cover fire can be heard from his back as the creatures got shot to death.

These creatures are the zombies,

A lower middle-rank Supernatural that has little to no intelligence, but their quick reflex makes them a nightmare if caught off guard.

Without wasting another second, Edward picks up his pace.

His body glows with a red hue as he runs with all he had, he never looks to his side as he kept running towards the major location.

Many zombies leaped towards him but got dodged or shot to death.

Then suddenly,


A creature burst from the ground grabbing Edward's leg.

Edward tries to break free but the creature's grip is strong, he started to kick the creature repeatedly but he can't make the creature let go.

"LET GO YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!", Edward shouted desperately.

But right in front of Edward's eyes,


The zombie that grabs his leg exploded and die instantly, it got hit by a missile from the artillery and Edward got hit by the explosion too.

"Argghh!!", Edward shouted as he got blasted away.

Because of the explosion, his right leg also got destroyed as he fall meters away.

Edward grabs his leg and saw that his right leg is basically non-existent, he wails in pain as gunshots and explosions filled his eardrums.

But miraculously, Edward landed right beside the major.

The major is hiding behind a rock with a dead body on top of him, but Edward can see that both of the major's legs are injured and bleeding.

Edward grits his teeth and musters all of his strength, "Major!!", he shouted trying to see if the major is still alive.

Realizing that someone is calling for him,

The major glance at his side weakly and found Edward calling for him.

Knowing that the major is still alive, Edward started to crawl towards the major while ignoring the excruciating pain in his right leg.

After reaching the major, Edward checks him quickly and finds that his pulse is very weak.

"Stay with me major! Don't die on me", Edward said before taking out a rope from the medkit, he then pull the major and tied the major to his back.

It's like he's making the major as his backpack,

But with the situation he's currently in, there are not many options he can work with.

After tying the major on his back,

"Rrrghh!!", Edward grunted as he started his crawl journey back to the human's line, and it's about 70 meters away.

Edward can feel the ground rumbling,

Dust, Debris, Explosions, all kinds of things try to block him.



Many roars and shouts of the zombies filled the place, and Edward is crawling amongst them.

His body glows with a red hue as he kept crawling like a madman,

Although his body is enhanced by his elemental aura, it doesn't make him free from the pain and soreness throughout his body.


Edward saw a zombie leaping towards him before he rolls to the side to dodge it.

The zombie missed and just when it wanted to get up, Edward already aims his pistol towards it and fires two times.


With two holes on its head, the zombie died instantly.

While this is all happening, the man that sent Edward on this mission is commanding the humans desperately.

Huge Zombies started to appear and they're push the humans back.

"Zombies from the rear!! Five men go and protect our rear!", the man shouted.

The battlefield is in chaos as explosions and gunshots kept on going without an end, and the roars of the Supernatural can be heard non-stop from all directions.

It's a dire situation, and the military men know it.

But then, the man squints his eyes when he saw a red glowing aura on the ground.

Then the man suddenly realizes that it's Edward who is crawling on the ground, and the major is strapped on his back.

"COVER FIRE!! Protect our ally in twelve!!", the man shouted.

Hearing the command, all of the military men focus their fire around Edward as Edward kept crawling on towards them.

But then,


The man looks to the sky and found dozens of griffins flying in the sky.

The griffins look more horrifying with their muscular body, and what makes the military men scared the most is that their beaks are fiery.

"Rescue the major! Fire Griffins incoming!!", the man shouted.

After saying that, three military men hurriedly run towards Edward while the others kept firing towards the charging zombies.

With the addition of the Griffins, it's clear that they can't hold the line.

*Huff* *Huff*

Edward grunts as he crawls on the ground, at this point, all of his body is hurting.

But then, he saw three men coming towards him.

The three men started to unwrap the major on his back as Edward smiled, his mission is finished and he's glad that he didn't need to crawl anymore.

"RETREAT!!", a shout can suddenly be heard.

Hearing this, the three men grab the major but none of them helped Edward.

Edward looks at them in horror, he was about to be abandoned in the middle of the battlefield!

The three military men left without looking back,

Griffins arrived at the battlefield as they spat fiery rock from their mouths and bombarded the humans while all of them retreat.

The ground rumbles under Edward's body, and he chuckles amidst the battlefield shadow.

But when he's about to give up and embrace his pitiful end,

Thud! Thud! Thud!

A man glowing with the same elemental aura as Edward slides towards him, the man is like an angel in a dire situation as he grabs Edward's collar.

"I'm going to get you out of here! Stay with me!", the man said before picking Edward up.

Edward widened his eyes in surprise, he can't believe that someone can be this reckless and charge into the unsafe zone just to help him.


The man fires fireballs from his hands as he carries Edward with him to retreat,

"Kyle...", Edward mumbles.





Edward snapped out of his daze and find the car he's driving is on the wrong side, he slam the steer to the side just barely avoiding the car that was about to hit them.


"I'm sorry", Edward apologized with heavy breaths.

He unconsciously falls into his daze while driving the car, and they almost got into an accident because of it.

Adhara then said, "Are you okay?"

"Do you want me to drive? I can do it if you're tired", Rex added in concern.

Hearing this, Edward then said reassuringly, "I'm okay really, just got something on my mind"

"Let's stop on the side for a minute", Rex said.

Edward then sigh before he parked the car on the side before all of them went out of the car to breathe fresh air.

When they got out of the car, Adhara approach Edward and gave him a bottle of water.

"Thanks", Edward thanked her before he drinks it.

Rex is leaning on the car while looking at Edward suspiciously, but then Adhara approaches him and leans on the car beside him.

"So, How's did the meeting go?", Rex asks.

Adhara glance at Rex before she sighs, "It didn't go well"

"I went inside his office and gave him the proposal, but then he told me about the Great Barricade Bloodbath story and told me that he's absolutely not willing to work together with the SCO even after I bring up his daughter", Adhara explained with a sigh.

It is clear that Adhara regrets how she did it, and this didn't surprise Rex at all.

Looking at Rex's undisturbed look, Adhara then turns her body towards Rex with a pleading expression, "Maybe he's right, It's not right to work with the SCO"

"What do you mean by that?", Rex asks with a frown.

Adhara then replied, "You know, How can the UWO work with the SCO who wanted UWO to fall the most"

Hearing this, Rex then said, "The higher-ups of the SCO said that the UWO is the one who started all of this, he said that the UWO has this motto of holier than thou thing"

"You're not there Rex, you don't know how painful for Vargas just to say it", Adhara added.

Rex becomes confused, 'One of them obviously lied, Who is it?', Rex thought.

The Green Messenger told Rex that the UWO started their conflict, but now, Adhara is convinced that the SCO is the one who started it.

It's clear that one of them lied.

"But even if the UWO did start the conflict, it's still bad to work with them. Not for humanity, but for us", Adhara said with a troubled look.

Rex looks at Adhara with a frown, "What did you see or hear?"

Adhara bit her lips and her expression turns troubled,

Rex saw through her easily, she saw or hear something during her time in the UWO headquarter, "What is it? Spit it out", he said again.

"I saw a man got suspected to work with the SCO, and he got arrested", Adhara finally said.

Hearing this, Rex widened his eyes realizing something.

Without wasting any time, Rex then said, "Okay, let's go back because tomorrow we need to go somewhere again"

"Wait? Where will we go?", Adhara asks in confusion.

Rex went inside the car before he replied, "Do you think Vargas will accept the proposal easily? We're going to make a statement for the UWO and the SCO of course"

Adhara stopped for a moment,

"You know that I won't succeed in asking Vargas from the start!", Adhara shouted in realization, she just connected the dots.

And Rex's unsurprised look when she said that she failed confirms it.

Rex then smirk lightly, "Of course, that's why we will need to make a statement and you just told me how to make it"

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