The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 236 Chosen One

Chapter 236 Chosen One

Adhara stomped the ground in displeasure after realizing that she's worried over nothing.

She thought that Rex trust her to convince Vargas,

Turns out Rex never expected Adhara to convince Vargas, he even already made plans for after Adhara fails to convince Vargas.

"You should've told me that", Adhara mumbles in displeasure.

But when she wanted to get inside the car,


Hearing this, Adhara glance to her side and saw Edward vomiting.

Edward who is currently leaning on the street lamp suddenly vomits, his body is covered in sweat as his insides kept coming out of his mouth.

Rex also came out of the car again and went to Edward's side.

"What happened? Are you okay?", Rex asks in confusion.

Adhara also arrives from the back as she grabs Edward's shoulder and pulls him to see his face, and what she saw shocks her.

Rex is also shocked upon seeing Edward's face,

"He's definitely sick", Adhara said while touching Edward's forehead.

Edward's face is currently pale, he's cold sweating and his body is warmer than normal.

"Talk, What happened to you?", Rex asks after letting Edward sit on the ground and lean to the concrete pot behind him.

Edward gazes at Rex weakly, "I-I don't know", he said lightly.

After waiting for a moment, Rex carry Edward and put him on the backseat with Kyran before they hurried back to the university.


Supernatural Territory, Vampire Kingdom.

Hundreds of Vampires gather in a hall that is big enough to accommodate all of them.

The hall is made of stones making the place a grey color dominant, there's a path covered with red and golden carpet on it leading to somekind of a platform.

Strange energy is hovering around the platform,

By the peaceful expression of the gathered Vampires, this place has some sacred value to them as they are all filled with joy.

Vampires filled the place, but they didn't dare to step on the stairs toward the platform.

All of them only stand a couple of meters away from the stairs,

The stairs leading to the platform are located between two woman statues, these statues let out blood from their eyes and filled the pool beneath them in blood.

"Why has the Queen summoned us here?"

"Isn't she still in a meeting with the other races?"

"What else could this be except for a ceremonial sacrifice, we have just breached the coward humans wall"

"It's all thanks to the Origin, we must deliver our gratitude"

The chatters of Vampires can be heard filling the place, all of them are discussing why they're summoned here and their recent triumph against humanity.

But soon, their chatters ceased after the door towards this hall opened once again.

A gorgeous Vampire came inside the hall, her pink long hair fluttering in the wind's embrace. Her plump and luscious pink lips look delightful but they can't hide the fangs behind them.

Nezera walks inside the hall gracefully with more than thirty human prisoners on her back.

The prisoners are chained to one another, and all of them wear military outfits which makes them the guards that are guarding the Great Barricade side that got breached.

Under the Vampire citizen's gaze, Nezera walks past them as they make way for her.

She then stopped just a bit away from the stairs and turns to her back facing the Vampire Citizens that are still focusing their attention on her.

Then, Nezera's fleshy lips opened, "I know all of you are aware or even participate in our attack on the damned human's pathetic walls, so today we will be paying tribute to our Origin. May he, the Origin who birth us accept our humble tribute, and may he bless the war ahead of us"

Nezera said, her Queen demeanor vanished as if she's just a normal Vampire while saying this.

"May the Origin Bless Us"

"May the Origin Bless Us"

All of the Vampires said in unison as they bow their heads,

After saying that, Nezera walks gracefully towards the stairs passing the two blood fountains while pulling the prisoners easily.

The prisoners are normal humans, and she has no problem forcing them to follow her.

While walking through the stairs, the humans felt some energy pulling them.

Every step they took makes the pulling energy stronger, it feels almost as if their souls are getting pulled out of their bodies.



The scream of a human can be heard every time they ascended the stairs, one human dies for every step they take.

Reaching halfway up the stairs, only a handful of humans are left.

But all of them feel the same thing, the energy suction is real and their soul will get reaped out of their bodies the more they ascend the stairs.

Many of them try to desperately resist Nezera's pull but it is futile,

While Nezera ascends the stairs, there's a separated group of Vampires on the side wearing fancy clothing and emitting a powerful aura.

From a glance, one can tell that they're the Royal Vampires, the high-rank families.

There are a couple of them that are standing in groups, and amongst them stands three Vampires that look a bit troubled.

If Rex was here, he will instantly recognize one of them as Issac.

"Father, Will I be killed?", Issac asks meekly.

Hearing his son's weak will, the Father scoffs and said, "Just shut up, me and your mother will take care of this"

Getting silenced by his own father makes Issac feel embarrassed, especially when a woman Vampire in the group beside him chuckles after hearing their conversation.

Back to Nezera,

Nezera almost reached three-quarters of the stairs, but when she takes another step the last humans she brings dies making her movement stop.

Looking at this, the Vampire's Citizen becomes disappointed.

"Rejected again, Are we just not enough for the Origin?"

"The Origin works in a mysterious way, and nobody can know what he wants"

"Nevertheless, the Origin should know that we are still willing to try and grateful for his blessing"

After the last human died, Nezera bit her lips.

But she then widens her eyes when she saw a huge coffin on the platform with a bowl in front of it, she's surprised as if no one has ever seen what lies on the platform before.

Nezera then turns to her back and said, "The Origin is pleased, but it seems that our deeds are still not enough"

"We will try again next time, and I hope next time we will succeed in pleasing him", she added.

"May the Origin Bless Us"

The Vampire Citizen's said in unison again before they bowed and in an orderly manner, they left the hall in silence.

This includes the Royal Family, but one family stayed on their spot.

Nezera bowed her head towards the platform direction before she walks down the stairs, she then saw the family that stayed with a curious gaze.

"Delarosa, What can I help you with", Nezera said while walking towards them.

Hearing this, a male Vampire standing in front of Issac steps forwards and replies, "I have bad and good news, my Queen. The people know you for your open mind, so that's why I will tell you this news in hope for your mercy"

Nezera stops in front of them before her eyes fall on Issac, "What is it Delarosa?"

Delarosa gulps harshly,

He glance at his wife and saw her wife nod assuringly, "My son Issac is tasked with a mission before, and he...", Delarosa stammers nervously.

While he's saying this, Nezera's eyes didn't move from Issac at all.

"He inadvertently uses the Dragonman spell in front of a human to escape", Delarosa added.

Then suddenly,



The ground beneath Nezera's feet cracked as her aura exploded, her murderous eyes fixated on Issac as if she wanted to swallow Issac a whole.

Issac who is the aura's target got planted to the ground brutally.

Nezera then raises her hand as her hand blaze with blood energy, it creates a sharp pointy aura around her hand while still glaring at Issac.

"Then I will chop off his arms and seal them so it will never grow back", Nezera said sharply.

But when she's about to chop down, Delarosa falls to his knee and said, "Please queen have mercy, my son is foolish but although me and my wife regretted birthing him, he's still our son so please..."

Hearing Delarosa pleads for mercy, Nezera scoffs and deactivates her aura.

"Speak of your good news", Nezera said plainly.

Delarosa jumped back to his feet excitedly, he then answered, "During my son's mission, he speaks of a human woman. He said that the woman's blood is more fragrant and she might just satisfy the Origin"josei

Nezera frowns hearing this,

She glances at Issac who struggles to stand up and asks, "Is this true?"

"It's true my Queen, I'm foolish but I'm also a Vampire from birth. She must be the chosen one", Issac answered with his shaky voice.

Hearing this, "Chosen One", Nezera mumbles while rubbing her chin with her tapering fingers.


The next day, Rex just finished his training with Chandler.

Although Rex know how to reach the sixth rank, he still kept training hard with Chandler to perfect the technique Chandler gave.

Now he got more control over his Black Lightning, and he's getting better by the day.

He then opened his stats to check on it,

<Rex Silverstar>

Pack: Silverstar (2/2)

Level: 32 (43,450,000/60,000,000)

Race: Royal Black Werewolf

Full-Moon: 19 Days - Lunar Eclipse

Berserk: 53%

Sanity: 67%

Mental: 131 (+30)

Strength: 289 (+93)

Agility: 209 (+21)

Endurance: 191 (+67)

Intelligence: 236 (+20)

Looking at his stats, Rex nodded his head seeing that it has improved drastically.

This is all possible because of the Demon Core that he got from the system, he got about 88 worth of stats in the first session and a whopping 127 worth of stats in the second.

After checking his stats, Rex went out of the room.

When he got out of the quiet room, he suddenly met Adhara who immediately approach him after noticing him.

"Rex, Kyran just woke up", Adhara said hurriedly.

Hearing this, Rex then answered calmly, "Good, Teach him how to be an Awakened"

"Aren't you worried about him? He's out for almost a day because of that Dark Orb you gave", Adhara replied while putting her hands on her waist.

Rex then walks past her while saying, "Nothing to worry about, he's just adapting that's all"

The both of them walks out of the training ground heading back towards their room,

Reaching their room, Adhara immediately guides Rex to Kyran.

After entering Kyran's room, Rex saw Kyran sitting on the bed while looking at his hand but he quickly turns his head towards Rex when he heard the door open.

"How're you feeling?", Rex asks before stopping beside the bed.

Adhara also follows him, she sits down on the edge of the bed in worry but one can see a slight excitement in her eyes.

"I'm feeling okay I guess, What happened to me?", Kyran asks in confusion.

Kyran blacked out since they're in the Crystalline of Mana, and he just woke up right now without knowing how he got here or what happened to him exactly.

Adhara smiles excitedly, "Congratulation! Rex just helped you become an Awakened!"

Hearing this, Kyran widened his eyes as he looks at Rex for confirmation.

Rex smiles lightly before he nodded his head,

"What kind of element do I have?!", Kyran asks ecstatically, he clenched his fist in happiness and thanked himself for making the decision to come with Rex.

Rex then said, "Why don't you try it, you can feel it inside your body and you just need to guide and make it materializes"

Kyran does just that,

He closed his eyes trying to locate the element, but with his high affinity, he find it easily.


Dark mana gathers onto his hand as his hands glow dark energy, the hostile mana chaotically havoc on Kyran's hand before suddenly, "Rrghh!"

The dark energy vanishes as Kyran felt a slight pang in his hands.

Looking at this, Rex chuckles lightly, "It seems you need to train more to control it", he said while leaving the room.

But this didn't wipe the happiness from Kyran's face, "I'M AN AWAKENED!"

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