The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 288 Silverstar Howl

Chapter 288 Silverstar Howl

"W-We don't need to fight them right?", Adhara mumbles.

The bead of sweat on the side of her face shows that she's pressured by the two statues, even Kyran also has some hesitation in his face that even his fingers started trembling.

Rex didn't blame the both of them though since the statues are very intimidating.

The left statue's body ducked low ready for any movements from Rex and the others' side, glistening black daggers on its hands reflecting the light shot from the small pyramids.

While the right statue has both Nechtu sword fire and sand,

Both of the weapons are emitting a frightening amount of pressure as the right statue crossed both swords in front of it, but its green gaze is headed towards Rex and the others. Ready at a moment's notice.

'It seems the right one didn't intend to fight', Rex thought after seeing its stance.

The two statues are already scanned by Rex when it submerged, both of the statues have a ridiculous amount of strength and endurance that reaches the four-digit mark.

But just like the Elementals, their agility is only around two hundred points.

"We need to make a run inside the Exchequer", Adhara said pointing at the white portal.

Kyran shakes his head after seeing the hawking right statue, "I don't think that one will let us through, we can't possibly go past that thing"

Hearing both of them arguing, Rex was also inside his thoughts.

'It shouldn't be like this, the Gem should be the key to make them stop', Rex thought after remembering what the spirit said.

The spirit said that they won't survive without the Carabidis Gem,

It's clear that the spirit is hinting that to get into the Exchequer and leave this place they need the Carabidis Gem, his decision to not get the Gem because of what Adhara said turns out to be a mistake on their part.

They need the Gem,

"So we do need to get the Gem, I think it's the key", Rex said to the others.

Adhara face-palm herself since she's the one that persuades Rex to not take the Gem, now they need to go back inside.

She then replied, "How do we get back inside?"

"Let's test", Rex said while inspecting both statues standing beside the white portal.

He then glance at Kyran and said, "Try to move to the right, see if they will attack you"

After looking at Rex hesitantly, Kyran then takes a deep breath as he looks at the statues before taking his first step that makes his whole body shudder.


Kyran's feet landed on the ground beside him when suddenly,


The left statue suddenly throws one of its black daggers that turns into a black shadow, it headed straight towards Kyran's feet.


Rex manages to pull Kyran back as Kyran's breathes heavily,

He was frozen still when he saw the black dagger heading towards him, he thought that he will die on that spot but thankfully Rex helped them.

After missing Kyran, the dagger dissipate and went back to the statue's hand.

"Adhara, your tu Rex mumbles lightly.

Hearing this, Adhara gulped as she's quite sure that if Kyran got attacked then the statue will also attack her.


Right as her expectation, the same thing happened.


The black dagger destroyed the ground where she just stepped, but she manage to dodge it since she already expected that to happen.

Both of them fail and that just left Rex as the last one.

With full focus, Rex takes his steps forwards towards the temple expecting the same thing happened to him just like what happened to Kyran and Adhara.

Kyran and Adhara held their breath subconsciously as Rex takes his first step.

But when his feet landed on the sandy ground, nothing happened.

This makes Kyran and Adhara breathe in relief after seeing that Rex is not attacked, "I think I'm the only one that can move, you guys try and stay still. I'll get the Gem", Rex said.

After saying that, Rex walks slowly towards the entrance.

The portal is opened in front of the entrance, so the entrance into the temple is still there.

Rex walks cautiously while looking at the statue that is standing still, both of the statues didn't even glance at him who inch closer into the entrance.

Nearing the temple, Rex can already see the inside of the portal.

Gold color is the only thing Rex can see inside the portal, huge piles of gold surround the room inside the portal with other floating and glowing items that enchant and please Rex's eyes as his determination to get inside the Exchequer heightened.

Weapons, plants, weird objects, all of what Rex can think the Exchequer had it.

Rex's eyes got attracted to a floating gorgeous sword and a mutated plant that is put higher than the rest of the items.

But he then shakes his head, 'Let's get the Gem', he thought before entering the temple.

In a hurry, Rex runs inside the temple before he was back inside the room where he fought the Fire Elemental and also the place where he meet the spirit.

Without wasting any time, Rex went straight to the room before.

The barrier is still there covering the entrance into the room with the coffin,

Rex walks up the stairs before he stretches his hand to touch the barrier, and when he touches the barrier his hand instantly went through it without any resistance.

Upon entering the room, the fragrance from the plants instantly filled Rex's nose.

It was a mix of sweet and exotic, Rex has never quite smelled a fragrant like this that can even make his cautious mind that is strained from the Carabidis Temple to be relaxed.

'Can I take the plants?', Rex thought eyeing the pots beside the coffin.

After a slight deliberation, Rex then steps forward approaching the coffin,

The air inside the room is very different from what he feels outside, it is hard to describe but it just feels ancient.

When Rex bent his body to reach the pot and store it into the inventory,


A sharp glistening blade came out from the coffin suddenly, it makes Rex's body stop moving as the blade scratched Rex's cheek making his head tilt left following the sword.

Blood seeped out from the scratch on Rex's cheek,josei

The speed of the blade coming out of the coffin is too fast even for Rex who has an abnormal reflex, it catches him off-guard.

With a slow movement, the blade went inside the coffin again slowly.

After the blade retracts back into the coffin, Rex straightens his back and looks at the coffin cautiously since there's some kind of trap mechanic associated with the coffin.

'Let's just go for it', Rex thought since Kyran and Adhara are still waiting outside.

He prepares himself while eyeing the green Gem engraved in the forehead part, he doesn't have time to figure out the mechanic.

'Here we go'


"Rrrghh!", Rex grunted as his arm got stabbed after he touch the Gem.

Blood seeped through from his pierced arm and flow down to the coffin, it even make the upper part of the golden-brown colored coffin turns scarlet red of his blood.

Rex grits his teeth as the blade retract back into the coffin,

With a wave of his arm, Rex yanked the Gem out as the blade tries to stab him again but missed.

After holding the Gem in his hand, the system gave Rex a notification that makes him smile,

<Pack Quest Completed!>

<Obtained 20,000,000 Exp, 20 Skill Upgrade, 10,000 Gold, and Silverstar Howl Skill!>

<Pack member limit is increased by 3!>

<Bonus Reward>

<Creature of the Night Passive skill has been upgraded into a high-level skill, Ruler of the Night!>

<Ruler of the Night>

The user has now had an increased effect on the night, not only the user is one of the dwellings of the night but the user has become the predator of the night. In Werewolf form, the user's stats will increase by 130% while 80% increase stats in human form.

Rex's smile grows even wider as he runs through the notifications from the system, not only does his pack member increase, but one of his passive skills got upgraded and he also gets a new skill.

The amount of reward that he got from this expedition is very bountiful.

After getting the reward, Rex immediately uses the 30 Skill Upgrade that he accumulated to upgrade his Force Manipulation skill into level three which is the last level.

Immediately after that, Rex's body started to glow red.

Different from his Werewolf aura, the red steaming energy that came out of Rex's body is the last step of a Force user which is Red Force.

Even at the current times, Rex didn't know any people that reaches this stage.

Only a couple of heroes of humanity that usually pop into the news can use Force, and only a couple of them can use the yellow force.

But now, Rex can use the last step of a force user which is red.

Any educated Awakened about the Force power will pop their eyes in shock if they knew Rex reaches this stage, it's practically impossible since no one in the present time can use this.

No human has reached this stage at least,

'System, learn the Silverstar Howl Skill', Rex said inside his head.

Right after he said that the information about using the Silverstar Howl Skill went inside his brain making Rex stumble as he feel some changes in his body.

The information for some reason makes his mouth burn,

It's like his body pushes himself to use the howl instantly, every fiber inside his body is telling Rex to use the new skill that he learned and it's getting worse by the second.

Unable to hold the burning sensation, Rex's body started to turn on its own.

His muscles contract with veins as they become bigger and stronger, his body slightly becomes taller and bigger as he transforms.

Black furs started to grow and completely shade his skin, his bones started making cracking sounds as his bones moves from their original place. His fangs started to grow sharper, his fingernails turns into black steel claws, his skull also changed as his mouth slowly but surely turns into a muzzle just like a Werewolf.


Two horns burst from his head that make Rex's entire being clouded with Mythical Energy.

His eyes turn red as he fully transforms into his Werewolf form,


Rex's low baritone growl makes the heart of anyone that hears it tremble.

Any beings around the place shiver in the presence of Rex's mythical presence, even Kyran and Adhara can feel the energy that came out of him.

After Rex turned into his Werewolf Form, the dark clouds above the temple started to move.

The dark clouds separated from each other and create a circle that lets the moonlight shine through, this fueled Rex with immense energy as the moonlight energy went towards Rex's mouth.

With the burning sensation, Rex looks up to the moon and opens his mouth,


Rex's mouth burst with moonlight energy creating a white shockwave that spread to the entire Carabidis Temple, it was a powerful roar imbued with moonlight energy.

When Adhara and Kyran heard this howl, their bodies jolted with the same burning sensation.

The moonlight energy went inside their body making them stronger than before, both of their bodies also started making a cracking sound as they both also turns into their Werewolf forms.

After turning, both of them howl alongside Rex.



Just like the beta of the packs, Rex's howl ignites their will to howl.

Only the strongest of the strong Werewolves are allowed to howl freely as a howl is a display of strength, no other Werewolves that are quite insane enough dare to howl except for the King of Werewolf.

Their howls are like supporting instruments of Rex's, their howls are overbearing and seem to complete each other like an orchestra. Orchestra of Power.

Because of Kyran and Adhara's howls,

The howls become louder and they reverberated to the surroundings and it even reaches the ground above, it resounded mightily making the mutated animals above run back to their nests and hide.

All of them run towards their nests with fear upon hearing the howls.

Turns out the mutated animals are not only running with their tails on their backs because of the mighty howls but also because of the arrival of two predators.

Predators that have a smirk on their face upon hearing the mighty howl,

"Quite an overbearing one, this prince. Howling in human territory, now this makes me want to meet this lost overbearing Prince more"

"Let's meet this Prince shall we?"

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