The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 289 Picking Three Items And An Unexpected Meeting

Chapter 289 Picking Three Items And An Unexpected Meeting

Rex kept howling, he lets out all of the burning sensations inside his body that force him to use the new skill that he just learned from the system.

It's like a drug, and howling without any restraints gave Rex a sense of achievement.

Call it an instinct of a Werewolf, his entire body didn't need to be taught to howl as the howl comes naturally in Rex's Werewolf form.


Rex stopped howling as he breathes heavily,

The Silverstar Howl skill takes quite a bit of his endurance, but Rex didn't need to read the system's description of the skill to know that the howl fueled him with power.

His entire being scream of strength as he looks at the green Gem in his hand.

After relieving himself from the burning sensation, Rex looks around the room unwilling to leave the items here but decided to just forget about it since the Exchequer is waiting for him.


Rex dashes out of the temple with the Gem in his possession,

Unknown to Rex, just when he left the temple in a hurry to check on Adhara and Kyran.josei

His blood that is splattered on the coffin's surface started to move slowly,

The blood trembles for a moment before it got sucked into the coffin, all of the blood that decorates the coffin in red got sucked into the coffin cleanly.

There is no trace of Rex's blood splattered on the coffin,

It's like Rex never bled at the coffin at all, the coffin sucked the blood until its last drop.

After the blood got sucked into the coffin, the coffin trembles slightly that almost can't be seen before the eyes part of the coffin glows with the golden color.

Similar golden color just like the spirit before,

Meanwhile, Rex got out of the temple and saw Kyran and Adhara still on their spot.

His eyes widened when he saw that both of them turned into their Werewolf form, but he frowns when he saw both of them looked to be struggling.

Kyran with his azure fur form looks around paranoidly while growling anxiously.

The fast movements of its head that glance left and right show the confusion that he's experiencing, while the hardened claw also tells Rex that he's very angry.

Adhara on the other hand is calmer than Kyran.

It seems that the place she's currently in is very comfortable for her, but still, there's also a sign of unstableness in her expression.

But both of them stopped when they saw Rex coming out of the temple.

Rex looks at both of them, his body turns into a blur before he appears beside Kyran and Adhara.

"Can you both understand me?", Rex said while looking at both of them.

Hearing this, Kyran was looking at Rex in confusion and so is Adhara who seems to not be in their right minds since they're in their Werewolf form.

It's weird though since Adhara can think the last time she transforms.

After realizing that both of them can't think straight especially Kyran who is still troubled even with the presence of Rex, Rex finally looks at both of them and boasts his Alpha aura.

"You both will follow me, don't do anything else besides that", Rex commanded.

Just like a soldier that has been given their command, Kyran and Adhara nodded their heads as their bodies can't deny Rex's orders.

Rex then looks back at the white portal where the two statues are still standing.

He then walks towards the two statues followed by Kyran and Adhara, but when the left statue was about to attack, Rex held the Gem up showing it to the two statues.

The gem glows brightly upon Rex holding it up,

Looking at the green glowing Gem, the left statue straightens its back after feeling the green Gem.

Rex nodded his head after seeing both statues start to stand down, they're not on their battle stance anymore as they stand beside the white portal idly.

After seeing that the statues are not a threat anymore,

Rex followed by the others went towards the white portal slowly while still being cautious, it's still not a guarantee that the statues will not attack them suddenly.

In front of the White Portal,

Rex stretches his hand and finds that he still can't get inside,

He then looks at the Carabidis Gem in his hand before he got an idea, he brings the Carabidis Gem and shoves the Gem into the white portal.

Right after he did that,

The barrier into the white portal receded as Rex's hand went through the portal.

Rex steps inside the white portal before he got transferred to the golden room that has many kinds of treasures, it feels surreal for him even though the treasures are right in front of him.

A couple of items can be seen aside from the sword and the mutated plants.

All kinds of weapons starting from spears, swords, sabers, and even bows can be seen inside the Exchequer, all of them can be taken easily by Rex.

Chalice, necklace, and other weird items are also displayed inside the Exchequer.

Rex looks around the place before Kyran and Adhara also go inside the Exchequer,

Although they're not in the right mind, their expressions lit up upon seeing the treasures inside this place that mounted in front of them.

They never saw so much treasure in one room before, not even close.

Rex studied the place and find that the items are displayed at a level,

There is a stair in front of him that leads to rows of treasures, the higher the rows the fewer the treasures are displayed.

Based on what it looks like, Rex got a rough idea about how the place works.

Basically, the higher the items are placed the better it will be. At least that is what Rex thought since the treasures are displayed that way.

<The user has just entered the Carabidis Exchequer>

After the system gave a notification, Rex looks up and saw a light thing that is approaching him, and based on the system scan turns out the light thingy is a creature.

It falls onto the Wisp Race, an astral creature that has the appearance of a ball of light.

The wisp approach Rex before stopping right above him, Rex then heard a voice inside his head that doesn't belong to Devo, 'Welcome to the Carabidis Exchequer'

'Three people means three treasures, you can pick three items'

'But note that the items you don't pick will be given back to the owner of the temple upon his resurrection, choose carefully'

'You have 5 minutes'

Hearing this, Rex frowns as he thought that he can take everything inside this Carabidis Exchequer that definitely has many things that he can use.

'Only three? Why can't I take everything', Rex thought in annoyance.

<The Carabidis Exchequer guardian lets the user choose 3 items, please choose carefully>

<Time remaining: 4 minutes 49 seconds>

Rex then glance to his back where Kyran and Adhara waits for him obediently,

'Should I let them choose one each?', Rex thought with a frown.

But after a moment of deliberation, he then shakes his head, 'I don't think they can think clearly much less choose an item, let me just choose the three items'

After getting the notification from the system, Rex immediately went to the highest place where the plants that he saw earlier sprouted on a black pot.

He needs to go to the very top to get this one,

The plant that is put above the rest has weird features that Rex has never seen before.

It is dark grey in color and it only stretches for about 15 inches long, it emits a red light and it smells similar to steel with a more stinging sensation. But the weirdest part of the plant is its leaves, it has 5 leaves and they are shaped like a ribcage and the stalks are like a spine.

Human's ribcage and spine, this makes the plant looks very bizarre and eye-catching.

Even at a glance, the plant is very weird just from its look.

Without even scanning to see what the plant is, Rex picks the plant and instantly puts it inside his inventory before his eyes dart elsewhere.

<Carabidis Exchequer items taken 1/3>

The next item that attracted Rex's attention is a sword, the sword is just one level lower than the weird plant that he took.

Upon getting closer to the sword, Rex notices that it is more like a katana instead.

p The katana is dominant by the color black, the grip is black all the way to the back of the katana. The cross-guard is shaped as the head of a wolf with the blade coming out of its mouth.

Rex takes the sword that is stabbed on the ground and inspects it,

Unlike a regular katana, the blade is way thicker and longer. Four runes are engraved on the blade that Rex has never seen before, and the sharp part of the blade is red in color.

When Rex took the katana from the ground, the runes and the sharp part glows red.

Its red color matches Rex's new level three force aura, and the katana just feels comfortable and right in his hand so he decided to take it.

Rex got attracted to the katana because of the wolf head cross-guard,

Being a Werewolf for months now, it's not a surprise that he took a liking to the shape of the wolf.

<Amuerus Devourer of Souls>

An ancient katana that is made of the bones of Wrahak, a mythical hellhound creature that guards the gate of Abyss. Known to be an unkillable creature that rises from the dead every time it is killed. Amuerus inherit the power of Wrahak to claim souls. Every time the sword hits an opponent, the sword will take a portion of their soul decreasing the opponents' stats by 1% per slash.

While Rex is reading the description of the katana, the notification from the system distracts him,

<Time Remaining: 0 Minute 59 Seconds>

Rex got too occupied by the katana in his hand that he forgot about the time limit the-wisp told him to choose three items from the Exchequer.

He then decided to take the katana before he looks around searching for the last item.

<Carabidis Exchequer items taken 2/3>

There are many items that attracted his gaze since the place is bountiful of treasures, and the one that attracts him the most is a skull-shaped Chalice.

It's also located in the second row below the plant before,

Rex immediately went to the Chalice, and without scanning the Chalice Rex wanted to take it as the last item but his hand stopped right before he grabbed the Chalice.

'It's better to just choose a weapon, I don't know what this Chalice does', Rex thought.

Although the Chalice has somekind of attraction, Rex still doesn't know what its effect is.

Weapons on the other hand are much easier,

Aside from the effects, a weapon contains, at the end of the day weapons are used only for one thing only which is killing.

So picking a weapon is best if he didn't have any time, especially since Adhara might need it.

After the time remaining reaches ten seconds left, Rex immediately went to the nearest daggers that he found before he take them and put them in the inventory.

Upon taking the last item, the wisp came to approach Rex again.

'Three items have been chosen, farewell'

The surrounding items started to turn into a blur as all of them disappeared, it didn't take long before Rex's surroundings also changes as they got teleported out of the Exchequer.

"Where are we?", Rex mumbles as he looks around.

Rex and the others got teleported away from the Exchequer, and when Rex looks around he finds that they're above ground near the cliff leading towards the Carabidis Temple.

His body turns back into his human form, he then approaches the cliff and looks down,

The dark clouds that are supposed to cover the Carabidis Temple are gone, even the whole Carabidis Temple is gone without a trace.

'It's done huh', Rex thought as he sigh.

After he thought that, he looks at Adhara and Kyran in thought, 'What should I do with them? How did they turn into their Werewolf form anyway, tonight is not the full-moon'

But then suddenly,


Kyran suddenly snap his neck to the right while growling menacingly,

This makes Rex frown as he looks in the direction Kyran is looking, he squints his eyes when he saw two shadows lurking from amongst the dark trees.

The two shadows walk forward slowly as their body gets illuminated by the moonlight.

When both shadows completely emerge from the darkness of the night, Rex's eyes widen in shock as he immediately turns back into his Werewolf form.

"How convenient for having a human form"

The two shadows that Kyran sensed turn out to be Werewolves, they walk steadily towards Rex's direction with a huge grin on their faces.

'That grey fur, I've seen him somewhere', Rex thought as he saw the grey-furred Werewolf.

The Werewolf with grey fur looks very familiar to Rex, he's quite sure that he has seen this Werewolf as his body bubbled in anger.

After the two Werewolves got closer, Rex suddenly remembered them.

'It's Brutal Grey! I forgot that he's still inside human territory!', Rex thought in realization.

Seeing Rex's surprise look, Jarvald's smirks grows even wider as he bowed his body mockingly, "Greetings to the Prince"

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