The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 331 Treat Them As If They Were Humans

Chapter 331 Treat Them As If They Were Humans


Rex's body exploded with lightning and spirit energy right after he summoned Devo out, the sheer force of the energy cracked the ground surrounding Rex and also destroys the fences that surround the arena.

"Woah!!", both Evelyn and Dray exclaimed as they got pushed by the energy.

They need to activate their elemental aura just to stands in the presence of the massive energy coming from Rex, they can even feel their spirit is unwilling to be used.

As if their spirits are afraid of the energy coming from Rex,

Evelyn looks in Rex's direction with a frown while resisting the massive energy before her eyes widen in absolute shock, she can't hide her surprised expression at all.

Just behind Rex who is standing fiercely in the middle of the arena,

She saw a grey cloudy figure that is the source of the unbelievable spirit energy that she's feeling right now, it was huge and the spirit's presence pressurize other spirits around it.

Devo's eyes are spitting lightning to the surrounding,

Because of Devo's eyes, some of the ground, and walls were zapped by the lightning leaving a big burnt mark instilled with lightning mana.

Chains are encompassing Devo's entire body as his eyes land on Giana.

"What the...", Giana mutters as she saw Rex's spirit, she didn't expect to meet such a spirit from Rex who she doubted before to have a decent spirit.

But now, the doubt was instantly gone as she can feel Devo is not just a spirit.


The entire arena got engulfed by mists as Rex looks at Giana, "Is this okay?", Rex asks calmly as he shows the full extent of Devo's power.

Daniel who also saw this then added in shock, "I think that's enough"

"You can retract back your spirit now, I've already seen it clearly", Giana said with a wry look, but Rex can tell that she was very surprised to see a spirit like Devo.

It's not a surprising reaction for Rex though,

Devo is a high spirit that can talk unlike the spirits other Awakened had, there might be a chance that Devo is the only high spirit there is out there.

After hearing this, Rex puts Devo away as all of the mists and energy disperse instantly.

The mists and energy steamed up to the sky encompassing the room,

Rex walks back to the two with a slight smile, he waves his hand to disperse the steaming mist in front of him as he walks slowly to the two.

Not only does Rex surprise them, but his calm reaction was more disturbing.

Judging from the amount of spirit energy that he uses to boast of Devo's power, the feat should really take a toll on him but Daniel and Giana can't see any of that sign in Rex's face.

As if that feat is nothing for Rex, and truthfully it's not that draining.

The smile was viewed differently from Giana and Daniel's perspective as they look at each other with the leftover shock still evident on their faces.

"If I may know, What spirits are you planning to give me?", Rex asks.

But Giana hurriedly answers, "It doesn't matter. Anyway, you have a decent spirit and I'm glad for you to assimilate with that kind of spirit"

"I agree, it's a fairly decent spirit", Daniel added while nodding his head.

Although they said that Devo is a decent spirit, Rex saw through their lies as he know both of them were shocked by Devo's presence.

Giana then said, "Have you managed to control and use the power of your spirit?"

"It's okay if you still can't handle your spirit's power since your spirit is decent, it takes me about half a year to handle mine. I'll teach you to the method I use to control your spirit", she added.

Hearing this, Rex thought for a moment before he said, "I think I have full control over my spirit"

"What?", Giana asks in disbelief.

Rex then added, "If you want to, I can show you the Pneuma Spell that my spirit and I devised. It's not a complicated spell but a pretty versatile one"

Without waiting for Giana and Daniels to respond,

"Ether Blink...", Rex chanted as a cloud appeared in the sky rumbling with lightning, it's just a small cloud in the sky but the rumbling sound can be heard clearly.

Both Daniel and Giana looks up in reflex before suddenly,



Rex's body suddenly got hit by a lightning strike,

Daniel and Giana were put on guard because of the lightning strike as they activate their elemental aura, but turns out the lightning strike went to Rex instead.

His body slowly turned into lightning particles before he vanished from the spot,

"This spirit energy... it should be impossible for him...", Giana mumbles as she can feel Rex's spirit energy, she realized the circle of the Pneuma Spell just by feeling the spirit energy.

Even Daniel opened his eyes wide upon feeling the spirit energy, "Second Circle!"


Another lightning strike hit the ground in front of them before Rex's body appeared again, his body was steaming with smoke from the lightning strike as he straightens his back.

Rex looks to his front and saw both of Daniel and Giana's mouths were opened wide,

The same goes for Dray and Evelyn who are standing on the side, they were completely utterly at a loss for words when he saw Rex does Ether Blink.

It's like Rex deceive all logic that applies in the Awakened world,

p But unlike before, Rex can feel this spell is draining him as his breathing becomes slightly heavy.

Looking at their shocked expressions, Rex scratches his head feeling a little embarrassed.

Although he's in front of people that he's not close with, both people in front of him are the ninth rank Awakened, and restraining his emotions will just be disrespectful to them.

Rex walks over to them slowly as they are still dazed after looking at Rex's display.

"I'm sorry Lady Giana, Sir Daniel, but I believe I must leave since the banquet is over and I need to attend to personal matters. If there's nothing else, I'll be excusing myself", Rex said politely.

He tidied his clothes and slap the dust off of him before he smiles and walks past them.

"Rex! Wait for me!", Evelyn shouted from the side before she runs after Rex, she didn't waste time and instantly left right after Rex left.

She didn't even say anything to Dray,

After Rex left the room followed by Evelyn, Giana and Daniel finally snap out of their daze.

Giana looks back to the door where Rex left to as she mumbles, "Second Circle Pneuma Spell, He manages to use the Pneuma Spell of the Second Circle even though only seventh rank Awakened or above is the one that manages to do this"

"It's not just that, Did you see the Pneuma Spell he just did?", Daniel said from the side.

He then added with a tone of disbelief, "He turns his entire body into lightning with the help of his spirit energy. To do such a complex Pneuma Spell, not only his spirit is very strong but his control over his spirit is also very strong"

"I can't believe it, he has terrifying talent", Giana added as she leans on the fence beside her.

Daniel also leans on the other side of the fence beside him still feeling overwhelmed as he said, "He really is the monster of humanity, I choose the right thing"


Rex left the room but stopped when he saw a woman waiting for him,

The woman is Valery that he saw earlier fighting with Dray, she's waiting just outside the room making Rex frowns.

Valery's expression is a bit pale as she leans on the wall,

"What are you doing here? Are you following me?", Rex asks with a frown.

Hearing this, Valery approached Rex before she said while stretching her hands to point at Rex, "You haven't answered my question yet! Who are you?"

"You're waiting for me just for that?", Rex asks with a sigh.

Without even answering, Rex walks past Valery followed by Evelyn by her side.

This makes Valery's pride hurt since she just got ignored, she bit her lips in anger but before she can do anything a hand suddenly grabbed her from behind.

Valery looks back and saw Dray holding her shoulder, "Just don't", he said.

Upon hearing this, Valery bit her lips harder as she looks at Rex's back who is walking away.

After walking past Valery,

Rex went straight back to Evelyn's room to pick up Adhara,

The banquet has already ended after the meetings of the head families have ended, he will head back now and check on Edward who sounds weird on the phone.

Arriving at the room, the guards are still guarding the room.

"Have Adhara woken up yet?", Rex asks.

One of the guards looks at Rex then Evelyn before he replied, "The woman is still unconscious"

Rex nodded his head before he enters the room,

Just like the guards outside said, Adhara is still lying on the bed unconscious.

Her position doesn't even change from when Rex left to spar Dray with Evelyn before, it seems the pain from the Sacrificial Energy is too much for her.

With a sigh, Rex touched Adhara's hand before the system scanned her.

<All of Adhara's internal wounds has been healed by her regenerative abilities, she should regain her consciousness in a moment>

Rex is relieved when he reads the system's notification,

At least there is no damage done to Adhara's body that kept her unconscious, the explanation from the system is a necessary assurance to ease Rex's worry.

Evelyn asks from the side, "Is she okay? Does the full moon hurt that much?"

She doesn't know that the only thing that puts them in that much pain is because of the Sacrificial Energy, the full moon will force a regular Werewolf to transform but not them.

Adhara is already evolved to a High Werewolf while Rex is even higher than that.

But Rex didn't intend to clear the misunderstanding, "She'll wake up in a bit, I'll wait for her to regain consciousness before leaving is that okay?"

"Of course, you can even sleep here if you want", Evelyn replied lightly.

Hearing this, Rex looks at Evelyn with a suspicious gaze as he said, "I know what you're up to, but that's not going to happen"

"Don't jinx yourself now", Evelyn replied sweetly with a wink.


Supernatural Territory, Vampire Kingdom.




In the throne room of the Vampire, Nezera stands on the shadow meekly as she saw King Solomon angrily crushed a bunch of humans with his bare hands.

Blood splattered to the ground as almost a dozen humans died.

King Solomon broke their necks with a light twist of his hands, the humans died as if they were just a small twig getting stepped on.

Some of them got their stomach ripped open by his claws, it was a disturbing sight.


A corpse flew through the throne room before crashing to the wall,

The corpse got crushed upon crashing to the wall like a meat paste, even their frail body manage to shake the throne room because of King Solomon's power.



Even the corpses on the ground doesn't escape King Solomon's wrath,

King Solomon stepped on them and even punch them repeatedly even after destroying the corpses completely, the anger inside him is filling his body like lava.

"My dear, What's wrong?", Nezera asks from the side meekly.

Throughout their times together with King Solomon, this kind of occurrence was not a foreign sight and Nezera learns that she needs to let King Solomon vent first before talking.

After punching the corpse one last time, King Solomon looks at Nezera with his red eyes.

Powerful blood energy was threatening to burst from his body as his eyes glow red, he then straighten his back before going to the throne and sits on it roughly.josei

With light steps, Nezera also follows and sits beside him.

King Solomon takes a deep breath to calm his nerves before his expression turns stoic again, "Our strategic food storage, both of them was taken out recently"

"What?! How did that happen?", Nezera asks in surprise.

Hearing her exclaim, King Solomon rubs his forehead roughly before he said, "The Royal Families are stationed here and the stronghold, the food storage was left with only seventh rank to guard them but suddenly the Elves suddenly attacked!"

Upon saying the Elves part, King Solomon gripped the armrest of the throne hardly.

The immense anger inside of him was burning brightly, he was not expecting to be attacked by the Supernatural when they had an alliance going on.

"After the first attacks, the second food storage was reinforced but still got wiped resulting in two deaths from the Royal Families", King Solomon added finally.

Nezera was at a loss for words after hearing this,

It was shocking to hear that the Elves dare to attack them like this, it's just unthinkable.

But not a long while they were conversing, the door to the throne was knocked before a female vampire wearing a dress befitting of a Royal Family entered the throne.

Seeing this Vampire, King Solomon's face turns neutral.

The anger that he shows in front of his wife, Nezera was nowhere to be seen.

Only a calm and collected look were evident on his face as he gaze at the female Vampire approaching the throne that stopped a couple of feet away and bowed slightly.

"You call me, your highness", the female Vampire greeted politely.

Hearing this, King Solomon then rest his cheek on his hand before he said, "Yes, I need you to do something regarding the matter with the Elves. Duchess Demelza..."

"Anything you command, your highness", Demelza replied with a soft tone.

But somehow the soft tone, when she's talking to King Solomon, makes Nezera frowns for a bit, King Solomon then commanded, "I want you to drag Queen Shanaela to my presence, I want to hear her explanation regarding this"

"The Elves has crossed the line, you are permitted to treat them as if they were humans!", King Solomon added with an authoritative tone and a hint of cruelty.

Hearing this, a smile appear on Demelza's face as she bowed, "As you commanded, My King..."

"I'll treat the Elves as I treated my human pets", she added.

King Solomon was intrigued upon hearing this, he then asks with a smile explosion his sharp fangs, "And How is that?"

"I'll greet them like a King, and kill them with extreme pain like an animal"

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