The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 332 Three Heads

Chapter 332 Three Heads

"I'll greet them like a King, and kill them with extreme pain like an animal"

King Solomon smiles widely exposing his fangs, the fact that the Elves attacked them and killed two Vampires from the Royal Families was not something King Solomon considered light.

It was a matter of pride and dignity in front of the Royal Families,

Because of that, King Solomon will repay back this debt ten times more violently.

Nezera who is sitting gracefully beside King Solomon then suddenly said, "Dear shouldn't we make sure first if it was really the Elves that attacked?"

"We didn't have any deep problems with them so this is odd", she added.

Hearing this, King Solomon glances at Nezera coldly as he asks sharply, "Do you think our kind is blind? Do you think they can't differentiate other kinds with the Elves?"

"Since when do reasons need to be true? For all I care, they might even use the fact that they're angry since one of their places just got attacked by the Werewolves and blame it on all of us from the high-ranking Supernaturals"

"I didn't mean it like that, but it'll create an unnecessary problem if th-"

Before Nezera can finish, King Solomon already waves his hand shutting her completely as he said, "No matter if it's really the Elves or not, the fact that two members of the Royal Families died hasn't changed is it not?"

"This is not a matter to be discussed", he added making Nezera lower her gaze.

While Nezera is being glared at by King Solomon, Demelza suddenly added, "I agree with the King, We should make a statement first before finding out who really did it"

"The Elves are just the unfortunate ones if they really aren't the culprit"

King Solomon looks at Demelza in acknowledgment making Demelza lower her gaze with a flash of a smile on her face, he then said, "Bring three heads from the Guardians of Nature before bringing Queen Shanaela here"

"I will expect this to be done smoothly, especially since it's handled by a Duchess should I not?"

Hearing this, Demelza raises her gaze to looks at King Solomon with a troubled look as she said, "Three? My King, I will be fighting them in their territory so three is a little-"

"Are you defying my words, Duchess Demelza?", King Solomon asks emphasizing the last part.

This makes Demelza looks down as she was not brave enough to look at King Solomon's sharp red eyes, she can't say anything more under the King's gaze.

King Solomon then added sharply, "You're the Duchess, standing above other Royal Families"

"Surely killing three of the Guardians of Nature is not a huge deal for a Duchess, I'm sending you there as my representatives and my executioner so this much is natural right? Or do I look like a lowly King in your eyes?"

Demelza then immediately replied, "I wouldn't dare, My King"

"Good, then do exactly as I ordered and make sure it is done accordingly", King Solomon replied.

Without having no other choice, Demelza bowed her head deeper as she replied, "I will do as you command my King, Everything will be according to your expectation"

"Dismissed", King Solomon replied before Demelza left the throne room.

She doesn't have any expression on her face but Nezera can see that she's holding her stoic expression, but that doesn't escape from her eyes.

It seems her emotions are swirled because of King Solomon,

After leaving the throne room, Demelza stopped right after closing the throne room door while putting her head down in thought with a slightly troubled expression.

Her hand was still on the throne room door and they were trembling,

A Vampire clad in the same color tone as Demelza then approached her from the side.

Judging from the Vampire's face, this male Vampire has many similarities with Demelza's face especially the shape of his face.

"What does the King call you for?", the male Vampire asks.

But upon hearing this, Demelza grabs the Vampire's hand before dragging him out of the castle hurriedly under the guards' gaze.

After they left the castle ground, Demelza stopped in her tracks.

The Vampire that is being dragged by her looks at her in confusion, "Demelza?"

"The King as expected wants to repay the Elves for what they did, he sent me to bring Queen Shanaela to his presence for explanation", Demelza explains.

Hearing this, the Vampire becomes even more confused, "Why the troubled face?"

"Isn't this a good thing? the King trusts you enough to let you handle the matter with the Elves. It's clear that you're worthy for being his right hand", he added.

But what he said didn't have the same effect as he thought,

Demelza bit her lips as she clenched her hands, she then looks at the Vampire before she said, "King Solomon asks for three heads from the Guardians of Nature, THREE heads!"

The words that came from Demelza's mouth made the Vampire suck in a cold breath.

"He's doing this because of the fact that any other Royal Families will be above me when they found that Werewolf Prince, I will be a dummy Duchess then", Demelza said while grinding her teeth.

She then added, "Malik, Keep the search party organized while I'm away"

The tone of her voice was not the same as her usual tone, it's almost as if she's pleading.

"Don't worry, no other families will get their hands on the Werewolf Prince first before I do", Malik replied confidently making Demelza feels a little bit better.

Back to the throne room,

King Solomon glared at Nezera right after Demelza left,

"You just embarrassed me in front of Demelza just now", King Solomon said making Nezera widen her eyes in shock as her body went stiff.

She was at a loss for words as she said, "I never meant for embarrassing you"

"You argued my command right in front of Demelza, as my wife, you should know that anything that you want to say should be done in private not when I'm talking", King Solomon added.

His eyes are glowing red radiating powerful blood energy before suddenly,


Nezera's mouth and nose suddenly burst with blood as she covers them with her hand, the blood kept coming out giving her unbelievable pain as she fell from the throne.

She's kneeling on four on the ground while trying to stop the bleeding with her hand,

It surprised her greatly to think that King Solomon would hurt her like this, she wasn't thinking when she voice out her opinion before.

Thus resulting in this situation,


Powerful red energy pressed on Nezera's body making her vomit blood,

Nezera was helpless under King Solomon's blood energy, "I-I'm sorry, it won't happen again!", she finally shouted before the force surrounding her body vanished, Nezera coughs a couple of times spitting out the remaining blood in her mouth.

King Solomon looks at Nezera who is kneeling on the ground before he scoffs,

He then stands up intending to head back to his chamber before suddenly Nezera stopped him, "You haven't visited Calidora for a while"

"Why would I visit that embarrassment of a child?", King Solomon replied harshly.

Hearing this, Nezera stands up strugglingly before she said, "She becomes calmer than when you last visited, I'm sure she's starting to control her powers so please visit her"

Under Nezera's plead, King Solomon finally said, "Fine, I'll visit her"

After saying that, King Solomon left the throne room.

The throne room's door opened and closed creating a loud rough sound,

Nezera wiped the blood off of her face as her expression turns calm again, the damage done by King Solomon has already healed as she turns her body and also left the throne.

With her graceful look as if nothing has happened to her,

Nezera walks through the hallway of the castle heading towards the chamber, the guards she passes by bow slightly when they saw her walking through.

It didn't take long for her to reach her chamber,

Inside the chamber, King Solomon is not there which makes Nezera's stiff body relaxed.

Since King Solomon is not here, then he's definitely visiting Calidora.

Nezera approaches the huge bed before she reaches behind the headboard of the bed, she grabs something before she pulls her hand out.

There is a ring in her hand that she grabs from behind the headboard and it is red in color,

The head of the ring is flat but there's a gem in it that looks ordinary since the gem is light grey in color, Nezera's face can be seen reflected on the gem as the gem almost act as a mirror.

After grabbing the ring, Nezera looks at the ring before she wore it.

While sitting on the bed, Nezera closed her eyes and takes a huge breath before the ring started to glow emitting red mist as she waves her hand in front of her.

The red mist was created from the ring as the mist gathers in front of her,

Not long after the red mist gathers in front of her, the red mist creates somekind of a red mirror before a woman can be seen in the mirror.

The woman is clearly a Supernatural with her pointy ears and it's not Nezera.

"Queen Shanaela... Can you hear me?", Nezera mutters lightly.

After saying that, the woman's eyes in the red mist mirror moves and landed right on Nezera's eyes as she said, "Queen Nezera, I'm surprised to see you contacted me"

"Is there something urgent that you need to contact me through this?", she added.

Hearing this, Nezera sighs as she replied, "I don't have much time, I'm here to inform you that my husband has ordered Demelza to come to your kingdom to ask for an explanation"

"Explanation? We haven't done anything to offend the Vampire didn't we?", Shanaela said.

But upon seeing Shanaela's surprised expression, Nezera becomes even more certain as she continues, "Our strategic food base for the stronghold has been attacked, and my people that reported this incident said that it was the Elves that attacked them"

Queen Shanaela widen her eyes in surprise,

The information that she got from Nezera was a shocking one, it was clearly stated by her surprised expression upon hearing this news.

But the surprised look didn't last long,

"We didn't do that, but I'm guessing that King Solomon has already acted upon this news. I thank you for the heads up, you must excuse me since I need to prepare", Shanaela said.

Nezera stopped her and added, "My husband will not only ask for your explanation"

"Two Royal Vampire died in this incident, and he's going to repay this through the Elves without even putting the thought if the culprit is really your kind. My husband ordered for Demelza to kill three of your Guardians of Nature"

Hearing this, Queen Shanaela's expression turns hideous as she gritted her teeth.

Her eyes started radiating green energy, Queen Shanaela doesn't receive this news well.

She breathes for a moment to calm her nerves before she finally said, "You're saying that I need to search for the real culprit before Demelza arrived here and prove it to her?"

"Yes, I'm just saying this since the death of two Royal Vampire is not a small matter. So I hope that there will be no unnecessary bad blood birthed from this matter"

After calmly thinking about the situation,

Queen Shanaela finally said, "Can you tell me the location of the incident?"


In a City near Wedron City,

"WEREWOLVES!! EVERYBODY RUN!!", a man shouted on top of his lungs when he saw two Werewolves appear at the door of the city.

,m From the state of the city is in,

The city is obviously a fourth rank city with walls made of wood and houses that can only shelter 3,000 people at maximum.

It's at the same level as Lountain City in terms of city building,

But much worse since there is not even one Awakened or black hands in this city, this city only consists of normal humans from the inside out struggling to survive for each passing day.

There's no way this city can fend off a powerful Supernatural like Werewolves.

"You don't need to hold back, I'll talk to the Witch", Vivian said after seeing Jarvald's excited look upon looking at the humans that are running like rabbits.

Bloodlust can be seen through his eyes as he became excited,

Hearing this, Jarvald then said with a gruesome smile, "If that's the case..."



Jarvald dashes inside the city crawling with undefended humans, he roars powerfully shattering the eardrums of the nearby humans as they fall to the ground bleeding from their ears.

After doing that, Jarvald started massacring the humans in this city.

He's picking the humans like chickens as they all lay on the ground helplessly, it's a massacre.

Everywhere he goes, blood flows as his claws and sharp fangs ripped through the humans' limbs and intestines just like ripping a loaf of bread in two.

Vivian then jump from house to house while sniffing the air,

She follows a particular scent that is reeking through the air inside this city, it didn't take long for her to notice a house on the edge of the city that is emitting this scent.


Vivian landed in front of the house with a powerful thud,

"This should be the place", she mutters before slowly approaching the door.

For a powerful Werewolf that is in the realm of the sixth rank, one might find it surprising for her to approach this particular house in an undefended human city carefully.

After arriving by the door, Vivian stretches her hand to open the door.

But then suddenly, "Hmm? What is this?"

Vivian's hand that was about to reach for the door handle suddenly got stopped, it was weird since she can't push her hand to the door handle even with using all of her might.

There is an invisible barrier enveloping the entire house, and she can't breakthrough.

"WITCH OF CHAOS! I COME IN PEACE!", Vivian shouted.

Nothing replied back from the house making Vivian frustrated, but when she was about to shout one more time the door to the house suddenly jolted open.


No wind is blowing this night, there's nothing that can make the house's door jolt like this naturally.

This caught Vivian off guard as she peer into the darkness of the house,

Even with her night vision ability, Vivian can't look through the darkness before a light suddenly illuminates a woman sitting on the wooden floor inside the house.

Vivian looks at the woman and finds that there is something on the woman's lap.

Squinting her eyes, Vivian finally realizes that there is a creature that she has never seen before is lying on the woman's lap and the woman is stroking the creature gently.

The creature seems to be enjoying the woman's gentle stroke as it lies comfortably.

Noticing Vivian's gaze, the woman suddenly stopped stroking.

The ominous feeling coming from the woman is very strong, Vivian can feel that the woman has a weird and unbalanced presence in this place.

After stopping, the woman slowly raises her gaze to Vivian.

A faint smile then appear on the woman's face making Vivian steps back unconsciously,

It's not the creature or even the woman's presence that scares her so that even makes her step back, the thing that scares Vivian was the woman's eyes.

The red and black eye that is staring at Vivian,

Both of her eyes have black irises, the red-eye portrays a horrifying bloodlust that exceeds anything that Vivian has ever seen and the pure black eye emits the lust for death.

It frightens Vivian as the woman looks at her,

The woman is unmoving as she looks at Vivian, her eyes are sharp as if she's looking directly at Vivian's soul with her wicked eyes.

Monstrosity, it's the word that came to mind upon seeing the Witch.

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